Gazouillis archivés pour 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 via Twitter.

L'homme aimable est celui qui écoute en souriant les choses qu'il sait, dites par quelqu'un qui les ignore.

Alfred Capus, #papillote

Les vidéos sont disponibles : Pour une économie de la contribution | Ars Industrialis (via @ChristianFaure) • Merci !

Ce qui m'énerve dans les barcamps : beaucoup d'idées/infos mais alors niveau concrétisation/pragmatisme c'est toujours proche de zéro #ODCP Alicia Keys Youtube concert (via @mauriz) • Please do not use your phone during concerts :/

Très heureux de voir l'évolution d'Ubuntu-fr, l'intervention de Mark était intéressante en plus :) #ubuntuparty #win

j'aime bien voir tous ces apôtres du bidouillage et du bricolage être équipés en Apple, qui en est l'antithèse (via @nkame)

You asked for it, you got it! (via @Gulopine) • w00t! #mustread

Un homme seul est toujours en mauvaise compagnie.

After reading half of Programming the Semantic Web, it's at the same level as RESTful Web Services: a reference. #mustread Managing RDF Using Named Graphs • Very interesting introduction! Swine Flu Mortality and the latest 300 days. (via @infobeautiful)

> the "small pieces loosely joined" approach to the internet OS we're building can stand against the "one ring to rule them all" approach.

So many scam on the internet, I want my Trust layer on top of my semantic cake! #W3C #pony

#aliases dj='python' • rmsvn='rm -rf `find . -type d -name ".svn"`' • hgup='hg pull && hg up' • hgci='hg ci -m' #shareyours

Je ferais bien une conf sur RDF pour #parisweb 2010

L'optimisme est juste un manque d'information.

Matthias Langhoff

Quand c'est possible, utilisez les raccourcis d'URLs existants (rel="shortlink" dans le source) #pérennité #contrôle

"A byte of Python" translated in French. Nice ! #python #online #book (via @tarek_ziade) Learn Mercurial one bite-sized tip at a time. Very useful! (via @tarek_ziade)

Just discovered not far from what I did with a dictionary of regexp patterns. Interesting.

#OAuth best practice: please let the user choose access by resource type, not all or nothing.

Excellente présentation de @pscoffoni sur le cloud computing et les logiciels libres (via @clochix)

Aujourd'hui j'ai reçu une vraie offre d'emploi. La première depuis très longtemps. Il y a encore des gens intéressants et humains. #win

Spam, ham, and eggs are the principal metasyntactic variables used in Python. Wibble, wobble, wubble and flob are often used in the UK.

A "standard list of metasyntactic variables" is: foo, bar, baz, qux, quux, corge, grault, garply, waldo, fred, plugh, xyzzy, thud. (blog) Sécurité, twitter, confiance et habitudes par @edasfr au sujet des ateliers #parisweb #ssl #firefox

django-oauth-security list add been created, please contact me ( if you'd like to be added. #django #oauth #security

Challenge pour #parisweb 2010 : faire venir Tim Berners-Lee. #quinetenterien

Quelles armes pour l'Open Web en résumé : le navigateur devient le nouveau système d'exploitation (du web) #parisweb

Quality comes from people, not process.

Stephanie Troeth, #parisweb

Tonight I learned that I'm not (yet) ready to work at the W3C. I definitely failed the alcohol test. Too bad. Practice is the key. #parisweb

@fabpot Stop rewriting Django awesomeness in PHP, just use Django ;)

I would just say you use whatever you feel comfortable with and which you find easy to manage and configure.

Graham Dumpleton, on dj-dev

Still need some skills, libs & data but the day I'll make my own service is approaching. #MeMyselfandI #encouraging

Hu Jintao. Emperor Palpatine just called, he wants his clone army back.

David Orme, The Big Picture comment

TypePad Motion move is interesting, we'll eventually have decoupled data storages and services. Semantic web is on his way :)

When I see the ton of feedback I just got about django apps, I'm really happy to open-source it. Awesome users. #freedom #ftw

Mariah Carey's latest album is the best since a long time. #win (no need to reply to this tweet if don't appreciate :p)

Refactoriser du code avec des tests, c'est comme sauter d'un pont... avec un élastique : fun :)

How many English speaking followers try to read my French tweets? (inspired by @jezdez's latest frustrating one :D) ses photos sont terribles... surtout les rainettes, les guêpiers, les martins pêcheurs, etc etc.

Heureux, mais piqué. — Ça ferait un bon titre de bouquin camargais ça...

Challenge of the weekend: no work at all. Just fun. If you think it's not a challenge, lucky you! :)

du carbone qui crée un trou dans le couche d’ozone

Globalement, j'ai quand même des clients qui sont humains. Ça fait extrêmement plaisir :)

#shareyourstats FF: 57%, IE: 23%, Safari: 8%, Chrome: 5% • Win: 63%, Lin: 21%, Mac: 16% • >1024px: 85% !!! • by mint

"Un jour, peut être, les tuyaux numériques se couperont et alors on écrira sur un pense-bête : “An 1 post Alzheimer numérique”…" :)

In the 21st century, if you’re merely innovative, prepare to be disrupted by awesomeness.

It's f*cking hard to write his own bio. And pretentious.

Giving live album for free is a very good strategy to bring people to your concerts -> best revenue even with piracy #win

Mon retour sur #swcp (foaf+ssl, internet of subjects, nouvelle forme de partenariat)

Ne regrette pas du tout d'être venu au #swcp Personnes intéressantes, projets intéressants. Je vais enfin me mettre sérieusement à FOAF+SSL

Never forget that #django's settings for timezone are global and will impact on third party libs. Spent/Lost a couple of hours on this :/

(previous tweet via @jespern) How useful is paternity of tweets? Discovering people? Trust? Source? Ego? Something else?

Oh, first potential client who contacts me because of django-roa, one proof amongst many that open-source is a viable business model :) #joy Using #Django Inside the #Tornado Web Server, interesting comments too.

SOTD: >>> hours, _ = divmod((end-start).seconds, 3600) >>> minutes, seconds = divmod(_, 60) >>> '%d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, minutes, seconds)

Snippet to deal with Epoch and Python (because I always forgot): >>> time.mktime( >>> datetime.fromtimestamp(_) Initiative citoyenne introduisant pour la première fois en France une approche sémantique de la politique. Chapeau. Changing how people look at their work I think is political. It involves individual empowerment. #mustread is probably the future of everyblock & co (and of great interest for NIH and so on)

Ten industry leaders will support the first pilot programs designed for the American public to engage in open gov.

@mjmalone and the fun part (as you wrote on your slides) is it acts like ActiveRecord so you can deal with Django models for this #djangocon

@mjmalone django-roa is about consuming REST resources, not providing. This way you can consume APIs/datastores to create mashups #djangocon Libre de droits : pourquoi est-il valable pour les logiciels et illégal en photo ? (excellent blog par ailleurs)

Meteo France n'arrive même pas à afficher le temps *en cours* correctement, comment peut-on croire leurs prévisions ? #fail

I'm not sure I agree with your assertion of "many". "Some" might be accurate. "Your" is probably more accurate :-)

Russell Keith-Magee Evolution of the Linking Open Data dataset cloud during the last 2 years. Add your one :) travel around the world thanks to microsponsors. Neat idea, I'm jealous! (Note: French version too) Designing the ultimate drunken, erf, wayfinding typeface • Forget the joke, it's interesting (via @jezdez)

Couldn't agree more with @malcolmt on this offer I had dreamt of a position like this 3 years ago... is a good name because it's about less relations (k/v stores) and more relations too (triple stores) via @skr

Each movements today reminds me that playing paintball is for sadomasochists, and I'm definitely not one.

Command line Russian roulette: [ $[$RANDOM % 6] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo *Click* (from via @ChristianFaure)

Quand ton inbox est vide le matin, ta nuit a été trop courte.

1000th tweet. Time for a break.

I just realized I wrote my first HTML page more than 11 years ago... I feel old.

Can't find my previous source but I'm sure I'd already seen Cascading RDF's concept somewhere

"If HTML5 fails to specify how to include RDFa markup, then the HTML WG has failed to capture real-world usage."

Voilà une bonne chose de faite, attendre « Un jour » ne mène qu'à la frustration.

Un jour il faudra que j'adhère au FDN et à Ars Industrialis. translation of my "how to create an url shortener using Python", directly with the right license! #win (it's rare...)

Photography is a way of looking. You've either got it or you haven't.

Willy Ronnis

Zeldman wrote "Write when inspired", I tend to generalize: "Do when inspired" (= Write, Design, Code and so on). Or maybe just Be?

Je serais au SocialWebCamp (19/09), à Paris-Web (8,9,10/10) et aux Entretiens du Nouveau Monde Industriel (26,27/11). Paris, paris, paris... == webfinger, the semantic way (#RDF+#SPARQL). (I'll probably stop using #FOAF term (vs. the more accurate RDF)) Et si l'agro-alimentaire était un système d'exploitation ? (via @ChristianFaure)

"Si tu veux profiter du spectacle en photographiant, ouvre les yeux !!!" (via le forum des pixelistes) ça fait du bien après cette journée !

Hey @microsoft, killing SearchMonkey is probably the worst strategy to compete against Google, metadata is the future of search.

Will people embrace their identifiers and view them as property, or will they attempt to subvert them and hide them away Very interesting PDF from @bblfish about FOAF+SSL. To me, the 2 remaining issues are ergonomy and performances.

Une des meilleures intervention à TED sous-titrée en français ou le problème de l'éducation actuelle des enfants.

De plus en plus d'artisans du web dans mon entourage, c'est motivant :)

Lorsqu'on arrivera à mettre des délais fixes sur des développements, c'est qu'il n'y aura plus aucune créativité associée. #freeyourmind

Twitter is some kind of catalyst of the and that's why it's so addictive to be part of it :)

> The only people who shoot raw are people who aren't getting work as pros because they don't yet understand the basics of exposure and WB.

Today, I updated my brain about SUP, long-polling, web hooks, reverse HTTP, pushbutton, XMPP. Real-time update, kinda fun :)

I feel VC funding is like injecting Steriods into a child. Sure the child may grow fast, but is it healthy for the organism?

Brad Schafer Proposition to turn HTML 5 spec into an open-source development process. Good but I'm afraid of many distributions Pics from Cocarde d'Or 2009. Note: this is NOT corrida, humans are the only ones that can be injured ;)

Published some pics from my garden this weekend. Macro is more difficult than I thought even with the dedicated 105mm.

After a few days using f.lux (better lightning) I need to thank @bitprophet Available for mac/linux/win.

Sur toutes les illustrations des balises HTML•5, <nav> est placée en sidebar alors que je la verrais plus dans le <header> (vs. <aside>) The man in charge of HTML 5 appears confident in its rightness [...] All our hopes now hang on one little Hobbit.

Bon l'avantage d'un #microcosme c'est que tout le monde se connaît, d'où une #catalyse plus importante. Merci @znarf ;)

Corollaire : Trop de clients ont des projets géniaux mais partent sur des solutions de merde. Ceci expliquant cela. Ou pas.

Trop de geeks font des trucs géniaux la nuit et des boulots de merde le jour.

Plans are nothing; planning is everything. — Dwight D. Eisenhower • > A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

People switch when the see something that is way better, holy shit better, wow, this is like ten times better.

John Gruber

Datacide = data + genocide = end of web services (#pownce, #magnolia and so on) I put a copyleft on this term :)

Il y a aussi mais ces approches sont trop matérielles et pas assez web. Importance de la culture des leaders...

En fait ça va plus loin, je me demande si on ne nomadise pas notre environnement pour pouvoir rester statique (pour répondre à @oncletom)

Il faudra que je revienne sur les notions de nomadisme et de locaterre aussi abordées dans "Polluer pour s'approprier" de M. Serres.

Vos 10000 premières photos sont vos pires

Henri Cartier-Bresson

If you care about your digital identity & data ownership, you should follow @ladistribution I rarely do that but... well... you'll see ;)

L'État c'est un peu comme le communisme, en théorie c'est génial mais alors dans la mise en application...

If you want to make God laugh, tell him your future plans.

Woody Allen

Gunter Pauli's keynote is the best from #liftfrance09 Worth the time, TED's level.

Je ne suis pas d'accord avec ce que vous dites, mais je me battrai jusqu'à la mort pour que vous ayez le droit de le dire.

Reminder: do not look desperate when you give a talk, otherwise your message will be coupled to this feeling, be generous, give energy&love.

Le programme des RMLL est en ligne et je passe le samedi 11 juillet après-midi, vous venez ? :)

Je me demande quel est le génie qui s'est dit : "Les tagclouds c'est trop ergonomique, on va le faire en 3D !"

Individual identity can be a collective identity in some countries, cultural components are important never forget about that. #liftfrance09

Cont.: rigth to make mistakes, possible death of id, random id, id made by others, id after death (who is the owner?), e-DNA #liftfrance09

Others' props: reciprocity of data, of hand shake, neutral ID services, privacy levels, CC identities, multiple identities... #liftfrance09

1. Perenity of identity 2. Layer of trust between people 3. Sharing and controling presence online #reminder #propositions #liftfrance09

If a man has a talent and cannot use it, he has failed. If he has a talent and uses only half of it, he has partly failed.

Thomas Wolfe

@chrismessina's bashing of Opera Unite is impressive and not justified: all suck except what I did (ie Activity Streams). #ego

Opera Unite: a Web server on the Web browser Take control of what you share online. Share with other Web browsers.

Delete as a link (or even a more RESTish input/button styled as a link) is ergonomically wrong. A "classic" button means altered data!

I wonder how many times in my life I'll say/think "I need more time!" Life is too short to do all those interesting things. Really.

@ChristianFaure nous offre un excellent article qui résume très bien certaines de mes motivations. Merci

Mon rêve de geek est proche de la concrétisation et je n'ai pas eu à écrire une ligne de code (pour l'instant) Yay! \o/

Just discovered Django interface to couchdb-python. Very minimal. CouchDB & Django lovers, it's for you!

On that topic, #BigSwitch is useless if you do not install laconica on your own server/domain, identica is not "better" than Twitter on this is really funny :) REGISTER YOUR OWN DOMAIN! That's easy and cheap (5€) do that today and control your identity. Period

Les confs déjà prévues pour Paris-Web 2009 sont impressionnantes, encore une fois ! Réservez vos jours :)

@djangotips most efficient way to tell if a particular query returns any results: qs.extra(select={'a': 1}).values('a').order_by()

With my 500th tweet in 6 months, I'm seriously thinking about using Twitter as a *real* stream: no archives (at least public), just presence

Je n'ai pas parlé du Japon mais la miss s'en occupe beaucoup mieux que moi en fait ! (cette musique inoubliable.. :)

A picture is worth a thousand words. An interface is worth a thousand pictures.

Ben Shneiderman | A game is worth a thousand interfaces?

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

DERI is doing an impressive work in semantic web area those days. E.g. Hiring talented people helps, always.

Prophet is a peer to peer disconnected, replicated property database. Looks very interesting/promising (via @jespern)

One of the problems with the current HTML5 process is that it is being designed as a monolithic lump m'a donné à réfléchir. Il faudra que j'écrive un truc sur la propriété et le déplacement aussi un de ces jours

Lit "Le Mal propre. Polluer pour s'approprier ?" De Michel Serres. Très intéressant pour comprendre les problèmes écologiques actuels.

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.

E. Roosevelt

@nkame @karlpro Être à la fois témoin de la naissance et de l'emprisonnement progressif du Web est quand même bien déprimant :(

@karlpro @nkame Twitter c'est optimisé pour du bashing pas pour de la réflexion (ça doit être pour ça que c'est si populaire en France ;))

On se lasse de tout excepté d'apprendre. "A Step toward Data Interoperability?" Interesting thoughts on an incremental semantic web.

Wonders how interesting it can be to put a Resource class between Model and Forms or generic views or admin or ROA access in Django, ideas?

Pour une explication en français du précédent tweet sur django-roa:

If the Internet is our collective nervous system, and the Web is our collective brain, then the Stream is our collective mind — Nova Spivack exposes the RDF triple sets as resources, integrates them into the Object Oriented paradigm as ActiveRDF via @karlpro

@benoitc "Luke, why is Facebook integrating OpenID support?" made me laugh. Sorry. Anyway, good news for Open Stack!

Eventually give some love. New storages (CouchDB and so on) but I really need to find a way/time to test those

Se demande si le confort n'est pas le bourreau de la curiosité... Interessante réflexion pour un retour en TGV sûr Paris.

Se demande si un "guide michelin" des professionnels du Web serait une bonne idée... fatigué de rencontrer des gens qui ont mal choisi.

Avis partagé sur hadopi, la repression en temps de crise a parfois mené à des initiatives intéressantes. Cynisme ou optimisme ? Fatigue.

Google & RDFa Ian H. probably feels a bit alone tonight or maybe a microdata support announcement soon? Who knows

"La France, tu l'aimes ou tu la forkes !" Je me suis réveillé avec ça dans la tête... un psy dans la salle ? #selfail

Ian H. is so clever he rewrote RDFa's spec in one email, alone. "which most authors simply do not understand" Pun entended? Meh. #microfail

OpenID into the browser thanks to Mozilla Weave as I said a few days ago at eurodjangocon thx @dioxmat #edc

Je serais probablement aux RMLL09 (7-11 juillet) pour discuter sur le thème "Internet, Communication et Migration" J'ai beaucoup à dire :) Just because I'll look for this link one day: "Quality web icons to designers/developers" (i.e. famfamfam++)

@paulsmith That's biased, you can put your BitBucket account on your own domain and that's *THE* killer feature #edc

We did most of the advices from @mjmalone's talk about scalability at with @jvisinand @fredericsidler, @ndengler & @mpenet

L'image est la traduction la plus exacte de la pensée - Frédéric Mistral, 1912 (au musée de l'Arlaten)

Wonders how to share permissions and trust across many consumer/providers of data with OAuth, probably the right time to see FOAF+SSL ideas?

@jespern released (Django RESTful API), still alpha but feedback welcome! <teasing>Related to django-ROA too ;)

Wonders if Facebook will use black or white list for OpenID relying parties, anyway good news for an Open Web (if it's true :))

Still waiting for the right to be chosen to fix django-oauth I'm afraid OAuth will be even more complex...

So many things to learn from Japan and Japanese people... it'll be very hard to come back to France! Or maybe should I stay? :)

Please English writers, "Et voilà" French expression takes an accent, always. Oh and "ça" do not (for frenchies too, sadly...). Thanks.

Simple RabbitMQ/ZeroMQ (AMQP) messaging queue support for Django. Thanks @greut for the link!

@alex_gaynor Materialization of human's body is part of the evolution, Wikipedia is my new memory, Google is my new brain. Meh.

Today I learned ServerName must be set even in a VirtualHost otherwise your prod becomes your testing version. Hopefully it wasn't critical. All new features, impressive list. Note that it's still in beta for now, fix it at your own risk! Thx devs Very interesting commit for RESTafarian djangonauts :) Decorator for ETag conditions. Thanks @malcolmt, *again*.

★ = &#9733; ♥ = &hearts; ✔ = &#10004; → = &rarr; • = &bull; » = &raquo; … = &hellip; Should be more useful :) Hypnotized by the time-of-flight of myself, social electron in a cloud collider (works perfectly with Safari 4). Astonished by ideas from this blog post, that's innovation. There is still so much to do to improve UX... I'm sure a link to go back to the service consumer is part of an OAuth best practice even if I denied access.

Découvre les Coopératives d'Activités et d'Emploi grâce à @tetue Très intéressant (cf bilan sur le même blog aussi)

Each time I visit I spend 1 hour on it. Last one Focus always depends on quality, food for thoughts.

Enjoy reading Scrum and XP from the Trenches (there is a French version too) Even for a freelance it can be useful.

Excellent bilan de @christianfaure Mais ça manque un peu d'ouvertures Ou alors c'est un teasing pour le livre ?

Did someone already played with ? I wonder how useful it can be compared to OAuth? (thx @benoitc for the link)

Retour d'expérience en relation avec mon billet de ce matin Ça fait du bien à lire :)

Looking at old photographies is like looking at old code. Horrible. Or you can convince yourself that you evolved in the right direction :)

Merci à Jamendo de proposer une riposte "positive" à HADOPI avec son remerciement gradué

I just discovered how easy it is to create a link to the Django admin change view for a given instance, shared on

@spikeekips I added a custom honey pot + blacklisting on comment's name I'll see if it needs more refinement

My uncle used to say "After 20 you need to compensate with technical skills & material". Now I understand but I need a therapy to accept it!

Open stack panel accepted @eurodjangocon with @leahculver @benoitc @blaine & @mjmalone </teasing>

Fatigué de lire les bêtises écrites par @fredcavazza sur Open Stack. Le pire c'est qu'il est lu par pas mal de monde... :(

So many lighttpd benchmarks but without conf files :( What's yours for serving only static files? Y! performance team should provide samples

django-chronograph looks very interesting, it even log the stdout/err, can't wait to try this for real!

Just discovered the very interesting blog of Atul Varma #ubiquity #python #couchdb Instant subscription :)

From Guido: "Git: Too complex, and I've heard that a negative attitude prevails in the Git community." Huhu

Interesting portraits at various focal lengths 85mm seems to be the best compromise, don't you think?

Thinking about webhooks+comments as a way to control/own your remote content, need some maturation though (ping @xavierlacot ;))

@znarf I eventually wrote my own in Python with webpy ;)

Just registered to control my own shorten url service, redirections and so on. Now, looking for the easiest way to implement this.

J'ouvre une catégorie "Jackass of the week" (© @gruber) identifiée par JOTW, premier gagnant chapeau l'artiste.

@mauriz Non, la qualité de tes écrits nous manquaient (ou en tout cas *me* :)). Twitter offline avec HTML5

Fixing OAuth replacing "web browser" by "authentication gateway" in specs, interesting idea, same for OpenID?

Just finished and it's a must-read for djangonauts, great coverage, awesome examples: congratz @gulopine & thanks :)

OpenID/OAuth combo or why "Open" != Freedom if my identity provider must be my data owner. Something must be fixed quickly. Google is evil.

Sometimes, when I feel very productive I look at what @jezdez and @malcolmt had done during the same time. Humility lesson for free.

@karlpro "I have always said that there are three aspects in Design that are important to me: Semantic, Syntactic and Pragmatic." I'll ❤ it!

@ogrisel Thanks a lot for this link! Painless doctests' debugging in Python/Django: >>> import interlude; interlude.interact(locals())

I spent my whole morning on this link Don't try this at home!

Best productivity blog/advice I read for ages Thanks @benoitc for sharing this. Now *go back to work*!

Just discovered /me is dreaming of an esthetic spec implemented by all browsers, it shouldn't be our work!