title: Choisir une technologie > When choosing technology, you have both known unknowns and unknown unknowns. > > * A known unknown is something like: *we don’t know what happens when this database hits 100% CPU*. > * An unknown unknown is something like: *geez it didn’t even occur to us that writing stats would cause GC pauses*. > > Both sets are typically non-empty, even for tech that’s existed for decades. But for shiny new technology the magnitude of unknown unknowns is significantly larger, and this is important. > > *[Choose Boring Technology](http://mcfunley.com/choose-boring-technology)* ([cache](/david/cache/d62993ee047ec4a51b11e986b22566b8/)) À méditer lors de la mise en place de votre prochaine [stack](http://www.vitavonni.de/blog/201503/2015031201-the-sad-state-of-sysadmin-in-the-age-of-containers.html) ([cache](/david/cache/5c5d6283fd3b87a52a81fea2a7b4c940/)). Je suis un [développeur moyen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIJdFxYlEKE) et vieillissant qui utilise des techno ennuyeuses. À des fins utiles ?