Repository with sources and generator of
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stream_2019_archives.html 1.1KB

  1. {% extends "base_2019.html" %}
  2. {% block title %}Pensées hebdomadaires{% endblock %}
  3. {% block extra_head %}
  4. <!-- Canonical URL for SEO purposes -->
  5. <link rel="canonical" href="">
  6. {% endblock %}
  7. {% block content %}
  8. <style type="text/css">
  9. h2 {
  10. margin: 2rem 0 1rem;
  11. }
  12. .next {
  13. text-align: right;
  14. }
  15. </style>
  16. <h1>
  17. <span><a id="jumper" href="#jumpto" title="Un peu perdu ?">?</a></span>
  18. Pensées de {{ note_list[0].date.year }}
  19. </h1>
  20. {% for note in note_list %}
  21. <article>
  22. <h2><a href="{{ note.url }}">{{ note.title }}</a> <time>— Publié le {{"%d %B").strip("0") }}</time></h2>
  23. {{ note.extract }}
  24. <p class="next">
  25. <a href="{{ note.url }}">Lire la suite →</a>
  26. </p>
  27. </article>
  28. {% endfor %}
  29. {% endblock content %}
  30. {% block nav %}
  31. <nav id="jumpto">
  32. <p>
  33. <a href="/david/stream/2015/">En 2015</a> | <a href="/david/lexique/">Lexique 2016</a> | <a href="/david/correspondances/2017/">Correspondances 2017</a> | <a href="/david/stream/2018/">En 2018</a> | <a href="/david/stream/2019/">En 2019</a>
  34. </p>
  35. </nav>
  36. {% endblock nav %}