title: Stratégie de publication > When Quartz launched, we were careful not to call it a website. The ambition extended well beyond that; our domain on the web was merely its first iteration. This raised a few eyebrows from people who rightly pointed to our, uhh, website, and it required some contortions of language. Quartz is…a business news outlet…organization…venture…brand… > > Well, that’s all true, but if I had to pick one description, it would be this: **Quartz is an API**. > > […] > > So when we say Quartz is an API, we don’t mean publish once and send it everywhere. We mean Quartz can go anywhere our readers are, in whatever form is appropriate. > > *[“Quartz is an API”: The path ahead for the business site that’s reshaping digital news](http://www.niemanlab.org/2015/05/quartz-is-an-api-the-path-ahead-for-the-business-site-thats-reshaping-digital-news/)* ([cache](/david/cache/173a6dd61cce87627e53f155d25870a2/)) Faut-il aller dans les silos des utilisateurs pour leur montrer qu’une autre voie est possible ? Et contribuer ainsi au système… l’éternel tiraillement.