David Larlet 3 tygodni temu
Podpisane przez: David Larlet <david@larlet.fr> ID klucza GPG: 3E2953A359E7E7BD

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<h1>The Impressionist Blogging Movement</h1>
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Mis en cache le 2024-09-30
<p>I love this articulation: AI enables action without thought. It comes from <a href="https://ia.net/topics/design-as-thought">an iA article about AI and the future of design</a> (emphasis mine):</p>
<p>Now, what actually is AI? The Italian philosopher and technology ethicist Luciano Floridi sums it up nicely. He posits that AI doesn’t replace our thinking with its own thought. AI, he says, doesn’t think for us. AI doesn’t think at all. <strong>AI enables action without thinking</strong>. It allows us to perform actions that would previously have required thought.</p>
<p>There are certain tasks where technology can be a lever to help us be more productive. And there are other tasks that beg to receive the attention of human thought and emotional energy. Our task is to figure out which is which:</p>
<p>Students shouldn’t focus on learning how to be productive with technology; they need to learn how to think about how they use it.</p>
<p>This is a good way of framing some nuance because not everyone needs to learn to be a writer. But there are certain tasks which necessitate humans writing because that’s what is going to squeeze some thought and energy out of us and into whatever we’re producing.</p>
<p>Writing is how we communicate. It’s our shared expression, our most common shared space of understanding. </p>
<p>Human expression requires a form of language. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to be adept at drawing, painting, or animation. We need to be able to explain ourselves, market ourselves, and sell ourselves. When you’re formulating verbal language you need to stick close to pre-existing patterns. We need a shared language in order to give expression to our emotions. Without that shared space, others couldn’t translate our expression back into their impression.</p>
<p>I love this idea of design being what turns impression into expression. That’s really all I’m doing with this blog post. I read iA’s expression, it makes an impression on me, and then I clarify my own impression by creating this expression — action with thought.</p>
<p>Now-a-days the pertinent question is: “Why continue blogging?” After all, AI seems bent on sucking up everything and give no credit where it’s due.</p>
<p>I think <a href="https://ia.net/topics/ai-and-the-beauty-of-human-flaws">this other post from the folks at iA</a> gets at <em>part</em> of the answer:</p>
<p>When cameras emerged in the 19th century, artists had to reconsider why they should continue painting. The Impressionist movement arose from this. It was no longer enough to simply replicate nature. The essential was how one expressed their impression of nature. Something similar is happening today.</p>
<p>It will no longer be enough to blog in order to merely “put out content”. The key will be what has always been key to great blogging: expressing your unique, inimitable impression.</p>
<p>Blogging is expressing your impression. It’s deriving action from thought. Regardless of how much the AI sphere may not be giving thought to its actions, continued blogging in the face of that reality is deliberate action with thought — something only us humans can do. Blog. Blog against the dying of the light.</p>


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title: The Impressionist Blogging Movement
url: https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2024/impressionist-blogging/
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archive_date: 2024-09-30
og_image: https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/assets/img/twitter-card.png
description: Writing about the big beautiful mess that is making things for the world wide web.
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language: en_US

<p>I love this articulation: AI enables action without thought. It comes from <a href="https://ia.net/topics/design-as-thought">an iA article about AI and the future of design</a> (emphasis mine):</p>
<p>Now, what actually is AI? The Italian philosopher and technology ethicist Luciano Floridi sums it up nicely. He posits that AI doesn’t replace our thinking with its own thought. AI, he says, doesn’t think for us. AI doesn’t think at all. <strong>AI enables action without thinking</strong>. It allows us to perform actions that would previously have required thought.</p>
<p>There are certain tasks where technology can be a lever to help us be more productive. And there are other tasks that beg to receive the attention of human thought and emotional energy. Our task is to figure out which is which:</p>
<p>Students shouldn’t focus on learning how to be productive with technology; they need to learn how to think about how they use it.</p>
<p>This is a good way of framing some nuance because not everyone needs to learn to be a writer. But there are certain tasks which necessitate humans writing because that’s what is going to squeeze some thought and energy out of us and into whatever we’re producing.</p>
<p>Writing is how we communicate. It’s our shared expression, our most common shared space of understanding. </p>
<p>Human expression requires a form of language. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to be adept at drawing, painting, or animation. We need to be able to explain ourselves, market ourselves, and sell ourselves. When you’re formulating verbal language you need to stick close to pre-existing patterns. We need a shared language in order to give expression to our emotions. Without that shared space, others couldn’t translate our expression back into their impression.</p>
<p>I love this idea of design being what turns impression into expression. That’s really all I’m doing with this blog post. I read iA’s expression, it makes an impression on me, and then I clarify my own impression by creating this expression — action with thought.</p>
<p>Now-a-days the pertinent question is: “Why continue blogging?” After all, AI seems bent on sucking up everything and give no credit where it’s due.</p>
<p>I think <a href="https://ia.net/topics/ai-and-the-beauty-of-human-flaws">this other post from the folks at iA</a> gets at <em>part</em> of the answer:</p>
<p>When cameras emerged in the 19th century, artists had to reconsider why they should continue painting. The Impressionist movement arose from this. It was no longer enough to simply replicate nature. The essential was how one expressed their impression of nature. Something similar is happening today.</p>
<p>It will no longer be enough to blog in order to merely “put out content”. The key will be what has always been key to great blogging: expressing your unique, inimitable impression.</p>
<p>Blogging is expressing your impression. It’s deriving action from thought. Regardless of how much the AI sphere may not be giving thought to its actions, continued blogging in the face of that reality is deliberate action with thought — something only us humans can do. Blog. Blog against the dying of the light.</p>

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<h1>Why wordfreq will not be updated</h1>
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Mis en cache le 2024-09-30
<p dir="auto">This documentation page has gotten a lot of attention recently! I
think most of the people who find it understand where I'm coming from. I'd
like to highlight a couple of things, now that people are linking to this
page from all sorts of contexts.</p>
<ul dir="auto">
<p dir="auto">I still work on open-source libraries. Here's <a href="https://github.com/rspeer/python-ftfy">ftfy</a>,
the popular multi-purpose Unicode fixer.</p>
<p dir="auto">You could see this freezing of wordfreq data as a good thing. Many people
have found wordfreq useful, and the latest version isn't going away. The
conclusion that I'm documenting here is that <em>updating it would make it
worse</em>, so instead, I'm not updating it. It'll become outdated over time,
but it won't get actively worse. That's a pretty okay fate for something
on the Internet!</p>
<div class="markdown-heading" dir="auto"><h1 tabindex="-1" class="heading-element" dir="auto">Why wordfreq will not be updated</h1><a id="user-content-why-wordfreq-will-not-be-updated" class="anchor" aria-label="Permalink: Why wordfreq will not be updated" href="#why-wordfreq-will-not-be-updated"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewbox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" aria-hidden="true"><path d="m7.775 3.275 1.25-1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 4.95 4.95l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1 .018-1.042.751.751 0 0 1 1.042-.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l2.5-2.5a2.002 2.002 0 0 0-2.83-2.83l-1.25 1.25a.751.751 0 0 1-1.042-.018.751.751 0 0 1-.018-1.042Zm-4.69 9.64a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l1.25-1.25a.751.751 0 0 1 0 0 1 .018 1.042l-1.25 1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1-4.95-4.95l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1-.018 1.042.751.751 0 0 1-1.042.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0-2.83 0l-2.5 2.5a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 0 2.83Z"></path></svg></a></div>
<p dir="auto">The wordfreq data is a snapshot of language that could be found in various
online sources up through 2021. There are several reasons why it will not be
updated anymore.</p>
<div class="markdown-heading" dir="auto"><h2 tabindex="-1" class="heading-element" dir="auto">Generative AI has polluted the data</h2><a id="user-content-generative-ai-has-polluted-the-data" class="anchor" aria-label="Permalink: Generative AI has polluted the data" href="#generative-ai-has-polluted-the-data"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewbox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" aria-hidden="true"><path d="m7.775 3.275 1.25-1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 4.95 4.95l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1 .018-1.042.751.751 0 0 1 1.042-.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l2.5-2.5a2.002 2.002 0 0 0-2.83-2.83l-1.25 1.25a.751.751 0 0 1-1.042-.018.751.751 0 0 1-.018-1.042Zm-4.69 9.64a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l1.25-1.25a.751.751 0 0 1 0 0 1 .018 1.042l-1.25 1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1-4.95-4.95l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1-.018 1.042.751.751 0 0 1-1.042.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0-2.83 0l-2.5 2.5a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 0 2.83Z"></path></svg></a></div>
<p dir="auto">I don't think anyone has reliable information about post-2021 language usage by
<p dir="auto">The open Web (via OSCAR) was one of wordfreq's data sources. Now the Web at
large is full of slop generated by large language models, written by no one to
communicate nothing. Including this slop in the data skews the word
<p dir="auto">Sure, there was spam in the wordfreq data sources, but it was manageable and
often identifiable. Large language models generate text that masquerades as
real language with intention behind it, even though there is none, and their
output crops up everywhere.</p>
<p dir="auto">As one example, <a href="https://pshapira.net/2024/03/31/delving-into-delve/" rel="nofollow">Philip Shapira
reports</a> that ChatGPT
(OpenAI's popular brand of generative language model circa 2024) is obsessed
with the word "delve" in a way that people never have been, and caused its
overall frequency to increase by an order of magnitude.</p>
<div class="markdown-heading" dir="auto"><h2 tabindex="-1" class="heading-element" dir="auto">Information that used to be free became expensive</h2><a id="user-content-information-that-used-to-be-free-became-expensive" class="anchor" aria-label="Permalink: Information that used to be free became expensive" href="#information-that-used-to-be-free-became-expensive"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewbox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" aria-hidden="true"><path d="m7.775 3.275 1.25-1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 4.95 4.95l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1 .018-1.042.751.751 0 0 1 1.042-.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l2.5-2.5a2.002 2.002 0 0 0-2.83-2.83l-1.25 1.25a.751.751 0 0 1-1.042-.018.751.751 0 0 1-.018-1.042Zm-4.69 9.64a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l1.25-1.25a.751.751 0 0 1 0 0 1 .018 1.042l-1.25 1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1-4.95-4.95l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1-.018 1.042.751.751 0 0 1-1.042.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0-2.83 0l-2.5 2.5a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 0 2.83Z"></path></svg></a></div>
<p dir="auto">Before I wrote this page, I'd been looking at how I would run the tool that
updates wordfreq's data sources.</p>
<p dir="auto">wordfreq is not just concerned with formal printed words. It collected more
conversational language usage from two sources in particular: Twitter and
<p dir="auto">The Twitter data was always built on sand. Even when Twitter allowed free
access to a portion of their "firehose", the terms of use did not allow me to
distribute that data outside of the company where I collected it (Luminoso).
wordfreq has the frequencies that were built with that data as input, but the
collected data didn't belong to me and I don't have it anymore.</p>
<p dir="auto">Now Twitter is gone anyway, its public APIs have shut down, and the site has
been replaced with an oligarch's plaything, a spam-infested right-wing cesspool
called X. Even if X made its raw data feed available (which it doesn't), there
would be no valuable information to be found there.</p>
<p dir="auto">Reddit also stopped providing public data archives, and now they sell their
archives at a price that only OpenAI will pay.</p>
<div class="markdown-heading" dir="auto"><h2 tabindex="-1" class="heading-element" dir="auto">I don't want to be part of this scene anymore</h2><a id="user-content-i-dont-want-to-be-part-of-this-scene-anymore" class="anchor" aria-label="Permalink: I don't want to be part of this scene anymore" href="#i-dont-want-to-be-part-of-this-scene-anymore"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewbox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" aria-hidden="true"><path d="m7.775 3.275 1.25-1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 4.95 4.95l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1 .018-1.042.751.751 0 0 1 1.042-.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l2.5-2.5a2.002 2.002 0 0 0-2.83-2.83l-1.25 1.25a.751.751 0 0 1-1.042-.018.751.751 0 0 1-.018-1.042Zm-4.69 9.64a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l1.25-1.25a.751.751 0 0 1 0 0 1 .018 1.042l-1.25 1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1-4.95-4.95l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1-.018 1.042.751.751 0 0 1-1.042.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0-2.83 0l-2.5 2.5a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 0 2.83Z"></path></svg></a></div>
<p dir="auto">wordfreq used to be at the intersection of my interests. I was doing corpus
linguistics in a way that could also benefit natural language processing tools.</p>
<p dir="auto">The field I know as "natural language processing" is hard to find these days.
It's all being devoured by generative AI. Other techniques still exist but
generative AI sucks up all the air in the room and gets all the money. It's
rare to see NLP research that doesn't have a dependency on closed data
controlled by OpenAI and Google, two companies that I already despise.</p>
<p dir="auto">wordfreq was built by collecting a whole lot of text in a lot of languages.
That used to be a pretty reasonable thing to do, and not the kind of thing
someone would be likely to object to. Now, the text-slurping tools are mostly
used for training generative AI, and people are quite rightly on the defensive.
If someone is collecting all the text from your books, articles, Web site, or
public posts, it's very likely because they are creating a plagiarism machine
that will claim your words as its own.</p>
<p dir="auto">So I don't want to work on anything that could be confused with generative AI,
or that could benefit generative AI.</p>
<p dir="auto">OpenAI and Google can collect their own damn data, and I hope they have to pay a
very high price for it. They made this mess themselves.</p>
<p dir="auto">— Robyn Speer</p>


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title: Why wordfreq will not be updated
url: https://github.com/rspeer/wordfreq/blob/master/SUNSET.md#i-dont-want-to-be-part-of-this-scene-anymore
hash_url: 1cd6127ccec88387f4804f0c3cf1011a
archive_date: 2024-09-30
og_image: https://opengraph.githubassets.com/23640beea69cc6e481c29b906530677a890056e4755f495489cf39654858b963/rspeer/wordfreq
description: Access a database of word frequencies, in various natural languages. - rspeer/wordfreq
favicon: https://github.githubassets.com/favicons/favicon.png
language: en_US

<p dir="auto">This documentation page has gotten a lot of attention recently! I
think most of the people who find it understand where I'm coming from. I'd
like to highlight a couple of things, now that people are linking to this
page from all sorts of contexts.</p>
<ul dir="auto">
<p dir="auto">I still work on open-source libraries. Here's <a href="https://github.com/rspeer/python-ftfy">ftfy</a>,
the popular multi-purpose Unicode fixer.</p>
<p dir="auto">You could see this freezing of wordfreq data as a good thing. Many people
have found wordfreq useful, and the latest version isn't going away. The
conclusion that I'm documenting here is that <em>updating it would make it
worse</em>, so instead, I'm not updating it. It'll become outdated over time,
but it won't get actively worse. That's a pretty okay fate for something
on the Internet!</p>
<div class="markdown-heading" dir="auto"><h1 tabindex="-1" class="heading-element" dir="auto">Why wordfreq will not be updated</h1><a id="user-content-why-wordfreq-will-not-be-updated" class="anchor" aria-label="Permalink: Why wordfreq will not be updated" href="#why-wordfreq-will-not-be-updated"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewbox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" aria-hidden="true"><path d="m7.775 3.275 1.25-1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 4.95 4.95l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1 .018-1.042.751.751 0 0 1 1.042-.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l2.5-2.5a2.002 2.002 0 0 0-2.83-2.83l-1.25 1.25a.751.751 0 0 1-1.042-.018.751.751 0 0 1-.018-1.042Zm-4.69 9.64a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l1.25-1.25a.751.751 0 0 1 0 0 1 .018 1.042l-1.25 1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1-4.95-4.95l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1-.018 1.042.751.751 0 0 1-1.042.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0-2.83 0l-2.5 2.5a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 0 2.83Z"></path></svg></a></div>
<p dir="auto">The wordfreq data is a snapshot of language that could be found in various
online sources up through 2021. There are several reasons why it will not be
updated anymore.</p>
<div class="markdown-heading" dir="auto"><h2 tabindex="-1" class="heading-element" dir="auto">Generative AI has polluted the data</h2><a id="user-content-generative-ai-has-polluted-the-data" class="anchor" aria-label="Permalink: Generative AI has polluted the data" href="#generative-ai-has-polluted-the-data"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewbox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" aria-hidden="true"><path d="m7.775 3.275 1.25-1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 4.95 4.95l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1 .018-1.042.751.751 0 0 1 1.042-.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l2.5-2.5a2.002 2.002 0 0 0-2.83-2.83l-1.25 1.25a.751.751 0 0 1-1.042-.018.751.751 0 0 1-.018-1.042Zm-4.69 9.64a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l1.25-1.25a.751.751 0 0 1 0 0 1 .018 1.042l-1.25 1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1-4.95-4.95l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1-.018 1.042.751.751 0 0 1-1.042.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0-2.83 0l-2.5 2.5a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 0 2.83Z"></path></svg></a></div>
<p dir="auto">I don't think anyone has reliable information about post-2021 language usage by
<p dir="auto">The open Web (via OSCAR) was one of wordfreq's data sources. Now the Web at
large is full of slop generated by large language models, written by no one to
communicate nothing. Including this slop in the data skews the word
<p dir="auto">Sure, there was spam in the wordfreq data sources, but it was manageable and
often identifiable. Large language models generate text that masquerades as
real language with intention behind it, even though there is none, and their
output crops up everywhere.</p>
<p dir="auto">As one example, <a href="https://pshapira.net/2024/03/31/delving-into-delve/" rel="nofollow">Philip Shapira
reports</a> that ChatGPT
(OpenAI's popular brand of generative language model circa 2024) is obsessed
with the word "delve" in a way that people never have been, and caused its
overall frequency to increase by an order of magnitude.</p>
<div class="markdown-heading" dir="auto"><h2 tabindex="-1" class="heading-element" dir="auto">Information that used to be free became expensive</h2><a id="user-content-information-that-used-to-be-free-became-expensive" class="anchor" aria-label="Permalink: Information that used to be free became expensive" href="#information-that-used-to-be-free-became-expensive"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewbox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" aria-hidden="true"><path d="m7.775 3.275 1.25-1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 4.95 4.95l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1 .018-1.042.751.751 0 0 1 1.042-.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l2.5-2.5a2.002 2.002 0 0 0-2.83-2.83l-1.25 1.25a.751.751 0 0 1-1.042-.018.751.751 0 0 1-.018-1.042Zm-4.69 9.64a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l1.25-1.25a.751.751 0 0 1 0 0 1 .018 1.042l-1.25 1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1-4.95-4.95l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1-.018 1.042.751.751 0 0 1-1.042.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0-2.83 0l-2.5 2.5a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 0 2.83Z"></path></svg></a></div>
<p dir="auto">Before I wrote this page, I'd been looking at how I would run the tool that
updates wordfreq's data sources.</p>
<p dir="auto">wordfreq is not just concerned with formal printed words. It collected more
conversational language usage from two sources in particular: Twitter and
<p dir="auto">The Twitter data was always built on sand. Even when Twitter allowed free
access to a portion of their "firehose", the terms of use did not allow me to
distribute that data outside of the company where I collected it (Luminoso).
wordfreq has the frequencies that were built with that data as input, but the
collected data didn't belong to me and I don't have it anymore.</p>
<p dir="auto">Now Twitter is gone anyway, its public APIs have shut down, and the site has
been replaced with an oligarch's plaything, a spam-infested right-wing cesspool
called X. Even if X made its raw data feed available (which it doesn't), there
would be no valuable information to be found there.</p>
<p dir="auto">Reddit also stopped providing public data archives, and now they sell their
archives at a price that only OpenAI will pay.</p>
<div class="markdown-heading" dir="auto"><h2 tabindex="-1" class="heading-element" dir="auto">I don't want to be part of this scene anymore</h2><a id="user-content-i-dont-want-to-be-part-of-this-scene-anymore" class="anchor" aria-label="Permalink: I don't want to be part of this scene anymore" href="#i-dont-want-to-be-part-of-this-scene-anymore"><svg class="octicon octicon-link" viewbox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" aria-hidden="true"><path d="m7.775 3.275 1.25-1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1 4.95 4.95l-2.5 2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1-4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1 .018-1.042.751.751 0 0 1 1.042-.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l2.5-2.5a2.002 2.002 0 0 0-2.83-2.83l-1.25 1.25a.751.751 0 0 1-1.042-.018.751.751 0 0 1-.018-1.042Zm-4.69 9.64a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 2.83 0l1.25-1.25a.751.751 0 0 1 0 0 1 .018 1.042l-1.25 1.25a3.5 3.5 0 1 1-4.95-4.95l2.5-2.5a3.5 3.5 0 0 1 4.95 0 .751.751 0 0 1-.018 1.042.751.751 0 0 1-1.042.018 1.998 1.998 0 0 0-2.83 0l-2.5 2.5a1.998 1.998 0 0 0 0 2.83Z"></path></svg></a></div>
<p dir="auto">wordfreq used to be at the intersection of my interests. I was doing corpus
linguistics in a way that could also benefit natural language processing tools.</p>
<p dir="auto">The field I know as "natural language processing" is hard to find these days.
It's all being devoured by generative AI. Other techniques still exist but
generative AI sucks up all the air in the room and gets all the money. It's
rare to see NLP research that doesn't have a dependency on closed data
controlled by OpenAI and Google, two companies that I already despise.</p>
<p dir="auto">wordfreq was built by collecting a whole lot of text in a lot of languages.
That used to be a pretty reasonable thing to do, and not the kind of thing
someone would be likely to object to. Now, the text-slurping tools are mostly
used for training generative AI, and people are quite rightly on the defensive.
If someone is collecting all the text from your books, articles, Web site, or
public posts, it's very likely because they are creating a plagiarism machine
that will claim your words as its own.</p>
<p dir="auto">So I don't want to work on anything that could be confused with generative AI,
or that could benefit generative AI.</p>
<p dir="auto">OpenAI and Google can collect their own damn data, and I hope they have to pay a
very high price for it. They made this mess themselves.</p>
<p dir="auto">— Robyn Speer</p>

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<h1>Le privilège de l’âge</h1>
<p class="center">
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Mis en cache le 2024-09-30
<p>L'âge est un sujet de conversation qui passionne les foules. On est toujours trop vieux ou trop jeune pour : quelque chose, les autres, faire bien, faire mal, être à temps, en profiter, dire au revoir.</p>

<p>J'observe mon entourage avec gourmandise. Les gamins pressés, intenses, brûlant d'en découdre. Les à peine trentenaires qui se plaignent que c'est plus pareil, qu'ils ont mal, qu'ils sont raides. Celles et ceux qui virent quadra et qui ne s'en remettent pas, qui ont l'impression que leur heure a sonné, qu'ils sont périmés. Les plus vieux aussi. Ceux qui sont tellement eux, depuis toujours que les rides et défaites du corps ne changent rien. Ceux qui glissent dangereusement vite sur une mauvaise pente et ne s'en rendent pas compte (ou refusent cette idée avec violence)</p>

<p>Et moi ? Jusqu'à présent, je trouve que vieillir est un signe de santé suffisamment bonne pour en être arrivée là.</p>

<p>Je regrette un peu d'avoir détesté tant mon corps quand il était encore vigoureux et plein de promesses, curieusement celui de maintenant, je suis plus en paix avec.</p>

<p>J'éprouve une grande joie à savoir qui je suis, ce que je veux, ce que je ne veux plus. Je me sens tellement plus libre d'être, dans ma tête, dans mon cœur. Je ne me sens plus obligée de suivre un chemin qui n'est pas le mien ; l'économie à part, les enfants ayant faim trois fois par jour. Ce matin, en allant de mon bureau de la maison à la cuisine, j'ai souri en direction du soleil qui se levait et faisait une lumière dorée dans mon salon. Sereinement, paisiblement, entièrement heureuse d'être là au bon moment pour la voir.</p>

<p>A quelques détails près, j'aime beaucoup ma vie maintenant. Je me glisse sous la couette, le soir, heureuse.</p>

<p>De ma liberté. De traverser cette période houleuse et difficile sans lâcher le cap, sans oublier de savourer tout ce que j'ai trouvé de bon sur le chemin. Comment dire ça sans sembler ridicule (bon, en même temps, je m'en fous), mais dans mon coin de banlieue pas classe, dans mon appart pas incroyablement beau, je suis bien, je suis à ma place. Mes derniers regards de la journée sont pour Paloma la superbe (plante verte) et mes bouquins, les chats vibrent sur mes pieds, les enfants vont bien, ils sont juste à côté, on a ri, encore. Quels millions achèteraient ça mieux que ça ? Combien de temps ça m'a pris pour savoir que ça valait l'infini, cette vie banale et unique ?</p>

<p>J'aime cette façon qu'on a, aussi, en vieillissant, de ne pas vraiment changer, au contraire, de se retrouver un peu, tout en découvrant sur soi des choses qui apaisent.</p>

<p>Cette année, j'ai commencé à apercevoir une forme de sérénité. De joie profonde à savourer ce qui <em>est</em> et que personne ne peut me retirer. Une faculté qui émerge à arrêter de me blesser moi même, aussi. Il y aura des remerciements à donner ; le chemin, ses obstacles et les gens sur la route n'y ont pas été pour rien.</p>

<p><img src="https://sacripanne.net/all_blogs/public/illustrations/.20240920_SALON_m.jpg" alt="" class="media-center"></p>

<p>Et oui il y aura d'autres moments difficiles, non je ne suis pas encore sortie du trou, mais il y a ça, cette dimension nouvelle que je savoure et qui me console de bien des choses.</p>


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title: Le privilège de l’âge
url: https://sacripanne.net/post/2024/09/20/Le-privil%C3%A8ge-de-l-%C3%A2ge
hash_url: 4703553d711667b5d3a10c0592c51508
archive_date: 2024-09-30
og_image: https://sacripanne.net/all_blogs/public/illustrations/.20240920_SALON_m.jpg
description: L'âge est un sujet de conversation qui passionne les foules. On est toujours trop vieux ou trop jeune pour : quelque chose, les autres, faire bien, faire mal, être à temps, en
language: fr_FR

<p>L'âge est un sujet de conversation qui passionne les foules. On est toujours trop vieux ou trop jeune pour : quelque chose, les autres, faire bien, faire mal, être à temps, en profiter, dire au revoir.</p>

<p>J'observe mon entourage avec gourmandise. Les gamins pressés, intenses, brûlant d'en découdre. Les à peine trentenaires qui se plaignent que c'est plus pareil, qu'ils ont mal, qu'ils sont raides. Celles et ceux qui virent quadra et qui ne s'en remettent pas, qui ont l'impression que leur heure a sonné, qu'ils sont périmés. Les plus vieux aussi. Ceux qui sont tellement eux, depuis toujours que les rides et défaites du corps ne changent rien. Ceux qui glissent dangereusement vite sur une mauvaise pente et ne s'en rendent pas compte (ou refusent cette idée avec violence)</p>

<p>Et moi ? Jusqu'à présent, je trouve que vieillir est un signe de santé suffisamment bonne pour en être arrivée là.</p>

<p>Je regrette un peu d'avoir détesté tant mon corps quand il était encore vigoureux et plein de promesses, curieusement celui de maintenant, je suis plus en paix avec.</p>

<p>J'éprouve une grande joie à savoir qui je suis, ce que je veux, ce que je ne veux plus. Je me sens tellement plus libre d'être, dans ma tête, dans mon cœur. Je ne me sens plus obligée de suivre un chemin qui n'est pas le mien ; l'économie à part, les enfants ayant faim trois fois par jour. Ce matin, en allant de mon bureau de la maison à la cuisine, j'ai souri en direction du soleil qui se levait et faisait une lumière dorée dans mon salon. Sereinement, paisiblement, entièrement heureuse d'être là au bon moment pour la voir.</p>

<p>A quelques détails près, j'aime beaucoup ma vie maintenant. Je me glisse sous la couette, le soir, heureuse.</p>

<p>De ma liberté. De traverser cette période houleuse et difficile sans lâcher le cap, sans oublier de savourer tout ce que j'ai trouvé de bon sur le chemin. Comment dire ça sans sembler ridicule (bon, en même temps, je m'en fous), mais dans mon coin de banlieue pas classe, dans mon appart pas incroyablement beau, je suis bien, je suis à ma place. Mes derniers regards de la journée sont pour Paloma la superbe (plante verte) et mes bouquins, les chats vibrent sur mes pieds, les enfants vont bien, ils sont juste à côté, on a ri, encore. Quels millions achèteraient ça mieux que ça ? Combien de temps ça m'a pris pour savoir que ça valait l'infini, cette vie banale et unique ?</p>

<p>J'aime cette façon qu'on a, aussi, en vieillissant, de ne pas vraiment changer, au contraire, de se retrouver un peu, tout en découvrant sur soi des choses qui apaisent.</p>

<p>Cette année, j'ai commencé à apercevoir une forme de sérénité. De joie profonde à savourer ce qui <em>est</em> et que personne ne peut me retirer. Une faculté qui émerge à arrêter de me blesser moi même, aussi. Il y aura des remerciements à donner ; le chemin, ses obstacles et les gens sur la route n'y ont pas été pour rien.</p>

<p><img src="https://sacripanne.net/all_blogs/public/illustrations/.20240920_SALON_m.jpg" alt="" class="media-center"></p>

<p>Et oui il y aura d'autres moments difficiles, non je ne suis pas encore sortie du trou, mais il y a ça, cette dimension nouvelle que je savoure et qui me console de bien des choses.</p>

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<h1>ChatGPT et la tronçonneuse</h1>
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Mis en cache le 2024-09-30
<p><time datetime="2024-09-20T07:30:02-04:00">20/09/2024 07:30:02 EDT</time></p>
<p>Je suis de plus en plus surpris de ce que j’entends, non seulement dans la rue ou dans les médias, mais aussi, et de plus en plus fréquemment, dans les milieux de la recherche (colloques, séminaires, tables rondes…). – à propos de l’utilisation de ChatGPT.</p>
<p>Je parle bien de ChatGPT et non des LLM. Car ChatGPT semble être devenu la seule application connue et, avec une opération d’antonomase, on lui identifie l’IA (comme google=recherche, zoom=vidéoconférence, word=écriture, etc.).</p>
<p>L’expression « IA » ne veut déjà pas dire grand-chose, mais limiter le monde des approches computationnelles à un chatbot, c’est vraiment stupéfiant.</p>
<p>Une petite explication pour les personnes qui n’ont aucune idée de ce dont on parle :</p>
<p><strong>ChatGPT est une application qui utilise un LLM pour mettre en place un chatbot</strong>. Un LLM permet de réaliser une série de calculs sur la langue. Je peux par exemple savoir où se trouve un mot ou une phrase dans un espace linguistique particulier, calculer sa distance par rapport à d’autres mots ou d’autres phrases et donc chercher des synonymes, des contraires, etc. Je peux chercher un mot ou une phrase qui a une position semblable dans une autre langue et donc essayer de trouver une traduction, etc. Je peux par exemple prendre une série de mots et chercher les mots les plus probables qui suivent ces mots. Par exemple, si j’ai les mots « Mon plat préféré est », le LLM pourra me suggérer, par exemple, que le mot le plus probable qui suivra ces mots sera « pizza ».</p>
<p>C’est ce dernier principe qui est utilisé pour un chatbot. C’est ce que fait ChatGPT : on introduit un prompt et il produit la série de mots les plus probables qui suivent ce prompt. Pour obtenir des résultats optimaux, on ajoute une série de méthodes, comme le renforcement learning, pour biaiser les résultats du LLM. Lorsque l’on écrit « Écris-moi une lettre pour mon ami Jean » dans le prompt de ChatGPT, ChatGPT n’a aucune idée de ce qu’on demande, il calcule juste quels sont les mots les plus probables qui viendront après, sur la base de ce qu’il a vu sur l’ensemble des textes sur lesquels il a été entraîné, et il nous les donne.</p>
<p>ChatGPT, donc, bavarde. Il bavarde de façon probabiliste, sur la base de ce qu’il a entendu (son corpus d’entraînement — c’est l’idée du <a href="https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3442188.3445922">« perroquet stochastique »</a>) et sur la base des instructions qu’il a reçues ensuite pour éviter de dire des choses qui pourraient déranger.</p>
<p>Or on pourrait déjà se demander quel est l’intérêt d’un tel outil… Quand est-ce que j’ai besoin de bavarder ? Et si j’en ai besoin, ne puis-je pas simplement aller dans le café d’en face et boire une bière en compagnie ? Certes, le copain de bière que je pourrais trouver produira son bavardage à partir d’un corpus plus limité que ChatGPT (il a lu et entendu moins de choses), mais le principe est plus ou moins le même.</p>
<p>L’engouement pour cette application me laisse bouche bée. On peut peut-être penser que cela vient du test de Turing et du fait que la définition formelle d’intelligence que propose Turing — avec beaucoup d’humour — est fondamentalement la capacité de bavarder. <a href="https://academic.oup.com/mind/article/LIX/236/433/986238">C’est l’idée de l’imitation game</a>.</p>
<p>Mais au-delà de l’engouement pour l’application de la part du grand public et des médias, ce qui me choque, c’est ce que j’entends auprès de mes collègues.</p>
<p>De plus en plus de personnes utilisent ChatGPT pour faire des choses qui n’ont rien à voir avec un chatbot, comme par exemple faire des recherches dans un corpus, des analyses linguistiques, extraire des mots-clés, faire du topic modeling ou de la fouille de texte en général. Et encore, faire des traductions, reformuler des phrases…</p>
<p>Mais cela n’a aucun sens !!! Bien évidemment, les LLM peuvent être utilisés pour faire des trucs de ce type, mais en utilisant d’autres méthodes et d’autres applications !</p>
<p>J’essaie d’utiliser une métaphore pour m’expliquer (avec un clin d’œil à Benoît Melançon) : avec un moteur à explosion, on peut faire des voitures (le moteur sert à faire tourner des roues) ou des tronçonneuses (la <a href="https://oreilletendue.com/2012/05/19/histoire-de-la-litterature-quebecoise-contemporaine-101/">tchén’ssâ</a>). Mais il n’est pas recommandé d’essayer de rentrer chez soi en utilisant une tronçonneuse. Mieux vaudrait utiliser une voiture.</p>
<p>Or l’approche d’openIA – et des utilisateurs – semble consister à adopter la tronçonneuse pour faire aussi l’office de voiture: on ajoute des pneus autour de la chaîne, on construit des routes qui s’adaptent à des tronçonneuses (c’est un peu ce qu’on fait avec le reinforcement lerning). Pour faire un exemple: ChatGPT n’est pas fait pour faire des traductions, mais certes, si on s’adapte un peu et si on rajoute à son fonctionnement des couches logicielles qui biaisent ses associations probabilistes, il peut arriver à faire un truc qui a l’air décent. Mais pourquoi ne pas utiliser des applications qui sont faites pour ça?</p>
<p>Deepl, notamment, utilise des LLM pour traduire, mais dans son cas le LLM n’est pas utilisé pour trouver les mots les plus probables qui viennent après le prompt, mais les mots qui ont une position semblable dans l’espace linguistique cible. Donc quand je dis à ChatGPT: “Traduis le mot amour en anglais” ChatGPT me répond avec la phrase la plus probable qui vient après mon prompt et peut-être il arrivera à associer à mon prompt une traduction (c’est juste une question de chance probabiliste et de rajout de couches logicielles pour biaiser la probabilité). Mais Deepl, quand j’écris “amour”, cherche directement le mot qui a un vecteur semblable en anglais. Donc il dépense moins d’énergies pour faire une chose plus précise.</p>
<p>En ce qui concerne la recherche, il me semble qu’il faudrait interdire toutes les applications: si on veut faire de la recherche avec les LLM, il me semble nécessaire de les utiliser en dehors des couches applicatives, en créant des applications <em>ad hoc</em>. Tous les autres usages devraient être bannis, parce que l’usage de LLM dans des applications existantes rend impossible la compréhension précise de la méthodologie. Mais au moins, si nous voulons vraiment utiliser des applications existantes, choisissons celles qui implementent des approches de recherche et non un chatbot!</p>
<p>J’ai entendu des gens dire à des colloques (!!!) “j’ai entraîné ChatGPT à faire x”. Mais cette phrase ne veut rien dire. Tu n’as rien entraîné, car GPT (le LLM sur lequel ChatGPT est basé) est préentraîné – comme le dit son acronyme: generative pretrained transformer. Tu as juste donné un prompt plus long et donc – peut-être – changé les mots les plus probables qui viendront après. Mais la réponse sera toujours une série de mots dont le rapport avec le prompt – aussi long soit-il – sera juste d’être “ceux qui ont le plus de probabilités de venir après”.</p>
<p>Encore une fois un “outil” qui se diffuse de façon bête – Word est mon autre exemple préféré. Encore une fois des usages qui se concentrent et des pratiques qui se formattent en adaptant les besoins à l’outil au lieu de définir l’outil en fonction des besoins. Désormais il semblerait que la chose la plus intéressante – ou plutôt la seule – que nous pouvons faire de nos jours c’est bavarder… et que tout peux se réduire au bavardage.</p>
<p>Aussi les critiques de ChatGPT sont souvent débiles: il est évident qu’un chatbot n’a aucune idée de vérité, il ne sait pas ce qu’est une source ou une référence… il n’est pas fait pour cela. Quand on fait des recherches en utilisant ChatGPT comme un moteur de recherche c’est encore une fois comme si on essayait d’utiliser une tronçonneuse pour rouler sur l’autoroute et qu’on se plaignait du fait qu’elle “ne marche pas bien”… Elle marche superbien, mais pour couper des arbres! ChatGPT ne peut pas faire des recherche, il n’est pas conçu pour cela, il sert à autre chose. (D’autres angoisses et critiques débiles concernent la prétendue perte de créativité, le plagiat etc… <a href="http://blog.sens-public.org/marcellovitalirosati/fabrique-des-subalternes.html">j’ai déjà eu l’occasion d’en parler</a>).</p>
<p>Il est évident que la communication des entreprises ainsi que le discours médiatique confondent les idées. On nous vend l’idée de l”‘intelligence artificielle”, l’idée selon laquelle il y aurait des outils miracle qui font tout parce qu’ils savent tout. Alors qu’il n’y a pas d’intelligence – ni artificielle ni naturelle, d’ailleurs – mais juste des modèles capables de répondre à des besoins spécifiques – les besoins qui ont été modélisés, justement.</p>
<p>Le problème ne sont pas les LLM, le problème n’est pas ChatGPT non plus – très utile pour écrire des demandes de financement, par exemple, qui sont, en effet, du bavardage probabiliste. Le problème est de ne jamais se poser la question de ce que pensent les outils que nous utilisons. De ne jamais modéliser précisement nos besoin, de ne jamais prendre le temps pour les spécifier et les comprendre. De croire qu’il y a juste un outil plus performant que l’autre. Alors qu’il y a des voitures et des tronçonneuses.</p>


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<h1>The secret power of a blog</h1>
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<a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2024/09/29/the-secret-power-of-a-blog/" title="Lien vers le contenu original">Source originale</a>
Mis en cache le 2024-09-30
<blockquote class="e-summary"><p>What has delighted me about the shit blog is how abundant it has made me feel. I sit down and type as fast as I can, and the results—well, they suck, but they don’t suck that much. They have a certain breeziness and some insights, too—insights of a different kind than I have in the serious essays. </p></blockquote>
<p><strong>A “shit blog” is a thing of power.</strong></p>
<p>If you only write when you’re sure you’ll produce brilliance, you’ll never write. Blogs can help <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2022/11/09/tricking-your-brain-into-writing-the-way-you-want/">writers trick ourselves</a> out of performance anxiety with <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2023/08/28/people-you-know-from-offline-dont-read-your-blog/">lower stakes</a>. As a tool, they’re deceptively simple: a blank text field grants you free rein, with the power to style and <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2024/09/19/long-live-hypertext/">link</a> — your blog is there whether you’d like to <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2024/03/01/article-pairing-the-immediacy-of-blogging/">dash off your initial reaction to the current Discourse</a>, <a href="https://marksuth.dev/posts/2024/09/indieweb-movie-club-august-2024-round-up-the-matrix">write a review of a twenty year old movie</a>, <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2023/02/02/with-a-blog-everything-is-a-prompt/">take notes on something you’ve read</a>, or <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2022/11/03/share-your-processes/">share how you do things</a>.</p>
<p>Blogs coax out <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2023/01/15/understanding-blogs/">deeper thinking in smaller blocks</a>. <strong>A blog gives you the space to explore and nurture ideas over time</strong>, perhaps growing so slowly <a href="https://writingslowly.com/2023/11/07/how-to-make.html">you hardly notice the extent of the evolution of your thoughts</a> till you read something you wrote a few years ago.</p>
<p><span id="more-21197"></span></p>
<h2>We choose our blogging spaces</h2>
<p><strong>The spaces where we think and write shape what we make.</strong> On a website, you’re not bound to the shape of a social post, but able to write whatever and however much you want. Mandy Brown talks about reclaiming her creative attention by <a href="https://aworkinglibrary.com/writing/coming-home">recentering her work from her website instead of social platforms</a>*:</p>
<blockquote><p>It’s allowed me to cultivate the soil to suit my purposes—rather than having to adapt my garden to the soil I was given.</p></blockquote>
<aside class="sidenote">*I could have quoted a ton of this post, it’s well worth reading the whole thing!</aside>
<p>When we choose our own platform, rather than accepting the constrained spaces that silos begrudge us, <strong>we can decide where friction is helpful and where it blocks us</strong>. Annie Mueller calls out that <a href="https://anniemueller.com/posts/moving-to-pika">too much friction to publish adds self-imposed weight</a>:</p>
<blockquote><p>The more effort it takes to do something, the more value we expect it to have. That’s a way of protecting ourselves from making unwise investments.</p>
<p>The more friction existed, the higher the stakes felt to me, and the more it seemed like I needed to have <em>something very important and worthwhile to say</em> before I could (should) blog about it.</p></blockquote>
<p>To counter this impulse, she’s moved from WordPress to Pika, a simpler blogging platform. Self-publishing on a blog puts you in control of your creative environment — you can choose a CMS or roll your own.</p>
<h2>Blogs are working spaces</h2>
<p>Readers have different expectations for blog posts than more formal writing. Bloggers <a href="https://jvns.ca/blog/2023/06/05/some-blogging-myths/#myth-you-need-to-be-an-expert">don’t need to be experts</a> or <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2023/11/01/mistakes-are-part-of-the-learning-process/">have all the answers</a>. Posts <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2023/03/27/blog-posts-dont-have-to-be-long/">don’t have to be deep</a> or <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2020/12/05/write-shorter/">long</a>. <strong>The blog’s form is practically made for active learning</strong>, for sharing thoughts and updates over a span of time.</p>
<p>We know, when we’re reading a blog, that we’re getting a glimpse into the writer’s active psyche, a tour of their studio as it were — not hearing their thesis presentation or reading their pre-print publication; <strong>hearing from other people <em>being people</em> is part of the appeal of blogs</strong>.</p>
<p><a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2024/06/19/good-idea/">Not every blog post will be great</a>, but it’s worth <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2022/06/10/writing-anyway/">writing anyway</a>: it’s the coming back, the ongoing <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2021/03/19/process-over-outcome/">practice of writing</a>, the commitment to self publishing that matters.</p>
<h2>The practice of blogging is the practice of thinking</h2>
<p>Your thinking doesn’t change with everything you write; it can take a while to nurture and explore new ideas. Lisa Olivera reflects on <a href="https://lisaolivera.substack.com/p/layers-upon-layers">the intrinsic value of her regular newsletter practice</a>, the commitment to writing even when she doesn’t necessarily have something big to say:</p>
<blockquote><p>[S]ometimes, the rhythm of showing up each week means more to me than what results; the process of sitting down and writing to you in this form means more than whether or not it’s “good” or “well received”; the ritual of saying yes to this practice means more than the outcome of it, or whether or not I write something I consider to be important or meaningful enough, or the judgments I have about any of it at all, really.</p></blockquote>
<p>Giving yourself time to grow comfortable with a set of ideas can help you <a href="https://cascadiainspired.com/thinking-better-with-my-mind-garden/">lay a foundation to build upon, connect, or interrogate</a>. Your ideas in each post aren’t necessarily new — but there’s value in revisiting.</p>
<h2>Blogs are safe spaces</h2>
<p>At the same time, the blog world is quieter than social media. Not very many people read blogs, and blogs are harder to engage with or share*, so the risk of a blogger going viral is low.</p>
<aside class="sidenote">*especially given how hard it is to link out on most corporate social media platforms.</aside>
<p>Lexi Merritt, writing about <a href="https://leximerritt.substack.com/p/trying-in-public">shitposting as a first foray into deeper writing online</a>, identifies that “trying in public is easier when you feel safe.” Your own blog is a pretty safe space to experiment. As a self-publisher, you can gate interactions with your writing; you get to decide whether to accept comments or post your contact info for readers.</p>
<p>It’s also a space where <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2024/06/06/posting-frequency-as-the-heartbeat-of-a-blog/">setting your own pace is accepted</a>, whether that’s posting once a year or once a day. As Simon Reynolds puts it, <a href="https://blissout.blogspot.com/2022/12/a-blogging-renaissance.html?m=1">blogging is leisurely</a>:</p>
<blockquote><p>…blogging remains my favorite format precisely because the writing so rarely feels like labour… It feels like a leisure activity because it’s <em>leisurely</em> – a ramble across fields of culture and knowledge, during which you sneak short cuts and trespass into areas you are not meant to go… You can bundle or concatenate several different topics, push into adjacency things that don’t obviously or naturally belong together – like oddments inside a Cornell box.</p></blockquote>
<p>There’s something subversive about writing without concern for marketability or scale. Blogs are spaces where we can think, <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2024/03/01/indieweb-interactions-what-builds-connection/">connect with each other</a>, and <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2023/07/30/playing-together-online-reimagining-interactions/">play</a> without oversight from corporations. Blogging prioritizes ourselves and our own concerns. <strong>Your blog’s true power is that it unlocks *your* power.</strong></p>


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title: The secret power of a blog
url: https://tracydurnell.com/2024/09/29/the-secret-power-of-a-blog/
hash_url: 72bb85e63c3eb4caed75fbb77608a638
archive_date: 2024-09-30
og_image: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/b1231bba531dc25e30cd37258109de9c?s=160&d=mm&r=pg
favicon: https://tracydurnell.com/favicon.ico
language: en_US

<blockquote class="e-summary"><p>What has delighted me about the shit blog is how abundant it has made me feel. I sit down and type as fast as I can, and the results—well, they suck, but they don’t suck that much. They have a certain breeziness and some insights, too—insights of a different kind than I have in the serious essays. </p></blockquote>
<p><strong>A “shit blog” is a thing of power.</strong></p>
<p>If you only write when you’re sure you’ll produce brilliance, you’ll never write. Blogs can help <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2022/11/09/tricking-your-brain-into-writing-the-way-you-want/">writers trick ourselves</a> out of performance anxiety with <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2023/08/28/people-you-know-from-offline-dont-read-your-blog/">lower stakes</a>. As a tool, they’re deceptively simple: a blank text field grants you free rein, with the power to style and <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2024/09/19/long-live-hypertext/">link</a> — your blog is there whether you’d like to <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2024/03/01/article-pairing-the-immediacy-of-blogging/">dash off your initial reaction to the current Discourse</a>, <a href="https://marksuth.dev/posts/2024/09/indieweb-movie-club-august-2024-round-up-the-matrix">write a review of a twenty year old movie</a>, <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2023/02/02/with-a-blog-everything-is-a-prompt/">take notes on something you’ve read</a>, or <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2022/11/03/share-your-processes/">share how you do things</a>.</p>
<p>Blogs coax out <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2023/01/15/understanding-blogs/">deeper thinking in smaller blocks</a>. <strong>A blog gives you the space to explore and nurture ideas over time</strong>, perhaps growing so slowly <a href="https://writingslowly.com/2023/11/07/how-to-make.html">you hardly notice the extent of the evolution of your thoughts</a> till you read something you wrote a few years ago.</p>
<p><span id="more-21197"></span></p>
<h2>We choose our blogging spaces</h2>
<p><strong>The spaces where we think and write shape what we make.</strong> On a website, you’re not bound to the shape of a social post, but able to write whatever and however much you want. Mandy Brown talks about reclaiming her creative attention by <a href="https://aworkinglibrary.com/writing/coming-home">recentering her work from her website instead of social platforms</a>*:</p>
<blockquote><p>It’s allowed me to cultivate the soil to suit my purposes—rather than having to adapt my garden to the soil I was given.</p></blockquote>
<aside class="sidenote">*I could have quoted a ton of this post, it’s well worth reading the whole thing!</aside>
<p>When we choose our own platform, rather than accepting the constrained spaces that silos begrudge us, <strong>we can decide where friction is helpful and where it blocks us</strong>. Annie Mueller calls out that <a href="https://anniemueller.com/posts/moving-to-pika">too much friction to publish adds self-imposed weight</a>:</p>
<blockquote><p>The more effort it takes to do something, the more value we expect it to have. That’s a way of protecting ourselves from making unwise investments.</p>
<p>The more friction existed, the higher the stakes felt to me, and the more it seemed like I needed to have <em>something very important and worthwhile to say</em> before I could (should) blog about it.</p></blockquote>
<p>To counter this impulse, she’s moved from WordPress to Pika, a simpler blogging platform. Self-publishing on a blog puts you in control of your creative environment — you can choose a CMS or roll your own.</p>
<h2>Blogs are working spaces</h2>
<p>Readers have different expectations for blog posts than more formal writing. Bloggers <a href="https://jvns.ca/blog/2023/06/05/some-blogging-myths/#myth-you-need-to-be-an-expert">don’t need to be experts</a> or <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2023/11/01/mistakes-are-part-of-the-learning-process/">have all the answers</a>. Posts <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2023/03/27/blog-posts-dont-have-to-be-long/">don’t have to be deep</a> or <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2020/12/05/write-shorter/">long</a>. <strong>The blog’s form is practically made for active learning</strong>, for sharing thoughts and updates over a span of time.</p>
<p>We know, when we’re reading a blog, that we’re getting a glimpse into the writer’s active psyche, a tour of their studio as it were — not hearing their thesis presentation or reading their pre-print publication; <strong>hearing from other people <em>being people</em> is part of the appeal of blogs</strong>.</p>
<p><a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2024/06/19/good-idea/">Not every blog post will be great</a>, but it’s worth <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2022/06/10/writing-anyway/">writing anyway</a>: it’s the coming back, the ongoing <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2021/03/19/process-over-outcome/">practice of writing</a>, the commitment to self publishing that matters.</p>
<h2>The practice of blogging is the practice of thinking</h2>
<p>Your thinking doesn’t change with everything you write; it can take a while to nurture and explore new ideas. Lisa Olivera reflects on <a href="https://lisaolivera.substack.com/p/layers-upon-layers">the intrinsic value of her regular newsletter practice</a>, the commitment to writing even when she doesn’t necessarily have something big to say:</p>
<blockquote><p>[S]ometimes, the rhythm of showing up each week means more to me than what results; the process of sitting down and writing to you in this form means more than whether or not it’s “good” or “well received”; the ritual of saying yes to this practice means more than the outcome of it, or whether or not I write something I consider to be important or meaningful enough, or the judgments I have about any of it at all, really.</p></blockquote>
<p>Giving yourself time to grow comfortable with a set of ideas can help you <a href="https://cascadiainspired.com/thinking-better-with-my-mind-garden/">lay a foundation to build upon, connect, or interrogate</a>. Your ideas in each post aren’t necessarily new — but there’s value in revisiting.</p>
<h2>Blogs are safe spaces</h2>
<p>At the same time, the blog world is quieter than social media. Not very many people read blogs, and blogs are harder to engage with or share*, so the risk of a blogger going viral is low.</p>
<aside class="sidenote">*especially given how hard it is to link out on most corporate social media platforms.</aside>
<p>Lexi Merritt, writing about <a href="https://leximerritt.substack.com/p/trying-in-public">shitposting as a first foray into deeper writing online</a>, identifies that “trying in public is easier when you feel safe.” Your own blog is a pretty safe space to experiment. As a self-publisher, you can gate interactions with your writing; you get to decide whether to accept comments or post your contact info for readers.</p>
<p>It’s also a space where <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2024/06/06/posting-frequency-as-the-heartbeat-of-a-blog/">setting your own pace is accepted</a>, whether that’s posting once a year or once a day. As Simon Reynolds puts it, <a href="https://blissout.blogspot.com/2022/12/a-blogging-renaissance.html?m=1">blogging is leisurely</a>:</p>
<blockquote><p>…blogging remains my favorite format precisely because the writing so rarely feels like labour… It feels like a leisure activity because it’s <em>leisurely</em> – a ramble across fields of culture and knowledge, during which you sneak short cuts and trespass into areas you are not meant to go… You can bundle or concatenate several different topics, push into adjacency things that don’t obviously or naturally belong together – like oddments inside a Cornell box.</p></blockquote>
<p>There’s something subversive about writing without concern for marketability or scale. Blogs are spaces where we can think, <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2024/03/01/indieweb-interactions-what-builds-connection/">connect with each other</a>, and <a href="https://tracydurnell.com/2023/07/30/playing-together-online-reimagining-interactions/">play</a> without oversight from corporations. Blogging prioritizes ourselves and our own concerns. <strong>Your blog’s true power is that it unlocks *your* power.</strong></p>

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@@ -264,6 +266,8 @@
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