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<h1>BALLAST • QUE FAIRE ?</h1>
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<p class="post_info_top"><span class="time">10 janvier 2022</span></p>
<p><em><span>Chaque élec­tion pré­si­den­tielle remet imman­qua­ble­ment cette ques­tion sur la table : voter ou ne pas voter ? Le camp de l’é­man­ci­pa­tion est par­ta­gé — une très vieille his­toire. Nous ne répon­drons pas ici à cette ques­tion (le lec­teur s’en moque, d’au­tant que notre rédac­tion n’a rien d’ho­mo­gène). En revanche, nous avons sou­hai­té inter­ro­ger dans le détail les dif­fé­rentes orien­ta­tions stra­té­giques qui se pré­sentent, aujourd’­hui, aux rési­dents fran­çais (voire aux fran­co­phones) dési­reux d’en finir avec la mise au pas des popu­la­tions. Disons-le posi­ti­ve­ment : dési­reux de fon­der un ordre social aus­si digne, juste et éga­li­taire que pos­sible. Nous sommes ain­si allés à la ren­contre de par­ti­sanes et de par­ti­sans de l’au­to­no­mie, de l’ins­tau­ra­tion d’un gou­ver­ne­ment révo­lu­tion­naire par la grève géné­rale, de la révo­lu­tion citoyenne par les urnes, de l’af­fran­chis­se­ment col­lec­tif par les lieux de tra­vail et, enfin, de la construc­tion d’un double pou­voir puis d’une socié­té fédé­rale auto­gé­rée. Un dos­sier thé­ma­tique en cinq volets, donc. Mais d’a­bord, quelques pré­ci­sions introductives. <br>
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<p>Dans le camp de l’é­man­ci­pa­tion (ou, appe­lons-le comme on vou­dra : la tra­di­tion socia­liste, le mou­ve­ment anti­ca­pi­ta­liste, la gauche de trans­for­ma­tion sociale, la gauche radi­cale), les déci­sions indi­vi­duelles ou col­lec­tives oscil­lent, l’heure venue des élec­tions, entre trois choix : abs­ten­tion (par dégoût ou convic­tion théo­rique), vote d’adhé­sion pour un can­di­dat ouver­te­ment « révo­lu­tion­naire » (dont on sait qu’il n’i­ra pas au second tour) et vote d’ap­pui pour la for­ma­tion « réfor­miste » en pointe (par convic­tion ou com­pro­mis tac­tique). Le pre­mier bloc refuse par prin­cipe la repré­sen­ta­tion par­le­men­taire et estime qu’au­cune avan­cée poli­tique consé­quente n’est pos­sible dans le cadre électoral/institutionnel/bourgeois ; le deuxième démys­ti­fie ledit cadre et, pro­fi­tant de l’ou­ver­ture de l’es­pace média­tique propre à toute séquence élec­to­rale, encou­rage à la lutte sociale et révo­lu­tion­naire sur le ter­rain ; le troi­sième aspire haut et fort à la conquête légale de l’ap­pa­reil d’État — ély­séen, en l’occurrence.</p>
<p>« Que faire ? », donc.</p>
<p>« <em><q>Sans théo­rie révo­lu­tion­naire, pas de mou­ve­ment révo­lu­tion­naire</q></em>, insiste Lénine — la for­mule connaî­tra de beaux jours. »</p>
<p>D’aucuns auront recon­nu le titre de la bro­chure publiée par Lénine en 1902. Le révo­lu­tion­naire entend alors orga­ni­ser la classe ouvrière nais­sante dans la Russie tsa­riste. Son objec­tif est la fon­da­tion « <em>d’une orga­ni­sa­tion de com­bat</em> » ; pour ce faire, il importe à ses yeux de « <em>reprendre le tra­vail théo­rique </em>». Faire de la théo­rie alors que les cam­pagnes et les usines du pays s’agitent ? « <em>Sans théo­rie révo­lu­tion­naire, pas de mou­ve­ment révo­lu­tion­naire </em>», insiste-t-il — la for­mule connaî­tra de beaux jours. C’est que, pose-t-il encore, le « <em>pro­blème fon­da­men­tal de toute révo­lu­tion est celui du pou­voir</em> ». Il suf­fit d’un tour en librai­rie pour consta­ter que la ques­tion stra­té­gique a repris des cou­leurs. Pour ne citer que quelques exemples : <em>Agir ici et main­te­nant</em> de <a href="">Floréal Romero</a>, <em>Comment s’or­ga­ni­ser ? </em>de Starhawk, <em>Basculements </em>de Jérôme Baschet, <em>Maintenant</em> du Comité invi­sible, <em>Premières mesures révo­lu­tion­naires</em> d’Éric Hazan et Kamo,<em> Stratégies anti­ca­pi­ta­listes pour le <span class="caps">XXI</span><sup>e</sup> siècle</em> d’<a href="">Erik Olin Wright</a>, <em>Communisme et stra­té­gie</em> d’<a href="">Isabelle Garo</a>, <em>Figures du com­mu­nisme</em> de <a href="">Frédéric Lordon</a> ou encore la récente réédi­tion du <em>Programme de tran­si­tion</em> de Trotsky aux Éditions communard·e·s.</p>
<p>Trois choix, disions-nous. Lesquels recoupent pour une bonne part trois concep­tions stra­té­giques que le camp de l’é­man­ci­pa­tion a mobi­li­sées his­to­ri­que­ment pour répondre à la ques­tion du pou­voir. On aurait tout loi­sir d’af­fi­ner et d’al­ler cher­cher, ici, là, en fonc­tion des époques et des espaces, d’autres pro­po­si­tions ana­ly­tiques ou pra­tiques : si ces trois concep­tions n’é­puisent pas le champ stra­té­gique de l’é­ga­li­té, force est d’ad­mettre qu’elles le consti­tuent à la fois dura­ble­ment et lar­ge­ment. Donc : déser­ter le pou­voir cen­tral capi­ta­liste et se sous­traire à l’ordre domi­nant par la péri­phé­rie ; ren­ver­ser le pou­voir cen­tral capi­ta­liste au terme d’un sou­lè­ve­ment et bâtir une socié­té de jus­tice ; s’emparer du pou­voir cen­tral capi­ta­liste par la voie légale et tra­vailler, depuis l’État, à la libé­ra­tion de la socié­té. On aura iden­ti­fié, à très grands traits, la tra­di­tion anar­chiste, la tra­di­tion mar­xiste et la tra­di­tion social-démo­crate au sens <em>ori­gi­nel</em> du terme. Autrement dit : les pha­lan­stères, les colo­nies liber­taires, l’en-dehors, les <a href="">« com­mu­nau­tés par le retrait »</a>, la Catalogne de 1936 ou les <span class="caps">ZAD</span> ; la Russie bol­che­vik de 1917, le Cuba cas­tro-gué­va­riste de 1959 ou le Mozambique fre­li­miste de 1975 ; le Chili de l’Unité popu­laire de 1970, la France du Programme com­mun de 1981, l’Uruguay de Mujica de 2010 ou la Grèce de Syriza de 2015.</p>
<div id="attachment_92205" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-92205" class="wp-image-92205 size-full" src="" alt data-lazy-srcset=" 960w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 700w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-92205" class="wp-image-92205 size-full" src="" alt srcset=" 960w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 700w" sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px"></noscript><p id="caption-attachment-92205" class="wp-caption-text">[Le sous-commandant Marcos au caracol La Realidad, 2014 | Alessandro Zagato]</p></div>
<h2>Déserter le pouvoir</h2>
<p>Quelques repères, à vol d’oiseau.</p>
<p><a href="">Louise Michel</a> est deve­nue anar­chiste en mer, durant sa dépor­ta­tion vers la Nouvelle-Calédonie, au len­de­main de l’é­cra­se­ment de la Commune de Paris à laquelle elle avait pris part un fusil à la main. Pourquoi ? Car le pou­voir conta­mine et cor­rompt, racon­te­ra-t-elle ensuite. « <em>J’en vins rapi­de­ment à être convain­cue que les hon­nêtes gens au pou­voir y seront aus­si inca­pables que les mal­hon­nêtes seront nui­sibles, et qu’il est impos­sible que jamais la liber­té s’allie avec un pou­voir quel­conque.</em> » Si la tra­di­tion liber­taire inter­na­tio­nale n’a jamais par­lé d’une même voix (il est, entre autres choses, des anar­chistes qui votent et d’autres qui défendent dia­lec­ti­que­ment l’État), on peut tou­te­fois cer­ner cette ten­dance lourde : une méfiance irré­duc­tible à l’en­droit des for­ma­tions gou­ver­ne­men­tales, fussent-elles « ouvrières » ou « socia­listes ». <a href="">Daniel Guérin</a>, his­to­rien et mili­tant <a href="">com­mu­niste liber­taire</a>, ne craint pas d’é­vo­quer « <em>l’hor­reur de l’État</em> » inhé­rente à cette tra­di­tion et rap­pelle, dans <em>L’Anarchisme</em>, l’al­ter­na­tive qu’elle a sou­vent faite sienne : la fédé­ra­tion volon­taire, la soli­da­ri­sa­tion de com­munes auto­gé­rées, l’or­ga­ni­sa­tion par la base. On ne ren­tre­ra pas ici dans les diver­gences internes du mou­ve­ment liber­taire ; on rap­pel­le­ra seule­ment com­bien le dif­fé­rend qui l’a oppo­sé au mar­xisme (lequel n’ab­sorbe pas à lui seul le signi­fiant « com­mu­nisme ») struc­ture encore le camp de l’é­man­ci­pa­tion. Le <a href="">duel entre Bakounine et Marx</a> n’est pas loin d’a­voir valeur de mythe. « <em>Qui dit État</em> — lan­çait le pre­mier —, <em>dit néces­sai­re­ment domi­na­tion et, par consé­quent, escla­vage ; un État sans escla­vage, avoué ou mas­qué, est incon­ce­vable, voi­là pour­quoi nous sommes enne­mis de l’État. </em>» Non que Marx fût un défen­seur de ce der­nier — tout au contraire : il conviait seule­ment à son dépé­ris­se­ment pro­gres­sif, au terme d’une phase tran­si­toire qui ver­rait le pro­lé­ta­riat vic­to­rieux conduire sa fameuse « dic­ta­ture » (étant enten­du que le terme n’a­vait pas la signi­fi­ca­tion qu’il a aujourd’hui<sup></sup>).</p>
<p>« En 1977, Foucault allait déjà jus­qu’à décla­rer : <q><em>[T]out ce que cette tra­di­tion socia­liste a pro­duit dans l’Histoire est à condam­ner</em>.</q> »</p>
<p>Depuis les années 1970, les mou­ve­ments des femmes (entrées en citoyen­ne­té depuis peu et rebat­tant, dès lors, l’in­té­gra­li­té des cartes), des per­sonnes <span class="caps">LGBT</span>, des immi­grés, des indi­gènes ou de l’antipsychiatrie ont accom­pa­gné, nour­ri, élar­gi et lar­ge­ment dépas­sé la tra­di­tion liber­taire. Parallèlement, une recom­po­si­tion de l’ac­tion directe s’est opé­rée par le biais de la déso­béis­sance, de l’oc­cu­pa­tion et de la défense éco­lo­giste de ter­ri­toires en dan­ger : c’est, par exemple, le Larzac et son camp mili­taire ; ce sont les cen­trales nucléaires, alle­mandes et fran­çaises, qui font conver­ger des mil­liers d’ac­ti­vistes venus de toute l’Europe. Sans se récla­mer nom­mé­ment de l’a­nar­chisme, un espace poli­tique dif­fus s’est affir­mé contre le réfor­misme social et contre le modèle révo­lu­tion­naire alors domi­nant (sovié­tique, cas­triste ou maoïste) : celui de l’an­ti-auto­ri­ta­risme et de l’an­ti-pou­voir. Ces forces, non homo­gènes, ont poin­té du doigt la plu­ra­li­té des pou­voirs qui s’exercent sur des groupes dits « subal­ternes ». Le pou­voir n’est pas un stock qui s’accumule ni une sub­stance concen­trée dans l’État : il se conjugue au plu­riel. Tandis que Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari invitent en 1980, avec <em>Mille Plateaux</em>, à consi­dé­rer « <em>les mino­ri­tés plu­tôt que les classes</em> », <a href="">le phi­lo­sophe Michel Foucault</a> lance, un an plus tard : « <em>La socié­té est un archi­pel de pou­voirs dif­fé­rents.</em><a href="#_ftn14" name="_ftnref14"></a> » Ses tra­vaux sur les pri­sons, les asiles, les casernes ou les écoles convient à décen­trer le regard pour sai­sir une «<em> micro­phy­sique des pou­voirs </em>» qu’exercent toutes les ins­ti­tu­tions. L’antagonisme « tra­vail-capi­tal », consti­tu­tif du mou­ve­ment socia­liste inter­na­tio­nal, se trans­forme en une infi­ni­té de rela­tions inégales de pou­voir fon­dées sur le genre, l’orientation sexuelle, la race, le lieu d’habitation, le lan­gage ou le corps. En 1977, Foucault allait déjà jus­qu’à décla­rer : « <em>[T]out ce que cette tra­di­tion socia­liste a pro­duit dans l’Histoire est à condam­ner</em>. »</p>
<p>À un pou­voir dis­sé­mi­né répondent dès lors de nou­velles formes de résis­tance. « Zone auto­nome tem­po­raire » (<span class="caps">TAZ</span>) dans les années 1990 et <a href=""><span class="caps">ZAD</span></a> deux décen­nies plus tard, squats, résur­gence de la figure du pirate, pro­mo­tion de l’im­mé­dia­te­té et de « nou­velles formes de vie », ima­gi­naire de l’exode, de la séces­sion et de la destitution<sup></sup>. Il s’agit, pour des groupes affi­ni­taires, sans ambi­tion à deve­nir majo­ri­taires, sans volon­té aucune de gagner l’at­ten­tion des « masses », d’élaborer des pra­tiques de dis­si­dence hors les ins­ti­tu­tions, les par­tis et les syn­di­cats : des « oasis », dirait <a href="">le phi­lo­sophe Jacques Rancière</a>. On ne cherche plus à contes­ter la légi­ti­mi­té des pou­voirs en place, pour les rem­pla­cer et « faire mieux » (révo­lu­tion) ou « moins pire » (réfor­misme), mais à démon­trer, ici et main­te­nant, que <em>la vie</em> n’est pas à venir. Créer des <em>brèches</em>, mul­ti­plier les <em>fis­sures</em>, tra­cer des <em>lignes de fuite</em>, se loger dans des <em>inter­stices</em>, deve­nir <em>fur­tifs</em>, éta­blir des <em>îlots </em>ou des<em> archi­pels</em> : si le voca­bu­laire du mar­xisme tenait du sol­dat-mili­taire (affron­te­ment, conquête, prise, stra­té­gie, dis­ci­pline, front), l’anti-pouvoir parle le lan­gage du déser­teur, du sabo­teur, du fugi­tif, de l’a­no­nyme ou du <a href="">mar­ron</a>. Le phi­lo­sophe et psy­cha­na­lyste Miguel Benasayag, ancien gué­rille­ro en Argentine et défen­seur de ces « nou­velles radi­ca­li­tés »,<a href=""> nous disait en 2016</a> : « <em>Il faut aban­don­ner l’idée de lutte finale, de socié­té de jus­tice. Ça ne pro­duit que de la décep­tion — ou de la dic­ta­ture, lorsque les <q>jus­ti­ciers</q> triomphent.</em> » Avant de pré­ci­ser : « <em>Seules les luttes décen­tra­li­sées et bor­dé­liques — à l’instar du com­bat des femmes, des indi­gènes, des Noirs ou des homo­sexuels —, qui visaient le chan­ge­ment ici et main­te­nant et non le pou­voir, ont pu chan­ger le monde.</em> »</p>
<div class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="n3VNCb" src="" alt="BALLAST • Vendée : une ZAD contre un port de plaisance" data-noaft="1" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img class="n3VNCb" src="" alt="BALLAST • Vendée : une ZAD contre un port de plaisance" data-noaft="1"></noscript><p class="wp-caption-text">[ZAD de Brétignolles-sur-Mer (la « Bréti-ZAD »), octobre 2019 | Jérôme Laumailler]</p></div>
<p>Un an plus tard, le socio­logue et phi­lo­sophe John Holloway, auteur du clas­sique <span id="2008" class="ouvrage"><cite class="italique">Changer le monde sans prendre le pou­voir</cite></span>, <a href="">nous confiait</a> : « <em>Il est clair que la ten­ta­tive de chan­ger les choses au tra­vers de l’État n’est pas seule­ment inef­fi­cace : elle est com­plè­te­ment contre-pro­duc­tive. La <q>gauche</q> poli­tique a fait au moins autant de mal à la vie humaine et non-humaine dans les trente der­nières années que la droite.</em> » « Que faire ? », dans ce cas, deman­dions-nous déjà. Et l’in­té­res­sé de répondre : « <em>Il n’y a ni dogme auquel se fier, ni réponse toute faite — seule­ment une recherche déses­pé­rée et urgente. L’initiative zapa­tiste récente est une ten­ta­tive pour trou­ver un che­min, et nous devons tous l’observer atten­ti­ve­ment. Selon moi, la ques­tion cen­trale est de savoir com­ment on pense la confluence de ces <q>fis­sures</q>. Cela ne peut pas être fait en éla­bo­rant des ins­ti­tu­tions (qui sont, en outre, tou­jours ennuyeuses), mais en créant des réso­nances. Il fau­drait que nous pen­sions ces réso­nances et leur mise en réseau comme une grande vague de rage qui ava­le­rait à la fois le capi­tal et les vieilles ins­ti­tu­tions de média­tion</em><em> qui l’ont pro­té­gé pen­dant si long­temps.</em> »</p>
<p>« Le coup de force néo­li­bé­ral mon­dial s’est dou­blé de l’ef­fon­dre­ment des gauches à la même échelle : le mot <q>capi­ta­lisme</q> a été ren­voyé au fond des âges. »</p>
<p>La révolte zapa­tiste, lan­cée en 1994 depuis le Chiapas mexi­cain, sus­cite effec­ti­ve­ment l’at­ten­tion d’une part sub­stan­tielle de ces sec­teurs tour­nés vers l’« auto­no­mie ». Dans un entre­tien accor­dé à l’un des res­pon­sables du <em>Monde diplo­ma­tique</em>,<a href=""> le sous-com­man­dant insur­gé Marcos</a> — for­mé au mar­xisme le plus clas­sique — a résu­mé leur pers­pec­tive : « <em>Parce que notre pro­jet poli­tique, je le répète, n’est pas de prendre le pou­voir. Il n’est pas de prendre le pou­voir par les armes, mais pas non plus par la voie élec­to­rale, ni par une quel­conque autre voie, <q>put­schiste</q>, etc. Dans notre pro­jet poli­tique, nous disons que ce qu’il faut faire, c’est sub­ver­tir la rela­tion de pou­voir, entre autres rai­sons parce que le centre du pou­voir n’est plus dans les États natio­naux. Cela ne sert donc à rien de conqué­rir le pou­voir. Un gou­ver­ne­ment peut être de gauche, de droite, cen­triste et, fina­le­ment, il ne pour­ra pas prendre les déci­sions fon­da­men­tales</em><em>.</em> » Raison pour laquelle le porte-parole de l’Armée natio­nale de libé­ra­tion zapa­tiste (<span class="caps">EZLN</span>) se défi­nit comme un « rebelle social » et non un « révo­lu­tion­naire ». Près de trente ans plus tard, le pro­jet chia­pa­nèque conti­nue d’ir­ri­guer l’i­ma­gi­naire et la contes­ta­tion « hors les murs » — au prix, sou­vent, d’une occul­ta­tion de cer­taines de ses pro­prié­tés (patrio­tisme, com­man­de­ment mili­taire, dis­ci­pline, pro­hi­bi­tion de l’al­cool). « <em>Tout reprend racine à la base</em> », <a href="">nous disait Raoul Vaneigem</a> en 2019. Et cette figure de l’Internationale situa­tion­niste d’en appe­ler à la <a href="">fon­da­tion de « ter­ri­toires »</a> lar­ge­ment ins­pi­rée par l’en­tre­prise zapa­tiste : une fon­da­tion « <em>qui, n’offrant aucune prise à l’ennemi — ni appro­pria­tion, ni pou­voir, ni repré­sen­ta­tion — nous rend insai­sis­sables</em> ».</p>
<h2>Prendre le pouvoir</h2>
<p>L’échec du com­mu­nisme d’État a bru­ta­le­ment cou­pé la chique aux par­ta­geux. La chose est bien connue : puisque toute ten­ta­tive d’a­mé­lio­rer la vie des humbles, des exploi­tés et des dému­nis conduit aux camps de tra­vaux for­cés, aux purges et aux exé­cu­tions de masse, ne reste, rabâchent les puis­sants, qu’à ral­lier la « démo­cra­tie » libé­rale, le règne des oli­garques, l’empire illi­mi­té de la mar­chan­dise et la dévas­ta­tion des éco­sys­tèmes. Le coup de force néo­li­bé­ral mon­dial s’est dou­blé de l’ef­fon­dre­ment des gauches à la même échelle : bien des anciens « radi­caux » ont rejoint les maîtres du moment ; le mot « capi­ta­lisme » a été ren­voyé au fond des âges ; les <em>gagnants</em> ont para­dé au grand jour dans un monde <em>ouvert</em> et <em>dyna­mique</em>. Grand res­ca­pé du tota­li­ta­risme dit « com­mu­niste », tout par­ti­cu­liè­re­ment en France : le trots­kysme. Le mar­tyre de son lea­der — suc­cé­dant à sa vigou­reuse oppo­si­tion au bureau­cra­tisme et au sta­li­nisme — a per­mis à cette ligne mar­xiste de per­du­rer et d’af­fir­mer, plus ou moins intact<sup></sup>, l’i­déal de trans­for­ma­tion sociale popu­laire. Pas moins de trois orga­ni­sa­tions enga­gées dans la pré­sente aven­ture pré­si­den­tielle fran­çaise s’en réclament de manière directe ou indi­recte : Lutte Ouvrière (<span class="caps">LO</span>), le Nouveau par­ti anti­ca­pi­ta­liste (<span class="caps">NPA</span>) et Révolution Permanente (<span class="caps">RP</span>).</p>
<div id="attachment_92223" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-92223" class="wp-image-92223 size-full" src="" alt data-lazy-srcset=" 960w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 700w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-92223" class="wp-image-92223 size-full" src="" alt srcset=" 960w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 700w" sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px"></noscript><p id="caption-attachment-92223" class="wp-caption-text">[Fresque au Venezuela : Hugo Chávez, Simón Bolívar et Nicolás Maduro | DR]</p></div>
<p>Le phi­lo­sophe et mili­tant <a href="">Daniel Bensaïd</a>, diri­geant de la Ligue com­mu­niste révo­lu­tion­naire (<span class="caps">LCR</span>) puis du <span class="caps">NPA</span>, écri­vait, dans un texte inédit <a href="">que nous avions publié en 2015</a> : « <em>Certes, les pou­voirs issus des révo­lu­tions du <span class="caps">XX</span><sup>e</sup> siècle n’ont pas chan­gé le monde. Certains ont même dégé­né­ré en dic­ta­tures bureau­cra­tiques et il faut tirer toutes les leçons de ces expé­riences dou­lou­reuses. Mais ceux qui ont refu­sé de prendre le pou­voir n’ont pas davan­tage chan­gé le monde. Ils se sont, dans la plu­part des cas, conten­tés d’accompagner et d’amender à la marge la poli­tique des domi­nants et de recon­duire la divi­sion du tra­vail entre mou­ve­ments sociaux et repré­sen­ta­tion poli­tique, lais­sant de fait le mono­pole de la poli­tique à ceux qui en font pro­fes­sion (et par­fois for­tune), quand ils n’ont pas car­ré­ment ser­vi d’auxiliaires aux défen­seurs de l’ordre éta­bli. Face aux pro­blèmes concrets posés par les expé­riences en cours, ces dis­cours semblent vieillir très vite et fuir la réa­li­té au pro­fit de l’abstraction. […] [L]a thé­ma­tique de l’antipouvoir sans prise du pou­voir flotte dans l’abstraction spec­trale. Sans pas­sé ni futur, son pré­sent abso­lu est le degré zéro d’une stra­té­gie à peine renais­sante.</em> »</p>
<p>Face à la « <em>pul­vé­ri­sa­tion post­mo­derne</em> » et à la « <em>poli­tique en miettes</em> » (rhi­zomes, deve­nirs mino­ri­taires, mul­ti­pli­ci­té dési­rante ou kaléi­do­scope des iden­ti­tés), Bensaïd déplo­rait l’ou­bli pro­gres­sif — dans le champ contes­ta­taire — de « <em>la puis­sance sur­dé­ter­mi­nante du capi­tal</em> ». C’est donc à la consti­tu­tion d’un « <em>socia­lisme du <span class="caps">XXI</span><sup>e</sup> siècle</em> » qu’il invi­tait : non pas, bien sûr, la résur­rec­tion tout habillée du léni­nisme, non pas, à l’é­vi­dence, l’é­vic­tion des pro­blé­ma­tiques par­fois tenues pour « secon­daires » par le mou­ve­ment socia­liste his­to­rique (fémi­nisme, anti­ra­cisme, éco­lo­gie), mais le main­tien, actua­li­sé, du cap col­lec­tif et révo­lu­tion­naire. Plus grand monde, de nos jours, ne sou­tient l’i­dée d’un ren­ver­se­ment armé de l’appareil d’État par un par­ti doté d’une avant-garde pro­fes­sion­nelle : les années 1970 et 1980 ont signé l’é­chec des ten­ta­tives de gué­rilla urbaine menées par la Fraction armée rouge, les Brigades rouges et Action directe ; l’État capi­ta­liste dis­pose de moyens de contrôle tech­no­lo­gique et d’une puis­sance de feu sans pré­cé­dent ; la vio­lence phy­sique, muta­tion « civi­li­sa­tion­nelle » des mœurs oblige, ne ren­contre que peu l’as­sen­ti­ment popu­laire. On assiste cepen­dant, depuis quelque temps, mar­gi­na­le­ment mais signi­fi­ca­ti­ve­ment, à la revi­ta­li­sa­tion de l’é­lan léni­niste. Ou, plu­tôt, néo- ou post-léni­niste (voire « éco­lé­ni­niste » ou « léni­niste liber­taire »). Qu’on songe à l’é­co­lo­giste sué­dois <a href="">Andreas Malm</a>, au phi­lo­sophe slo­vène Slavoj Žižek, à l’é­co­no­miste et phi­lo­sophe Frédéric Lordon ou au <a href="">média <span class="caps">ACTA</span></a>.</p>
<p>« <em>À un moment il faut remettre la main sur les moyens de pro­duc­tion.</em> <em>Ce sera donc soit les iso­lats, soit la gigan­to­ma­chie révo­lu­tion­naire.</em> »</p>
<p>C’est que, pour Lordon, l’hy­po­thèse auto­nome, com­mu­nale ou loca­liste ne se montre pas à la hau­teur de la situa­tion. La séces­sion mino­ri­taire des mili­tantes et des mili­tants les plus réso­lus, pour fruc­tueuse qu’elle puisse être, ne pour­ra rien contre l’é­co­cide capi­ta­liste et la finance mon­dia­li­sée. Il <a href="">nous disait ain­si en 2018</a> : « <em>[C]’est un argu­ment prag­ma­tique d’échelle. Je veux bien tout ce qu’on veut : contour­ner les élec­tions, l’État, mais je demande alors qu’on me montre la puis­sance macro­sco­pique alter­na­tive capable de faire le tra­vail. Le tra­vail de rou­ler sur le capi­tal. Ça n’est pas la peine de m’opposer que l’État est tel­le­ment colo­ni­sé par les hommes du capi­tal qu’il est deve­nu État-du-capi­tal. Non pas que la chose ne soit pas ten­dan­ciel­le­ment vraie aujourd’hui. Mais parce qu’elle ne fait pas une véri­té d’essence, je veux dire pas une véri­té pure — même dans le capi­ta­lisme.</em> » Et, à la pro­po­si­tion d’un maillage de com­munes affran­chies, il objec­tait : « <em>[S]auf retour géné­ra­li­sé à l’économie pota­gère auto­suf­fi­sante, je ne peux pas y croire. À un moment il faut remettre la main sur les moyens de pro­duc­tion. Croyez-vous que les pro­prié­taires pri­vés les ren­dront de bonne grâce ? Croyez-vous que les tenants du capi­tal lais­se­ront défaire sans réac­tion leur forme de vie ? Ne croyez-vous pas qu’ils dis­posent de moyens et de res­sources immenses qu’ils jet­te­ront jusqu’à la der­nière dans la bataille ? Ce sera donc soit les iso­lats, soit la gigan­to­ma­chie révo­lu­tion­naire.</em> »</p>
<p>Le rap­port de force est net : masses révo­lu­tion­naires contre classes domi­nantes. Les pou­voirs éco­no­mique, média­tique, poli­cier et judi­ciaire concen­trés dans quelques mains ne peuvent être arra­chés que par le pou­voir du grand nombre assem­blé et déter­mi­né. La stra­té­gie mar­xiste, léni­niste et trots­kyste est un art quan­ti­ta­tif du contre­poids, une phy­sique des forces. La lente accu­mu­la­tion du pou­voir par les grèves, les mani­fes­ta­tions et la conscien­ti­sa­tion doit se sol­der par un cli­max : un sou­lè­ve­ment des­ti­tuant — à la suite d’un évé­ne­ment impré­vi­sible — sub­merge les murailles adverses. Léon Trotsky voyait ain­si dans « <em>le méca­nisme poli­tique de la révo­lu­tion […] le pas­sage du pou­voir d’une classe à l’autre</em> ».</p>
<div id="attachment_92214" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-92214" class="wp-image-92214 size-full" src="" alt data-lazy-srcset=" 960w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 700w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-92214" class="wp-image-92214 size-full" src="" alt srcset=" 960w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 700w" sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px"></noscript><p id="caption-attachment-92214" class="wp-caption-text">[La révolution confédéraliste démocratique au Rojava, dans l'Administration autonome du Nord et de l'Est de la Syrie, en octobre 2014 | Loez]</p></div>
<h2>… oui, mais par les urnes</h2>
<p>Les stra­té­gies pré­cé­dentes — déser­tion et affron­te­ment — ont en com­mun de mettre à dis­tance (ou de décil­ler) les voies élec­to­rales. Avec un argu­ment qui fait mouche : les gou­ver­ne­ments pro­gres­sistes se sont fait écra­ser ou se sont cou­chés. <a href="">Allende</a> meurt dans un putsch appuyé par la <span class="caps">CIA</span> ; Mitterrand ne tarde pas à ran­ger le Programme com­mun au pla­card ; Tsípras signe le mémo­ran­dum d’aus­té­ri­té refu­sé par le peuple grec quelques semaines plus tôt. Le jeu élec­to­ral est tru­qué : face les pauvres perdent, pile les riches gagnent… à tous les coups ? Alors que les années 1980 et 1990 ont mar­qué le tour­nant « démo­crate » (entendre « libé­ral ») des grands par­tis poli­tiques de l’International socia­liste — le Parti socia­liste fran­çais fon­dé en 1971 sur la pro­messe d’une « <em>rup­ture avec la socié­té capi­ta­liste</em> » aura comp­té dans ses rangs des frau­deurs du fisc et des édi­to­ria­listes sur <span class="caps">BFMTV</span> —, le mou­ve­ment alter­mon­dia­liste s’est dres­sé et l’Amérique latine a, la pre­mière, oppo­sé une résis­tance de vaste ampleur à l’hé­gé­mo­nie néo­li­bé­rale et impé­riale. Des luttes sociales ont trou­vé des débou­chés poli­tiques ins­ti­tu­tion­nels au Venezuela, au Brésil ou encore en Bolivie avec les vic­toires élec­to­rales de Chávez, Lula et Morales. Les lea­ders en pré­sence sont en rup­ture avec la social-démo­cra­tie tra­di­tion­nelle — qu’ils aient rom­pu avec cette der­nière ou qu’ils aient émer­gé des mou­ve­ments sociaux —, sur la forme comme sur le fond : ils assument des signi­fiants révo­lu­tion­naires, ils mobi­lisent l’hé­ri­tage com­mu­niste et indé­pen­dan­tiste, ils natio­na­lisent des moyens de pro­duc­tion et mènent des poli­tiques de redis­tri­bu­tion. Sur le Vieux Continent, quelques curieux prennent des notes : Jean-Luc Mélenchon en France ou Pablo Iglesias en Espagne.</p>
<p>« Des luttes sociales ont trou­vé des débou­chés poli­tiques ins­ti­tu­tion­nels au Venezuela, au Brésil ou encore en Bolivie avec les vic­toires élec­to­rales de Chávez, Lula et Morales. »</p>
<p>Sous d’autres confi­gu­ra­tions poli­tiques et cultu­relles, des cadres his­to­riques de la social-démo­cra­tie s’é­lèvent contre la muta­tion capi­ta­liste de la social-démo­cra­tie : Oskar Lafontaine en Allemagne, Jeremy Corbyn au Royaume-Uni ou <a href="">Bernie Sanders</a> aux États-Unis. En dépit de leurs dif­fé­rences, tous portent un regard cri­tique sur la dérive ou l’i­nef­fi­ca­ci­té de la tac­tique élec­to­rale de leur orga­ni­sa­tion poli­tique, ain­si qu’une foi inébran­lable dans la démo­cra­tie majo­ri­taire. Ils en conviennent et le théo­risent : le sys­tème éco­no­mique, média­tique et poli­tique est taillé sur-mesure pour l’al­ter­nance sans alter­na­tive. Mais c’est que les puis­sants, trop sûrs de leur fait, ont ouvert une fenêtre d’op­por­tu­ni­té poli­tique avec la crise des <em>sub­primes</em> en 2008 : les par­ti­sans de la voie élec­to­rale y voient une crise d’hé­gé­mo­nie. Ce grand récit libé­ral — concur­rence, déré­gu­la­tion, mon­dia­li­sa­tion — qui satu­rait ondes et images per­cute la crise éco­no­mique (et la crise éco­lo­gique) de plein fouet : chô­mage de masse, délo­ca­li­sa­tions d’u­sines, déclas­se­ment inter­gé­né­ra­tion­nel, inéga­li­tés crois­santes. « <em>Leur nar­ra­tion ne peut [plus] se trans­for­mer dans la nar­ra­tion uni­ver­selle d’une époque</em> », en conclut Íñigo Errejón, un des fon­da­teurs de Podemos. Si les mou­ve­ments des places (Occupy, Indignados, Nuit Debout, etc.) dénoncent ces mêmes maux, sans pro­grammes ni repré­sen­tants, il s’a­git, pour ces « res­pon­sables poli­tiques », de pro­po­ser une réponse arti­cu­lée à grande échelle. Contester la nar­ra­tion libé­rale implique des inter­ven­tions média­tiques qui inter­pellent une base élec­to­rale popu­laire com­po­sée des dégoû­tés et des déçus de la poli­tique — que l’in­di­vi­dua­li­sa­tion du tra­vail et des modes de vie ont éloi­gné des par­tis, des syn­di­cats, des asso­cia­tions. Dans cette conjonc­ture, la vio­lence révo­lu­tion­naire ne sau­rait être une option : elle éloigne le grand nombre de l’ac­tion et de l’en­ga­ge­ment quo­ti­dien. Pas plus que la séces­sion n’en est une. « <em>Je ne crois pas à l’</em>esca­ping<em>. On ne peut pas faire comme si <q>ça</q> n’existait pas. On peut faire son petit truc dans son coin mais ça ne res­te­ra jamais qu’une mino­ri­té. La masse des gens ne peut pas se le per­mettre. Personne n’échappe au pou­voir. Ça ne m’a jamais convain­cue : on veut chan­ger le monde, pas sa vie. Donc entrer en confron­ta­tion avec ce qui le struc­ture, avec les lieux et les centres de pou­voir »</em>, <a href="">nous confiait Danièle Obono en 2017</a>, fraî­che­ment élue dépu­tée La France insou­mise et par­ti­sane réso­lue de la « révo­lu­tion citoyenne ».</p>
<p>Les cam­pagnes élec­to­rales, incar­nées par des lea­ders, fonc­tionnent comme des moments de poli­ti­sa­tion de masse pour mettre la socié­té en mou­ve­ment. Ces forces poli­tiques pro­posent des pro­grammes de tran­si­tion — sans aller jus­qu’à défi­nir un hori­zon de rap­ports sociaux com­mu­nistes — à appli­quer en pre­nant le contrôle de l’ap­pa­reil admi­nis­tra­tif. L’État n’est ni une chose — un ins­tru­ment neutre et pas­sif au ser­vice de la classe qui le pos­sède —, ni un sujet — une enti­té dotée d’une volon­té propre. Il a ses logiques, ses pro­cé­dures, ses iner­ties et ses prio­ri­tés qui ne sont pas un pur décalque des inté­rêts capi­ta­listes : il est, selon la for­mule du mar­xiste grec Nikos Poulantzas, la « <em>conden­sa­tion maté­rielle d’un rap­port de force entre les classes et les frac­tions de classe</em> ». Autrement dit, les luttes popu­laires se sédi­mentent dans les ins­ti­tu­tions autant que les entre­mises des puis­sances d’argent : l’État est donc un champ stra­té­gique à ne délais­ser sous aucun pré­texte. L’ancien vice-pré­sident de la Bolivie, Álvaro García Linera, contraint à l’exil<a href=""> au len­de­main du coup d’État contre Evo Morales</a>, nous <a href="">expli­quait il y a quelques mois</a> : « <em>Pourquoi les gens ont-ils obéi aux mesures sani­taires, ont-ils accep­té de res­ter chez eux, de ne plus voir une par­tie de leur famille, de faire une croix sur leurs prin­ci­pales acti­vi­tés cultu­relles ? Parce que per­sonne n’est en dehors de l’État et qu’une par­tie de cha­cun de nous loge en son sein. Nous sommes dans l’État, même si nous ne sommes pas à sa tête. Je refuse les lec­tures défai­tistes de l’anarchisme : la finance inter­na­tio­nale, les grands entre­pre­neurs, les forces néo­li­bé­rales sont très heu­reux qu’on ne leur conteste pas le pou­voir. Pendant que d’aucuns se diver­tissent avec des mon­naies locales et des ini­tia­tives de quar­tier, les domi­nants décident de nos reve­nus, du niveau de nos impôts, de l’éducation de nos enfants, des langues qu’on a le droit ou non de par­ler : ils admi­nistrent selon leurs inté­rêts.</em> »</p>
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</noscript><p id="caption-attachment-92212" class="wp-caption-text">[Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez et Bernie Sanders, 2019 | Bauzen | Getty Images]</p></div>
<h2>Pour conclure</h2>
<p>Quel est donc l’es­pace géo­gra­phique concer­né par notre dos­sier ? La France, au com­men­ce­ment de l’an­née 2022 — avec des rami­fi­ca­tions pos­sibles pour les pays fron­ta­liers en par­tie fran­co­phones (Belgique et Suisse), et le monde fran­co­phone dans son ensemble (les modèles géné­raux dont nous dis­cu­tons trou­vant leur tra­duc­tion propre sur chaque conti­nent). L’espace idéo­lo­gique ? Nous l’a­vons dit : le camp de l’é­man­ci­pa­tion, avec ce qu’il sup­pose de diver­si­té, de diver­gences et de conflits. En clair, tout ce qui s’a­vance, d’une manière ou d’une autre, dans l’arc « auto­no­mie-France insou­mise ». Puisqu’il était pour nous ques­tion d’in­ter­ro­ger les rup­tures avec l’ordre domi­nant, il va de soi que, pas une seconde, nous n’a­vons son­gé à sol­li­ci­ter <span class="caps">EELV</span>, Génération·s, Christiane Taubira, la Primaire popu­laire ou les der­niers débris du <span class="caps">PS</span>.</p>
<p>Comment avons-nous pro­cé­dé dans le choix de nos inter­ve­nants et intervenantes ?</p>
<p>« Ce n’est jamais, quoi qu’il en soit, qu’une amorce de réflexion : la suite se pour­sui­vra ici et, sur­tout, ailleurs. »</p>
<p>Après avoir éta­bli la liste des archi­tec­tures stra­té­giques actuel­le­ment mobi­li­sées, nous en avons rete­nu cinq. Une sélec­tion condi­tion­née par une don­née majeure : que la pro­po­si­tion dis­pose d’un ancrage col­lec­tif en France, d’une struc­tu­ra­tion effec­tive. Il nous a ain­si fal­lu écar­ter la voie zapa­tiste (qui, des propres mots de sa direc­tion, n’a aucune voca­tion à four­nir un modèle clé en main à l’Europe), la voie confé­dé­ra­liste démo­cra­tique (si elle féconde admi­ra­ble­ment la lutte révo­lu­tion­naire au Moyen-Orient — <a href="">et spé­ci­fi­que­ment au Rojava (Syrie)</a> —, elle ne trouve ici aucun pro­lon­ge­ment ordon­né) ain­si que les mul­tiples orien­ta­tions iso­lées propres aux champs com­mu­nistes et liber­taires (à l’ins­tar du <a href="">conseillisme</a>, stra­té­gie puis­sante mais désor­mais sans relais). Un mot sur la pro­po­si­tion com­mu­na­liste, objet de dis­cus­sions. Depuis notre créa­tion en 2014, nous l’a­vons fré­quem­ment abor­dée dans nos colonnes — que ce soit en France, au Rojava, en Espagne ou aux États-Unis. <a href="">L’invitation book­chi­nienne</a> à « <em>vider l’État</em> » et à le rem­pla­cer par des ins­ti­tu­tions démo­cra­tiques arti­cu­lées autour de com­munes dotées d’as­sem­blées popu­laires et d’u­ni­tés d’au­to­dé­fense est pro­ba­ble­ment <a href="">l’une des construc­tions théo­riques les plus détaillées</a> ; il n’en demeure pas moins que l’« orga­ni­sa­tion » appe­lée de ses vœux par l’un de ses der­niers pen­seurs en date, <a href="">l’a­gri­cul­teur espa­gnol Floréal Romero</a>, ne s’est pas encore ancrée en France<sup></sup>. Si des ten­ta­tives sont appa­rues — à <a href="">Commercy</a>, avec les gilets jaunes, ou à Paris, avec l’éphémère <a href="">Faire com­mune</a> —, elles ne sont pas par­ve­nues, pour l’heure, à consti­tuer un mou­ve­ment orga­ni­sé et lisible (les « listes citoyennes » à colo­ra­tion « muni­ci­pa­liste » n’ont pas sus­ci­té notre inté­rêt : leur réfé­rence au com­mu­na­lisme<a href=""> s’ins­crit presque tou­jours dans le cadre réfor­miste le plus banal</a>). Un deuxième mot, sur <a href="">l’é­co­so­cia­lisme</a> : la trans­ver­sa­li­té de ses usages (<span class="caps">NPA</span>, Ensemble !, Parti de gauche ou gauche hors par­tis) empêche toute approche sépa­rée dans le pré­sent cadre<sup></sup>. Un der­nier mot, enfin, sur la ques­tion syn­di­cale : elle par­court l’en­semble de notre dos­sier et fera, pro­chai­ne­ment, l’ob­jet d’un trai­te­ment à part entière.</p>
<p>Cinq <em>ten­dances géné­rales stra­té­giques</em>, donc. 1) l’au­to­no­mie, la séces­sion et la des­ti­tu­tion ; 2) la révo­lu­tion d’hé­ri­tage ou d’at­tache trots­kyste ; 3) la révo­lu­tion élec­to­rale ou citoyenne ; 4) l’ex­ten­sion du déjà-là com­mu­niste par la prise en main des lieux de tra­vail ; 5) l’é­di­fi­ca­tion d’un double pou­voir et de l’au­to­ges­tion fédé­rale. La deuxième ten­dance est incar­née, en dépit de spé­ci­fi­ci­tés et désac­cords mani­festes, par trois orga­ni­sa­tions ; nous l’a­vons dit : <span class="caps">LO</span>, le <span class="caps">NPA</span> et Révolution Permanente. <span class="caps">RP</span> étant la der­nière « née » et béné­fi­ciant de la plus faible cou­ver­ture média­tique, elle a, sans autre type de consi­dé­ra­tion, rete­nu notre atten­tion finale<sup></sup>. Quant à la troi­sième ten­dance, elle ras­semble le Parti com­mu­niste fran­çais et La France insou­mise : <span class="caps">LFI</span> reven­di­quant plus direc­te­ment son ambi­tion « révo­lu­tion­naire », notre choix s’est tour­né vers elle.</p>
<p>Ce n’est jamais, quoi qu’il en soit, qu’une amorce de réflexion : la suite se pour­sui­vra ici et, sur­tout, ailleurs.</p>
<p><span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">★ lire le pre­mier volet | Sylvaine Bulle et Alessandro Stella : construire l’autonomie</a><br>
</span><span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">★ lire le deuxième volet | Anasse Kazib et Laura Varlet : « Affronter et dépos­sé­der le système »</a><br>
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">★ lire le troi­sième volet | Jean-Luc Mélenchon : « Il y a bas­cule : c’est main­te­nant que ça se joue »</a><br>
<a href="">★ lire le qua­trième volet | </a><a href="">Réseau Salariat : « Lutter sur les lieux de travail »</a><br>
<a href="">★ lire le cin­quième et der­nier volet | <span class="caps">UCL</span> : « Démocratie directe, fédé­ra­lisme et autogestion »</a></span></p>
<p><span><span>Photographie de ban­nière : aux abords de la Concorde (Paris), acte <span class="caps">III</span> des gilets jaunes, 1<sup>er</sup> décembre 2018 | Stéphane Burlot</span><br>
<span>Photographie de vignette : pas­se­relle Léopold Sédar Senghor (Paris), acte <span class="caps">VIII</span> des gilets jaunes, 5 jan­vier 2019 | Stéphane Burlot</span><br>


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<p class="post_info_top"><span class="time">10 janvier 2022</span></p>
<p><em><span>Chaque élec­tion pré­si­den­tielle remet imman­qua­ble­ment cette ques­tion sur la table : voter ou ne pas voter ? Le camp de l’é­man­ci­pa­tion est par­ta­gé — une très vieille his­toire. Nous ne répon­drons pas ici à cette ques­tion (le lec­teur s’en moque, d’au­tant que notre rédac­tion n’a rien d’ho­mo­gène). En revanche, nous avons sou­hai­té inter­ro­ger dans le détail les dif­fé­rentes orien­ta­tions stra­té­giques qui se pré­sentent, aujourd’­hui, aux rési­dents fran­çais (voire aux fran­co­phones) dési­reux d’en finir avec la mise au pas des popu­la­tions. Disons-le posi­ti­ve­ment : dési­reux de fon­der un ordre social aus­si digne, juste et éga­li­taire que pos­sible. Nous sommes ain­si allés à la ren­contre de par­ti­sanes et de par­ti­sans de l’au­to­no­mie, de l’ins­tau­ra­tion d’un gou­ver­ne­ment révo­lu­tion­naire par la grève géné­rale, de la révo­lu­tion citoyenne par les urnes, de l’af­fran­chis­se­ment col­lec­tif par les lieux de tra­vail et, enfin, de la construc­tion d’un double pou­voir puis d’une socié­té fédé­rale auto­gé­rée. Un dos­sier thé­ma­tique en cinq volets, donc. Mais d’a­bord, quelques pré­ci­sions introductives. <br>
<p><picture class="alignleft wp-image-92247 size-full">
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<p>Dans le camp de l’é­man­ci­pa­tion (ou, appe­lons-le comme on vou­dra : la tra­di­tion socia­liste, le mou­ve­ment anti­ca­pi­ta­liste, la gauche de trans­for­ma­tion sociale, la gauche radi­cale), les déci­sions indi­vi­duelles ou col­lec­tives oscil­lent, l’heure venue des élec­tions, entre trois choix : abs­ten­tion (par dégoût ou convic­tion théo­rique), vote d’adhé­sion pour un can­di­dat ouver­te­ment « révo­lu­tion­naire » (dont on sait qu’il n’i­ra pas au second tour) et vote d’ap­pui pour la for­ma­tion « réfor­miste » en pointe (par convic­tion ou com­pro­mis tac­tique). Le pre­mier bloc refuse par prin­cipe la repré­sen­ta­tion par­le­men­taire et estime qu’au­cune avan­cée poli­tique consé­quente n’est pos­sible dans le cadre électoral/institutionnel/bourgeois ; le deuxième démys­ti­fie ledit cadre et, pro­fi­tant de l’ou­ver­ture de l’es­pace média­tique propre à toute séquence élec­to­rale, encou­rage à la lutte sociale et révo­lu­tion­naire sur le ter­rain ; le troi­sième aspire haut et fort à la conquête légale de l’ap­pa­reil d’État — ély­séen, en l’occurrence.</p>
<p>« Que faire ? », donc.</p>
<p>« <em><q>Sans théo­rie révo­lu­tion­naire, pas de mou­ve­ment révo­lu­tion­naire</q></em>, insiste Lénine — la for­mule connaî­tra de beaux jours. »</p>
<p>D’aucuns auront recon­nu le titre de la bro­chure publiée par Lénine en 1902. Le révo­lu­tion­naire entend alors orga­ni­ser la classe ouvrière nais­sante dans la Russie tsa­riste. Son objec­tif est la fon­da­tion « <em>d’une orga­ni­sa­tion de com­bat</em> » ; pour ce faire, il importe à ses yeux de « <em>reprendre le tra­vail théo­rique </em>». Faire de la théo­rie alors que les cam­pagnes et les usines du pays s’agitent ? « <em>Sans théo­rie révo­lu­tion­naire, pas de mou­ve­ment révo­lu­tion­naire </em>», insiste-t-il — la for­mule connaî­tra de beaux jours. C’est que, pose-t-il encore, le « <em>pro­blème fon­da­men­tal de toute révo­lu­tion est celui du pou­voir</em> ». Il suf­fit d’un tour en librai­rie pour consta­ter que la ques­tion stra­té­gique a repris des cou­leurs. Pour ne citer que quelques exemples : <em>Agir ici et main­te­nant</em> de <a href="">Floréal Romero</a>, <em>Comment s’or­ga­ni­ser ? </em>de Starhawk, <em>Basculements </em>de Jérôme Baschet, <em>Maintenant</em> du Comité invi­sible, <em>Premières mesures révo­lu­tion­naires</em> d’Éric Hazan et Kamo,<em> Stratégies anti­ca­pi­ta­listes pour le <span class="caps">XXI</span><sup>e</sup> siècle</em> d’<a href="">Erik Olin Wright</a>, <em>Communisme et stra­té­gie</em> d’<a href="">Isabelle Garo</a>, <em>Figures du com­mu­nisme</em> de <a href="">Frédéric Lordon</a> ou encore la récente réédi­tion du <em>Programme de tran­si­tion</em> de Trotsky aux Éditions communard·e·s.</p>
<p>Trois choix, disions-nous. Lesquels recoupent pour une bonne part trois concep­tions stra­té­giques que le camp de l’é­man­ci­pa­tion a mobi­li­sées his­to­ri­que­ment pour répondre à la ques­tion du pou­voir. On aurait tout loi­sir d’af­fi­ner et d’al­ler cher­cher, ici, là, en fonc­tion des époques et des espaces, d’autres pro­po­si­tions ana­ly­tiques ou pra­tiques : si ces trois concep­tions n’é­puisent pas le champ stra­té­gique de l’é­ga­li­té, force est d’ad­mettre qu’elles le consti­tuent à la fois dura­ble­ment et lar­ge­ment. Donc : déser­ter le pou­voir cen­tral capi­ta­liste et se sous­traire à l’ordre domi­nant par la péri­phé­rie ; ren­ver­ser le pou­voir cen­tral capi­ta­liste au terme d’un sou­lè­ve­ment et bâtir une socié­té de jus­tice ; s’emparer du pou­voir cen­tral capi­ta­liste par la voie légale et tra­vailler, depuis l’État, à la libé­ra­tion de la socié­té. On aura iden­ti­fié, à très grands traits, la tra­di­tion anar­chiste, la tra­di­tion mar­xiste et la tra­di­tion social-démo­crate au sens <em>ori­gi­nel</em> du terme. Autrement dit : les pha­lan­stères, les colo­nies liber­taires, l’en-dehors, les <a href="">« com­mu­nau­tés par le retrait »</a>, la Catalogne de 1936 ou les <span class="caps">ZAD</span> ; la Russie bol­che­vik de 1917, le Cuba cas­tro-gué­va­riste de 1959 ou le Mozambique fre­li­miste de 1975 ; le Chili de l’Unité popu­laire de 1970, la France du Programme com­mun de 1981, l’Uruguay de Mujica de 2010 ou la Grèce de Syriza de 2015.</p>
<div id="attachment_92205" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-92205" class="wp-image-92205 size-full" src="" alt data-lazy-srcset=" 960w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 700w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-92205" class="wp-image-92205 size-full" src="" alt srcset=" 960w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 700w" sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px"></noscript><p id="caption-attachment-92205" class="wp-caption-text">[Le sous-commandant Marcos au caracol La Realidad, 2014 | Alessandro Zagato]</p></div>
<h2>Déserter le pouvoir</h2>
<p>Quelques repères, à vol d’oiseau.</p>
<p><a href="">Louise Michel</a> est deve­nue anar­chiste en mer, durant sa dépor­ta­tion vers la Nouvelle-Calédonie, au len­de­main de l’é­cra­se­ment de la Commune de Paris à laquelle elle avait pris part un fusil à la main. Pourquoi ? Car le pou­voir conta­mine et cor­rompt, racon­te­ra-t-elle ensuite. « <em>J’en vins rapi­de­ment à être convain­cue que les hon­nêtes gens au pou­voir y seront aus­si inca­pables que les mal­hon­nêtes seront nui­sibles, et qu’il est impos­sible que jamais la liber­té s’allie avec un pou­voir quel­conque.</em> » Si la tra­di­tion liber­taire inter­na­tio­nale n’a jamais par­lé d’une même voix (il est, entre autres choses, des anar­chistes qui votent et d’autres qui défendent dia­lec­ti­que­ment l’État), on peut tou­te­fois cer­ner cette ten­dance lourde : une méfiance irré­duc­tible à l’en­droit des for­ma­tions gou­ver­ne­men­tales, fussent-elles « ouvrières » ou « socia­listes ». <a href="">Daniel Guérin</a>, his­to­rien et mili­tant <a href="">com­mu­niste liber­taire</a>, ne craint pas d’é­vo­quer « <em>l’hor­reur de l’État</em> » inhé­rente à cette tra­di­tion et rap­pelle, dans <em>L’Anarchisme</em>, l’al­ter­na­tive qu’elle a sou­vent faite sienne : la fédé­ra­tion volon­taire, la soli­da­ri­sa­tion de com­munes auto­gé­rées, l’or­ga­ni­sa­tion par la base. On ne ren­tre­ra pas ici dans les diver­gences internes du mou­ve­ment liber­taire ; on rap­pel­le­ra seule­ment com­bien le dif­fé­rend qui l’a oppo­sé au mar­xisme (lequel n’ab­sorbe pas à lui seul le signi­fiant « com­mu­nisme ») struc­ture encore le camp de l’é­man­ci­pa­tion. Le <a href="">duel entre Bakounine et Marx</a> n’est pas loin d’a­voir valeur de mythe. « <em>Qui dit État</em> — lan­çait le pre­mier —, <em>dit néces­sai­re­ment domi­na­tion et, par consé­quent, escla­vage ; un État sans escla­vage, avoué ou mas­qué, est incon­ce­vable, voi­là pour­quoi nous sommes enne­mis de l’État. </em>» Non que Marx fût un défen­seur de ce der­nier — tout au contraire : il conviait seule­ment à son dépé­ris­se­ment pro­gres­sif, au terme d’une phase tran­si­toire qui ver­rait le pro­lé­ta­riat vic­to­rieux conduire sa fameuse « dic­ta­ture » (étant enten­du que le terme n’a­vait pas la signi­fi­ca­tion qu’il a aujourd’hui<sup></sup>).</p>
<p>« En 1977, Foucault allait déjà jus­qu’à décla­rer : <q><em>[T]out ce que cette tra­di­tion socia­liste a pro­duit dans l’Histoire est à condam­ner</em>.</q> »</p>
<p>Depuis les années 1970, les mou­ve­ments des femmes (entrées en citoyen­ne­té depuis peu et rebat­tant, dès lors, l’in­té­gra­li­té des cartes), des per­sonnes <span class="caps">LGBT</span>, des immi­grés, des indi­gènes ou de l’antipsychiatrie ont accom­pa­gné, nour­ri, élar­gi et lar­ge­ment dépas­sé la tra­di­tion liber­taire. Parallèlement, une recom­po­si­tion de l’ac­tion directe s’est opé­rée par le biais de la déso­béis­sance, de l’oc­cu­pa­tion et de la défense éco­lo­giste de ter­ri­toires en dan­ger : c’est, par exemple, le Larzac et son camp mili­taire ; ce sont les cen­trales nucléaires, alle­mandes et fran­çaises, qui font conver­ger des mil­liers d’ac­ti­vistes venus de toute l’Europe. Sans se récla­mer nom­mé­ment de l’a­nar­chisme, un espace poli­tique dif­fus s’est affir­mé contre le réfor­misme social et contre le modèle révo­lu­tion­naire alors domi­nant (sovié­tique, cas­triste ou maoïste) : celui de l’an­ti-auto­ri­ta­risme et de l’an­ti-pou­voir. Ces forces, non homo­gènes, ont poin­té du doigt la plu­ra­li­té des pou­voirs qui s’exercent sur des groupes dits « subal­ternes ». Le pou­voir n’est pas un stock qui s’accumule ni une sub­stance concen­trée dans l’État : il se conjugue au plu­riel. Tandis que Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari invitent en 1980, avec <em>Mille Plateaux</em>, à consi­dé­rer « <em>les mino­ri­tés plu­tôt que les classes</em> », <a href="">le phi­lo­sophe Michel Foucault</a> lance, un an plus tard : « <em>La socié­té est un archi­pel de pou­voirs dif­fé­rents.</em><a href="#_ftn14" name="_ftnref14"></a> » Ses tra­vaux sur les pri­sons, les asiles, les casernes ou les écoles convient à décen­trer le regard pour sai­sir une «<em> micro­phy­sique des pou­voirs </em>» qu’exercent toutes les ins­ti­tu­tions. L’antagonisme « tra­vail-capi­tal », consti­tu­tif du mou­ve­ment socia­liste inter­na­tio­nal, se trans­forme en une infi­ni­té de rela­tions inégales de pou­voir fon­dées sur le genre, l’orientation sexuelle, la race, le lieu d’habitation, le lan­gage ou le corps. En 1977, Foucault allait déjà jus­qu’à décla­rer : « <em>[T]out ce que cette tra­di­tion socia­liste a pro­duit dans l’Histoire est à condam­ner</em>. »</p>
<p>À un pou­voir dis­sé­mi­né répondent dès lors de nou­velles formes de résis­tance. « Zone auto­nome tem­po­raire » (<span class="caps">TAZ</span>) dans les années 1990 et <a href=""><span class="caps">ZAD</span></a> deux décen­nies plus tard, squats, résur­gence de la figure du pirate, pro­mo­tion de l’im­mé­dia­te­té et de « nou­velles formes de vie », ima­gi­naire de l’exode, de la séces­sion et de la destitution<sup></sup>. Il s’agit, pour des groupes affi­ni­taires, sans ambi­tion à deve­nir majo­ri­taires, sans volon­té aucune de gagner l’at­ten­tion des « masses », d’élaborer des pra­tiques de dis­si­dence hors les ins­ti­tu­tions, les par­tis et les syn­di­cats : des « oasis », dirait <a href="">le phi­lo­sophe Jacques Rancière</a>. On ne cherche plus à contes­ter la légi­ti­mi­té des pou­voirs en place, pour les rem­pla­cer et « faire mieux » (révo­lu­tion) ou « moins pire » (réfor­misme), mais à démon­trer, ici et main­te­nant, que <em>la vie</em> n’est pas à venir. Créer des <em>brèches</em>, mul­ti­plier les <em>fis­sures</em>, tra­cer des <em>lignes de fuite</em>, se loger dans des <em>inter­stices</em>, deve­nir <em>fur­tifs</em>, éta­blir des <em>îlots </em>ou des<em> archi­pels</em> : si le voca­bu­laire du mar­xisme tenait du sol­dat-mili­taire (affron­te­ment, conquête, prise, stra­té­gie, dis­ci­pline, front), l’anti-pouvoir parle le lan­gage du déser­teur, du sabo­teur, du fugi­tif, de l’a­no­nyme ou du <a href="">mar­ron</a>. Le phi­lo­sophe et psy­cha­na­lyste Miguel Benasayag, ancien gué­rille­ro en Argentine et défen­seur de ces « nou­velles radi­ca­li­tés »,<a href=""> nous disait en 2016</a> : « <em>Il faut aban­don­ner l’idée de lutte finale, de socié­té de jus­tice. Ça ne pro­duit que de la décep­tion — ou de la dic­ta­ture, lorsque les <q>jus­ti­ciers</q> triomphent.</em> » Avant de pré­ci­ser : « <em>Seules les luttes décen­tra­li­sées et bor­dé­liques — à l’instar du com­bat des femmes, des indi­gènes, des Noirs ou des homo­sexuels —, qui visaient le chan­ge­ment ici et main­te­nant et non le pou­voir, ont pu chan­ger le monde.</em> »</p>
<div class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="n3VNCb" src="" alt="BALLAST • Vendée : une ZAD contre un port de plaisance" data-noaft="1" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img class="n3VNCb" src="" alt="BALLAST • Vendée : une ZAD contre un port de plaisance" data-noaft="1"></noscript><p class="wp-caption-text">[ZAD de Brétignolles-sur-Mer (la « Bréti-ZAD »), octobre 2019 | Jérôme Laumailler]</p></div>
<p>Un an plus tard, le socio­logue et phi­lo­sophe John Holloway, auteur du clas­sique <span id="2008" class="ouvrage"><cite class="italique">Changer le monde sans prendre le pou­voir</cite></span>, <a href="">nous confiait</a> : « <em>Il est clair que la ten­ta­tive de chan­ger les choses au tra­vers de l’État n’est pas seule­ment inef­fi­cace : elle est com­plè­te­ment contre-pro­duc­tive. La <q>gauche</q> poli­tique a fait au moins autant de mal à la vie humaine et non-humaine dans les trente der­nières années que la droite.</em> » « Que faire ? », dans ce cas, deman­dions-nous déjà. Et l’in­té­res­sé de répondre : « <em>Il n’y a ni dogme auquel se fier, ni réponse toute faite — seule­ment une recherche déses­pé­rée et urgente. L’initiative zapa­tiste récente est une ten­ta­tive pour trou­ver un che­min, et nous devons tous l’observer atten­ti­ve­ment. Selon moi, la ques­tion cen­trale est de savoir com­ment on pense la confluence de ces <q>fis­sures</q>. Cela ne peut pas être fait en éla­bo­rant des ins­ti­tu­tions (qui sont, en outre, tou­jours ennuyeuses), mais en créant des réso­nances. Il fau­drait que nous pen­sions ces réso­nances et leur mise en réseau comme une grande vague de rage qui ava­le­rait à la fois le capi­tal et les vieilles ins­ti­tu­tions de média­tion</em><em> qui l’ont pro­té­gé pen­dant si long­temps.</em> »</p>
<p>« Le coup de force néo­li­bé­ral mon­dial s’est dou­blé de l’ef­fon­dre­ment des gauches à la même échelle : le mot <q>capi­ta­lisme</q> a été ren­voyé au fond des âges. »</p>
<p>La révolte zapa­tiste, lan­cée en 1994 depuis le Chiapas mexi­cain, sus­cite effec­ti­ve­ment l’at­ten­tion d’une part sub­stan­tielle de ces sec­teurs tour­nés vers l’« auto­no­mie ». Dans un entre­tien accor­dé à l’un des res­pon­sables du <em>Monde diplo­ma­tique</em>,<a href=""> le sous-com­man­dant insur­gé Marcos</a> — for­mé au mar­xisme le plus clas­sique — a résu­mé leur pers­pec­tive : « <em>Parce que notre pro­jet poli­tique, je le répète, n’est pas de prendre le pou­voir. Il n’est pas de prendre le pou­voir par les armes, mais pas non plus par la voie élec­to­rale, ni par une quel­conque autre voie, <q>put­schiste</q>, etc. Dans notre pro­jet poli­tique, nous disons que ce qu’il faut faire, c’est sub­ver­tir la rela­tion de pou­voir, entre autres rai­sons parce que le centre du pou­voir n’est plus dans les États natio­naux. Cela ne sert donc à rien de conqué­rir le pou­voir. Un gou­ver­ne­ment peut être de gauche, de droite, cen­triste et, fina­le­ment, il ne pour­ra pas prendre les déci­sions fon­da­men­tales</em><em>.</em> » Raison pour laquelle le porte-parole de l’Armée natio­nale de libé­ra­tion zapa­tiste (<span class="caps">EZLN</span>) se défi­nit comme un « rebelle social » et non un « révo­lu­tion­naire ». Près de trente ans plus tard, le pro­jet chia­pa­nèque conti­nue d’ir­ri­guer l’i­ma­gi­naire et la contes­ta­tion « hors les murs » — au prix, sou­vent, d’une occul­ta­tion de cer­taines de ses pro­prié­tés (patrio­tisme, com­man­de­ment mili­taire, dis­ci­pline, pro­hi­bi­tion de l’al­cool). « <em>Tout reprend racine à la base</em> », <a href="">nous disait Raoul Vaneigem</a> en 2019. Et cette figure de l’Internationale situa­tion­niste d’en appe­ler à la <a href="">fon­da­tion de « ter­ri­toires »</a> lar­ge­ment ins­pi­rée par l’en­tre­prise zapa­tiste : une fon­da­tion « <em>qui, n’offrant aucune prise à l’ennemi — ni appro­pria­tion, ni pou­voir, ni repré­sen­ta­tion — nous rend insai­sis­sables</em> ».</p>
<h2>Prendre le pouvoir</h2>
<p>L’échec du com­mu­nisme d’État a bru­ta­le­ment cou­pé la chique aux par­ta­geux. La chose est bien connue : puisque toute ten­ta­tive d’a­mé­lio­rer la vie des humbles, des exploi­tés et des dému­nis conduit aux camps de tra­vaux for­cés, aux purges et aux exé­cu­tions de masse, ne reste, rabâchent les puis­sants, qu’à ral­lier la « démo­cra­tie » libé­rale, le règne des oli­garques, l’empire illi­mi­té de la mar­chan­dise et la dévas­ta­tion des éco­sys­tèmes. Le coup de force néo­li­bé­ral mon­dial s’est dou­blé de l’ef­fon­dre­ment des gauches à la même échelle : bien des anciens « radi­caux » ont rejoint les maîtres du moment ; le mot « capi­ta­lisme » a été ren­voyé au fond des âges ; les <em>gagnants</em> ont para­dé au grand jour dans un monde <em>ouvert</em> et <em>dyna­mique</em>. Grand res­ca­pé du tota­li­ta­risme dit « com­mu­niste », tout par­ti­cu­liè­re­ment en France : le trots­kysme. Le mar­tyre de son lea­der — suc­cé­dant à sa vigou­reuse oppo­si­tion au bureau­cra­tisme et au sta­li­nisme — a per­mis à cette ligne mar­xiste de per­du­rer et d’af­fir­mer, plus ou moins intact<sup></sup>, l’i­déal de trans­for­ma­tion sociale popu­laire. Pas moins de trois orga­ni­sa­tions enga­gées dans la pré­sente aven­ture pré­si­den­tielle fran­çaise s’en réclament de manière directe ou indi­recte : Lutte Ouvrière (<span class="caps">LO</span>), le Nouveau par­ti anti­ca­pi­ta­liste (<span class="caps">NPA</span>) et Révolution Permanente (<span class="caps">RP</span>).</p>
<div id="attachment_92223" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-92223" class="wp-image-92223 size-full" src="" alt data-lazy-srcset=" 960w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 700w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-92223" class="wp-image-92223 size-full" src="" alt srcset=" 960w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 700w" sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px"></noscript><p id="caption-attachment-92223" class="wp-caption-text">[Fresque au Venezuela : Hugo Chávez, Simón Bolívar et Nicolás Maduro | DR]</p></div>
<p>Le phi­lo­sophe et mili­tant <a href="">Daniel Bensaïd</a>, diri­geant de la Ligue com­mu­niste révo­lu­tion­naire (<span class="caps">LCR</span>) puis du <span class="caps">NPA</span>, écri­vait, dans un texte inédit <a href="">que nous avions publié en 2015</a> : « <em>Certes, les pou­voirs issus des révo­lu­tions du <span class="caps">XX</span><sup>e</sup> siècle n’ont pas chan­gé le monde. Certains ont même dégé­né­ré en dic­ta­tures bureau­cra­tiques et il faut tirer toutes les leçons de ces expé­riences dou­lou­reuses. Mais ceux qui ont refu­sé de prendre le pou­voir n’ont pas davan­tage chan­gé le monde. Ils se sont, dans la plu­part des cas, conten­tés d’accompagner et d’amender à la marge la poli­tique des domi­nants et de recon­duire la divi­sion du tra­vail entre mou­ve­ments sociaux et repré­sen­ta­tion poli­tique, lais­sant de fait le mono­pole de la poli­tique à ceux qui en font pro­fes­sion (et par­fois for­tune), quand ils n’ont pas car­ré­ment ser­vi d’auxiliaires aux défen­seurs de l’ordre éta­bli. Face aux pro­blèmes concrets posés par les expé­riences en cours, ces dis­cours semblent vieillir très vite et fuir la réa­li­té au pro­fit de l’abstraction. […] [L]a thé­ma­tique de l’antipouvoir sans prise du pou­voir flotte dans l’abstraction spec­trale. Sans pas­sé ni futur, son pré­sent abso­lu est le degré zéro d’une stra­té­gie à peine renais­sante.</em> »</p>
<p>Face à la « <em>pul­vé­ri­sa­tion post­mo­derne</em> » et à la « <em>poli­tique en miettes</em> » (rhi­zomes, deve­nirs mino­ri­taires, mul­ti­pli­ci­té dési­rante ou kaléi­do­scope des iden­ti­tés), Bensaïd déplo­rait l’ou­bli pro­gres­sif — dans le champ contes­ta­taire — de « <em>la puis­sance sur­dé­ter­mi­nante du capi­tal</em> ». C’est donc à la consti­tu­tion d’un « <em>socia­lisme du <span class="caps">XXI</span><sup>e</sup> siècle</em> » qu’il invi­tait : non pas, bien sûr, la résur­rec­tion tout habillée du léni­nisme, non pas, à l’é­vi­dence, l’é­vic­tion des pro­blé­ma­tiques par­fois tenues pour « secon­daires » par le mou­ve­ment socia­liste his­to­rique (fémi­nisme, anti­ra­cisme, éco­lo­gie), mais le main­tien, actua­li­sé, du cap col­lec­tif et révo­lu­tion­naire. Plus grand monde, de nos jours, ne sou­tient l’i­dée d’un ren­ver­se­ment armé de l’appareil d’État par un par­ti doté d’une avant-garde pro­fes­sion­nelle : les années 1970 et 1980 ont signé l’é­chec des ten­ta­tives de gué­rilla urbaine menées par la Fraction armée rouge, les Brigades rouges et Action directe ; l’État capi­ta­liste dis­pose de moyens de contrôle tech­no­lo­gique et d’une puis­sance de feu sans pré­cé­dent ; la vio­lence phy­sique, muta­tion « civi­li­sa­tion­nelle » des mœurs oblige, ne ren­contre que peu l’as­sen­ti­ment popu­laire. On assiste cepen­dant, depuis quelque temps, mar­gi­na­le­ment mais signi­fi­ca­ti­ve­ment, à la revi­ta­li­sa­tion de l’é­lan léni­niste. Ou, plu­tôt, néo- ou post-léni­niste (voire « éco­lé­ni­niste » ou « léni­niste liber­taire »). Qu’on songe à l’é­co­lo­giste sué­dois <a href="">Andreas Malm</a>, au phi­lo­sophe slo­vène Slavoj Žižek, à l’é­co­no­miste et phi­lo­sophe Frédéric Lordon ou au <a href="">média <span class="caps">ACTA</span></a>.</p>
<p>« <em>À un moment il faut remettre la main sur les moyens de pro­duc­tion.</em> <em>Ce sera donc soit les iso­lats, soit la gigan­to­ma­chie révo­lu­tion­naire.</em> »</p>
<p>C’est que, pour Lordon, l’hy­po­thèse auto­nome, com­mu­nale ou loca­liste ne se montre pas à la hau­teur de la situa­tion. La séces­sion mino­ri­taire des mili­tantes et des mili­tants les plus réso­lus, pour fruc­tueuse qu’elle puisse être, ne pour­ra rien contre l’é­co­cide capi­ta­liste et la finance mon­dia­li­sée. Il <a href="">nous disait ain­si en 2018</a> : « <em>[C]’est un argu­ment prag­ma­tique d’échelle. Je veux bien tout ce qu’on veut : contour­ner les élec­tions, l’État, mais je demande alors qu’on me montre la puis­sance macro­sco­pique alter­na­tive capable de faire le tra­vail. Le tra­vail de rou­ler sur le capi­tal. Ça n’est pas la peine de m’opposer que l’État est tel­le­ment colo­ni­sé par les hommes du capi­tal qu’il est deve­nu État-du-capi­tal. Non pas que la chose ne soit pas ten­dan­ciel­le­ment vraie aujourd’hui. Mais parce qu’elle ne fait pas une véri­té d’essence, je veux dire pas une véri­té pure — même dans le capi­ta­lisme.</em> » Et, à la pro­po­si­tion d’un maillage de com­munes affran­chies, il objec­tait : « <em>[S]auf retour géné­ra­li­sé à l’économie pota­gère auto­suf­fi­sante, je ne peux pas y croire. À un moment il faut remettre la main sur les moyens de pro­duc­tion. Croyez-vous que les pro­prié­taires pri­vés les ren­dront de bonne grâce ? Croyez-vous que les tenants du capi­tal lais­se­ront défaire sans réac­tion leur forme de vie ? Ne croyez-vous pas qu’ils dis­posent de moyens et de res­sources immenses qu’ils jet­te­ront jusqu’à la der­nière dans la bataille ? Ce sera donc soit les iso­lats, soit la gigan­to­ma­chie révo­lu­tion­naire.</em> »</p>
<p>Le rap­port de force est net : masses révo­lu­tion­naires contre classes domi­nantes. Les pou­voirs éco­no­mique, média­tique, poli­cier et judi­ciaire concen­trés dans quelques mains ne peuvent être arra­chés que par le pou­voir du grand nombre assem­blé et déter­mi­né. La stra­té­gie mar­xiste, léni­niste et trots­kyste est un art quan­ti­ta­tif du contre­poids, une phy­sique des forces. La lente accu­mu­la­tion du pou­voir par les grèves, les mani­fes­ta­tions et la conscien­ti­sa­tion doit se sol­der par un cli­max : un sou­lè­ve­ment des­ti­tuant — à la suite d’un évé­ne­ment impré­vi­sible — sub­merge les murailles adverses. Léon Trotsky voyait ain­si dans « <em>le méca­nisme poli­tique de la révo­lu­tion […] le pas­sage du pou­voir d’une classe à l’autre</em> ».</p>
<div id="attachment_92214" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-92214" class="wp-image-92214 size-full" src="" alt data-lazy-srcset=" 960w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 700w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px" data-lazy-src=""><noscript><img aria-describedby="caption-attachment-92214" class="wp-image-92214 size-full" src="" alt srcset=" 960w, 300w, 150w, 768w, 700w" sizes="(max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px"></noscript><p id="caption-attachment-92214" class="wp-caption-text">[La révolution confédéraliste démocratique au Rojava, dans l'Administration autonome du Nord et de l'Est de la Syrie, en octobre 2014 | Loez]</p></div>
<h2>… oui, mais par les urnes</h2>
<p>Les stra­té­gies pré­cé­dentes — déser­tion et affron­te­ment — ont en com­mun de mettre à dis­tance (ou de décil­ler) les voies élec­to­rales. Avec un argu­ment qui fait mouche : les gou­ver­ne­ments pro­gres­sistes se sont fait écra­ser ou se sont cou­chés. <a href="">Allende</a> meurt dans un putsch appuyé par la <span class="caps">CIA</span> ; Mitterrand ne tarde pas à ran­ger le Programme com­mun au pla­card ; Tsípras signe le mémo­ran­dum d’aus­té­ri­té refu­sé par le peuple grec quelques semaines plus tôt. Le jeu élec­to­ral est tru­qué : face les pauvres perdent, pile les riches gagnent… à tous les coups ? Alors que les années 1980 et 1990 ont mar­qué le tour­nant « démo­crate » (entendre « libé­ral ») des grands par­tis poli­tiques de l’International socia­liste — le Parti socia­liste fran­çais fon­dé en 1971 sur la pro­messe d’une « <em>rup­ture avec la socié­té capi­ta­liste</em> » aura comp­té dans ses rangs des frau­deurs du fisc et des édi­to­ria­listes sur <span class="caps">BFMTV</span> —, le mou­ve­ment alter­mon­dia­liste s’est dres­sé et l’Amérique latine a, la pre­mière, oppo­sé une résis­tance de vaste ampleur à l’hé­gé­mo­nie néo­li­bé­rale et impé­riale. Des luttes sociales ont trou­vé des débou­chés poli­tiques ins­ti­tu­tion­nels au Venezuela, au Brésil ou encore en Bolivie avec les vic­toires élec­to­rales de Chávez, Lula et Morales. Les lea­ders en pré­sence sont en rup­ture avec la social-démo­cra­tie tra­di­tion­nelle — qu’ils aient rom­pu avec cette der­nière ou qu’ils aient émer­gé des mou­ve­ments sociaux —, sur la forme comme sur le fond : ils assument des signi­fiants révo­lu­tion­naires, ils mobi­lisent l’hé­ri­tage com­mu­niste et indé­pen­dan­tiste, ils natio­na­lisent des moyens de pro­duc­tion et mènent des poli­tiques de redis­tri­bu­tion. Sur le Vieux Continent, quelques curieux prennent des notes : Jean-Luc Mélenchon en France ou Pablo Iglesias en Espagne.</p>
<p>« Des luttes sociales ont trou­vé des débou­chés poli­tiques ins­ti­tu­tion­nels au Venezuela, au Brésil ou encore en Bolivie avec les vic­toires élec­to­rales de Chávez, Lula et Morales. »</p>
<p>Sous d’autres confi­gu­ra­tions poli­tiques et cultu­relles, des cadres his­to­riques de la social-démo­cra­tie s’é­lèvent contre la muta­tion capi­ta­liste de la social-démo­cra­tie : Oskar Lafontaine en Allemagne, Jeremy Corbyn au Royaume-Uni ou <a href="">Bernie Sanders</a> aux États-Unis. En dépit de leurs dif­fé­rences, tous portent un regard cri­tique sur la dérive ou l’i­nef­fi­ca­ci­té de la tac­tique élec­to­rale de leur orga­ni­sa­tion poli­tique, ain­si qu’une foi inébran­lable dans la démo­cra­tie majo­ri­taire. Ils en conviennent et le théo­risent : le sys­tème éco­no­mique, média­tique et poli­tique est taillé sur-mesure pour l’al­ter­nance sans alter­na­tive. Mais c’est que les puis­sants, trop sûrs de leur fait, ont ouvert une fenêtre d’op­por­tu­ni­té poli­tique avec la crise des <em>sub­primes</em> en 2008 : les par­ti­sans de la voie élec­to­rale y voient une crise d’hé­gé­mo­nie. Ce grand récit libé­ral — concur­rence, déré­gu­la­tion, mon­dia­li­sa­tion — qui satu­rait ondes et images per­cute la crise éco­no­mique (et la crise éco­lo­gique) de plein fouet : chô­mage de masse, délo­ca­li­sa­tions d’u­sines, déclas­se­ment inter­gé­né­ra­tion­nel, inéga­li­tés crois­santes. « <em>Leur nar­ra­tion ne peut [plus] se trans­for­mer dans la nar­ra­tion uni­ver­selle d’une époque</em> », en conclut Íñigo Errejón, un des fon­da­teurs de Podemos. Si les mou­ve­ments des places (Occupy, Indignados, Nuit Debout, etc.) dénoncent ces mêmes maux, sans pro­grammes ni repré­sen­tants, il s’a­git, pour ces « res­pon­sables poli­tiques », de pro­po­ser une réponse arti­cu­lée à grande échelle. Contester la nar­ra­tion libé­rale implique des inter­ven­tions média­tiques qui inter­pellent une base élec­to­rale popu­laire com­po­sée des dégoû­tés et des déçus de la poli­tique — que l’in­di­vi­dua­li­sa­tion du tra­vail et des modes de vie ont éloi­gné des par­tis, des syn­di­cats, des asso­cia­tions. Dans cette conjonc­ture, la vio­lence révo­lu­tion­naire ne sau­rait être une option : elle éloigne le grand nombre de l’ac­tion et de l’en­ga­ge­ment quo­ti­dien. Pas plus que la séces­sion n’en est une. « <em>Je ne crois pas à l’</em>esca­ping<em>. On ne peut pas faire comme si <q>ça</q> n’existait pas. On peut faire son petit truc dans son coin mais ça ne res­te­ra jamais qu’une mino­ri­té. La masse des gens ne peut pas se le per­mettre. Personne n’échappe au pou­voir. Ça ne m’a jamais convain­cue : on veut chan­ger le monde, pas sa vie. Donc entrer en confron­ta­tion avec ce qui le struc­ture, avec les lieux et les centres de pou­voir »</em>, <a href="">nous confiait Danièle Obono en 2017</a>, fraî­che­ment élue dépu­tée La France insou­mise et par­ti­sane réso­lue de la « révo­lu­tion citoyenne ».</p>
<p>Les cam­pagnes élec­to­rales, incar­nées par des lea­ders, fonc­tionnent comme des moments de poli­ti­sa­tion de masse pour mettre la socié­té en mou­ve­ment. Ces forces poli­tiques pro­posent des pro­grammes de tran­si­tion — sans aller jus­qu’à défi­nir un hori­zon de rap­ports sociaux com­mu­nistes — à appli­quer en pre­nant le contrôle de l’ap­pa­reil admi­nis­tra­tif. L’État n’est ni une chose — un ins­tru­ment neutre et pas­sif au ser­vice de la classe qui le pos­sède —, ni un sujet — une enti­té dotée d’une volon­té propre. Il a ses logiques, ses pro­cé­dures, ses iner­ties et ses prio­ri­tés qui ne sont pas un pur décalque des inté­rêts capi­ta­listes : il est, selon la for­mule du mar­xiste grec Nikos Poulantzas, la « <em>conden­sa­tion maté­rielle d’un rap­port de force entre les classes et les frac­tions de classe</em> ». Autrement dit, les luttes popu­laires se sédi­mentent dans les ins­ti­tu­tions autant que les entre­mises des puis­sances d’argent : l’État est donc un champ stra­té­gique à ne délais­ser sous aucun pré­texte. L’ancien vice-pré­sident de la Bolivie, Álvaro García Linera, contraint à l’exil<a href=""> au len­de­main du coup d’État contre Evo Morales</a>, nous <a href="">expli­quait il y a quelques mois</a> : « <em>Pourquoi les gens ont-ils obéi aux mesures sani­taires, ont-ils accep­té de res­ter chez eux, de ne plus voir une par­tie de leur famille, de faire une croix sur leurs prin­ci­pales acti­vi­tés cultu­relles ? Parce que per­sonne n’est en dehors de l’État et qu’une par­tie de cha­cun de nous loge en son sein. Nous sommes dans l’État, même si nous ne sommes pas à sa tête. Je refuse les lec­tures défai­tistes de l’anarchisme : la finance inter­na­tio­nale, les grands entre­pre­neurs, les forces néo­li­bé­rales sont très heu­reux qu’on ne leur conteste pas le pou­voir. Pendant que d’aucuns se diver­tissent avec des mon­naies locales et des ini­tia­tives de quar­tier, les domi­nants décident de nos reve­nus, du niveau de nos impôts, de l’éducation de nos enfants, des langues qu’on a le droit ou non de par­ler : ils admi­nistrent selon leurs inté­rêts.</em> »</p>
<div id="attachment_92212" class="wp-caption alignnone"><picture aria-describedby="caption-attachment-92212" class="wp-image-92212 size-full">
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</noscript><p id="caption-attachment-92212" class="wp-caption-text">[Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez et Bernie Sanders, 2019 | Bauzen | Getty Images]</p></div>
<h2>Pour conclure</h2>
<p>Quel est donc l’es­pace géo­gra­phique concer­né par notre dos­sier ? La France, au com­men­ce­ment de l’an­née 2022 — avec des rami­fi­ca­tions pos­sibles pour les pays fron­ta­liers en par­tie fran­co­phones (Belgique et Suisse), et le monde fran­co­phone dans son ensemble (les modèles géné­raux dont nous dis­cu­tons trou­vant leur tra­duc­tion propre sur chaque conti­nent). L’espace idéo­lo­gique ? Nous l’a­vons dit : le camp de l’é­man­ci­pa­tion, avec ce qu’il sup­pose de diver­si­té, de diver­gences et de conflits. En clair, tout ce qui s’a­vance, d’une manière ou d’une autre, dans l’arc « auto­no­mie-France insou­mise ». Puisqu’il était pour nous ques­tion d’in­ter­ro­ger les rup­tures avec l’ordre domi­nant, il va de soi que, pas une seconde, nous n’a­vons son­gé à sol­li­ci­ter <span class="caps">EELV</span>, Génération·s, Christiane Taubira, la Primaire popu­laire ou les der­niers débris du <span class="caps">PS</span>.</p>
<p>Comment avons-nous pro­cé­dé dans le choix de nos inter­ve­nants et intervenantes ?</p>
<p>« Ce n’est jamais, quoi qu’il en soit, qu’une amorce de réflexion : la suite se pour­sui­vra ici et, sur­tout, ailleurs. »</p>
<p>Après avoir éta­bli la liste des archi­tec­tures stra­té­giques actuel­le­ment mobi­li­sées, nous en avons rete­nu cinq. Une sélec­tion condi­tion­née par une don­née majeure : que la pro­po­si­tion dis­pose d’un ancrage col­lec­tif en France, d’une struc­tu­ra­tion effec­tive. Il nous a ain­si fal­lu écar­ter la voie zapa­tiste (qui, des propres mots de sa direc­tion, n’a aucune voca­tion à four­nir un modèle clé en main à l’Europe), la voie confé­dé­ra­liste démo­cra­tique (si elle féconde admi­ra­ble­ment la lutte révo­lu­tion­naire au Moyen-Orient — <a href="">et spé­ci­fi­que­ment au Rojava (Syrie)</a> —, elle ne trouve ici aucun pro­lon­ge­ment ordon­né) ain­si que les mul­tiples orien­ta­tions iso­lées propres aux champs com­mu­nistes et liber­taires (à l’ins­tar du <a href="">conseillisme</a>, stra­té­gie puis­sante mais désor­mais sans relais). Un mot sur la pro­po­si­tion com­mu­na­liste, objet de dis­cus­sions. Depuis notre créa­tion en 2014, nous l’a­vons fré­quem­ment abor­dée dans nos colonnes — que ce soit en France, au Rojava, en Espagne ou aux États-Unis. <a href="">L’invitation book­chi­nienne</a> à « <em>vider l’État</em> » et à le rem­pla­cer par des ins­ti­tu­tions démo­cra­tiques arti­cu­lées autour de com­munes dotées d’as­sem­blées popu­laires et d’u­ni­tés d’au­to­dé­fense est pro­ba­ble­ment <a href="">l’une des construc­tions théo­riques les plus détaillées</a> ; il n’en demeure pas moins que l’« orga­ni­sa­tion » appe­lée de ses vœux par l’un de ses der­niers pen­seurs en date, <a href="">l’a­gri­cul­teur espa­gnol Floréal Romero</a>, ne s’est pas encore ancrée en France<sup></sup>. Si des ten­ta­tives sont appa­rues — à <a href="">Commercy</a>, avec les gilets jaunes, ou à Paris, avec l’éphémère <a href="">Faire com­mune</a> —, elles ne sont pas par­ve­nues, pour l’heure, à consti­tuer un mou­ve­ment orga­ni­sé et lisible (les « listes citoyennes » à colo­ra­tion « muni­ci­pa­liste » n’ont pas sus­ci­té notre inté­rêt : leur réfé­rence au com­mu­na­lisme<a href=""> s’ins­crit presque tou­jours dans le cadre réfor­miste le plus banal</a>). Un deuxième mot, sur <a href="">l’é­co­so­cia­lisme</a> : la trans­ver­sa­li­té de ses usages (<span class="caps">NPA</span>, Ensemble !, Parti de gauche ou gauche hors par­tis) empêche toute approche sépa­rée dans le pré­sent cadre<sup></sup>. Un der­nier mot, enfin, sur la ques­tion syn­di­cale : elle par­court l’en­semble de notre dos­sier et fera, pro­chai­ne­ment, l’ob­jet d’un trai­te­ment à part entière.</p>
<p>Cinq <em>ten­dances géné­rales stra­té­giques</em>, donc. 1) l’au­to­no­mie, la séces­sion et la des­ti­tu­tion ; 2) la révo­lu­tion d’hé­ri­tage ou d’at­tache trots­kyste ; 3) la révo­lu­tion élec­to­rale ou citoyenne ; 4) l’ex­ten­sion du déjà-là com­mu­niste par la prise en main des lieux de tra­vail ; 5) l’é­di­fi­ca­tion d’un double pou­voir et de l’au­to­ges­tion fédé­rale. La deuxième ten­dance est incar­née, en dépit de spé­ci­fi­ci­tés et désac­cords mani­festes, par trois orga­ni­sa­tions ; nous l’a­vons dit : <span class="caps">LO</span>, le <span class="caps">NPA</span> et Révolution Permanente. <span class="caps">RP</span> étant la der­nière « née » et béné­fi­ciant de la plus faible cou­ver­ture média­tique, elle a, sans autre type de consi­dé­ra­tion, rete­nu notre atten­tion finale<sup></sup>. Quant à la troi­sième ten­dance, elle ras­semble le Parti com­mu­niste fran­çais et La France insou­mise : <span class="caps">LFI</span> reven­di­quant plus direc­te­ment son ambi­tion « révo­lu­tion­naire », notre choix s’est tour­né vers elle.</p>
<p>Ce n’est jamais, quoi qu’il en soit, qu’une amorce de réflexion : la suite se pour­sui­vra ici et, sur­tout, ailleurs.</p>
<p><span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">★ lire le pre­mier volet | Sylvaine Bulle et Alessandro Stella : construire l’autonomie</a><br>
</span><span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">★ lire le deuxième volet | Anasse Kazib et Laura Varlet : « Affronter et dépos­sé­der le système »</a><br>
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">★ lire le troi­sième volet | Jean-Luc Mélenchon : « Il y a bas­cule : c’est main­te­nant que ça se joue »</a><br>
<a href="">★ lire le qua­trième volet | </a><a href="">Réseau Salariat : « Lutter sur les lieux de travail »</a><br>
<a href="">★ lire le cin­quième et der­nier volet | <span class="caps">UCL</span> : « Démocratie directe, fédé­ra­lisme et autogestion »</a></span></p>
<p><span><span>Photographie de ban­nière : aux abords de la Concorde (Paris), acte <span class="caps">III</span> des gilets jaunes, 1<sup>er</sup> décembre 2018 | Stéphane Burlot</span><br>
<span>Photographie de vignette : pas­se­relle Léopold Sédar Senghor (Paris), acte <span class="caps">VIII</span> des gilets jaunes, 5 jan­vier 2019 | Stéphane Burlot</span><br>

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<h1>Why I Quit Tech and Became a Therapist</h1>
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<p><a href="">Glen Chiacchieri</a> / January 2019</p>

<p>When I tell people that I have a background in engineering, programming, and user interface research but am now becoming a licensed psychotherapist, they're usually surprised. They often ask me how that transition happened. It was a difficult one, and I thought I'd write about it here on my website. I hope that this story may help others in similar situations.</p>


<p>In 2013 I moved from Boston to San Francisco in order to work at a research lab called CDG (the precursor to <a href="">Dynamicland</a>). This was basically my dream job. I got paid a good salary to work on whatever I wanted with one of my idols, a computer visionary named <a href="">Bret Victor</a>. I got to use my skills in engineering, programming, and user interface design to invent innovative media that may become commonplace decades in the future. I had no deadlines, no boss, and no expectations about what I would produce. It was up to me to work on what I thought was worthwhile. But what's worthwhile to work on?</p>

<p>Initially, I created things in the style of Bret's work before 2012 — humanistic media to augment intellect and creativity. This is where <a href="">Dictionary of Numbers</a>, <a href="../LegibleMathematics/">Legible Mathematics</a>, and <a href="../EyesOnThePrize/">Eyes on the Prize</a> came from. I also learned everything I could about how people learn, user interface design theory, the history of computation, and media theory — I read over 50 books on these subjects in one year! I basically gave myself a graduate education in computational media studies. I used what I learned in these studies to make dozens and dozens of experimental computer user interfaces, trying to invent prototypes that help people learn and understand things in ways that are fundamentally impossible without dynamic media. I worked really hard every day all day on this stuff.</p>

<p>After about two years of this, I really began to struggle choosing projects to work on. I would start a project impulsively and then abandon it a day later in frustration. I tried prioritizing my work, focusing on the things I felt the most passionately about, but when I tried to work on the projects at the top of this list I couldn't summon any energy. Yet I spent hours and hours thinking obsessively about the ultimate point of my work.</p>

<p>I started asking myself questions like — "Even if the projects I'm doing succeeded beyond my wildest expectations, how would it affect people? Whose lives would be improved and how would they be improved?" I tried to be really honest and concrete, thinking of specific people and specific ways their lives would be positively affected. I studied the way other technological inventions contributed or detracted from people's happiness. I started reading about subjects other than computer media and collected articles that seemed to contribute to human happiness in a way that felt meaningful to me. One of my colleagues, a compassionate, intelligent, and warm friend named Michael, discussed these topics endlessly with me, helping me explore my ideas and feelings and offering his own.</p>

<p>Gradually, with Michael's help, I began to realize that my work wouldn't help people be happier in ways that felt meaningful to me. Something deep in my soul seemed completely dissatisfied. Slowly, depression crept in and took root. I had trouble going to sleep and getting out of bed. I would often go into work really late. I remember when I went to parties and people asked me what I did, I felt ashamed and confused trying to describe my job. I started getting sick every month. At one point I was having serious existential crises at least once a week. What should I work on? What helps people be happy? What am I doing here? These questions ravaged me for months. I felt more and more lost, anxious, and frustrated. I showed up less and less to work until finally I couldn't take it anymore — I quit. I left what I thought was my dream job and moved back to Boston in 2016 to regroup and explore other options.</p>

<p>Looking back from a place of greater perspective, I'd say that having freedom from external meaning-making systems caused me to look inward. With no one telling me what to work on I had to decide for myself what was meaningful in this life. Because of how seriously I took my work, this process was very difficult for me. By questioning my value system so deeply, the primary source of meaning in my life — my work — crumbled into meaninglessness. What would I do now?</p>

<p>I didn't know, but I had some clues.</p>

<p>Even before I left my job, I began to treat my life like a science experiment, trying lots of things, reading lots of things, discussing lots of things. I intently observed my reactions to these things in an empirical way, seeing what resonated and what didn't in order discover a deeper pattern, if there was one. I tried to keep as open a mind as I could, not judging any of my reactions but just noting them and piecing them together to see what I could learn about myself. Out of this process, some major clues began emerging.</p>

<p>My first clue was at Burning Man in 2015. As a kind of gag, I used <a href="../EmojiTokens/">Emoji Tokens</a> I made to tell people's fortunes. I would ask them what they wanted to know about their future and wouldn't accept their response until it felt like it reached a certain level of depth, something that felt important to them. Once we arrived at something that felt acceptable, I would pick random emoji out of the bag and we would tell their fortune together based on those emoji. I ended up in several deep conversations with people because of this. We had conversations about where they wanted to live, who they wanted to be in relationship with, what kind of work they wanted to be doing — basically what they wanted from this life. I really liked having these conversations, but at the time it just struck me as a fun diversion.</p>

<p>My apparent love of deep conversations became clearer with my second clue. A couple months after I moved back to Boston in 2016, I spent a week in New York City doing a residency at the <a href="">The Recurse Center</a>, a self-directed programmer's retreat. Programmers from all walks of life attend the program for free for 6 or 12-week "batches", working on their own personal projects or collaborating with other programmers in the retreat. Throughout my previous work I was interested in how people learn, and the Recurse Center had an innovative model with a great reputation so I wanted to see it. As a resident there, I had a lot of freedom in what I could spend my time doing, so I decided to spend my time talking one-on-one with people, trying to understand what they were doing there, what they wanted to work on, and how I could help them. In these conversations I practiced a skill I called "deep listening" and it was amazing — I had over 30 hour-long conversations with people about all kinds of topics. Several of these conversations resulted in either me or the other person crying from how meaningful our meeting was. I describe these conversations in more detail in an article called <a href="../DeepListeningAtTheRecurseCenter/">Deep Listening at the Recurse Center</a>. Even as it was happening I recognized how special it felt to be having these conversations. This was definitely a strong indication that connecting with people about deep things in their lives felt important to me.</p>

<p>My third clue: While I was still in California I had tried a type of massage that helps people access emotions held in their bodies called the Rosen Method. Reading <a href="">one of the books</a> written by the method's originator, I found myself tearing up whenever the author described the ways her clients had transformed their lives. The fact that I had so much emotion around this theme of transformation definitely felt meaningful to me, but I didn't know why. I got some sessions from a Rosen Method practitioner, and then, after I quit my job, ended up taking two week-long intensive trainings in the method to practice giving Rosen massages to other people. I grew a lot in these trainings. I remember being particularly struck by the way that the trainers talked about and practiced empathic presence and empathic listening, both with their ears and with their hands. However, by the end of the second training I became somewhat disillusioned with the Rosen Method. It had a lot of elements I felt were important — empathic presence, focus on the body, gentleness, an emphasis on transformation — but other things felt disatisfying to me. These elements were my third clue.</p>

<p>My fourth clue came in an article called <a href="">The Trip Treatment</a> I had read while I was still at my research job. In this article, author Michael Pollan discusses new scientific research happening with psychedelics. What caught my eye in particular was this passage about participant experiences of clinically-administered psilocybin, the mind-altering chemical in "magic" mushrooms:</p>

<blockquote>Participants ranked [their psychedelic] experiences as among the most meaningful in their lives, comparable to the birth of a child or the death of a parent. Two-thirds of the participants rated the psilocybin session among the top five most spiritually significant experiences of their lives; a third ranked it at the top.</blockquote>

<p>Wait, people were having some of the top experiences <em>of their lives</em> by taking psychedelics? What were these things? I began to read more about them over the next year, especially in the books by the psychologist <a href="">Stanislav Grof</a>. It seemed that with the right environment and mindset, these substances could be used to bring about non-ordinary states of consciousness that can facilitate transformative spiritual change and healing in people's lives. I decided to try them out. In several sessions over months I took LSD alone in my house with an eyeshade on listening to music. I went deep inside and had several important insights as well as many challenging emotional experiences. One session helped me realize how miserable I was at my job in California, another had me evaluating my relationship with my parents.</p>

<p>But it was one session in particular — on April 20, 2017 — where all the clues came together most powerfully. At the tail end of a psychedelic journey that I number among the most significant spiritual events of my life, I asked myself squarely: what should I do with my life? With my recent experiences in deep conversations, training in the Rosen Method, and using psychedelics for transformative change, the answer came back simply, clearly, and joyfully: I should become a therapist.</p>

<p>When I was no longer feeling the effects of the drug I considered the idea more thoroughly. Over the next few months the idea of becoming a therapist stayed with me and grew. I decided to act. I signed up for a year-long training in an experiential mindfulness-based therapy called <a href="">the Hakomi Method</a> that Michael had introduced me to at the end of 2016. Hakomi is a therapy modality that incorporates mindfulness and body awareness with traditional talk therapy to powerful effect. When I began training in this method, I found it nourishing in ways that I wasn't even aware I needed, but had been wanting for a long time — it felt like home. I discovered that my emotions, rather than being childish, irrational, or random, had a deep logic and wisdom to them that would help me live more fully and freely if I listened to them in the right way. Shortly after beginning my Hakomi training, I applied and was accepted to the <a href="">professional mental health counseling masters program at Lesley University</a> in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where I'm studying and training through 2020 to get my licensure.</p>


<p>So that's more or less how I became a therapist. I grew deeply disillusioned with my technical work, determining that it wouldn't significantly contribute to people's happiness in ways that felt satisfying to me, and I set out to explore new work, work that would directly contribute to people's happiness and well-being. In the course of this process, I discovered a deeply-held desire in myself to help people grow and transform their lives, something I had never consciously cared about in my life before. I also discovered that to help other people transform I first had to grow and transform myself. To this end, during the period of searching described above I also developed a dedicated spiritual practice of Tibetan Buddhist meditation, studying under <a href="">Dr. Daniel Brown</a>. This practice supported me immensely throughout this difficult time, and I'm extremely grateful to Dan for his tireless and compassionate teaching, and to Michael, for introducing me to the benefits of meditation, psychedelics, and bodywork.</p>

<p>In the telling of this story, I realize it may sound like it was a clear and direct path toward more meaningful work. I assure you, it was not. I tried many, many things I didn't mention in the story and often felt lost, frustrated, anxious, and depressed. I also regularly had no idea what I was doing or if my scrambled searching would lead anywhere at all — the process was very non-linear, like picking a small collection of stars from the vast night sky and trying to draw lines connecting them. And while I can't say I don't ever feel lost, frustrated, anxious, or depressed anymore, I feel them much less often and have a greater capacity to deal with them when they do arise.</p>

<p>I'm happy to say that as I've followed my new line of work I've found deeper and deeper satisfaction. I no longer struggle with the meaning of my work, and I find I have much more energy to dedicate to its pursuit. My work in therapy feels deeply aligned with who I am and who I want to be. I hope to continue to advance my therapeutic skills and grow myself in service of the well-being of all my future clients as well as all sentient beings. This is my wish from the bottom of my heart.</p>


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title: Why I Quit Tech and Became a Therapist
hash_url: 0c0894907925eae954987d98c9e8136b

<p><a href="">Glen Chiacchieri</a> / January 2019</p>

<p>When I tell people that I have a background in engineering, programming, and user interface research but am now becoming a licensed psychotherapist, they're usually surprised. They often ask me how that transition happened. It was a difficult one, and I thought I'd write about it here on my website. I hope that this story may help others in similar situations.</p>


<p>In 2013 I moved from Boston to San Francisco in order to work at a research lab called CDG (the precursor to <a href="">Dynamicland</a>). This was basically my dream job. I got paid a good salary to work on whatever I wanted with one of my idols, a computer visionary named <a href="">Bret Victor</a>. I got to use my skills in engineering, programming, and user interface design to invent innovative media that may become commonplace decades in the future. I had no deadlines, no boss, and no expectations about what I would produce. It was up to me to work on what I thought was worthwhile. But what's worthwhile to work on?</p>

<p>Initially, I created things in the style of Bret's work before 2012 — humanistic media to augment intellect and creativity. This is where <a href="">Dictionary of Numbers</a>, <a href="../LegibleMathematics/">Legible Mathematics</a>, and <a href="../EyesOnThePrize/">Eyes on the Prize</a> came from. I also learned everything I could about how people learn, user interface design theory, the history of computation, and media theory — I read over 50 books on these subjects in one year! I basically gave myself a graduate education in computational media studies. I used what I learned in these studies to make dozens and dozens of experimental computer user interfaces, trying to invent prototypes that help people learn and understand things in ways that are fundamentally impossible without dynamic media. I worked really hard every day all day on this stuff.</p>

<p>After about two years of this, I really began to struggle choosing projects to work on. I would start a project impulsively and then abandon it a day later in frustration. I tried prioritizing my work, focusing on the things I felt the most passionately about, but when I tried to work on the projects at the top of this list I couldn't summon any energy. Yet I spent hours and hours thinking obsessively about the ultimate point of my work.</p>

<p>I started asking myself questions like — "Even if the projects I'm doing succeeded beyond my wildest expectations, how would it affect people? Whose lives would be improved and how would they be improved?" I tried to be really honest and concrete, thinking of specific people and specific ways their lives would be positively affected. I studied the way other technological inventions contributed or detracted from people's happiness. I started reading about subjects other than computer media and collected articles that seemed to contribute to human happiness in a way that felt meaningful to me. One of my colleagues, a compassionate, intelligent, and warm friend named Michael, discussed these topics endlessly with me, helping me explore my ideas and feelings and offering his own.</p>

<p>Gradually, with Michael's help, I began to realize that my work wouldn't help people be happier in ways that felt meaningful to me. Something deep in my soul seemed completely dissatisfied. Slowly, depression crept in and took root. I had trouble going to sleep and getting out of bed. I would often go into work really late. I remember when I went to parties and people asked me what I did, I felt ashamed and confused trying to describe my job. I started getting sick every month. At one point I was having serious existential crises at least once a week. What should I work on? What helps people be happy? What am I doing here? These questions ravaged me for months. I felt more and more lost, anxious, and frustrated. I showed up less and less to work until finally I couldn't take it anymore — I quit. I left what I thought was my dream job and moved back to Boston in 2016 to regroup and explore other options.</p>

<p>Looking back from a place of greater perspective, I'd say that having freedom from external meaning-making systems caused me to look inward. With no one telling me what to work on I had to decide for myself what was meaningful in this life. Because of how seriously I took my work, this process was very difficult for me. By questioning my value system so deeply, the primary source of meaning in my life — my work — crumbled into meaninglessness. What would I do now?</p>

<p>I didn't know, but I had some clues.</p>

<p>Even before I left my job, I began to treat my life like a science experiment, trying lots of things, reading lots of things, discussing lots of things. I intently observed my reactions to these things in an empirical way, seeing what resonated and what didn't in order discover a deeper pattern, if there was one. I tried to keep as open a mind as I could, not judging any of my reactions but just noting them and piecing them together to see what I could learn about myself. Out of this process, some major clues began emerging.</p>

<p>My first clue was at Burning Man in 2015. As a kind of gag, I used <a href="../EmojiTokens/">Emoji Tokens</a> I made to tell people's fortunes. I would ask them what they wanted to know about their future and wouldn't accept their response until it felt like it reached a certain level of depth, something that felt important to them. Once we arrived at something that felt acceptable, I would pick random emoji out of the bag and we would tell their fortune together based on those emoji. I ended up in several deep conversations with people because of this. We had conversations about where they wanted to live, who they wanted to be in relationship with, what kind of work they wanted to be doing — basically what they wanted from this life. I really liked having these conversations, but at the time it just struck me as a fun diversion.</p>

<p>My apparent love of deep conversations became clearer with my second clue. A couple months after I moved back to Boston in 2016, I spent a week in New York City doing a residency at the <a href="">The Recurse Center</a>, a self-directed programmer's retreat. Programmers from all walks of life attend the program for free for 6 or 12-week "batches", working on their own personal projects or collaborating with other programmers in the retreat. Throughout my previous work I was interested in how people learn, and the Recurse Center had an innovative model with a great reputation so I wanted to see it. As a resident there, I had a lot of freedom in what I could spend my time doing, so I decided to spend my time talking one-on-one with people, trying to understand what they were doing there, what they wanted to work on, and how I could help them. In these conversations I practiced a skill I called "deep listening" and it was amazing — I had over 30 hour-long conversations with people about all kinds of topics. Several of these conversations resulted in either me or the other person crying from how meaningful our meeting was. I describe these conversations in more detail in an article called <a href="../DeepListeningAtTheRecurseCenter/">Deep Listening at the Recurse Center</a>. Even as it was happening I recognized how special it felt to be having these conversations. This was definitely a strong indication that connecting with people about deep things in their lives felt important to me.</p>

<p>My third clue: While I was still in California I had tried a type of massage that helps people access emotions held in their bodies called the Rosen Method. Reading <a href="">one of the books</a> written by the method's originator, I found myself tearing up whenever the author described the ways her clients had transformed their lives. The fact that I had so much emotion around this theme of transformation definitely felt meaningful to me, but I didn't know why. I got some sessions from a Rosen Method practitioner, and then, after I quit my job, ended up taking two week-long intensive trainings in the method to practice giving Rosen massages to other people. I grew a lot in these trainings. I remember being particularly struck by the way that the trainers talked about and practiced empathic presence and empathic listening, both with their ears and with their hands. However, by the end of the second training I became somewhat disillusioned with the Rosen Method. It had a lot of elements I felt were important — empathic presence, focus on the body, gentleness, an emphasis on transformation — but other things felt disatisfying to me. These elements were my third clue.</p>

<p>My fourth clue came in an article called <a href="">The Trip Treatment</a> I had read while I was still at my research job. In this article, author Michael Pollan discusses new scientific research happening with psychedelics. What caught my eye in particular was this passage about participant experiences of clinically-administered psilocybin, the mind-altering chemical in "magic" mushrooms:</p>

<p></p><blockquote>Participants ranked [their psychedelic] experiences as among the most meaningful in their lives, comparable to the birth of a child or the death of a parent. Two-thirds of the participants rated the psilocybin session among the top five most spiritually significant experiences of their lives; a third ranked it at the top.</blockquote>

<p>Wait, people were having some of the top experiences <em>of their lives</em> by taking psychedelics? What were these things? I began to read more about them over the next year, especially in the books by the psychologist <a href="">Stanislav Grof</a>. It seemed that with the right environment and mindset, these substances could be used to bring about non-ordinary states of consciousness that can facilitate transformative spiritual change and healing in people's lives. I decided to try them out. In several sessions over months I took LSD alone in my house with an eyeshade on listening to music. I went deep inside and had several important insights as well as many challenging emotional experiences. One session helped me realize how miserable I was at my job in California, another had me evaluating my relationship with my parents.</p>

<p>But it was one session in particular — on April 20, 2017 — where all the clues came together most powerfully. At the tail end of a psychedelic journey that I number among the most significant spiritual events of my life, I asked myself squarely: what should I do with my life? With my recent experiences in deep conversations, training in the Rosen Method, and using psychedelics for transformative change, the answer came back simply, clearly, and joyfully: I should become a therapist.</p>

<p>When I was no longer feeling the effects of the drug I considered the idea more thoroughly. Over the next few months the idea of becoming a therapist stayed with me and grew. I decided to act. I signed up for a year-long training in an experiential mindfulness-based therapy called <a href="">the Hakomi Method</a> that Michael had introduced me to at the end of 2016. Hakomi is a therapy modality that incorporates mindfulness and body awareness with traditional talk therapy to powerful effect. When I began training in this method, I found it nourishing in ways that I wasn't even aware I needed, but had been wanting for a long time — it felt like home. I discovered that my emotions, rather than being childish, irrational, or random, had a deep logic and wisdom to them that would help me live more fully and freely if I listened to them in the right way. Shortly after beginning my Hakomi training, I applied and was accepted to the <a href="">professional mental health counseling masters program at Lesley University</a> in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where I'm studying and training through 2020 to get my licensure.</p>


<p>So that's more or less how I became a therapist. I grew deeply disillusioned with my technical work, determining that it wouldn't significantly contribute to people's happiness in ways that felt satisfying to me, and I set out to explore new work, work that would directly contribute to people's happiness and well-being. In the course of this process, I discovered a deeply-held desire in myself to help people grow and transform their lives, something I had never consciously cared about in my life before. I also discovered that to help other people transform I first had to grow and transform myself. To this end, during the period of searching described above I also developed a dedicated spiritual practice of Tibetan Buddhist meditation, studying under <a href="">Dr. Daniel Brown</a>. This practice supported me immensely throughout this difficult time, and I'm extremely grateful to Dan for his tireless and compassionate teaching, and to Michael, for introducing me to the benefits of meditation, psychedelics, and bodywork.</p>

<p>In the telling of this story, I realize it may sound like it was a clear and direct path toward more meaningful work. I assure you, it was not. I tried many, many things I didn't mention in the story and often felt lost, frustrated, anxious, and depressed. I also regularly had no idea what I was doing or if my scrambled searching would lead anywhere at all — the process was very non-linear, like picking a small collection of stars from the vast night sky and trying to draw lines connecting them. And while I can't say I don't ever feel lost, frustrated, anxious, or depressed anymore, I feel them much less often and have a greater capacity to deal with them when they do arise.</p>

<p>I'm happy to say that as I've followed my new line of work I've found deeper and deeper satisfaction. I no longer struggle with the meaning of my work, and I find I have much more energy to dedicate to its pursuit. My work in therapy feels deeply aligned with who I am and who I want to be. I hope to continue to advance my therapeutic skills and grow myself in service of the well-being of all my future clients as well as all sentient beings. This is my wish from the bottom of my heart.</p>

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<p>On est côte à côte. On met les mains dans la terre, sous le paillage de chanvre. On creuse, on creuse. On dépose le plant — le mien est un <em>érable champêtre</em>. On recouvre. On plante deux morceaux de bambou, qu’on enrobe d’une gaine. Elle évite que les lièvres viennent croquer les bourgeons.</p>
<p>Elle me raconte ce qu’elle aime. Le bricolage. Fabriquer des choses avec du carton — cartes de vœux, des dessins, des objets. Dessiner des mandalas. Parce qu’elle aime les spirales.</p>
<p>Elle me raconte ses déménagements. Il y en a eu beaucoup. Un peu trop. Elle a perdu ses ami·es, ça l’a rendu triste. Maintenant, il n’y a plus école le mercredi. Alors elle s’occupe des chevaux — c’est “une autre école d’apprentissage” me dit-elle.</p>
<p>Elle aime les chevaux, planter des fleurs dans le jardin.</p>
<p>Puis en relevant la tête, avec son grand sourire, elle me dit : “on fait équipe n’est-ce pas ?”.</p>
<p>Oui, <strong>on fait équipe</strong>.</p>


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<p>On est côte à côte. On met les mains dans la terre, sous le paillage de chanvre. On creuse, on creuse. On dépose le plant — le mien est un <em>érable champêtre</em>. On recouvre. On plante deux morceaux de bambou, qu’on enrobe d’une gaine. Elle évite que les lièvres viennent croquer les bourgeons.</p>
<p>Elle me raconte ce qu’elle aime. Le bricolage. Fabriquer des choses avec du carton — cartes de vœux, des dessins, des objets. Dessiner des mandalas. Parce qu’elle aime les spirales.</p>
<p>Elle me raconte ses déménagements. Il y en a eu beaucoup. Un peu trop. Elle a perdu ses ami·es, ça l’a rendu triste. Maintenant, il n’y a plus école le mercredi. Alors elle s’occupe des chevaux — c’est “une autre école d’apprentissage” me dit-elle.</p>
<p>Elle aime les chevaux, planter des fleurs dans le jardin.</p>
<p>Puis en relevant la tête, avec son grand sourire, elle me dit : “on fait équipe n’est-ce pas ?”.</p>
<p>Oui, <strong>on fait équipe</strong>.</p>

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<h1>Top 9 UX Trends to Watch out in 2022</h1>
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<p id="7dc2" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">As we roll into another year of new COVID variants, new social distancing rules, and constantly updating work from home rules, we caught ourselves thinking about what 2022 will look like for UX (user experience )trends. With more time to reflect at home, designers around the world have had a unique opportunity to come up with innovative products and rebuild existing ones. This year, let’s realign with ourselves and understand who we are as designers and what makes us tick.</p>
<p id="c90d" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">For this year’s trends, we’ve rounded up some of the classic as well as up and coming features that we believe will be the biggest UX trends this year 2022.</p>
<h2 id="d05f" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">1. Passwordless Login</h2>
<figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure>
<p id="7324" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">The average user uses at least 30 apps per month, remembering every password is quite a task. Often, a password is required to be a combination of numbers, special characters, and letters, which makes it more difficult to remember. And when we do forget, it becomes super frustrating as we have to go through the whole “forgot password” routine.</p>
<p id="a782" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">A simple solution is a transition to “passwordless” logins. Passwordless logins work like a charm — logging in through your Google account, social media accounts, fingerprints, iris scans, or phone unlock patterns that are just a few taps away!</p>
<p id="51d1" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Microsoft is an example of a brand that has worked hard on removing passwords. Microsoft’s Windows 10 Version 2004 introduced a solution called “Windows 10 Hello,” a biometric system to sign in. Users can now sign in using fingerprint, iris scan, face scan, or a pattern.</p>
<p id="4e97" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Biometric authentication is one technology that can embrace a security-first approach for both the businesses and the users, thus improving User Experience substantially. The promising biometric authentication market has been giving identity to people without being at risk of being impersonated.</p>
<h2 id="5c3f" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">2. Scrollytelling</h2>
<figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure>
<p id="14cc" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Scrolling is an interaction of the past; apps and websites are rapidly moving towards the idea of ‘scrollytelling’. In this experience, the user sees each element on the page come to life through micro-interactions and creative storytelling through the action of scrolling down. There are no clicks, no hassle of choice, and no pop-ups.</p>
<p id="b103" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Users are no longer interested in seeing a long page filled with information; they want to be a part of the narrative — much like in a video game. Scrollytelling does exactly this by providing a more immersive way to engage users.</p>
<p id="ae14" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">This interaction requires designers to not only create cool visuals, but to also think of the story that we want to share, it’s plot, and the people we are telling it to.</p>
<h2 id="3594" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">3. Air Gesture Control</h2>
<figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure>
<p id="00d2" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Air Gesture Control is a touchless mechanism that allows users to control their devices through bodily gestures and air movements. Movements such as waving, pinching, opening of the palms, sliding or swiping, can all be used to initiate various actions. An example of this is users showing their palms to their mobile phones to open the front-facing camera and capture a selfie.</p>
<p id="81af" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">The Google Pixel 4 is fitted with a motion-sensing radar to facilitate many of these touchless interactions, making it a one of its kind device. We will see air gesture control being integrated across the board in 2022 as touchless interactions continue to gain traction in wake of an onslaught of yet more variants of the Covid-19 pandemic.</p>
<h2 id="2308" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">4. Material Design and Desigining For Larger Screens</h2>
<figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure>
<p id="d5f5" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">With people spending more time on their devices than ever before, screen sizes have been drastically increasing. Companies like Google have begun to adapt and optimize their design systems to respond to these new requirements.</p>
<p id="a276" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">This will have a knock-on effect on the entire industry with other competitors looking to jump on the train to compete with Material Design based applications. The rise in popularity of foldables and tablets will mean a greater number of designs for all form factors, and layout and component based responsiveness across devices. We all know that design based considerations are different for mobile and web. 2022 could just be the year to herald in a new age of synchronous design across screen sizes.</p>
<h2 id="bf22" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">5. Advanced Personalisation</h2>
<figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure>
<p id="d15d" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Advanced personalization makes use of emotive and sensory design in order to fine-tune technology to every need and want of an individual user.</p>
<p id="73c9" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Personalized UX is a very powerful tool for designers and businesses alike — we have all experienced it via what appears in our Netflix feed, the types of ads we see on Instagram, or the related products that appear while browsing through Amazon.</p>
<p id="95dd" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Not just from a user experience standpoint, but when users see personalized options, they are more likely to convert. In a world where we’re overwhelmed with options every time we open a device or website, personalization can make all the difference in what products we choose to accept into our lives.</p>
<p id="9ff1" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">“33% of customers who abandon business relationships do so because personalization is lacking.” — <a class="cr kg" href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Accenture</a></p>
<h2 id="784d" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">6. Inclusive Design</h2>
<figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure>
<p id="d2a1" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Inclusive design has been widely spoken about especially since the pandemic hit and a majority of businesses started going online. Yet most websites in India haven’t been implementing it because there is an assumption that it doesn’t make any commercial sense. The truth is it does. Being mindful and designing for people with disabilities or people who aren’t as tech savvy as us or people that don’t fall into the binary world that we are all so used to will only expand the business market and in the long run it ensures better user experience across the board.</p>
<p id="1bb1" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Companies like Microsoft, now see the potential of being inclusive. By announcing that they will be giving special attention to accessibility in 2022, they have now set a path. Even Google has been aggressively addressing the need for inclusive design. It’s time we do too.</p>
<p id="ba65" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Inclusive design revolves around two basic principles -</p>
<ul class=""><li id="899c" class="ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq kh ki kj bx">Recognizing Bias and Exclusion: It is about understanding whose perspective is included in the UX decisions and whose perspective gets excluded.</li><li id="b9b0" class="ht hu ec hv b hw kk hy hz ia kl ic id ie km ig ih ii kn ik il im ko io ip iq kh ki kj bx">Solve for One, Extend to Many: It’s always useful to consider the full spectrum of possible users for the product and design for the extreme cases. This ultimately ensures accessibility and usability for a wider audience.</li></ul>
<p id="5fe7" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is a great resource that offers numerous methodologies of creating accessible and inclusive web design. Intercom Messenger is an interesting example as it follows all WCAG regulations providing screen reader support, keyboard navigation, and a restrained color palette.</p>
<p id="fea3" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">A well-drafted text is also an important part of inclusive UX design. For example, it’s always better to use neutral forms. Instead of referring to your audience as ‘guys’, ‘Mr.’, ‘Ms.’ use gender-neutral forms like ‘friends’, ‘users’, and so on.</p>
<p id="af13" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">“The right microcopy can build an iconic brand and an unforgettable user experience for your customers, alongside improving conversions anywhere between 14.79% and 166.66%.” — Joshua Porter, Father of Microcopy</p>
<h2 id="0754" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">7. Artificial Intelligence (AI)</h2>
<figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure>
<p id="b79b" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term used to describe any intelligence expressed by machines or computerized technologies. The potential for AI within <a class="cr kg" href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">UX design</a> is quite impressive — especially in subspecialties like user research and information architecture. AI can easily be programmed to create large numbers of wireframes based on our requirements and best practices found on the web. This would optimize the design process and help us deliver solutions much more efficiently.</p>
<p id="03c4" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">While AI has a very promising scope, it is beneficial to remember that behind every AI is a human that programmed it, which means that it is not always neutral or without flaws. Designers must find a way to get rid of these possible biases.</p>
<h2 id="4a22" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">8. Remote and Virtual Collaboration</h2>
<figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure>
<p id="fe72" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">2021 saw us adopt remote user research, usability testing, and virtual whiteboarding en-masse. This remote revolution has led to an increase in the popularity of collaborative design tools like Figma and Miro, which have a short learning curve and allow for greater collaborative iteration.</p>
<p id="35e4" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">More seats at the table mean better ideation and shorter turnaround times, a huge benefit to the industry; and while some of these remote methodologies still need to be optimized to get rid of inherent biases which would affect outcomes, we see this as a pattern that is here to stay in the long run.</p>
<p id="c729" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">An increasing number of applications are being re-designed to keep pace with the Figmas and Miros of the world, so live virtual collaboration is only going to get better over the next few years. The burden of proof will soon lean towards “why does this have to be done in person when it can happen just as effectively in a remote setting?”</p>
<h2 id="ef65" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">9. Responding To The Metaverse</h2>
<figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure>
<p id="a295" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">The Metaverse is a digital universe that has been constructed using technological elements such as AR, VR and video, in which users live. The big push for the Metaverse by the likes of Facebook (now Meta), Microsoft, and Roblox will have a whole new set of design and research implications in UX; because here, design is more concerned with creating an immersive experience, rather than focusing on how quickly a task can be accomplished. Think of the metaverse as a grand culmination of all of these aspects of engagement and interaction.</p>
<p id="eb0e" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Although it may be a few years before the Metaverse becomes a part of the mainstream, we can be sure that the lines between our digital and physical selves will continue to blur till then. Advancements in AR, VR, and AI will soon make user avatars, 3D visualizations, and other features associated with extended reality more accessible, so product design innovations that support this eventual shift, will have the potential for real impact. As UX practitioners, the time is rife to till the ground to usher in this new era of virtual interaction.</p>
<h2 id="98c9" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">Conclusion</h2>
<p id="34c6" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw kp hy hz ia kq ic id ie kr ig ih ii ks ik il im kt io ip iq dv bx">Now that we’ve had a look at some of the UX (User experience) trends that this new year will bring us, it’s also a good time to talk about how UX design is going to get more and more specialized in the coming years. This is going to directly impact the UX Maturity seen in various organizations — a structured UX Maturity level will become the norm and an integrated UX Maturity stage is what we will strive for. There will be a drastic shift in the work culture, not just where we work from but how we collaborate with each other and how we design for our future generations.</p>


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title: Top 9 UX Trends to Watch out in 2022
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<p id="7dc2" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">As we roll into another year of new COVID variants, new social distancing rules, and constantly updating work from home rules, we caught ourselves thinking about what 2022 will look like for UX (user experience )trends. With more time to reflect at home, designers around the world have had a unique opportunity to come up with innovative products and rebuild existing ones. This year, let’s realign with ourselves and understand who we are as designers and what makes us tick.</p><p id="c90d" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">For this year’s trends, we’ve rounded up some of the classic as well as up and coming features that we believe will be the biggest UX trends this year 2022.</p>
<h2 id="d05f" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">1. Passwordless Login</h2><figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure><p id="7324" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">The average user uses at least 30 apps per month, remembering every password is quite a task. Often, a password is required to be a combination of numbers, special characters, and letters, which makes it more difficult to remember. And when we do forget, it becomes super frustrating as we have to go through the whole “forgot password” routine.</p><p id="a782" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">A simple solution is a transition to “passwordless” logins. Passwordless logins work like a charm — logging in through your Google account, social media accounts, fingerprints, iris scans, or phone unlock patterns that are just a few taps away!</p><p id="51d1" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Microsoft is an example of a brand that has worked hard on removing passwords. Microsoft’s Windows 10 Version 2004 introduced a solution called “Windows 10 Hello,” a biometric system to sign in. Users can now sign in using fingerprint, iris scan, face scan, or a pattern.</p><p id="4e97" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Biometric authentication is one technology that can embrace a security-first approach for both the businesses and the users, thus improving User Experience substantially. The promising biometric authentication market has been giving identity to people without being at risk of being impersonated.</p>
<h2 id="5c3f" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">2. Scrollytelling</h2><figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure><p id="14cc" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Scrolling is an interaction of the past; apps and websites are rapidly moving towards the idea of ‘scrollytelling’. In this experience, the user sees each element on the page come to life through micro-interactions and creative storytelling through the action of scrolling down. There are no clicks, no hassle of choice, and no pop-ups.</p><p id="b103" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Users are no longer interested in seeing a long page filled with information; they want to be a part of the narrative — much like in a video game. Scrollytelling does exactly this by providing a more immersive way to engage users.</p><p id="ae14" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">This interaction requires designers to not only create cool visuals, but to also think of the story that we want to share, it’s plot, and the people we are telling it to.</p>
<h2 id="3594" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">3. Air Gesture Control</h2><figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure><p id="00d2" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Air Gesture Control is a touchless mechanism that allows users to control their devices through bodily gestures and air movements. Movements such as waving, pinching, opening of the palms, sliding or swiping, can all be used to initiate various actions. An example of this is users showing their palms to their mobile phones to open the front-facing camera and capture a selfie.</p><p id="81af" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">The Google Pixel 4 is fitted with a motion-sensing radar to facilitate many of these touchless interactions, making it a one of its kind device. We will see air gesture control being integrated across the board in 2022 as touchless interactions continue to gain traction in wake of an onslaught of yet more variants of the Covid-19 pandemic.</p>
<h2 id="2308" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">4. Material Design and Desigining For Larger Screens</h2><figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure><p id="d5f5" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">With people spending more time on their devices than ever before, screen sizes have been drastically increasing. Companies like Google have begun to adapt and optimize their design systems to respond to these new requirements.</p><p id="a276" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">This will have a knock-on effect on the entire industry with other competitors looking to jump on the train to compete with Material Design based applications. The rise in popularity of foldables and tablets will mean a greater number of designs for all form factors, and layout and component based responsiveness across devices. We all know that design based considerations are different for mobile and web. 2022 could just be the year to herald in a new age of synchronous design across screen sizes.</p>
<h2 id="bf22" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">5. Advanced Personalisation</h2><figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure><p id="d15d" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Advanced personalization makes use of emotive and sensory design in order to fine-tune technology to every need and want of an individual user.</p><p id="73c9" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Personalized UX is a very powerful tool for designers and businesses alike — we have all experienced it via what appears in our Netflix feed, the types of ads we see on Instagram, or the related products that appear while browsing through Amazon.</p><p id="95dd" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Not just from a user experience standpoint, but when users see personalized options, they are more likely to convert. In a world where we’re overwhelmed with options every time we open a device or website, personalization can make all the difference in what products we choose to accept into our lives.</p><p id="9ff1" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">“33% of customers who abandon business relationships do so because personalization is lacking.” — <a class="cr kg" href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Accenture</a></p>
<h2 id="784d" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">6. Inclusive Design</h2><figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure><p id="d2a1" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Inclusive design has been widely spoken about especially since the pandemic hit and a majority of businesses started going online. Yet most websites in India haven’t been implementing it because there is an assumption that it doesn’t make any commercial sense. The truth is it does. Being mindful and designing for people with disabilities or people who aren’t as tech savvy as us or people that don’t fall into the binary world that we are all so used to will only expand the business market and in the long run it ensures better user experience across the board.</p><p id="1bb1" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Companies like Microsoft, now see the potential of being inclusive. By announcing that they will be giving special attention to accessibility in 2022, they have now set a path. Even Google has been aggressively addressing the need for inclusive design. It’s time we do too.</p><p id="ba65" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Inclusive design revolves around two basic principles -</p><ul class=""><li id="899c" class="ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq kh ki kj bx">Recognizing Bias and Exclusion: It is about understanding whose perspective is included in the UX decisions and whose perspective gets excluded.</li><li id="b9b0" class="ht hu ec hv b hw kk hy hz ia kl ic id ie km ig ih ii kn ik il im ko io ip iq kh ki kj bx">Solve for One, Extend to Many: It’s always useful to consider the full spectrum of possible users for the product and design for the extreme cases. This ultimately ensures accessibility and usability for a wider audience.</li></ul><p id="5fe7" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is a great resource that offers numerous methodologies of creating accessible and inclusive web design. Intercom Messenger is an interesting example as it follows all WCAG regulations providing screen reader support, keyboard navigation, and a restrained color palette.</p><p id="fea3" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">A well-drafted text is also an important part of inclusive UX design. For example, it’s always better to use neutral forms. Instead of referring to your audience as ‘guys’, ‘Mr.’, ‘Ms.’ use gender-neutral forms like ‘friends’, ‘users’, and so on.</p><p id="af13" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">“The right microcopy can build an iconic brand and an unforgettable user experience for your customers, alongside improving conversions anywhere between 14.79% and 166.66%.” — Joshua Porter, Father of Microcopy</p>
<h2 id="0754" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">7. Artificial Intelligence (AI)</h2><figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure><p id="b79b" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term used to describe any intelligence expressed by machines or computerized technologies. The potential for AI within <a class="cr kg" href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">UX design</a> is quite impressive — especially in subspecialties like user research and information architecture. AI can easily be programmed to create large numbers of wireframes based on our requirements and best practices found on the web. This would optimize the design process and help us deliver solutions much more efficiently.</p><p id="03c4" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">While AI has a very promising scope, it is beneficial to remember that behind every AI is a human that programmed it, which means that it is not always neutral or without flaws. Designers must find a way to get rid of these possible biases.</p>
<h2 id="4a22" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">8. Remote and Virtual Collaboration</h2><figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure><p id="fe72" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">2021 saw us adopt remote user research, usability testing, and virtual whiteboarding en-masse. This remote revolution has led to an increase in the popularity of collaborative design tools like Figma and Miro, which have a short learning curve and allow for greater collaborative iteration.</p><p id="35e4" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">More seats at the table mean better ideation and shorter turnaround times, a huge benefit to the industry; and while some of these remote methodologies still need to be optimized to get rid of inherent biases which would affect outcomes, we see this as a pattern that is here to stay in the long run.</p><p id="c729" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">An increasing number of applications are being re-designed to keep pace with the Figmas and Miros of the world, so live virtual collaboration is only going to get better over the next few years. The burden of proof will soon lean towards “why does this have to be done in person when it can happen just as effectively in a remote setting?”</p>
<h2 id="ef65" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">9. Responding To The Metaverse</h2><figure class="jn jo jp jq jr hm dh di paragraph-image"></figure><p id="a295" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">The Metaverse is a digital universe that has been constructed using technological elements such as AR, VR and video, in which users live. The big push for the Metaverse by the likes of Facebook (now Meta), Microsoft, and Roblox will have a whole new set of design and research implications in UX; because here, design is more concerned with creating an immersive experience, rather than focusing on how quickly a task can be accomplished. Think of the metaverse as a grand culmination of all of these aspects of engagement and interaction.</p><p id="eb0e" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq dv bx">Although it may be a few years before the Metaverse becomes a part of the mainstream, we can be sure that the lines between our digital and physical selves will continue to blur till then. Advancements in AR, VR, and AI will soon make user avatars, 3D visualizations, and other features associated with extended reality more accessible, so product design innovations that support this eventual shift, will have the potential for real impact. As UX practitioners, the time is rife to till the ground to usher in this new era of virtual interaction.</p>
<h2 id="98c9" class="ir is ec bl bm it iu hy iv iw ix ic iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl bx">Conclusion</h2><p id="34c6" class="pw-post-body-paragraph ht hu ec hv b hw kp hy hz ia kq ic id ie kr ig ih ii ks ik il im kt io ip iq dv bx">Now that we’ve had a look at some of the UX (User experience) trends that this new year will bring us, it’s also a good time to talk about how UX design is going to get more and more specialized in the coming years. This is going to directly impact the UX Maturity seen in various organizations — a structured UX Maturity level will become the norm and an integrated UX Maturity stage is what we will strive for. There will be a drastic shift in the work culture, not just where we work from but how we collaborate with each other and how we design for our future generations.</p>

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<h1>The happiest number I've heard in ages</h1>
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<p>I confess to spending more time than is mentally healthy scrolling through Twitter, and too often it’s a mix of trivia, schadenfreude, and outrage—empty mental calories, usually confirming your world view. But sometimes you learn things you didn’t know beforehand, and last week, I noticed a comment in passing: forty percent of the world’s shipping, one commenter insisted, consists of just sending fossil fuels around the world to be burned.</p>
<p>That can’t be right, I thought—what about all the other things we have to ship. There’s grain, and lumber, and iron ore, and cars, and a zillion containers loaded with tennis rackets and dog toys and 70-inch tvs. But no—a little research makes clear that in fact if you <a href="" rel="">add up all the tonnage</a>, something <a href="" rel="">very close to forty percent</a> of all the shipping on earth is just devoted to getting oil and coal and gas (and now some wood pellets) back and forth across the ocean. </p>
<p>That’s a remarkable snapshot: almost half of what we move around the seas is not finished products (cars) nor even the raw materials to make them (steel), but simply the stuff that we burn to power those transformations, and to keep ourselves warmed, cooled, and lit. <em>Which is great news. </em>Because it means that if and when we make the transition to solar power and windpower, we will not just stop pouring carbon into the atmosphere, and not just save money—we will also reduce the number of ships sailing back and forth by almost half. So if you’re worried about almost anything at all that’s going wrong on the high seas—piracy, say, or the <a href="" rel="">hideous sonic effects of all those ships on whales</a>—then you can cut that in half as well. </p>
<p>Here’s what people don’t always get about fossil fuel: it’s utterly wasteful. You burn it, and then you have to go get some more and burn it again, ad infinitum. That’s why Exxon likes the business model so much; you need to buy more every month. Renewable energy is different: yes, you have to mine some lithium and cobalt to build your solar panel or your wind turbine or your battery, and yes we have to make sure we do that as humanely and with as much environmental rigor as we can—but once you’ve built that panel and shipped it off across the ocean to wherever it’s needed, that’s it: For a quarter century it stands there, and the sun delivers the energy simply by rising across the horizon. <em>It dramatically dematerializes the world.</em> </p>
<p>You can do the same experiment over and over again. There are a hundred thousand oil tanker trucks circling the U.S.—in an EV world, which is where we’re headed, they won’t be taking up space, crashing, polluting the air. There’s an endless network of pipelines, regularly spilling and exploding. Yes, you’ll need transmission lines to move electrons around, but they are far less dangerous and intrusive. Hell, eleven percent of the energy that America currently uses, according to Saul Griffith’s <a href="" rel="">excellent book </a>Electrify, simply goes to finding more energy. </p>
<p>These kinds of changes are not cost-free: people who drove oil trucks will need to find other jobs, and we should help them make the transition. But the bonus—a world where we’re not devoting vast parts of the economy to the now-makework task of digging up more stuff to burn—is something we think about too rarely. </p>
<p>A few notes from around the climate world as 2022 (under eight years till 2030, if you’re following the climate clock) dawns. </p>
<p>+An <a href=";utm_medium=facebook_" rel="">important new study</a> from Global Witness finds that banks and other financial institutions have made deals worth $157 billion with companies—mostly in agribusiness—driving deforestation around the tropics</p>
<p>+A great <a href="" rel="">recap</a> of the state of the divestment movement, from Nikkei, the Asian business specialists. </p>
<blockquote><p>As of the end of December, 1,502 groups had announced they would partly or fully divest from fossil fuel companies, according to figures from international environmental organization and elsewhere. The count is up by 195 from the end of 2020 -- the biggest rise in three years.</p></blockquote>
<p>+Nicole Poindexter, my favorite energy executive on planet earth, <a href="" rel="">reports</a> in Time that her Energicity company will have ten percent of Sierra Leone operating on solar power by year’s end. Her minigrid technology—which I’ve seen in operation in Ghana—brings power to people who would otherwise be waiting for decades. And to return to the main topic of this post, it brings deep other benefits: 98 people were <a href="" rel="">killed</a> in November in Sierra Leone when a tanker truck exploded.</p>
<p>+Time also has a crackerjack <a href="" rel="">piece</a> from Alana Semuels that tracks how much carbon is bound up in the typical purchases of four American families. </p>
<p>+The Institute for Local Self Reliance, an important outfit, has a useful new <a href="" rel="">report</a> on all the dumb local and state obstacles to putting a solar panel on a roof. Half our political class is constantly intent on cutting regulation, except, it seems, when the task is critial to averting the climate crisis. </p>
<p>And without further ado, here’s the latest couple of chapters from my epic nonviolent yarn; we’re back in China this week. If you need to catch up on the first 38 chapters of <em>The Other Cheek, </em>check out the <a href="" rel="">archive</a>. Happy New Year, y’all!</p>
<p>The tv monitor in Minister Hua’s conference room was so large—110 inches, it said on the Samsung sticker on the edge of the screen—that he and Director Liu felt as if they were in Sabermati.</p>
<p>The Dalai Lama loomed over then as he began his press conference, carried live on CNN International.</p>
<p>“A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections is to be respected as if he reveals the secret of some hidden treasure,” the DL said. “In that sense only, I think you could call my fellow Buddhists who disrupted today’s meeting ‘friends.’ They have pointed out with their actions my mistake in issuing the invitation for this gathering. I apologize to our brothers and sisters from the Muslim community, and to everyone else who has been dismayed or upset by what happened today. It is my fault and my responsibility. I clearly should have known that my actions were premature.”</p>
<p>He paused, and looked around at the gathering. “With great apologies to all who traveled a great distance to join us, we have decided to cancel the rest of this conference. It can no longer be a source of unity, only division.”</p>
<p>“I have considered cancelling the rest of my walk to Tibet and simply returning to Dharamsala,” he continued. “We are here at Gandhiji’s home. Several times, when his demonstrations turned violent, he ceased campaigning, sometimes for years at a time, until those who followed him proved they had their emotions under control. I cannot do that. I am an old man, on my last journey, and more to the point the mountain ice of Tibet—the planet’s Third Pole—is melting fast. Our work cannot be delayed, and so I will keep walking.</p>
<p>“But I can, and will, be silent. After this gathering, and until we reach the borders of my homeland, I will not speak. My silence is partly penance for today’s events, and partly an effort to make sure that genuine actions speak for themselves. As we walk across India we will perform the small service of gathering trash as we go, helping clean the roads and paths of this nation. Prime Minister Modi has announced a ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan,’ a ‘Clean India Mission,’ and we will do our part as we travel. So that even if nothing else comes of our trek, our trail will be a little cleaner. Are there questions?”</p>
<p>“Rajib Gupta, Sky TV,” said a handsome man, his black hair slicked back with gel. “What is your response to the communal violence—to the reports of fires in some Muslim communities in Burma tonight?”</p>
<p>“My response is great sadness and anguish. In the past, different faiths were confined to different countries and regions; you could live your whole life with people just like you. But today we live in a world where people of all kinds mix together. This can be a great blessing, but only if there is respect. I ask all Buddhists to be full of compassion, and I ask all others to be tolerant of our failings and weaknesses.”</p>
<p>“Trevor Browner, CNN,” said another journalist. “What do you make of reports from China that there’s a sudden fashion for meditation, especially among upper-class urbanites?”</p>
<p>“I hadn’t heard that,” said the DL. “China is . . . China is the source of so much; some of the earliest records of meditation practice come from China, 3,500 years ago. I hope that people find it useful, as I have found it useful. Even on a painful day like today it sustains me.”</p>
<p>“Do you think others will join you going forward?” asked a radio reporter, holding a microphone on a boom.</p>
<p>“I don’t know,” said the DL</p>
<p>“I will join,” said a tiny old man man wearing a white taqiyah, the distinctive Muslim skullcap, who was standing near the front. “And I too will take a vow of silence.”</p>
<p>“Who are you?” several reporters asked.</p>
<p>“I am an imam from a small mosque here in Ahmedabad,” the man said. “Yusuf Timol. I am worried about the ecology of our Sabrmati River, which has gotten very polluted in my lifetime. A pig is najis, ritually unclean, but this river is literally unclean. You get boils if you bathe in it.”</p>
<p>“I’ll join too,” said a stout black woman in a purple robe. “Sister Shareen Robinson, of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Louisiana USA. But I don’t know about keeping silent. I’m from what they call Cancer Alley, along the Mississippi River, where poor people and black people become sick people because of all the refineries. I came here because I think God’s people have got to do something about it. And I think it’s as bad here as it is to home. Maybe worse—this air is awful. I bet y’all have asthma, like half the people in my church.”</p>
<p>“I am glad to have companions,” said the DL. “And if others join, that is fine. Bring bags for trash.”</p>
<p>“Those may be the last words we hear from the Dalai Lama for some time,” said a network correspondent, doing his wrap-up moments later in front of the now-empty podium. “This day of religious drama ends on a practical note, as the Dalai Lama becomes the world’s most well-known garbageman.”</p>
<p>Minister Hua switched off the giant screen with his remote.</p>
<p>“The pig was an inspired idea,” he said to his colleague.</p>
<p>“Well, those monks have been working with the Burmese military for a long time, and of course the Burmese military work with us from time to time. We wanted to disrupt the meeting, and they came up with the pig idea,” said Director Liu. “It didn’t occur to me it would literally shut the guy up for however long it takes him to walk acoss India. One other bonus—you know we’re always trying to drive a wedge between the Tibetans and the Uighur Muslims, make sure they never join forces. We’ve been showing video footage of the pig all afternoon in Urumqi, and there’s been a small anti-Dalai protest in the main square, with people burning prayer flags.”</p>
<p>“Good, but keep it under control, obviously,” said the minister. “And speaking of prayer flags, what was the reporter talking about, this fad for meditation in China?”</p>
<p>“Ah. Well, the DL cartoon? It keeps spreading. No real worries because most people have no idea who it’s supposed to be—but the instructions for how to meditate are so simple. People are doing it in groups sometimes— women mostly.”</p>
<p>“Does it worry you?”</p>
<p>“Everything worries me,” said Director Liu. “It’s a . . . tense moment. The pollution, and now the floods and the drought.”</p>
<p>“I think sometimes—“ Minister Hua paused. “I think sometimes about what brought down the emperors. You remember studying the ‘mandate of heaven?’”</p>
<p>“Of course,” said Liu. “The most basic political idea in old superstitious China—that the rulers are legitimate as long as the gods approve. It’s more or less what we do at Propaganda, maintain that idea. Our job, when you get down to it, is to make sure the party never loses the mandate, that people don’t question the right. And so far so good. I mean, no world records. The Shang Dynasty lasted 31 kings, 17 generations—we’ve barely gone more than half a century. But we survived the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution. Drought, flood, some smog—we should be okay. As long as everyone wants a bigger television and a faster phone, and we’re the way to get them.”</p>
<p>Wei Lian was staring at the screen of her Mothra phone—a text from the local weather bureau was crawling across the bottom over and over. “The center of former Typhoon Haikul is now nearing Yiwu. Torrential rains are expected. Please stay indoors. Do not drive into high water.”</p>
<p>It was the third typhoon in a two-week train that had crashed into her corner of Zhejiang province. The professors on tv were blaming it on climate change; in any event the soil was long since saturated, the drainage ditches overwhelmed. She could look down from her fifth floor window and see the street below turned into a rushing creek, but that was scary. Safer to look at the screen.</p>
<p>Work had been cancelled for four days now. Wei had a job at the Yiwu International Trade Mart, “the world’s biggest small-commodity trading center.” She worked as a clerk in one of the 750 8-foot by 12-foot stalls that sold souvenirs in bulk to gift stores. The factories she represented in her stall were scattered across China, and they all specialized in Christmas ornaments and decorations; all year long, peaking in August, she took orders from visiting buyers for revolving Santas, Santas in snow globes, balsam-scented Santa candles, battery-operated Santas spinning hula hoops, Santas playing electric guitars. She knew that Santa was a religious figure who had died on a cross, but not much more than that. Her job was very straightforward; if the buyers wanted to ask questions or negotiate the price, she would put them in touch with the factory agents who roamed between the stalls, and otherwise all she had to do was write up the orders for 50 or 100 gross of the items.</p>
<p>It was a good job, though just reaching her corner of the vast mart took a long time—the building was as long as the Shanghai Tower laid on its side, and twice as wide. (She’d seen the tower on her trip to Shanghai, and took a selfie with it in the background as she stood, with thousands of other gawkers, on the Bund as the sun went down.) To get to her stall she walked through a half floor devoted to “Suitcases and Bags, Including School Bags,” with stacks of everything from roller bags to change purses and fanny packs to metal lunchboxes. She’d try out her English by look-ing at the words embossed on many of them” “I dream of being the best basketballer in the town.” “Durable Performance Based on the 58’s 123-45 Vintage Spirit.</p>
<p>The floor above, which she also had to traverse, was entirely devoted to “Hardware Tools and Fittings”, which as far as Wei could tell meant pretty much everything on earth (many of the items she had to look up on her phone to get a sense of what they were used for): knife blocks, car jacks, chaise lounges, surge protectors, lint rollers, jumper cables, car-abiners, bike pumps, rubber bands, cheese graters. Lucky rabbit’s feet, singing birthday cards, nail clippers, safety pins, ratchet sets, thigh exercisers, bathroom scales, toilet-bowl deodorizers, plaid wheelchairs, feather dusters, meat-pounding mallets. Dozens of models of magnetic patriotic ribbons for the backs of American cars (“Freedom Is Not Free”). Pruning shears, putty knives, carafes, egg cups, cake-decorating nozzles, depilatory machines, giant martini glasses, immersion heating coils, disposable cameras, hip flasks, sake sets, mortar and pestles, rolling pins, exit signs, sander belts, key rings, rubber gloves.</p>
<p>In the “Regular Toys” area, which came next, there were boogie boards, plastic hand grenades, squeaky mallets, bow-and-arrow sets, toy pianos, “small chef” ovens. And then the “Inflatable Toys” section, and then, biggest of all, the “Fabric Plush Toys,” with herds and flocks and of stuffed animals, many species of which she’d never even heard of. The next floor was divided between artificial flowers and hair ornaments—so many hair ornaments, which made sense, Wei thought, since there were nearly four billion women on the planet, and many of them would want at least one. And next to that, finally, the “Tourism Crafts” section, where Wei worked. Light-up Virgin Marys, “African” carvings, novelty bottle openers, refrigerator magnets by the millions. A grove of artificial Christmas trees pre-loaded with colorful LED lights signaled the edge of her domain, and by the time she reached it in the morning she was already a little tired.</p>
<p>So the rain was not entirely unwelcome; she thought of it as an unscheduled holiday, like the spring festival when she’d take the train back to her hometown near Dayi. But people died in the flooding—someone had drowned around the corner, sucked partway into the storm drain by the force of the rushing water. So she stayed in. She watched programs on her phone. She conferred with the woman down the hall, the one who could help pick lottery numbers—Wei had seventeen numbers still on her list, which she still had to pare down to seven before she could turn in her ticket. And she meditated. Sometimes twice a day—at first, 15 minutes had seemed to take almost forever. She could count her breaths for maybe a minute before her mind wandered: her mind seemed full of as many thoughts as the trade mart was full of gadgets and knickknacks. But she was patient, and before long she could get as high as 30 or 40 before she lost focus and had to start again.</p>
<p>She found it made her calmer, less jumpy. When her mind wandered now, it was less to Jay Chou and tv stars and lottery tickets and more to her youth. She’d grown up with her parents, two pairs of aunts and uncles, and six children in a rural village in the Sichuan mountains. The compound had four rooms, and one was used for a pair of swine that represented their main wealth in the world. The two boys had gone to school, but though Wei was smart there was no money to send her. Instead, when she was 14 and China’s economy was really accelerating, a man from her village named Bao Jun had sent back word that he was looking for workers. He’d moved to the country north of Beijing and opened a factory making ‘shower curtains,’ a product no one in the village had ever heard of. But she’d make enough money to be able to send her brother to technical high school, and so she got on the train and left the only world she’d ever known.</p>
<p>She’d been very lucky, she later understood. Her boss was indeed kind, and the work, though unrelenting, was not dangerous. She mastered all the skills: cutting, grommeting, packing. And she’d grown close to the other girls in the dorm. She even made enough money doing extra work that she, like the others, could buy a small stuffed animal that she kept on her bed. At night, in hot weather, Mr. Bao would take them all up on the roof of the small plant where it was cooler, and he’d tell them folk stories from the county where they’d all been born. It made them homesick and cured their homesickness all at once.</p>
<p>Wei was good at languages. She’d picked up a little English from the tv, and so she accompanied the boss when, every six months, an American arrived with a clipboard to make sure that they were following ‘good labor practices.’ The American was easy to fool (Wei was 15 when she showed him all the documents proving the workforce was all 16 or older), but he would make recommendations for some small improvement each time: more square feet for each bedroom, more time for bathroom breaks. Wei also helped when buyers from Wal-Mart arrived—they wanted to see the ‘good practices’ certificate, but mostly they were interested in beating down the price of a shower curtain. Twenty one yuan was too high, they said—18 yuan was what they’d pay. When Mr. Bao explained that such a cut would make it even harder to meet the labor standards, they’d just tell him there were other factories.</p>
<p>Mr. Bao had sent her to Yiwu for a visit, to help set up the company stall at the Trade Mart. And while she was there she’d been offered her current job. It paid better and the work was much easier—Mr. Bao encouraged her to take it, and said he was very proud of her. “You’re in the service economy now,” he said. “Service economy” was a good thing, she knew—it meant you didn’t get old and worn out before you were 30. But just as she’d missed her family when she went to the factory, now she missed the girls in her dorm. She had an apartment, and she had three more stuffed animals, but she spent a lot of time on Facebook keeping up with her old co-workers. They liked stories about her life in the city, even if she had to invent things that seemed interesting. She was still sending money back for her brother’s education—there really wasn’t much interesting for her to do.</p>
<p>Except, now, meditate. That was new. So she told them about that—sent them the little video that had come with her phone. And the rain. She took short videos out the window and put them up on Facebook. Her friends had videos too: the factory was 1,500 miles north, and there it hadn’t rained for months. The well that watered the factory had gone dry, and the driller had gone down 400 meters to find a new supply, which was briny and sluggish. They could only take a shower a week. But the shower curtains had all kinds of new designs, including one that was just a giant lottery ticket. It was selling fast, they reported.</p>


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+ 59
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title: The happiest number I've heard in ages
hash_url: 20648a9bc173f75256ae9d5f196fd913

<p>I confess to spending more time than is mentally healthy scrolling through Twitter, and too often it’s a mix of trivia, schadenfreude, and outrage—empty mental calories, usually confirming your world view. But sometimes you learn things you didn’t know beforehand, and last week, I noticed a comment in passing: forty percent of the world’s shipping, one commenter insisted, consists of just sending fossil fuels around the world to be burned.</p>
<p>That can’t be right, I thought—what about all the other things we have to ship. There’s grain, and lumber, and iron ore, and cars, and a zillion containers loaded with tennis rackets and dog toys and 70-inch tvs. But no—a little research makes clear that in fact if you <a href="" rel="">add up all the tonnage</a>, something <a href="" rel="">very close to forty percent</a> of all the shipping on earth is just devoted to getting oil and coal and gas (and now some wood pellets) back and forth across the ocean. </p>
<p>That’s a remarkable snapshot: almost half of what we move around the seas is not finished products (cars) nor even the raw materials to make them (steel), but simply the stuff that we burn to power those transformations, and to keep ourselves warmed, cooled, and lit. <em>Which is great news. </em>Because it means that if and when we make the transition to solar power and windpower, we will not just stop pouring carbon into the atmosphere, and not just save money—we will also reduce the number of ships sailing back and forth by almost half. So if you’re worried about almost anything at all that’s going wrong on the high seas—piracy, say, or the <a href="" rel="">hideous sonic effects of all those ships on whales</a>—then you can cut that in half as well. </p>
<p>Here’s what people don’t always get about fossil fuel: it’s utterly wasteful. You burn it, and then you have to go get some more and burn it again, ad infinitum. That’s why Exxon likes the business model so much; you need to buy more every month. Renewable energy is different: yes, you have to mine some lithium and cobalt to build your solar panel or your wind turbine or your battery, and yes we have to make sure we do that as humanely and with as much environmental rigor as we can—but once you’ve built that panel and shipped it off across the ocean to wherever it’s needed, that’s it: For a quarter century it stands there, and the sun delivers the energy simply by rising across the horizon. <em>It dramatically dematerializes the world.</em> </p>
<p>You can do the same experiment over and over again. There are a hundred thousand oil tanker trucks circling the U.S.—in an EV world, which is where we’re headed, they won’t be taking up space, crashing, polluting the air. There’s an endless network of pipelines, regularly spilling and exploding. Yes, you’ll need transmission lines to move electrons around, but they are far less dangerous and intrusive. Hell, eleven percent of the energy that America currently uses, according to Saul Griffith’s <a href="" rel="">excellent book </a>Electrify, simply goes to finding more energy. </p>
<p>These kinds of changes are not cost-free: people who drove oil trucks will need to find other jobs, and we should help them make the transition. But the bonus—a world where we’re not devoting vast parts of the economy to the now-makework task of digging up more stuff to burn—is something we think about too rarely. </p>
<p>A few notes from around the climate world as 2022 (under eight years till 2030, if you’re following the climate clock) dawns. </p>
<p>+An <a href=";utm_medium=facebook_" rel="">important new study</a> from Global Witness finds that banks and other financial institutions have made deals worth $157 billion with companies—mostly in agribusiness—driving deforestation around the tropics</p>
<p>+A great <a href="" rel="">recap</a> of the state of the divestment movement, from Nikkei, the Asian business specialists. </p><blockquote><p>As of the end of December, 1,502 groups had announced they would partly or fully divest from fossil fuel companies, according to figures from international environmental organization and elsewhere. The count is up by 195 from the end of 2020 -- the biggest rise in three years.</p></blockquote><p>+Nicole Poindexter, my favorite energy executive on planet earth, <a href="" rel="">reports</a> in Time that her Energicity company will have ten percent of Sierra Leone operating on solar power by year’s end. Her minigrid technology—which I’ve seen in operation in Ghana—brings power to people who would otherwise be waiting for decades. And to return to the main topic of this post, it brings deep other benefits: 98 people were <a href="" rel="">killed</a> in November in Sierra Leone when a tanker truck exploded.</p>
<p>+Time also has a crackerjack <a href="" rel="">piece</a> from Alana Semuels that tracks how much carbon is bound up in the typical purchases of four American families. </p>
<p>+The Institute for Local Self Reliance, an important outfit, has a useful new <a href="" rel="">report</a> on all the dumb local and state obstacles to putting a solar panel on a roof. Half our political class is constantly intent on cutting regulation, except, it seems, when the task is critial to averting the climate crisis. </p>
<p>And without further ado, here’s the latest couple of chapters from my epic nonviolent yarn; we’re back in China this week. If you need to catch up on the first 38 chapters of <em>The Other Cheek, </em>check out the <a href="" rel="">archive</a>. Happy New Year, y’all!</p>
<p>The tv monitor in Minister Hua’s conference room was so large—110 inches, it said on the Samsung sticker on the edge of the screen—that he and Director Liu felt as if they were in Sabermati.</p>
<p>The Dalai Lama loomed over then as he began his press conference, carried live on CNN International.</p>
<p>“A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections is to be respected as if he reveals the secret of some hidden treasure,” the DL said. “In that sense only, I think you could call my fellow Buddhists who disrupted today’s meeting ‘friends.’ They have pointed out with their actions my mistake in issuing the invitation for this gathering. I apologize to our brothers and sisters from the Muslim community, and to everyone else who has been dismayed or upset by what happened today. It is my fault and my responsibility. I clearly should have known that my actions were premature.”</p>
<p>He paused, and looked around at the gathering. “With great apologies to all who traveled a great distance to join us, we have decided to cancel the rest of this conference. It can no longer be a source of unity, only division.”</p>
<p>“I have considered cancelling the rest of my walk to Tibet and simply returning to Dharamsala,” he continued. “We are here at Gandhiji’s home. Several times, when his demonstrations turned violent, he ceased campaigning, sometimes for years at a time, until those who followed him proved they had their emotions under control. I cannot do that. I am an old man, on my last journey, and more to the point the mountain ice of Tibet—the planet’s Third Pole—is melting fast. Our work cannot be delayed, and so I will keep walking.</p>
<p>“But I can, and will, be silent. After this gathering, and until we reach the borders of my homeland, I will not speak. My silence is partly penance for today’s events, and partly an effort to make sure that genuine actions speak for themselves. As we walk across India we will perform the small service of gathering trash as we go, helping clean the roads and paths of this nation. Prime Minister Modi has announced a ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan,’ a ‘Clean India Mission,’ and we will do our part as we travel. So that even if nothing else comes of our trek, our trail will be a little cleaner. Are there questions?”</p>
<p>“Rajib Gupta, Sky TV,” said a handsome man, his black hair slicked back with gel. “What is your response to the communal violence—to the reports of fires in some Muslim communities in Burma tonight?”</p>
<p>“My response is great sadness and anguish. In the past, different faiths were confined to different countries and regions; you could live your whole life with people just like you. But today we live in a world where people of all kinds mix together. This can be a great blessing, but only if there is respect. I ask all Buddhists to be full of compassion, and I ask all others to be tolerant of our failings and weaknesses.”</p>
<p>“Trevor Browner, CNN,” said another journalist. “What do you make of reports from China that there’s a sudden fashion for meditation, especially among upper-class urbanites?”</p>
<p>“I hadn’t heard that,” said the DL. “China is . . . China is the source of so much; some of the earliest records of meditation practice come from China, 3,500 years ago. I hope that people find it useful, as I have found it useful. Even on a painful day like today it sustains me.”</p>
<p>“Do you think others will join you going forward?” asked a radio reporter, holding a microphone on a boom.</p>
<p>“I don’t know,” said the DL</p>
<p>“I will join,” said a tiny old man man wearing a white taqiyah, the distinctive Muslim skullcap, who was standing near the front. “And I too will take a vow of silence.”</p>
<p>“Who are you?” several reporters asked.</p>
<p>“I am an imam from a small mosque here in Ahmedabad,” the man said. “Yusuf Timol. I am worried about the ecology of our Sabrmati River, which has gotten very polluted in my lifetime. A pig is najis, ritually unclean, but this river is literally unclean. You get boils if you bathe in it.”</p>
<p>“I’ll join too,” said a stout black woman in a purple robe. “Sister Shareen Robinson, of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Louisiana USA. But I don’t know about keeping silent. I’m from what they call Cancer Alley, along the Mississippi River, where poor people and black people become sick people because of all the refineries. I came here because I think God’s people have got to do something about it. And I think it’s as bad here as it is to home. Maybe worse—this air is awful. I bet y’all have asthma, like half the people in my church.”</p>
<p>“I am glad to have companions,” said the DL. “And if others join, that is fine. Bring bags for trash.”</p>
<p>“Those may be the last words we hear from the Dalai Lama for some time,” said a network correspondent, doing his wrap-up moments later in front of the now-empty podium. “This day of religious drama ends on a practical note, as the Dalai Lama becomes the world’s most well-known garbageman.”</p>
<p>Minister Hua switched off the giant screen with his remote.</p>
<p>“The pig was an inspired idea,” he said to his colleague.</p>
<p>“Well, those monks have been working with the Burmese military for a long time, and of course the Burmese military work with us from time to time. We wanted to disrupt the meeting, and they came up with the pig idea,” said Director Liu. “It didn’t occur to me it would literally shut the guy up for however long it takes him to walk acoss India. One other bonus—you know we’re always trying to drive a wedge between the Tibetans and the Uighur Muslims, make sure they never join forces. We’ve been showing video footage of the pig all afternoon in Urumqi, and there’s been a small anti-Dalai protest in the main square, with people burning prayer flags.”</p>
<p>“Good, but keep it under control, obviously,” said the minister. “And speaking of prayer flags, what was the reporter talking about, this fad for meditation in China?”</p>
<p>“Ah. Well, the DL cartoon? It keeps spreading. No real worries because most people have no idea who it’s supposed to be—but the instructions for how to meditate are so simple. People are doing it in groups sometimes— women mostly.”</p>
<p>“Does it worry you?”</p>
<p>“Everything worries me,” said Director Liu. “It’s a . . . tense moment. The pollution, and now the floods and the drought.”</p>
<p>“I think sometimes—“ Minister Hua paused. “I think sometimes about what brought down the emperors. You remember studying the ‘mandate of heaven?’”</p>
<p>“Of course,” said Liu. “The most basic political idea in old superstitious China—that the rulers are legitimate as long as the gods approve. It’s more or less what we do at Propaganda, maintain that idea. Our job, when you get down to it, is to make sure the party never loses the mandate, that people don’t question the right. And so far so good. I mean, no world records. The Shang Dynasty lasted 31 kings, 17 generations—we’ve barely gone more than half a century. But we survived the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution. Drought, flood, some smog—we should be okay. As long as everyone wants a bigger television and a faster phone, and we’re the way to get them.”</p>
<p>Wei Lian was staring at the screen of her Mothra phone—a text from the local weather bureau was crawling across the bottom over and over. “The center of former Typhoon Haikul is now nearing Yiwu. Torrential rains are expected. Please stay indoors. Do not drive into high water.”</p>
<p>It was the third typhoon in a two-week train that had crashed into her corner of Zhejiang province. The professors on tv were blaming it on climate change; in any event the soil was long since saturated, the drainage ditches overwhelmed. She could look down from her fifth floor window and see the street below turned into a rushing creek, but that was scary. Safer to look at the screen.</p>
<p>Work had been cancelled for four days now. Wei had a job at the Yiwu International Trade Mart, “the world’s biggest small-commodity trading center.” She worked as a clerk in one of the 750 8-foot by 12-foot stalls that sold souvenirs in bulk to gift stores. The factories she represented in her stall were scattered across China, and they all specialized in Christmas ornaments and decorations; all year long, peaking in August, she took orders from visiting buyers for revolving Santas, Santas in snow globes, balsam-scented Santa candles, battery-operated Santas spinning hula hoops, Santas playing electric guitars. She knew that Santa was a religious figure who had died on a cross, but not much more than that. Her job was very straightforward; if the buyers wanted to ask questions or negotiate the price, she would put them in touch with the factory agents who roamed between the stalls, and otherwise all she had to do was write up the orders for 50 or 100 gross of the items.</p>
<p>It was a good job, though just reaching her corner of the vast mart took a long time—the building was as long as the Shanghai Tower laid on its side, and twice as wide. (She’d seen the tower on her trip to Shanghai, and took a selfie with it in the background as she stood, with thousands of other gawkers, on the Bund as the sun went down.) To get to her stall she walked through a half floor devoted to “Suitcases and Bags, Including School Bags,” with stacks of everything from roller bags to change purses and fanny packs to metal lunchboxes. She’d try out her English by look-ing at the words embossed on many of them” “I dream of being the best basketballer in the town.” “Durable Performance Based on the 58’s 123-45 Vintage Spirit.</p>
<p>The floor above, which she also had to traverse, was entirely devoted to “Hardware Tools and Fittings”, which as far as Wei could tell meant pretty much everything on earth (many of the items she had to look up on her phone to get a sense of what they were used for): knife blocks, car jacks, chaise lounges, surge protectors, lint rollers, jumper cables, car-abiners, bike pumps, rubber bands, cheese graters. Lucky rabbit’s feet, singing birthday cards, nail clippers, safety pins, ratchet sets, thigh exercisers, bathroom scales, toilet-bowl deodorizers, plaid wheelchairs, feather dusters, meat-pounding mallets. Dozens of models of magnetic patriotic ribbons for the backs of American cars (“Freedom Is Not Free”). Pruning shears, putty knives, carafes, egg cups, cake-decorating nozzles, depilatory machines, giant martini glasses, immersion heating coils, disposable cameras, hip flasks, sake sets, mortar and pestles, rolling pins, exit signs, sander belts, key rings, rubber gloves.</p>
<p>In the “Regular Toys” area, which came next, there were boogie boards, plastic hand grenades, squeaky mallets, bow-and-arrow sets, toy pianos, “small chef” ovens. And then the “Inflatable Toys” section, and then, biggest of all, the “Fabric Plush Toys,” with herds and flocks and of stuffed animals, many species of which she’d never even heard of. The next floor was divided between artificial flowers and hair ornaments—so many hair ornaments, which made sense, Wei thought, since there were nearly four billion women on the planet, and many of them would want at least one. And next to that, finally, the “Tourism Crafts” section, where Wei worked. Light-up Virgin Marys, “African” carvings, novelty bottle openers, refrigerator magnets by the millions. A grove of artificial Christmas trees pre-loaded with colorful LED lights signaled the edge of her domain, and by the time she reached it in the morning she was already a little tired.</p>
<p>So the rain was not entirely unwelcome; she thought of it as an unscheduled holiday, like the spring festival when she’d take the train back to her hometown near Dayi. But people died in the flooding—someone had drowned around the corner, sucked partway into the storm drain by the force of the rushing water. So she stayed in. She watched programs on her phone. She conferred with the woman down the hall, the one who could help pick lottery numbers—Wei had seventeen numbers still on her list, which she still had to pare down to seven before she could turn in her ticket. And she meditated. Sometimes twice a day—at first, 15 minutes had seemed to take almost forever. She could count her breaths for maybe a minute before her mind wandered: her mind seemed full of as many thoughts as the trade mart was full of gadgets and knickknacks. But she was patient, and before long she could get as high as 30 or 40 before she lost focus and had to start again.</p>
<p>She found it made her calmer, less jumpy. When her mind wandered now, it was less to Jay Chou and tv stars and lottery tickets and more to her youth. She’d grown up with her parents, two pairs of aunts and uncles, and six children in a rural village in the Sichuan mountains. The compound had four rooms, and one was used for a pair of swine that represented their main wealth in the world. The two boys had gone to school, but though Wei was smart there was no money to send her. Instead, when she was 14 and China’s economy was really accelerating, a man from her village named Bao Jun had sent back word that he was looking for workers. He’d moved to the country north of Beijing and opened a factory making ‘shower curtains,’ a product no one in the village had ever heard of. But she’d make enough money to be able to send her brother to technical high school, and so she got on the train and left the only world she’d ever known.</p>
<p>She’d been very lucky, she later understood. Her boss was indeed kind, and the work, though unrelenting, was not dangerous. She mastered all the skills: cutting, grommeting, packing. And she’d grown close to the other girls in the dorm. She even made enough money doing extra work that she, like the others, could buy a small stuffed animal that she kept on her bed. At night, in hot weather, Mr. Bao would take them all up on the roof of the small plant where it was cooler, and he’d tell them folk stories from the county where they’d all been born. It made them homesick and cured their homesickness all at once.</p>
<p>Wei was good at languages. She’d picked up a little English from the tv, and so she accompanied the boss when, every six months, an American arrived with a clipboard to make sure that they were following ‘good labor practices.’ The American was easy to fool (Wei was 15 when she showed him all the documents proving the workforce was all 16 or older), but he would make recommendations for some small improvement each time: more square feet for each bedroom, more time for bathroom breaks. Wei also helped when buyers from Wal-Mart arrived—they wanted to see the ‘good practices’ certificate, but mostly they were interested in beating down the price of a shower curtain. Twenty one yuan was too high, they said—18 yuan was what they’d pay. When Mr. Bao explained that such a cut would make it even harder to meet the labor standards, they’d just tell him there were other factories.</p>
<p>Mr. Bao had sent her to Yiwu for a visit, to help set up the company stall at the Trade Mart. And while she was there she’d been offered her current job. It paid better and the work was much easier—Mr. Bao encouraged her to take it, and said he was very proud of her. “You’re in the service economy now,” he said. “Service economy” was a good thing, she knew—it meant you didn’t get old and worn out before you were 30. But just as she’d missed her family when she went to the factory, now she missed the girls in her dorm. She had an apartment, and she had three more stuffed animals, but she spent a lot of time on Facebook keeping up with her old co-workers. They liked stories about her life in the city, even if she had to invent things that seemed interesting. She was still sending money back for her brother’s education—there really wasn’t much interesting for her to do.</p>
<p>Except, now, meditate. That was new. So she told them about that—sent them the little video that had come with her phone. And the rain. She took short videos out the window and put them up on Facebook. Her friends had videos too: the factory was 1,500 miles north, and there it hadn’t rained for months. The well that watered the factory had gone dry, and the driller had gone down 400 meters to find a new supply, which was briny and sluggish. They could only take a shower a week. But the shower curtains had all kinds of new designs, including one that was just a giant lottery ticket. It was selling fast, they reported.</p>

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<h1>Wrap Up and Q&amp;A - Jacob Kaplan-Moss</h1>
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<p>This is the final post in <a href="">my series on work sample tests</a>. It’s a wrap-up post: I’ll address a few random points I couldn’t quite fit in elsewhere, and answer some questions from readers. I don’t think this’ll make much sense without having read the rest of the series, so you should probably do that before finishing this post.</p>
<h2 id="how-do-work-sample-tests-fit-into-on-site-interviews">How do work sample tests fit into on-site interviews?</h2>
<p>Throughout the series, I’ve mostly assumed that these tests are taking place in the context of a distributed/remote interview<sup id="fnref:1"></sup>. How would they fit into a traditional, on-site interview?</p>
<p>I maintain that <strong>the candidate time investment limit needs to stay the same</strong>. A day of onsite interviews (which, remember, might include up to a day of travel on both ends) is about the upper limit of time investment I think is fair to ask of a candidate. This means that asking a candidate do some coding at home <em>and then</em> come spend a full day on-site is unfair. Either have the coding homework time replace some of the on-site interview time, or use a work sample test that’s more suited to a synchronous experience. <a href="">Pair programming</a> and<a href=""> “reverse” code review</a> seem like they’d work very well as part of an onsite loop.</p>
<p>Other than that, I don’t see other big differences between on-site and distributed interviews with regard to work sample tests.</p>
<h2 id="can-work-sample-tests-work-for-non-engineering-roles">Can work sample tests work for non-engineering roles?</h2>
<p>I assume so. I’ve heard various anecdotes from folks using work sample tests for other kinds of roles: an editor told me about giving candidates unedited material to edit and comment upon; I’ve talked to support reps who role-play conversations with customers as part of an interview; I’ve talked to designers who give design challenges. I even ran across <a href="">official guidance on work sample tests from The US Office of Personnel Management (OPM)</a>, the agency responsible for US Federal employment regulation and policy.</p>
<p>So I would tend to assume that the same principles apply to any kind of role. However, I’ve almost exclusively hired for engineering roles, and only really studied hiring practices in that context, so it’s hard for me to speak authoritatively.</p>
<p>If you’ve used work sample tests in non-engineering contexts, and want to write about it – let me know! I’d love to co-author a post with you, or link out to your blog, etc.</p>
<h2 id="what-about-people-youve-worked-with-before-should-you-let-them-skip-the-work-sample-test">What about people you’ve worked with before? Should you let them skip the work sample test?</h2>
<p>The point of a work sample test is to verify that someone can deliver on the core job requirements - write code, find security vulnerabilities, etc. If you, or someone on your team, has already worked with a candidate, and seen them do those things in other contexts, do you still need to give them a work sample test? Or is that a waste of their time?</p>
<p>I don’t have a hard and fast answer. My answer depends; sometimes I think it’s better to make everyone do the same test, even if it’s redundant for some candidates; sometimes I think it’s better to be flexible and allow prior colleagues to skip that step. I ask myself a few questions when I’m trying to decide:</p>
<ul><li><strong>Is the previous work relevant and recent?</strong> If I’m hiring a Python programmer, and a candidate is someone I wrote Python with just six months ago, it seems silly to verify that they can write Python. But if the candidate is someone I worked with five years ago on a Java project, I should probably give them the test. Generally, if it’s been longer than two years, or the technologies are radically different, I’ll give them the test.</li><li><strong>Would letting this person skip the work sample test mean missing out on other candidates?</strong> Often, the former colleague in this situation is one of the first candidates. They know you, saw the job post, and applied immediately. If you let them skip the test, you can be ready to make an offer in like a week or so! This is awesome for filling a role quickly, but often means you’ll miss out on candidates you don’t know. Are you comfortable making a very quick decision here even if it means missing out on some hypothetical great candidate you <em>don’t</em> already know? Generally, I’d like to have at least 3-5 candidates, including the one I know, before I’m comfortable making an offer. But if the person I know is just an amazing match, I might not follow this rule.</li><li><strong>Is the rest of my team comfortable trusting my experience with this person over seeing their work first-hand?</strong> If anyone’s even a bit uncomfortable, better to ask the candidate to take the test.</li></ul>
<p>Depending on the answers to those questions, I might let someone whose work I was familiar with skip a work sample test. I’d still want to have them go through a round of interviews, and there’s a lot to say about how to <em>interview</em> people you’ve worked with before. But this is a series about work sample tests, so that’ll have to wait for some other time.</p>
<h2 id="how-secret-do-work-sample-tests-need-to-be">How secret do work sample tests need to be?</h2>
<p>The word “test” usually implies secrecy; something the test-taker shouldn’t know about ahead of time. Should work sample tests be kept secret? Do we need to take steps to ensure that candidates don’t know the details of the test before applying? Do we need to ask them not to post their solution code on Github?</p>
<p>Generally, no. <strong>Most work sample tests don’t need to be secret.</strong> My favorite single test, <a href="">Ad Hoc’s SLCSP exercise</a>, has solutions on Github if you look for them. But vanishingly few candidates cheat, and the ones that do are easily caught in the post-exercise interview (<a href="">rule #5</a>): they can’t explain the code or answer questions about how they wrote it (because they didn’t). Further, if someone did find existing code that solved the problem, read through to understand it carefully, and then told me in an interview, “yeah, I found this on Github, and it solved the problem” – well, that’s pretty close to how any number of real-world problems get solved, right? I wouldn’t consider that cheating. Cheating, in the context of most work sample tests, is dishonesty, not reuse.</p>
<p>There are a few tests that require some degree of secrecy, though. <a href="">Lab environments</a> sometimes do: exercises where candidates look for bugs or vulnerabilities can be “spoiled” easily if the candidate knows where to look. So that test, and ones like it, benefit from being kept secret. Still, I’d argue this makes them worse simulations: in the real world, we have the entire sum of human knowledge at our fingertips; we want to hire people who know how to effectively use the Internet to help them solve problems.</p>
<p>If your test requires secrecy to be effective, that’s a sign it could be better. It might be acceptable given other tradeoffs, but it’s something to be wary of.</p>
<h2 id="should-we-pay-candidates-for-their-time-on-work-sample-tests">Should we pay candidates for their time on work sample tests?</h2>
<p>I established a rule of no more than three hours for a work sample test, out of a maximum of 8 hours for the entire interview loop (<a href="">rule #2</a>). And I wrote a few times that if companies want to exceed that mark, they should compensate candidates for their time.</p>
<p>Why stop there? Should we compensate <em>all</em> candidates for their time?</p>
<p><a href="">Sumana</a> pointed me towards Software Freedom Conservancy, who did exactly that; <a href="">every candidate who made it through the initial screens was paid for their time</a>:</p>
<blockquote><p>Because we are a small organization, adding another employee is a big deal. We knew that to do this job right we were going to need to take some time talking to them to figure out if they were the right fit for the role. We also know that not everybody does their best when put on the spot in an interview, and wanted to make sure that we allowed people the chance to know what we’d be asking and to prepare if they wanted to. We didn’t want to take our applicants' time for granted, even though we are a small publicly supported organization.</p><p>Because of this, we decided to pay each [of] our five finalists $500 to proceed with the rest of the interview. While $500 is not a huge amount, we thought it was a nice amount for a charitable organization to give to an applicant who would dedicate some time and thought to our hiring process, which would cover strategic thinking about our organization’s mission and operations in our communications and other related areas.</p></blockquote>
<p>I love this and am going to try for something similar in the future. I think it might be a hard sell to some organizations because it’s outside of the norm. But paying candidates for their time as a mark of respect is excellent.</p>
<h2 id="how-do-you-measure-the-effectiveness-of-a-work-sample-test">How do you measure the effectiveness of a work sample test?</h2>
<p>Throughout the post I’ve mentioned “effective” and “successful” work sample tests (and also occasional “ineffective” and “unsuccessful” ones). How do I know? What am I measuring to know if a test is working?</p>
<p>Measuring the effectiveness of hiring techniques – interviews, screens, tests – is a much larger topic and one I hope to write about in more detail in the future. For now, here’s a quick sketch:</p>
<ol><li>For a given role, establish <em>competencies</em> – the core behaviors that define success in the job. For example, for a penetration testing role, “finds vulnerabilities” might be a competency; “written communication” (i.e. vulnerability write-ups) might be another.</li><li>Use those competencies as part of your performance review process; record everyone’s scores.</li><li>Design an interview question or work sample test that measures that competency. Test it out internally to verify that performance on the question correlates with your staff member’s recent performance reviews.</li><li>Hire some people using the question/test.</li><li>Monitor their performance over time. If the question is effective, their performance on the question will correlate with their performance reviews for that competency.</li></ol>
<p>Once again, this is a very quick sketch; I’ve left out a ton of nuance and detail. If you’d like to see me write about this in detail sooner rather than later, drop me a line.</p>
<h2 id="how-do-you-grade-work-sample-tests">How do you grade work sample tests?</h2>
<p>In this series, and my <a href="">previous series on interview questions</a>, I glossed over how exactly I recommend measuring candidates' responses. Should you have grading rubrics, and score candidates' responses to each question? What about overall: should candidates get a numeric score for the interview?</p>
<p>This is another topic I hope to write about in detail at some point, but for now, another quick sketch:</p>
<p>It’s not critical: fundamentally, hiring is a binary decision; you either make someone an offer or you don’t. So if the only “score” you record out of an interview is a “hire”/“no-hire” recommendation, that’s sufficient.</p>
<p>But if you can establish grading rubrics, I think it’s a good practice. Certainly, it gives you a way to measure effectiveness, see above. I use a grading rubric based on the <a href="">Apache Voting System</a> +1/0/-1 scores, so something like this:</p>
<ul><li><strong>+1</strong>: the candidate’s response to this question was <em>incredible</em> and makes a strong case to hire them</li><li><strong>+0</strong>: a typical good answer, roughly what we were expecting</li><li><strong>-0</strong>: not a strong answer, but not terrible enough to be a red flag</li><li><strong>-1</strong>: red flag: a bad enough answer that I might not want to hire them based on this question alone</li></ul>
<p>I like this system because it’s not linear: +0/-0 capture answers that are strong or weak but in a typical way, while +1/-1 capture exceptionally good or bad responses. I also like that it’s fairly easy to teach and understand. A more typical 1-5 scale often causes a fair bit of confusion over the difference between a “3” and a “4” or whatever. But I don’t think the specifics matter very much: as long as you’re consistent, any rubric will be useful.</p>
<h2 id="could-a-short-work-sample-test-replace-a-traditional-resume-screen">Could a short work sample test replace a traditional resume screen?</h2>
<p>This question was asked by Alex Yang, founder of <a href="">Mighty Acorn</a> - a startup that runs work sample tests. They’re thinking about work sample tests in a way that matches much of what I’ve written here, so he reached out and we spoke about work sample tests for a while.</p>
<p>Resume screens are ridiculous. We look at this piece of paper and try to make a snap judgment about whether we should invest some time in an interview, or reject them out of hand. We’re not measuring someone’s suitability for the role; we’re measuring how well they write resumes. If we don’t take steps to anonymize the resume, we can easily end up <a href="">making decisions shaped by unconscious bias</a>.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, most job listings get a lot of completely irrelevant applicants. It seems like some candidates believe the best approach is to blast their resume at every job opening, regardless of any potential fit. I’ve seen applications for quite senior engineering roles where the resume doesn’t show a single month of software development experience anywhere. Interviewing obviously unqualified applicants is a waste of everyone’s time, hence the resume screen.</p>
<p>So maybe we could solve two problems at once, and give a work sample test <em>instead</em> of a resume screen?</p>
<p>Perhaps, but I’m unconvinced. Work sample tests are usually time-consuming, and I don’t like the idea of asking applicants to spend that time until we’re both at least a little bit sure there’s a match (see <a href="">rule #8</a>). Possibly if the work sample was truly very short, like well under an hour.</p>
<p>One alternative that come up in talking with Alex and his team was offering a work sample test as an alternative, should someone not pass the resume screen. Instead of rejecting them outright, give them a chance to get into the running by completing a short test. This would help reveal candidates who <em>do</em> have some of the skills you’re looking for, but have done a poor job showing it on the resume. This is a very interesting idea, and one I’m hoping to try out sometime soon.</p>
<h2 id="fin">Fin</h2>
<p>That’s all folks. Thanks for reading. I hope you found it useful. If this series helped you improve your work sample tests, I’d like to hear about it. Get in touch!</p>


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title: Wrap Up and Q&amp;A - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
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<p>This is the final post in <a href="">my series on work sample tests</a>. It’s a wrap-up post: I’ll address a few random points I couldn’t quite fit in elsewhere, and answer some questions from readers. I don’t think this’ll make much sense without having read the rest of the series, so you should probably do that before finishing this post.</p>
<h2 id="how-do-work-sample-tests-fit-into-on-site-interviews">How do work sample tests fit into on-site interviews?</h2><p>Throughout the series, I’ve mostly assumed that these tests are taking place in the context of a distributed/remote interview<sup id="fnref:1"></sup>. How would they fit into a traditional, on-site interview?</p><p>I maintain that <strong>the candidate time investment limit needs to stay the same</strong>. A day of onsite interviews (which, remember, might include up to a day of travel on both ends) is about the upper limit of time investment I think is fair to ask of a candidate. This means that asking a candidate do some coding at home <em>and then</em> come spend a full day on-site is unfair. Either have the coding homework time replace some of the on-site interview time, or use a work sample test that’s more suited to a synchronous experience. <a href="">Pair programming</a> and<a href=""> “reverse” code review</a> seem like they’d work very well as part of an onsite loop.</p><p>Other than that, I don’t see other big differences between on-site and distributed interviews with regard to work sample tests.</p>
<h2 id="can-work-sample-tests-work-for-non-engineering-roles">Can work sample tests work for non-engineering roles?</h2><p>I assume so. I’ve heard various anecdotes from folks using work sample tests for other kinds of roles: an editor told me about giving candidates unedited material to edit and comment upon; I’ve talked to support reps who role-play conversations with customers as part of an interview; I’ve talked to designers who give design challenges. I even ran across <a href="">official guidance on work sample tests from The US Office of Personnel Management (OPM)</a>, the agency responsible for US Federal employment regulation and policy.</p><p>So I would tend to assume that the same principles apply to any kind of role. However, I’ve almost exclusively hired for engineering roles, and only really studied hiring practices in that context, so it’s hard for me to speak authoritatively.</p><p>If you’ve used work sample tests in non-engineering contexts, and want to write about it – let me know! I’d love to co-author a post with you, or link out to your blog, etc.</p>
<h2 id="what-about-people-youve-worked-with-before-should-you-let-them-skip-the-work-sample-test">What about people you’ve worked with before? Should you let them skip the work sample test?</h2><p>The point of a work sample test is to verify that someone can deliver on the core job requirements - write code, find security vulnerabilities, etc. If you, or someone on your team, has already worked with a candidate, and seen them do those things in other contexts, do you still need to give them a work sample test? Or is that a waste of their time?</p><p>I don’t have a hard and fast answer. My answer depends; sometimes I think it’s better to make everyone do the same test, even if it’s redundant for some candidates; sometimes I think it’s better to be flexible and allow prior colleagues to skip that step. I ask myself a few questions when I’m trying to decide:</p><ul><li><strong>Is the previous work relevant and recent?</strong> If I’m hiring a Python programmer, and a candidate is someone I wrote Python with just six months ago, it seems silly to verify that they can write Python. But if the candidate is someone I worked with five years ago on a Java project, I should probably give them the test. Generally, if it’s been longer than two years, or the technologies are radically different, I’ll give them the test.</li><li><strong>Would letting this person skip the work sample test mean missing out on other candidates?</strong> Often, the former colleague in this situation is one of the first candidates. They know you, saw the job post, and applied immediately. If you let them skip the test, you can be ready to make an offer in like a week or so! This is awesome for filling a role quickly, but often means you’ll miss out on candidates you don’t know. Are you comfortable making a very quick decision here even if it means missing out on some hypothetical great candidate you <em>don’t</em> already know? Generally, I’d like to have at least 3-5 candidates, including the one I know, before I’m comfortable making an offer. But if the person I know is just an amazing match, I might not follow this rule.</li><li><strong>Is the rest of my team comfortable trusting my experience with this person over seeing their work first-hand?</strong> If anyone’s even a bit uncomfortable, better to ask the candidate to take the test.</li></ul><p>Depending on the answers to those questions, I might let someone whose work I was familiar with skip a work sample test. I’d still want to have them go through a round of interviews, and there’s a lot to say about how to <em>interview</em> people you’ve worked with before. But this is a series about work sample tests, so that’ll have to wait for some other time.</p>
<h2 id="how-secret-do-work-sample-tests-need-to-be">How secret do work sample tests need to be?</h2><p>The word “test” usually implies secrecy; something the test-taker shouldn’t know about ahead of time. Should work sample tests be kept secret? Do we need to take steps to ensure that candidates don’t know the details of the test before applying? Do we need to ask them not to post their solution code on Github?</p><p>Generally, no. <strong>Most work sample tests don’t need to be secret.</strong> My favorite single test, <a href="">Ad Hoc’s SLCSP exercise</a>, has solutions on Github if you look for them. But vanishingly few candidates cheat, and the ones that do are easily caught in the post-exercise interview (<a href="">rule #5</a>): they can’t explain the code or answer questions about how they wrote it (because they didn’t). Further, if someone did find existing code that solved the problem, read through to understand it carefully, and then told me in an interview, “yeah, I found this on Github, and it solved the problem” – well, that’s pretty close to how any number of real-world problems get solved, right? I wouldn’t consider that cheating. Cheating, in the context of most work sample tests, is dishonesty, not reuse.</p><p>There are a few tests that require some degree of secrecy, though. <a href="">Lab environments</a> sometimes do: exercises where candidates look for bugs or vulnerabilities can be “spoiled” easily if the candidate knows where to look. So that test, and ones like it, benefit from being kept secret. Still, I’d argue this makes them worse simulations: in the real world, we have the entire sum of human knowledge at our fingertips; we want to hire people who know how to effectively use the Internet to help them solve problems.</p><p>If your test requires secrecy to be effective, that’s a sign it could be better. It might be acceptable given other tradeoffs, but it’s something to be wary of.</p>
<h2 id="should-we-pay-candidates-for-their-time-on-work-sample-tests">Should we pay candidates for their time on work sample tests?</h2><p>I established a rule of no more than three hours for a work sample test, out of a maximum of 8 hours for the entire interview loop (<a href="">rule #2</a>). And I wrote a few times that if companies want to exceed that mark, they should compensate candidates for their time.</p><p>Why stop there? Should we compensate <em>all</em> candidates for their time?</p><p><a href="">Sumana</a> pointed me towards Software Freedom Conservancy, who did exactly that; <a href="">every candidate who made it through the initial screens was paid for their time</a>:</p><blockquote><p>Because we are a small organization, adding another employee is a big deal. We knew that to do this job right we were going to need to take some time talking to them to figure out if they were the right fit for the role. We also know that not everybody does their best when put on the spot in an interview, and wanted to make sure that we allowed people the chance to know what we’d be asking and to prepare if they wanted to. We didn’t want to take our applicants' time for granted, even though we are a small publicly supported organization.</p><p>Because of this, we decided to pay each [of] our five finalists $500 to proceed with the rest of the interview. While $500 is not a huge amount, we thought it was a nice amount for a charitable organization to give to an applicant who would dedicate some time and thought to our hiring process, which would cover strategic thinking about our organization’s mission and operations in our communications and other related areas.</p></blockquote><p>I love this and am going to try for something similar in the future. I think it might be a hard sell to some organizations because it’s outside of the norm. But paying candidates for their time as a mark of respect is excellent.</p>
<h2 id="how-do-you-measure-the-effectiveness-of-a-work-sample-test">How do you measure the effectiveness of a work sample test?</h2><p>Throughout the post I’ve mentioned “effective” and “successful” work sample tests (and also occasional “ineffective” and “unsuccessful” ones). How do I know? What am I measuring to know if a test is working?</p><p>Measuring the effectiveness of hiring techniques – interviews, screens, tests – is a much larger topic and one I hope to write about in more detail in the future. For now, here’s a quick sketch:</p><ol><li>For a given role, establish <em>competencies</em> – the core behaviors that define success in the job. For example, for a penetration testing role, “finds vulnerabilities” might be a competency; “written communication” (i.e. vulnerability write-ups) might be another.</li><li>Use those competencies as part of your performance review process; record everyone’s scores.</li><li>Design an interview question or work sample test that measures that competency. Test it out internally to verify that performance on the question correlates with your staff member’s recent performance reviews.</li><li>Hire some people using the question/test.</li><li>Monitor their performance over time. If the question is effective, their performance on the question will correlate with their performance reviews for that competency.</li></ol><p>Once again, this is a very quick sketch; I’ve left out a ton of nuance and detail. If you’d like to see me write about this in detail sooner rather than later, drop me a line.</p>
<h2 id="how-do-you-grade-work-sample-tests">How do you grade work sample tests?</h2><p>In this series, and my <a href="">previous series on interview questions</a>, I glossed over how exactly I recommend measuring candidates' responses. Should you have grading rubrics, and score candidates' responses to each question? What about overall: should candidates get a numeric score for the interview?</p><p>This is another topic I hope to write about in detail at some point, but for now, another quick sketch:</p><p>It’s not critical: fundamentally, hiring is a binary decision; you either make someone an offer or you don’t. So if the only “score” you record out of an interview is a “hire”/“no-hire” recommendation, that’s sufficient.</p><p>But if you can establish grading rubrics, I think it’s a good practice. Cer