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title: Rappel intéressant slug: rappel-interessant date: 2007-10-19 12:22:20 type: thought vignette:
contextual_title1: Microformats vs. RDF contextual_url1: 20071018-microformats-vs-rdf contextual_title2: Vous vous ennuyez au boulot ? contextual_url2: 20071017-vous-vous-ennuyez-au-boulot contextual_title3: La passionnante vie d'Aaron Swartz contextual_url3: 20071017-la-passionnante-vie-daaron-swartz

Sure, root privileges allow an exploit to do anything, but the most important thing on your system is your personal data, and an exploit doesn’t need root privileges to access that. Merci John.