# Redesign > [en] So what you see here isn’t me. > > Without the safety of this website my flaws and vices are clear: I’m often lazy and uncoordinated. I don’t have a lot of natural social grace (or rather it takes a long time for me to warm up to charming). My ego gets in the way all the time, and I’m so very jealous of everyone around me. Also: I’m perpetually, completely, infinitely terrified of everything. > > So websites are weird like that. They’re a fun house of mirrors that can be manipulated in every which way to hide who the author really is. And I don’t mean that in a cynical way, I mean to say this with a dash of optimism: ==with this website I can redesign myself as much as I do the homepage== (I hope you like the new one). > > With this website I can figure out who I want to be. > > *[From the distance of this website](https://www.robinrendle.com/notes/from-the-distance-of-this-website/)* ([cache](/david/cache/2021/4bf85f63126b56e9757b6ae0b2edf59c/)) Cela fait longtemps que je n’ai pas revu le design de ce site et de sa page d’accueil. Je pourrais y voir une certaine signification, celle qu’il soit encore en accord avec une image que j’ai envie de partager de moi-même. Entre le manque de mouvement et la flemme, il y a une troisième voie (voix ?) : un truc qui fonctionne suffisamment bien pour pouvoir porter mon attention ailleurs.