

J’ai (ré)activé un compte Strava créé en 2015. Depuis, j’essaye de comprendre les dynamiques qui régissent ces micro-cultures. Quelques observations après un petit mois de recul :

Note : mon compte peut s’auto-détruire à tout moment.

We define a vision by the choices we make, and we clarify that vision by the choices we reject.

We don’t need a boss, we need a process [archive]

In other words, if networking feels bad, that’s because networking feels bad, not because you are wrong about networking.

And yet: we do need to build relationships in our work and we need to be able to depend on them. We need to acknowledge our interdependence with respect to how we work and live among each other. We need this especially now, in an era of no longer creeping but leaping fascism and an escalating climate crisis. As always, we can only ever depend on each other. But we—you and me, every living, breathing human being who is reading these words right now—need not engage in a cynical and dehumanizing act in order to do that.

So stop networking. Kinwork, instead.

Make kin not nets [archive]

BD du jour : Les colibris pyromanes (PDF, 37Mo).

Mot du jour : Contingence.

Aussi, différence entre animal liminaire, commensalisme et anthropophilie.

Site du jour : What will climate feel like in 60 years?

Vidéo du jour : Performance, turbulences et robustesse


Seuls les contenus de ces 8 dernières années sont indexés.