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Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.

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  130. <h2>
  131. <a href="/david/2024/04/10/" title="Lien permanent vers cet article">Weird</a> <time datetime="2024-04-10">10 avril 2024</time>
  132. </h2>
  133. <blockquote lang="en">
  134. <p><em>Say the weird&nbsp;thing.</em></p>
  135. <p>Okay, I’ll&nbsp;play.</p>
  136. <p>The self is an&nbsp;illusion.</p>
  137. <p>I’m a meat sack with electricity flying through&nbsp;space.</p>
  138. <p>I am the natural consequence of every action from the Big Bang to&nbsp;today.</p>
  139. <p>I don’t have free&nbsp;will.</p>
  140. <p>Most of what my brain does is done in the dark of my attention and even when I am making conscious choices I did not choose to become the type of person who would choose that choice over&nbsp;another.</p>
  141. <p>We created god because we got smart enough to realize that we were gonna die. Evolution rewarded religion because dogmatic bonded communities with a shared myth had ways of tending to one another in ways that other tribes&nbsp;didn’t.</p>
  142. <p>We are the product of superstitious ancestors who survived better because they believed in supernatural elements and that they made them more likely to&nbsp;survive.</p>
  143. <p>All we know is that there is consciousness and we are no closer to solving the hard problem of consciousness than when we first phrased it. And objects and consciousness which we cannot know if they are real because our brain is limited by its own perception of reality. And when we try to observe what is real, what is real&nbsp;changes.</p>
  144. <p>Our brain is doing so much that it created shortcuts so that you are not aware of most of it. And our brains are so wired into towards culting that even when we leave religion, we create a religion out of whatever our thing is: astrology, politics, whatever.</p>
  145. <p>These evolutionary shortcuts worked when we were small tribes but now that our trews are bumping into each other, it will be the machine that destroys&nbsp;ourselves.</p>
  146. <p>We have a 180&nbsp;catalog brain biases that tends towards simplicity over complexity, loyalty to our tribes, the illusion of the self and all of that is not compatible to what we know about the modern&nbsp;world.</p>
  147. <p>Anyone who accepts all this will inevitably be alone. There is a lot of lip service to leaving the matrix but in reality it’s very&nbsp;lonely.</p>
  148. <p>The machine of evolution that says to survive at all costs and all of the shortcuts that created that survival will eventually be a machine that eats itself. Individuals can remove themselves to some degree but <mark>if you try to change the world, you will inevitably become a cult and you will become the monster that you were trying to&nbsp;destroy.</mark></p>
  149. <p>And even with all of that, there’s a way to structure with meaning and purpose and experiencing being, and being able to pop your head up in this universe, and check out what is going on where you still are glad you got to be alive, and it probably takes a little bit of privilege because you have to die so many times to get there and it’s very&nbsp;hard.</p>
  150. <p>And in the end the only benefit that you get is that you know that you’re playing in reality which is little more than a shared hallucination rather than being in a delusion and not knowing that you&nbsp;are.</p>
  151. <p>Invite me to your next party! ✌️</p>
  152. <p><cite>@nononsensespirituality, <a data-link-domain="" href="">via masto</a>, que l’on retrouve <a data-link-domain="" href="">aussi sur&nbsp;Instagram</a></cite></p>
  153. </blockquote>
  154. <p>Bienvenue dans mon cerveau&nbsp;😅.</p>
  155. <a href="#hr-146" title="Lien vers cette section de la page"><hr id="hr-146" /></a>
  156. <blockquote>
  157. <p>The Swolf is a composite measurement in sports swimming that reflects how fast and <mark>how efficiently somebody is swimming.</mark> In contrast, time per distance (speed) neglects swimming technique, and the number of swimming strokes per lap neglects the purpose of competitive swimming: Covering a given distance in the shortest&nbsp;time.</p>
  158. <p><cite><a data-link-domain="" href="">Swolf</a></cite></p>
  159. </blockquote>
  160. <p>Découverte du jour grâce à la montre&nbsp;: la mesure du Swolf en natation. Voilà un calcul qui m’intéresse davantage que la&nbsp;vitesse.</p>
  161. <p>J’ai fait mon premier kilomètre (avec pauses) de l’année. Mon Swolf actuel a l’air de tourner autour de 40-45&nbsp;lorsque je ne suis pas trop dérangé par les autres nageur·euses, on va voir si ça évolue ces prochains&nbsp;mois.</p>
  162. <a href="#hr-147" title="Lien vers cette section de la page"><hr id="hr-147" /></a>
  163. <blockquote>
  164. <p>The other maintainer suddenly&nbsp;disappeared.</p>
  165. <p><cite><a data-link-domain="" href="">Update maintainer and author&nbsp;info.</a></cite></p>
  166. </blockquote>
  167. <p>Le <em>commit</em> du&nbsp;jour.</p>
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  180. </p>
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  182. <h2>
  183. <a href="/david/2024/03/24/" title="Lien permanent vers cet article">Cage</a> <time datetime="2024-03-24">24 mars 2024</time>
  184. </h2>
  185. <blockquote>
  186. <p>«&nbsp;Serai-je toujours choisie&#8239;? dit-elle avec amertume. Serai-je toujours laissée derrière quand les cavaliers partiront, pour garder la maison pendant qu’ils se couvrent de gloire, et veiller à ce que le repas et le lit soient prêts à leur&nbsp;retour&#8239;?&nbsp;»</p>
  187. <p>«&nbsp;Un jour viendra bientôt, peut-être, où nul ne rentrera, dit-il. Alors, il y aura besoin de courage sans gloire, car nul ne se souviendra des exploits accomplis dans l’ultime défense de vos foyers. Mais ces exploits n’auront pas été moins vaillants pour être restés sans&nbsp;éloges.&nbsp;»</p>
  188. <p>Et elle répondit: «&nbsp;Tout cela revient à dire&nbsp;: vous êtes une femme, et votre place est à la maison. Mais quand les hommes seront morts au combat, dans l’honneur, vous pourrez brûler avec elle, car les hommes n’auront plus besoin d’un toit. Mais je suis de la Maison d’Eorl, et non une femme servante. Je puis monter à cheval, je sais manier l’épée&#8239;; et je ne crains ni la souffrance, ni la&nbsp;mort.&nbsp;»</p>
  189. <p>«&nbsp;Que craignez-vous donc, madame&#8239;?&nbsp;»&nbsp;demanda-t-il.</p>
  190. <p>«&nbsp;<mark>Une cage</mark>, dit-elle. Vivre derrière des barreaux, jusqu’à ce que l’habitude et la vieillesse s’en accommodent, et que l’espoir d’accomplir de hauts faits soit au-delà de tout souvenir et de toute&nbsp;envie.&nbsp;»</p>
  191. <p><cite><em>Le Seigneur des Anneaux</em>, J.R.R. Tolkien, traduction de Daniel&nbsp;Lauzon</cite></p>
  192. </blockquote>
  193. <p>Il s’agit de mon extrait favori de la trilogie. <em>Éowyn forever&nbsp;&lt;3.</em></p>
  194. <a href="#hr-132" title="Lien vers cette section de la page"><hr id="hr-132" /></a>
  195. <blockquote>
  196. <p>Bref, il s’agit de modéliser le mieux possible les <strong>besoins éditoriaux</strong> pour ensuite – <em>et seulement ensuite&#8239;!</em> – réunir les ingrédients techniques. (On voit souvent le contraire arriver en pratique&nbsp;: on plaque des solutions existantes sans nécessairement tenir compte des spécificités propres à un problème, un contexte, une communauté.) Il existe souvent plusieurs solutions possibles, plusieurs morceaux de code différents qui produisent, à première vue, un effet similaire&#8239;; <mark>sauf que les démarches ne se valent pas toutes,</mark> et c’est justement en tenant compte du contexte particulier qu’on peut trouver chaussure à son pied (ou à celui des&nbsp;autres).</p>
  197. <p><cite><em><a data-link-domain="" href="" hreflang="fr"
  198. title="Consultation de l’article">Écrire ou coder l’éditorial</a>
  199. <a href="/david/cache/2024/bb9ae7eeac8484bf3e675d196b8dc8b9/" hreflang="fr"
  200. data-tippy data-description="Carnet de recherche de Louis-Olivier Brassard."
  201. data-source=""
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  212. <span class="sr-only">[archive]</span></a></em></cite></p>
  213. </blockquote>
  214. <p>CSS ⨯ Grec ancien ⨯&nbsp;poésie.</p>
  215. <a href="#hr-133" title="Lien vers cette section de la page"><hr id="hr-133" /></a>
  216. <blockquote lang="en">
  217. <p>In principle, these modern pages that burn a ton of CPU when loading could be doing pre-work that means that later interactions on the page are faster and cheaper than on the pages that do less up-front work (this is a common argument in favor of these kinds of pages), <mark>but that’s not the case for pages tested, which are slower</mark> to load initially, slower on subsequent loads, and slower after they’ve&nbsp;loaded.</p>
  218. <p><cite><em><a data-link-domain="" href="" hreflang="en"
  219. title="Consultation de l’article (anglais)">How web bloat impacts users with slow devices</a>
  220. <a href="/david/cache/2024/a988555163e09729b925dbf715ce256c/" hreflang="en"
  221. data-tippy data-description="More of the web is becoming inaccessible to people with low-end devices even if they have high-end connections."
  222. data-source=""
  223. data-date="2024-03-25"
  224. data-favicon="data:;base64,="
  225. data-domain=""
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  233. <span class="sr-only">[archive]</span></a></em></cite></p>
  234. </blockquote>
  235. <p>L’article déprimant du jour que devraient lire tou·tes les dévelopeur·euses avec leurs processeurs MX et leurs&nbsp;iPhones.</p>
  236. <p><em>Je l’ai&nbsp;lu.</em></p>
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  249. </p>
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  251. <h2>
  252. <a href="/david/2024/03/09/" title="Lien permanent vers cet article">Marque</a> <time datetime="2024-03-09">9 mars 2024</time>
  253. </h2>
  254. <blockquote lang="en">
  255. <p><mark>Removing the brand from the person</mark> is all but straightforward. I now start my about page with a quick way to introduce myself by putting forward some of my values. […] Beside saying <em>people</em> instead of <em>users</em>, stop considering who’s reading my stuff as <em>audience</em>, and quit referring to what I do as <em>content</em>, I want to modify a few more&nbsp;behaviours:</p>
  256. <ul>
  257. <li>Quit mentioning well-known bloggers on a first-name basis. […]</li>
  258. <li>Keep writing about different things. […]</li>
  259. <li>Don’t quote so-called thought leaders&nbsp;[…]</li>
  260. <li>Stop sugar-coating concepts&nbsp;[…]</li>
  261. </ul>
  262. <p><cite><em><a data-link-domain="" href="" hreflang="en"
  263. title="Consultation de l’article (anglais)">A Kafkaesque digital relationship with ourselves</a>
  264. <a href="/david/cache/2024/34590090e8c8ea82be14fcc3dd7b734c/" hreflang="en"
  265. data-tippy data-description="Words are crucial to build a sense of online community, however many of us have been using them straight out of a soulless corporate lingo in order to sell ourselves as a product."
  266. data-source=""
  267. data-date="2024-03-09"
  268. data-favicon=""
  269. data-domain=""
  270. ><svg xmlns=""
  271. width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"
  272. stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="square"
  273. stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle>
  274. <path d="M9.09 9a3 3 0 0 1 5.83 1c0 2-3 3-3 3"></path>
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  276. </svg>
  277. <span class="sr-only">[archive]</span></a></em></cite></p>
  278. </blockquote>
  279. <p>Réflexion du jour sur le vocabulaire qui évolue pour se présenter sur le Web. Je suis souvent intrigué par les biographies et textes de présentation sur mastodon qui sont à la fois singuliers tout en respectant des codes (micro-)culturels. Peut-être que l’on a besoin de se sentir dans un cadre de représentation connu pour se sentir exister dans une&nbsp;communauté.</p>
  280. <p>Le même auteur, en&nbsp;2002(!)&nbsp;:</p>
  281. <blockquote lang="en">
  282. <p>Five years ago there was all this buzz about <em>virtual communities</em>. How did that go? I have no idea, all I know is that everything revolves around who’s the hottest blogger right now. They talk about themselves, reference each other, all anxious about who has the most comments or the longest and most prestigious blogroll. Compared to that, <mark>my online journal is pure mental masturbation, but at least I have the occasional good photo and such nice&nbsp;typography.</mark></p>
  283. <p><cite><em><a data-link-domain="" href="" hreflang="en"
  284. title="Consultation de l’article (anglais)">Years just pass by</a>
  285. <a href="/david/cache/2024/4f003de8f8531a4aaf121ecf6c21ae66/" hreflang="en"
  286. data-tippy data-description="The desire to be part of a community of bloggers hits the harsh reality of how humans want thought leaders who appear to be successful."
  287. data-source=""
  288. data-date="2024-03-09"
  289. data-favicon=""
  290. data-domain=""
  291. ><svg xmlns=""
  292. width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"
  293. stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="square"
  294. stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle>
  295. <path d="M9.09 9a3 3 0 0 1 5.83 1c0 2-3 3-3 3"></path>
  296. <line x1="12" y1="17" x2="12.01" y2="17"></line>
  297. </svg>
  298. <span class="sr-only">[archive]</span></a></em></cite></p>
  299. </blockquote>
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  301. <pre><code>body:has(time[datetime]) li {
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  326. <p>J’avais envie d’introduire une légère saisonnalité dans mes listes à puces. Surtout une <a href="/david/2024/03/07/#hr-102">autre excuse</a> pour jouer avec <code>:has()</code>. Je lis un peu trop de blogs qui manquent de fantaisie. Et puis il&nbsp;pleut…</p>
  327. <a href="#hr-107" title="Lien vers cette section de la page"><hr id="hr-107" /></a>
  328. <p>Chant du cardinal<br />
  329. Le matin s’éveille sans toi<br />
  330. Lovée dans mes&nbsp;bras</p>
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  343. </p>
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  345. <h2>
  346. <a href="/david/2024/02/26/" title="Lien permanent vers cet article">Galaxie</a> <time datetime="2024-02-26">26 février 2024</time>
  347. </h2>
  348. <p>Anecdote du jour qui met le sourire de bon&nbsp;matin.</p>
  349. <figure>
  350. <a href="/static/david/2024/2024-02-26-neige-galaxie.jpg"
  351. title="Cliquer pour une version haute résolution">
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  356. sizes="min(100vw, calc(100vh * 4032 / 3024))"
  357. loading="lazy"
  358. decoding="async"
  359. alt="De la neige qui tombe à gros flocon.">
  360. </a>
  361. <figcaption>L’espace d’un instant, par la&nbsp;fenêtre.</figcaption>
  362. </figure>
  363. <blockquote>
  364. <p>— Oh la belle neige&#8239;!<br />
  365. —&nbsp;Il pleut des étoiles, la galaxie est en train de tomber.<br />
  366. —&nbsp;❤️</p>
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  369. <blockquote lang="en">
  370. <p>CSS Variable Groups is a way to define multiple properties under the same namespace and pass the entire group around, addressing several pain points around design tokens, design systems, and integrating third-party&nbsp;components.</p>
  371. <p><cite><em><a data-link-domain="" href="" hreflang="en"
  372. title="Consultation de l’article (anglais)">Proposal: CSS Variable Groups</a>
  373. <a href="/david/cache/2024/0cc2e9c6b29f8326b2ff628f64e22888/" hreflang="en"
  374. data-tippy data-description="CSS Variable Groups is a way to define multiple properties under the same namespace"
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  379. ><svg xmlns=""
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  388. <p>Heureusement que Lea Verou <a href="/david/2024/02/18/" title="In·directions">me lit</a> et traduit ça en proposition de <a data-link-domain="" href="">standardisation</a> en quelques jours au lieu de chialer&nbsp;😅🙇. Trop&nbsp;hâte&#8239;!</p>
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  390. <blockquote lang="en">
  391. <p><mark>Maybe that’s ok.</mark> The amount of power you give plugin authors is a delicate balance. Giving them too much power could impact the stability of your project. But giving them too little power makes it hard for them to solve their problems — in that case you might as well not have&nbsp;plugins.</p>
  392. <p><cite><em><a data-link-domain="" href="" hreflang="en"
  393. title="Consultation de l’article (anglais)">Designing a JavaScript Plugin System</a>
  394. <a href="/david/cache/2024/d9c30865dde8c88394ba054836a18ae3/" hreflang="en"
  395. data-tippy data-description="WordPress has plugins. jQuery has plugins. Gatsby, Eleventy, and Vue do, too."
  396. data-source=""
  397. data-date="2024-02-27"
  398. data-favicon=""
  399. data-domain=""
  400. ><svg xmlns=""
  401. width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"
  402. stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="square"
  403. stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle>
  404. <path d="M9.09 9a3 3 0 0 1 5.83 1c0 2-3 3-3 3"></path>
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  407. <span class="sr-only">[archive]</span></a></em></cite></p>
  408. </blockquote>
  409. <p>Problématique du jour&nbsp;: comment concevoir un système de <em>plugins</em> qui soit le bon compromis entre flexibilité et stabilité&#8239;? Ce n’est pas si évident, encore plus dans un écosystème aussi évolutif que&nbsp;JavaScript.</p>
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