title: Optimisation de lecture > “Small screens are getting bigger, big screens are getting smaller and you know what? It’s going to end up looking like a book. We found out 500 years ago that the book is the optimal size for reading,” he says. “The best size fo a page is the spread of my hand,” says Spiekermann, holding a spry example in the air. “You put 50 characters in a column and you have your point size, and each language has its own easiest fonts. That all defines it. The eye, the hand, the language. Not technology.” > > Recopié depuis [l’image d’un tweet](https://twitter.com/stugoulden/status/555845993330401281) C’est la raison pour laquelle l’évolution des [ordiphones](https://www.apple.com/iphone/compare/) vers un écran de 5,5 pouces est [inéluctable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_size). Pour un produit en lecture seule :-).