title: Idea × execution lang: en > AWFUL IDEA = -1 > WEAK IDEA = 1 > SO-SO IDEA = 5 > GOOD IDEA = 10 > GREAT IDEA = 15 > BRILLIANT IDEA = 20 > -------- --------- > NO EXECUTION = $1 > WEAK EXECUTION = $1000 > SO-SO EXECUTION = $10,000 > GOOD EXECUTION = $100,000 > GREAT EXECUTION = $1,000,000 > BRILLIANT EXECUTION = $10,000,000 > > **To make a business, you need to multiply the two.** > > *[Ideas are just a multiplier of execution](https://sivers.org/multiply)* ([cache](/david/cache/6d36a6b05f282eac2e2f1d4455b0e470/)) So simply put and yet super effective. I keep that here for future reference.