This is a gentle fork from with a responsive and optimized mindset.
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David Larlet 28603b6ff4
CSP for vimeo
před 6 měsíci
theme CSP for vimeo před 6 měsíci
.gitignore Do not commit original photos před 1 rokem
LICENSE Add MIT license před 2 roky
Makefile 🐍 Why not generating `make`s help in Python? před 2 roky 🔥 This is the main rewrite from boop to révélateur před 2 roky 🔥 This is the main rewrite from boop to révélateur před 2 roky Use pip-tools to deal with Python dependencies před 2 roky
requirements-dev.txt Use pip-tools to deal with Python dependencies před 2 roky Use pip-tools to deal with Python dependencies před 2 roky
requirements.txt Bump před 6 měsíci Bump před 6 měsíci


révélateur \ʁœʁ\ masculin : (Photographie) Bain chimique où l’on trempe le cliché pour faire apparaître l’image encore invisible. (Anglais : developer)


This is a fork from boop by Marien Fressinaud (thank you!). I used that code as a base to setup my own photos & videos website:

This adaptation tries to generate different images sizes and to serve the correct resolution to the client in order to minimize the weight of the pages. You can set new sizes in

Note that it might also be interesting to check out the original repo, it depends on your requirements.


Requirements: Python 3.7+ (First released: 2018-06-27)

You have to install a webp converter, there are binaries here, or you can use your OS bundler (for instance homebrew for macOS):

$ brew install webp

Then create and activate a Python virtual env:

$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Lastly, install Python dependencies:

$ make install

Put a folder full of photographies in the photos folder.

You can create a metadata.yml file in it with the title of the album (name) and the name of the cover photography (cover):

name: "Title of the album"
cover: "filename-of-the-cover-image-without-extension"

Private galleries

If you set a password key in your metadata.yml file, the gallery will turn into a private one. It will not be listed in the default index and only people with the correct URL will be able to see your photos.

⚠️ This is not a very secured way to hide something from the internets!

If you want to share confidential images, find another tool.

There is a command (make ulid) to help you get a password that is readable and spellable across a phone call for instance.

Also note that you must not commit/push your metadata.yml file with a password in it to a public repository, obviously.


Running make will display the help for all existing commands.

Most of the time you want to run:

$ make build serve

And then go to: http://localhost:8080

⚠️ Note that the default theme contains fonts that I am not allowed to distribute. You have to put your own files there or you can rely on a system font stack.


Set a TARGET_SERVER_OUTPUT variable in your .env file:

$ echo TARGET_SERVER_OUTPUT=user@server.url:/path/to/website > .env

Then make publish will rsync the content of the output folder to your server. And hopefully not send existing files twice.


You must install the development dependencies to respect the current code style:

$ python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt