Gazouillis archivés pour 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 via Twitter.

Here's how the tiniest spec-compatible Promise library in JavaScript works.

as long as people aren't using Python 3, it's not bringing any clean goodness to the world

Dès maintenant, je peux m’engager concrètement dans la transition citoyenne et : …

Il faut de tout pour faire un monde : on n’est pas obligé d’être d’accord.

Senior OSS developer: the moment when "I should publish that code!" becomes "Do I really want to maintain that code?"

I’m 22 years old. Fighting to get the open web back sounds great. But I don’t know what that means.

Colibris Entreprenants - Mouvement pour une Remise en Cause des Autorites Illegitimes

Il serait intéressant de pouvoir avoir le rapport temps d'usage/temps de vie de chaque objet que l'on possède.

if Facebook […] has a strong parallel to AOL […] back in the day then Tent should be playing the role the WWW did

Le but de la société de consommation est de vous décharger de toute responsabilité

Tiens Pierre Pezziardi évoque Ivan Illich dans sa conférence « Fier d'être développeur » :)

Fourmilière numérique vs. ruche noétique par Bernard Stiegler (+ passage sur les MOOC à la fin)

Recueil des dialogues de personnages imaginaires qui échangent librement et ouvertement à propos du Web

20 minutes de travail (sur sa propre) expérience afin reconstituer la liste des bénéficiaires de la PAC

In a consumer society there are inevitably two kinds of slaves: the prisoners of addiction and the prisoners of envy.

Ivan Illich

Saved a bunch of URIs from death today. Feeling like a hero. A Web hero. ♫ Kavinski - Nightcall

Réseaux sociaux : connecteurs de solitudes.

A single-command bittorrent distribution system, based on Twitter's Murder

Nous sommes notre propre profil […] si bien que ne pas vouloir être profilé, c’est ne pas vouloir être soi-même.

Is REST losing its flair – REST API Alternatives

I can't wait for two people to meet at a tech conference through their respective "doubles"

If you treat the browser as a remote rendering engine and stop treating it as a place to query and store crap […]

Sad fact of the day: I can use more fonts on my website than on my computer. Relying on third-parties, but still. Crazy.

A Koa application is an object containing an array of middleware generator functions

I ended up writing my book using a technology that I already knew quite well: HTML.

Is your API for a large set of unknown developers (LSUDs) OR a small set of known developers (SSKDs)?

#OpenData : anglicisme désignant une méthode récente pour tenter de faire communiquer entre eux des services de la puissance publique.

La salle de classe est en premier lieu une salle-laboratoire. Les élèves élaborent des hypothèses.

Donc la version finale de l'#OpenData national a un background qui prend 100% du CPU • Données ouvertes, onglet fermé

Tiny Typo est une base CSS pour le contenu éditorial web.

Source, • Très très cool, merci @tetue !

Tout le problème vient de la pression qu'engendre l'exigence sociétale de libération des données

Twitter’s [only] job is promotion. In return it gives people the illusions of information and human connection

il y a un problème bien plus profond dans le milieu [IT] qui est celui d'une esthétique de la violence

Si twitter rendait aveugle, la France serait une forêt de cannes blanches.

100 days is the average lifespan of a web page.

Nous ne sommes que des bons artisans par rapport à ce que l'on pourrait appeler la photo artistique

Je hais Noël et sa mielleuse ribambelle d'hypocrisies bambinophiles.


Geotrek, histoire d'un projet libre • Bluffé par le boulot réalisé par @makina_corpus et @leplatrem ! #django

Cette histoire illustre bien combien nous nous trompons dans la manière dont nous pensons le service public.

think/do tank dedicated to addressing issues that are emerging because of data-centric technological development.

Et si on pensait les médias comme un appstore ?

cela me rend […] triste sur la façon que nous avons de nous égarer sur les aspects les plus triviaux du quotidien

This is what we’re about - technology to change behaviors and to create new possibilities.

La Rochelle qui publie son bilan sur l'#OpenData en PDF (et slides). Ça résume assez bien l'incompréhension du Web.

This is our web. Let us not surrender it so easily to new corporate masters. Keep blogging in the free world.

If there are 300 pairs of eyes looking at you, you are about to be ambushed  --  you are someone’s dinner.

Collectively, we already have more advanced tools and intelligence than any big company

W3C is not giving up on Sem Web. We’re working to integrate it into everything else.

The Data Citation Principles cover purpose, function and attributes of citations

Applications are like fish, data is like wine. Only one improves with age.

Source, /source

Je suis presque plus confortable une fois les pieds sur scènes que pendant les pauses.

Note to self: do not be involved anymore as a volunteer for a non-profit organization if the website is not static.

openPDS allows users to collect, store, give fine-grained access to their data all while protecting their privacy

In the era of web.js rather than the old-fashioned web, URIs don’t matter.

Les anneaux d’un serpent sont encore plus compliqués que les trous d’une taupinière.

Next to mobile phones, Facebook is the most subtle, cheapest and best surveillance technology available.

I wonder if a #NoJavaScriptDay would be useful to realize how doomed is our daily Web.

The most accurate definition of a web app that I’ve heard so far is: a web site that requires JavaScript to work

We get to choose how to aim the technology we build.

Source, • Interesting keynote-to-webpage conversion #FoodForThoughts

The one API we need is already there: your own website runs on top of the Web’s API called HTTP.

Tiens je me posais des questions sur le soja l'autre fois : • Info ou intox ? /cc @DDupagne

Vous êtes nombreux à ne plus (pas ?) lire mon blog depuis que j'ai arrêté d'annoncer les billets ici. Pourquoi ? :)

Good developer is not afraid to go into anyone’s code. Bad developer is afraid of others looking into his.

Making things static is the architectural equivalent of avoiding premature optimization.

une classe politique qui n’a […] pas d’autre fonction que d’être le bouc émissaire de nos faiblesses collectives.

It’s a form. It lives at a URL on my domain, and has a textarea that accepts 140 characters for the tweet

Ce n’est pas en mettant quelques rustines à un système qui s’effondre qu’on va construire une nouvelle société...

we developers have gone and re-fragmented it all over again all by ourselves.

Parentalité (n. f.) : moment où l'élégance cède la place à la fonctionnalité.

For too long your data has lined the pockets of just about everyone except you.

La personnalisation est une forme de discrimination. [Elle] a atteint un point anti-démocratique

Syme is an experimental project that puts forward a new way to share securely and privately with groups.

prendre une décision à plusieurs en permettant à chacun d’émettre ses objections et d’améliorer la proposition

Et si l'éducation était apprendre à ne pas désapprendre ?

Je commence à avoir ma petite idée sur la façon dont a été découvert le sommeil polyphasique.

I don't doubt node.js is a good fix for PayPal, but that one justification annoyed the heck out of me.

Le bonheur de souvent commencer mes lectures quotidiennes par une article sur la-grange. #antédate

Il commence à neiger bien fort sur Arles, mais je ne sais pas encore si je dois m'en réjouir. • #neigefr 6/10 13200

I only need a computer for the "coding & testing" part and because I'm working on (maybe too much?) complex projects. Food for thoughts.

Reading & browsing, coding & testing, watching & listening, sharing & discussing, writing & publishing, storing & archiving. What else?

We (developers) have something in common with the chess community. And it's not logic. Nor intellect.

All of our consumer facing web applications going forward will be built on node.js

Mot du soir : adelphité (= fraternité + sororité) • Liberté, Égalité, Adelphité ?

Difficile de trouver des informations pertinentes sur la consommation quotidienne de soja recommandée, des liens ? /cc @DDupagne

“How many of you are managers?” <hands raised> Then I ask, “How many of you are leaders?” Confused looks…

I really don't get all that hate about Dart. It's a new language to build things for the Web. (And I think it is pretty elegant.)

APIs and agility share the common pitfall to be able to implement good practices with a bad culture. Not only create but *use* links.

is this ReST? Maybe, but really it’s loose coupling between services & exploiting HTTP for all that it is worth

Web Components are built around a simple premise. Developers should be free to act like browser vendors

La véritable révolution industrielle et économique en cours est en réalité celle liée au mondes des données

Vous connaissez des comptes twitter non privés qui limitent leur nombre de followers ? (pas followings)

Perhaps we need our own acts of resistance if we want to change the map of the web.

Les discussions sur les principes éducatifs sont encore plus difficiles à supporter que celles sur la politique. Respect à tous les parents.

Orwell et Huxley se sont trompés : pour la servitude, nous serons volontaires. [En passant] par la case confort.

The new Dart website is exactly what I'm waiting from a programming language website Impressive.

Une société dans laquelle les citoyens, les politiques et les entrepreneurs s'opposent ne peut mener qu'au conflit généralisé.

But the most amazing thing about the web is simple yet devastatingly powerful […] It’s the humble hyperlink.

let’s emphasize latency over fidelity, impermanence over records, and the multi-sensory over the visual

open data initiatives need to be much more mindful of what data are being made open, how data are made available

We can have cleaner, greener websites while also making users happier and improving the bottom line.

The only basis for a healthy culture is a shared stance of critical consciousness.

our technology and best practices are a leftover from the always connected & steadily powered past

si l'agilité devient officiellement un outil supplémentaire pour continuer à ignorer le métier de développeur…

il est trop confortable de se contenter d'accuser la droite extrême […] pour avoir bonne conscience

Dear entrepreneurs, an idea is as futile as a tweet(*). *: that tweet is protected for 3 years by an NDA. #p0wn3d

Where there is paper to push, a call to answer, or a purchase to approve, there is an API coming to replace it.

The deliberate engagement of delay should itself be a primary skill that we teach to students.

Laziness kills the geek.

If you (think you) are the smartest person in the room, you’re at the RIGHT place to share your knowledge. Please do before leaving.

On ne voulait plus seulement bouffer, on voulait se nourrir […] C’est un projet humain et pas seulement agricole.

Être sportif c'est savoir gérer son inconfort.

Premier constat, la gratuité modifie le rapport à l’argent et aux droits.

Toute discussion design a un point Apple. Toute discussion API a un point REST. Toute discussion sociale a un point systémique.

Every external request in your system should have a timeout value attached to it.

Le socialisme utopique se caractérise par la volonté de mettre en place des communautés idéales

implementing your APIs and then hoping they work for their consumers is really putting the cart before the horse.

L’esthétique industrielle est la science du beau dans le domaine de la production industrielle.

And then figure out how you can use your amazing minds, your resources, your power, to make their lives better.

On n’attend pas que ce soit les politiques qui le fassent à notre place, on agit maintenant, depuis la base

accès illimité à FB et Twitter via l'application My Friends (autres usages data 0.05€/Mo)

@Sosh_fr • J'ai mal à mon Web.

la tendance dans la nature à constituer des ensembles qui sont supérieurs à la somme de leurs parties

Virtuose : artiste pour qui la technique prend le pas sur l'art, sur l'inspiration.

Dette immobilière des ménages en France, 1970-2012

Source, • Abasourdi. /via @jeromerenard

Perma is designed to take particular instances of particular web pages at the specific request of an author

Une petite vidéo pacifique et apolitique pour @lestondus à regarder ce weekend entre 2 gémissements :

HTTP Countries - Get information about any country via a HTTPful API

Tempted to fork that project to make my own REST-to-HTTP extension

It seemed like Apple was sending me a not-so-subtle message to upgrade.

Source, • This is sadly happening to me.

Entre OGM, agrocarburants et chimie verte, l’agriculture que nous prépare Sofiprotéol ne fait pas vraiment envie.

Nous ne sommes pas des sièges ou des yeux ou des utilisateurs finaux ou des consommateurs. Nous sommes […]

L'OpenData ne doit pas seulement venir du secteur public ! Un bon exemple :

When you use Hypermedia properly […] you end up with a true web of APIs.

Savoir agir avec rigueur et renoncer avec discernement.

construire du sens dans l’apprentissage oblige à considérer les compétences Autonomie et Initiative

Decentralizing is often more difficult and more expensive than simply loading all your data onto various clouds

I'm blocked at installing the new OS from scratch because of all open files/websites/tasks/tabs/stuff/etc. Not lack of backups. Interesting.

L’art pose des questions, le design crée des solutions.

Your level of API expertise is tightly coupled to the number of hours you spent debugging OAuth.

A quoi ressemblerait une vraie démocratie ?

We don't want to see PDF architecture diagrams of […] servers. We want to know what you need the software to do.

> Un phalanstère est un regroupement organique des éléments considérés nécessaires à la vie harmonieuse d'une communauté appelée la Phalange

Rewriting messages using an IMAP proxy

LinkedIn, • So glad not to be part of that evil silo anymore.

on est à la limite de deux mondes, celui du journalisme idéologisé et celui de la justice politique

Confort et convivialité (version longue et liée) pour #TEDxToulon

Bioprinting is printing with biological materials. Think of it as 3D printing, but with squishier ingredients.

La théorie à la maison, les devoirs et les exercices à l'école. Voilà ce que suggère la « classe inversée »

Sounds like a new twist in the evolution of the species with Japan leading the way.

Dans l'art du dessin, le trait parfait doit inévitablement déborder de la toile.

La légende des nuées écarlates

Jusqu'à l'ère médiévale l'artiste n'était pas nommé ainsi, c'était un « simple « artisan.


C'était incomplet, confus et délicieusement inconfortable :) #TEDxToulon

Le design c'est avant tout bien comprendre le problème


Comment passer du beau commun au bien commun ?

#TEDxToulon #design

Toute URI publiée devra rouiller sur place. Cela oblige à la choisir avec soin, à y réfléchir à deux fois.

Wikidata est un projet jeune, lancé à l’automne 2012 [et] de vastes champs restent encore à être ensemencés.

C'est la diversité, et non l'efficacité, qui est la condition sine qua non d'une vie humaine riche et créatrice.

René Dubos

Apprendre que Bajram avait prévu depuis le début 18 tomes d'Universal War. J'en chialerais :'))

les fablabs vont-ils tuer l'artisanat ?

Mon mot-clé de #lift13fr : tiers-lieux.

Le consensus sur « demain sera le numérique » ne nous apprend rien.

Identifier les controverses numériques de demain, #lift13fr

Poppy is an Open-source humanoid platform based on robust, flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software.

Question de colon : comment peut-on aider les pauvres africains ? Réponse : venez participer à notre intelligence collective. #lift13fr #bam

Mess is play++.

MADLab, #lift13fr

Il vaut mieux que ce soit fait plutôt que parfait.

Atoms are the new bits, #lift13fr

Sortir de sa zone de confort par le vasistas. #TEDxToulon

design artifacts are created to avoid having to actually communicate and collaborate with colleagues and clients.

La traçabilité des données personnelles crée en quelque sorte une nudité numérique qui est indigne de l’homme.

realize that lots of people are probably feeling excluded from this cliquey club of bar crawls.

Before they pass away.

Source, • Too bad the book is so expensive :(

Quietly, some geeks are decentralizing the net. Again.

If you enjoyed the intro TED talk at the #MozSummit it was just the beginning:

Pour @edasfr et tout ceux qui n'ont pas compris cette histoire de pattes avec OAuth #parisweb

Because if YOU are a UI, then what is a presenter’s introduction? That annoying splash screen.

Will I be able to give my twenty-year old child photographs of the vacation we went on when he was a toddler?

Or photo albums. Or small tools for ...uh, artisanal photo-sharing? Or something like that.

I believe that the biggest gift we can impart on our kids is the ability to be mindful

Don't underestimate your ability to change someone else's behavior in a positive way

since we have our servers in the US, we are under US jurisdiction. We do not believe this to be the case

Something evil is probably going to happen. We want to make it the least evil we can and still be relevant.

The concept of ownership cannot be applied to a tool that cannot be controlled.

Ivan Illich, Tools for conviviality

By including everyone in these exercises, people feel like their voices are heard, because they are.

P2P session at #MozSummit: DHT, Gossip, BitTorrent, Squirrel, CoralCDN (shared cache), PeerCDN (via WebRTC, no cache), Gossple (cache!) #win

You probably spend more time in your browser than in your car… or even your bed.

comment redistribuer le temps gagné par l’automatisation autrement que sous forme de salaire ?

#MozSummit Exercise: What are your top security and privacy concerns?

we had dropped the page generation time from 91 to 29 milliseconds -- a 68 % drop.

nous [assistons] à l’apparition et à la diffusion massive d’une technologie antisociale et anticitoyenne !

Facebook is the second popular Web browser on iOS and Android.

Etsy is looking for a talented developer to join our team and help make our REST API world-class.

The workshop about Culture Hacking by @DanMezick gave me food for thoughts, thanks @pablopernot & @ojuncu!

Comment ne pas douter d'une civilisation qui a fait de la cravate le nœud coulant symbolique de la strangulation quotidienne ?

Let me introduce a new concept: #metaphail :D

Comparing visions to mountains is as awkward as naming iteration sprints. I bet that agilists never reached a summit nor ran a sprint.

When you close that door, you're creating a small culture.

@DanMezick #CultureHacking

I feel too much anger in French tweets. Remember that: “Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” What are you afraid of?

The good thing with code reviews is there is always somebody to remind you you can't be THAT lazy. Learning it the hard way @mozmarketplace

For every great tweet, there could have been four insightful paragraphs, but there aren’t, and never will be

The “how” lands you a job, the “why” lands you a career. Your degree opens doors, your passion opportunities.

Le data blues correspond à la chute brutale du taux d’intérêt et donc d’initiatives autour du projet open data

If I were american, I had switched my website from HTTPS to HTTP in order to reduce my taxes allocated to NSA. Just saying.

Je te regarde et je vois ma gueule. Tu me fais marrer et je me trouve drôle. Tu m’agaces et je vois mes défauts.

XML and JSON are composable, but they aren't comprehensive, especially if you are making full use of REST.

I have my own meaning for jazz: jazz means, ‘I dare you.’ I dare you to get out of your comfort zone.

We need to see this bigger picture and resist this drive for control […] it’s about freedom itself.

le gouvernement comme plateforme n’est pas qu’une plateforme technique. Elle nécessite une ambition, une vision.

Releases is a Sphinx extension designed to help you keep a source control friendly merge friendly changelog file

Bakthat manages backups on S3 […], automatically compress, encrypt (symmetric encryption) and upload your files.

Pas de business plan, pas de prévisions financières, juste notre envie de travailler ensemble

Article de 1986. A mettre en perspective avec le récent aller-*retour* de @kilianj en 4h57 :)

Indeed @ecreatures, "hardly usable" was a bit exaggerated, I was charging + updating apps + syncing. Way better now. #ios7

iOS 7 is hardly usable with an iPhone 4. Planned obsolescence at its best. Can't wait for a decent Firefox phone.

a feature that allows your iPhone to remember where you've been […] might make you shiver with Big Brother chills

If you want to cover all the possible icons for iOS, the dimensions will be: 57x57, 72x72, 76x76, 114x114, 120x120, 144x144, 152x152 #crazy

If you are using Home Screen webapps, I have bad news for you: too many bugs are around this platform

That article is both fascinating and scaring. “Science. It works, bitches.” But probably not the way you thought.

scientists performed autopsies on the brains of 59 women [found] neurons with Y chromosomes in 63 percent of them

Le bon moment de rappeler comment utiliser du code acentré

I wonder if @github will become the universal file viewer.

Ninja / […], you name it are silos as well. They’re incredibly good at what they do, but they can’t work in team.

RaspyFi - a distro for music lovers

Source, • Time to buy a Raspberry Pi, where did you get yours?

Combining Web Components + noBackend + WebRTC will be fun. The future of web development is fun.

Dreamcode is essentially user centered design for APIs.

J’entends, j’oublie. Je vois, je retiens. Je fais, je comprends.

Confucius • Je fais ensemble, j'entreprends ? #éducation

La prise de conscience des abus pratiqués par certains […] ne peut que redonner du souffle aux FAI alternatifs.

I hardly understand people speaking at many conferences about the exact same topic. I would be bored.

Le régime des intermittents du spectacle est un bon modèle qui permet d'alterner travail et création.

Les chiffres sont aux analystes ce que les lampadaires sont aux ivrognes : ils fournissent bien plus un appui qu’un éclairage

Usability failures of privacy software should [have] the same degree of severity as algorithmic or code failures

Rest assured that nobody else get access to your data. Except NSA who will also get access to your fingerprints. Bingo! #TouchID

I thought I was paranoiac. Now, I'd preferred to be one.

Smartphones, in short, are a wonderful technical innovation, but also a terrific opportunity to spy on people

Le marché de l'angoisse scolaire ne s'est jamais aussi bien porté

Le magazine "sportif" est le pendant du magazine "féminin" : un nouveau régime alimentaire tous les mois.

In my quest for convivial tools, I'll keep that neologism from @mamund "prog-ability". Sadly untranslatable in French :)

I probably don't use search on my mobile because I just have half a screen of apps. Nobody is searching for data?

I never ever used the search screen from my phone. Do you?

Progress bars are lying. Visualizing progress is always a lie.

The majority of my comics are written in my head while I run.

we built the internet, and some of us have helped to subvert it. Now, those of us who love liberty have to fix it

Tempted to launch a crowdfunded project to bet on crowdfunded projects' successes/failures. I bet it will be successful. #OhWait

Thinking of a new logo? Don’t guess; test.

Source, • Not convinced by the result, to say the least.

My shiny new avatar has been drawn by @elisecstl my awesome sister-in-law :)

Greece is collapsing, the Iranians are getting aggressive, and Rome is in disarray. Welcome back to 430 BC.

(on peut difficilement promouvoir les formats ouverts, la décentralisation et le contrôle des URIs en remplaçant RSS par Twitter…)

Pour rappel si vous étiez en vacances, je ne publie plus mes billets de blog sur Twitter donc abonnez-vous :

Following the Caliop mailing-list turned to be an interesting social experiment. Very curious to see what will actually happen.

Limiting design choices to things that can scale infinitely at 0 cost is a recipe for making mediocre products.

I probably have the highest standing desk in Europe today :D

le collectif Ultra-Sieste propose aujourd’hui d’arrêter de courir comme le préalable à l’idéal commun…

Syndrome FreedomBox : un problème numérique d’ordre sociétal qu’on pense résoudre par la technique et qui stagne

Les deux causes de l'urgence apparente sont les incuries de l'amont et la mode de l'effervescence.

You decide not to go to hackathons anymore. […] Instead you spend your technical efforts […] helping others.

Note : je ne poste plus mes billets de blog sur Twitter. Vous pouvez toujours vous abonner au flux par contre

L’e-mail est-il mort ? La surveillance inévitable ? Voici le Projet Caliop

Ennui (n. m.) : moment où un développeur web songe à refaire son site.

I don't know which one to put at the top of my wtf-o-meter of the summer™: Seven Psychopaths or Iron Sky?

Pilbox is an image resizing application server built on Python's Tornado web framework using Pillow.

“@karlpro: open letter to Calendar Developers about #HTTP • Works for aggregators too.

A friend described Twitter as marketers talking to marketers about marketing.

* The ``syncdb`` command will be removed.

Source, • Feeling old now. (but kudos to @andrewgodwin!)

IronPigeon is a decentralized communication protocol that provides high confidentiality and authenticity

L’idée est de faire un conférence participative, un weekend à la campagne entre geeks pour discuter des technos…

Does removing the 300 millisecond delay on focusable elements make sense?

[Hackathon] is the developer version of a beta test, not a marketing tool.

The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.

Source, • {"Good": "tobedefined", "Evil": "tobedefined"}

to build and maintain your own private cloud: email, calendar, contacts, file sync, IRC bouncer, VPN, and more.

we already have a vertical progress bar for the web that has been around for decades. It’s called the scroll bar

This post describes the longest non-employee trial of Soylent to date

I can't stay online […] without losing my humanness, now that I know that ensuring privacy online is impossible.

OH "Notre couple c'est un peu une SCOP" #scopyleft

web security is reducible to SSL/TLS security, which is reducible to email security, which is broken

we[developers] are treated like children because we behave like children

I should try that Python toolset for my next project, the Django ecosystem is getting too complex *for me*.

Don’t wait for everything to be perfectly figured out. If you start, you’re already 90 percent ahead of the game

It’s about protecting your use of the internet from whatever Google want to do with it.

Shipper is a fabric for docker - tool for orchestrating docker containers.

We need to act together, as parents, as teachers, as policy makers. Lets build a generation of hackers.

Takeaways for keeping your interface friendly to the friendliest of people you know. Your mother.

Il y a 10 ans j'apprenais à programmer en modifiant le code de Dotclear #MardiConfession

Bang bang, it shot me down Bang bang, I hit the wall Bang bang, that awful pal Bang bang, my long run shot me down.

It looks like I’ll be heading into 2014 still with Apple kit in hand and still uneasy about it.

Uses Flash; didn't watch • Paywall; didn't read • Facebook link; didn't read • Comic Sans; can't take seriously

Post-mortem – naissance, vie et mort de ma startup

Source, • Impressionnant de transparence #scopyleft

The early web was designed to be legible to humans, at the expense of some machine resources.

Lire "Tools for conviviality" de Ivan Illich et "Pharmacologie du Front National" de Bernard Stiegler en même temps est très intéressant.

Il y a entre le consommateur et le citoyen la distance qui sépare le toxicomane du patient.

B. Stiegler, Pharmacologie du Front National

Est-ce que vous lisez les tweets avec la voix de leurs auteurs ? Ça m'arrive souvent avec @DavidBruant et @mrjmad par exemple.

On est passé du commerce équitable au commerce *de* l'équitable.

I wonder if I should be delighted of the Mozilla Persona/Gmail bridge or not. #monopoly #centralization

prenez moi, utilisez moi, je ne suis pas limitif, je suis inclusif.

using the term “app” to mean “all the pieces you need to build to have a deliverable piece of software.”

Perspectives takes a different approach to how the web browser determines if an SSL certificate is valid.

We think our new login verification feature is an improvement in both security and usability

Medium adopted the Holacracy model about a year ago.

The primary business model of the Internet is built on mass surveillance

we believe that BREACH may be used to compromise Django's CSRF protection

RESTful Service Description Language (RSDL)

DocJSON is a simple document format for building Hypermedia Web APIs.

Nonprofit organizations are taking on what happens in the for-profit world because they will run better

The internet is a glittering carnival of diversions, and that’s wonderful – until you need to get some work done.

First tweet from a #FirefoxOS phone. First impression: the UI lacks visual feedback and I'm probably a bit used to the iPhone keyboard.

Secure Mobile Apps and Open-Source Code for a Better Tomorrow

Many of the hardest problems and rewrites are 80% done by one person in a two day marathon.

L’objectif du Projet S.A.R.A.H est d’avoir une maison intelligente connectée à l’internet des objets

@davidbgk you can even combine both PostgreSQL and Redis queries on the same nginx server!

How to build a simple REST API using only Nginx and PostgreSQL.

Source, • Definitely something to experiment.

Au loin l'appel d'un quotidien perdu. D'un exotisme non-touristique. D'une vie différente.

We've been working crazy hard over the last couple of months to make GPGMail 2 rock solid.

Beaucoup constatent une surconsommation de leur voiture, peu remettent en question leur conduite.

Money masks abundance. […] Money causes our lives to be an illogical patterned loop.

Can I Switch To Sublime Text 3? Not yet :-(

One week at mozilla: context-switching, chan-switching, ml-switching, bug-switching, branch-switching, project-switching. Brain-switching?

The Ubuntu Edge is the next generation of personal computing: smartphone and desktop PC in one device.

Thrilled to announce that I'll be working for #mozilla as a contractor! #scopyleft

Don’t be afraid to take baby steps to regain your platform independence and begin to own your content again.

les gens RT les trucs rigolos mais se contentent de fav' les trucs cools.

@Nikkau #QOTD

Tous les milieux sont contre-révolutionnaires parce que leur unique affaire est de préserver leur mauvais confort

Mesdames, Messieurs les élus, ce n’est pas un monde virtuel que vous trahissez, ce sont vos citoyens.

Quand dans un code les numéro de ligne commencent à te faire penser à des dates ça devient inquiétant.

@vinyll #QOTD

So, here are my suggested ‘Five Stars of Personal Data Access’

In Japan, copyright infringement is a criminal offense, so file sharing is a dangerous game.

Basic Income is incompatible with capitalism […] capitalism is about maximizing profits, not utility.

Back here after 3 weeks of twitter diet.

After one week of twitter diet, I can only tweet one thing: this service is dangerously addictive. Take care :)

Just deleted all my tweets. Not sure to part of that closed platform anymore. Archives:

If those services don’t trust me enough to give me an RSS feed, why should I trust them with my data?

A human plus a browser is a fully-capable client of your HTML API

Interesting results: to switch Google+ from downloading CSS via XHR to using the link tag.

Using variables like location, experience, and role, Buffer sets a standard salary for each of its employees.

A JSON dump of misc data is not a usable backup. What will you do if the service is shut down tonight? Parsing? Coding? Crying. /cc @trello

If you're proposing a way to backup data from your service, provide both machine AND user readable formats. I'm looking at you @trello

SWATd is a daemon for running scripts when your house gets raided by the police (or broken into by criminals).

Mozilla […] est un projet global visant à défendre et promouvoir une certaine vision d’Internet.

A collection of web components using the Polymer lib

Well, the reason you call yourselves craftsmen is for marketing. […] Its a good business decision.

"Coopetition" depends on innovating in the open from the start, […] trying to get consensus.

does at least one of the founders have actual, significant experience in the space?

I guess that people using Prezi are the same putting annoying and useless slideshows on their homepage. Or 3D tag clouds.

ākāśe is a small decoupled, event-driven architecture framework.

Product owner: the less interested in the code, bring numbers not theories, get help not wasting time & staying focused

@cedmax #web5

The Refuge Project aims to provide a fully decentralized and opensource data platform

The government isn't spying on us; Google is spying on us and the government is asking Google for certain results

méfiez-vous de ceux qui prétendent comprendre, […] ceux qui offrent plus de réponses que de questions.

I’m not building Gittip, I’m building a community that’s building Gittip.

l’éducation à l’information et aux médias : valeurs, représentations, différenciation et impact politique

Web Components really changed the way I envision the future of web development. I hope to be able to share that at @web5_conf

Model-driven Views (or "MDV" for short) is a way to write dynamic HTML using HTML.

L'agilité consistait à se libérer. Maintenant, il s'agit plutôt de décorer les murs de la cellule.

Nous ne sommes que les véhicules de nos gênes, esclaves de leur survivance.

It is not inconceivable that the NSA has data centers full of specialized hardware optimized for SSL key breaking

Twitter smells like a fast-food for thoughts.

if Mozilla really wants Persona to succeed they should move it to another country with better privacy laws

An AngularJS module that provides a resource-generation service optimized for the Django REST Framework.

The only way to solve the identity problem is where the most pain is felt: at the individual level.

New apps' privacy settings: ( ) public ( ) only friends (•) only NSA (a.k.a. "private") #PRISM

Is there any #hypermedia service for #angularjs apps? (restangular is just good at doing HTTP properly)

Si l’actualité est du bruit, Twitter est un bourdonnement.

Source, • Mais un bourdonnement filtré :)

Le titulaire a en charge le développement et l’intégration de composants dans une architecture Python

Christophe a eu l’idée de cette session pour le Scrum Day sur les similitudes entre l’agilité et Starcraft 2

Se remémorer les événements lors de la victoire du PSG. Observer ce qu'il se passe au Japon en pareille circonstance:

A member of the Python community is: Open, Considerate & Respectful.

after that I'm on a mission to improve something I love by teaching people to do it better

Detailed descriptions, with full methods and attributes, for each of Django's class-based generic views.

Les médecins me donnent encore 30 jours à vivre. Chaque billet est potentiellement mon dernier.

If a successful talk is a journey, make sure you don’t start to annoy your travel companions along the way.

alias djangostartproject=' startproject --template= --extension=py,rst,html'

pour étudier à « 42 », il faut, soit être rentier, soit être soutenu financièrement par ses parents.

WAMP is an open WebSocket subprotocol that provides two asynchronous messaging patterns: RPC and PubSub.

“@n1k0: JavaScript: first it ignores you, then it ridicules you, then it fights you, (then you learn it), then you win” • Still fighting.

JavaScript is broken, but that doesn’t mean we have to put up with it. And we don’t intend to.

Programmers hate tedious work of any kind. I hate HTML and CSS. That’s why I like programming.

Smartups realize that data is the unit of exchange on the Web, not documents.

News leads us to walk around with the completely wrong risk map in our heads.

l’amateur ne peut plus aimer là où la consommation a pour but de tuer l’attention à ce qui est consommé.

L’activité constitue une nouvelle alternative à l’identité.

In the future, we will be able to create websites that respond to ambient luminosity.

Au moment de la conception de ce programme, l’environnement sélectionné est Python.

Le Handprint renverse la logique : qu'inventes-tu de positif pour améliorer la situation ?

Every 6 months, we train 24 underprivileged smart people on web development, and help them to build web startups

A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.

Techu exposes a RESTful API for realtime indexing and searching with the Sphinx full-text search engine.

A seriously cool smartphone that puts social values first

Pillow is now the preferred image manipulation library to use with Django.

Un travail qui ne permet pas de développer des savoirs et des savoirs-faire n’est d’ailleurs plus un travail

Plate is a Django Template Language implementation in Javascript.

Acorn has been using SQLite as its native file format since version 2.0, and it has been wonderful.

Beaucoup d’outils ne nous permettent pas de résoudre des problèmes, mais nous permettent d’y réfléchir.

Manipulate your data in Python, then visualize it in on a Leaflet map via Folium.

Une information stéréotypée ne fait qu'engourdir l'intelligence en renforçant ce qu'elle sait déjà.

Cyrulnik, Les Nourritures affectives

A vrai dire, le seuil de ma porte est au bout de mes chaussures, je le transporte chaque instant avec moi.

UnQLite implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional NoSQL database engine.

WideArea is simple and lightweight JavaScript and CSS library which helps you to write better, simpler and faster

Dart is a pragmatic language designed for adoption, and its familiar syntax make it easy to learn.

Alternatives à Google dans tous les domaines

Source, • Hébergé comme il se doit sur Google docs :)

Mocky: Mock your HTTP responses to test your REST API

never put session data in your database, it is a good way to kill the database.

almost nothing is as fast as a local sqlite store, especially when it is reasonably small and fits mostly in RAM.

zOMG, you can store files locally instead of the Cloud and it's blazingly fast!

With journalists I’m much more comfortable requesting openness.

People creating APIs shouldn’t have to guess what a good format looks like

Students can propose fixes and improvements. And they do! This way you treat your students as collaborators

DeadDrop is a server application intended to let news orgs and others set up an online drop box for sources.

Vous n'allez pas vous plaindre d'être bientôt au chômage : vous vendez aujourd’hui, et je contribue en achetant.

Les acteurs actuels ont beaucoup d'intérêts d'affaires et très peu d'intérêts de marché

I want write-once use-anywhere - that’s what modular code is. Media queries are not that They’re write-everywhere

la conception d’outils pour les réutilisateurs et les développeurs. L’approche "business-to-developers" (B2D)

OH "La main invisible du marché façonne notre paysage agricole."

J'ai enfin eu le temps de regarder la vérité scientifique sur les effets de la télévision (merci la #sncfail) • Wow.

Code is an inappropriate way of creating visual art.

Learn Python today. Free, interactive tutorials to help you discover Python idioms, in your browser!

VIE provides a bridge between Backbone.js and the semantic web […] interact with RDFa-annotated content

The URL style requires less guessing on the client side, and makes clients more resilient to API changes

Not to say that my life wasn't different without the internet, just that it wasn't real life.

S’opposer, c’est épouser. C’est avoir abordé la question soit en combattant soit en solutionnant

ces “penseurs” en reviennent sans cesse à la 2 guerre mondiale, en affirmant que “tout se répète” (surtout eux).

Truly animated icon pack with power of scalable vector graphic for clean and perfect look at any device

Tu fais ce que tu veux et tu n'as pas besoin de ma condescendance magnanime pour ça…

Être écolo, ce n'est pas rentrer le ventre, c'est gonfler son cœur. […] C'est une question d'humanité.

The "lean" club of non-optimizers are ruining product design

our roots: quick, dirty, scrappy, and impatient up front; quality obsessed, careful, and thoughtful later on.

Quand je suis dans une position hiérarchique, le changement de comportement des individus me coûte énormément.

Using XHTML as an API media type promotes loose coupling, simple doc and discoverability/testability

The goal of Apache Marmotta is to provide an open implementation of a Linked Data Platform

Writing Software = Learning Something You Don’t Know When You Start

we’ve alienated ourselves so much that men in tech don’t know what to do with us anymore.

In a smaller market, everything happens on a smaller scale.

Hoodie is an architecture for frontend-only web apps.

ALPS, a data format for defining simple descriptions of application-level semantics

Les structures démocratiques ne donnaient elles pas suffisamment de pouvoir aux peuples pour contrer cela ?

It's time to expunge Google from my life, to the fullest extent practical.

TimeAPI is an API to get dates/times from natural language queries

At, we address this by including the “why” as a central part of any user story.

Je devrais toujours revenir d'une conférence sans me rappeler des prénoms de toutes les personnes que j'ai rencontrées.

You know Google's 20% time? We call it 100% time at Github.

@holman #mixit13

Est-ce que provoquer le changement ce n'est pas l'art de ne rien faire ?

@thomaslissajoux, #mixit13

La perfection des moyens et la confusion des buts semblent caractériser notre époque.

Einstein, #mixit13

Humans beings always do the most intelligent thing…after they’ve tried every stupid alternative and none of them have worked

Definitely more attracted by Dart than by JavaScript. #mixit13 /thx @sdouche

So I thought I would share my thoughts on why Stormpath secures our API with API Keys

Développeurs front, j'espère que vous êtes prêts à devenir DÉVELOPPEURS front. #mixit13 #WebComponents

Je me demande quel est l'impact de l'application des styles du shadow DOM des Web Components sur les performances des navigateurs. #mixit13

Le Scrum master est un contrôleur d'énergie. Pour contrôler la situation il faut renoncer à contrôler les hommes.

@jfjago #mixit13

Le premier rôle du leader est la survie du groupe à travers sa cohésion.

@jfjago #mixit13

By amplifying an existing product and injecting it with our DNA, Mozilla can defend the open web.

And in Python, a database isn’t the simplest solution for storing a bunch of structured data.

Why HATEOAS: A simple case study on the often ignored REST constraint.

Source, • See slides at the end of the good post.

Où trouver en ligne des documents originaux et officiels ?

Most speakers aren't magical; they're just prepared. It's not cause for some special elevated status.

Curious to know if any website realize usability testing against his APIs from external developers.

Aside from abandoning HTTP Basic altogether there is an easy fix. close port 80 on your API host.

La France est aujourd’hui au choix la risée ou la honte du monde libre et démocratique avancé.

Sharing and syncing data across connected people should be easier. And acentered. And encrypted.

The biggest problem with computer security is not communication. It's end points.

Les tramways et métros sont nos vers des villes. #fremens

Un jour, nous regarderons le XXe siècle et nous nous demanderons pourquoi nous possédions autant de choses.

I'm opinionated about APIs.

Let’s cut to the chase. There is no “right” way to develop software.

we’ve created individual redirections for each and every page […] to an equivalent page on GOV.UK.

Every day, 34 Americans are murdered with guns.

Source, • That is terrorizing. #perspective

some examples that proved that there’s always room to improve the “de facto” model.

What is responsible design? Is it using design thinking in order to improve people’s lives?

La publication du patrimoine des élus : un trompe-l’œil sans intérêt démocratique

we have the opportunity to patch Internet vulnerabilities in realtime.

Le code du Tractatus logico-philosophicus manque d'indentation.

You can relieve yourself of the burden of having to make everyone aware of what you’re doing at all times.

A (subset of) Python to Javascript translator written in Python.

[la SCOP] inscrit son développement dans le long terme où les salariés ne servent pas de variable d'ajustement

Choose libraries based on the need of the project, not popularity.

When you average out the emissions from all 55M iPads sold, it equals the emissions of 1.2M cars in one year.

Nous vous proposons quelques astuces afin d’avoir une relation plus harmonieuse avec votre prestataire

Une bonne école est une structure qui arrive à rassembler ces deux catégories de personnes et à les respecter.

The following steps provide a start to reducing your digital footprint and taking back control of your […] life.

the purpose of hypermedia in the API is to make life simpler for client developers

L'#OpenData n'est finalement qu'un moyen offert aux hommes politiques de faire le buzz

Madame la Ministre, l’innovation c’est une désobéissance, pas un plan.

this allows us to call the project "open" while simultaneously ensuring Google will be the only contributor

For Google, there will hardly be a higher priority project than Blink.

The announce isn't about Servo vs. Blink but Rust vs. Dart. I knew that self-proclaimed JavaScript era was a bad joke :)

Tabula lets you upload a PDF file into a simple web interface and magically pull tabular data into CSV.

We’re insulated from the world outside our incubators and hackerspaces. We don’t see the very real problems

There are only two hard things in Agility: method invalidation and naming post-it.

This is, a stream server that does most of what people really want from a social network.

Rendr is a small library that allows you to run your Backbone.js apps on both the client and the server.

One reason for seeing the same old faces is because they are the ones offering to write content or speak

Bienvenue dans un Internet sans vie privée, et nous y sommes arrivés avec notre consentement passif

Management exists to minimize the problems created by its own hiring mistakes.

Is it the right way? We don't know.

Source, • Curious to see the conclusion of that lockdown.

Zeitgeist est une entreprise littéraire visant à capter l’époque de façon à la fois légère, poétique et précise.

White House APIs aim to balance a truly RESTful API interface with a positive developer experience (DX).

How comfortable are you with outsourcing half your app to another company?

Source, • s/outsourcing/cooperating/ :)

Je venais de trouver la pierre angulaire de mon voyage : un lien entre la passion, le savoir-faire et l’inconnu.

if you have a client who acts like web development is a commodity, you need to educate them

If you *need* to scale, your business model is probably wrong.

For those users and domains who want it, Persona is already distributed. We think that’s pretty cool.

A hypermedia API wants your consuming client to surf an API like a human surfs the web Follow links, submit forms

Proprietary monocultures are so harmful because they hinder or prevent you from moving away.

Le Mandalab est un labo ouvert citoyen qui stimule l'émergence, le développement et le réseautage des projets

imagine how much worse it would be if website owners weren’t publishing open RSS feeds for anyone to fetch

les plateformes ont tout à gagner (environ 30% en fait) à encourager le développement d’applications natives

we started an initiative to remove Java browser plugins from all employee systems at Etsy

A "Hypermedia API" is one in which the architecture of the API is similar to the architecture of the WWW

When multiple people share a vision, they are holding similar or identical imaginary objects in multiple minds

un réseau pair-à-pair sans composant central ou hiérarchique ne peut PAS être sécurisé contre les attaques Sybil

We need fewer meetings between large budget holders to discuss procurement, and more stand-up meetings

Let’s design useful, scoped, meaningful objects, and then write classes that produce them.

Fragmentation is the future. If you want to be a part of designing that future, you’d better stop complaining

Default share buttons track your user […] Do it right. Use static links instead.

Arrêtez de pleurnicher et prenez vos applications et vos données en main !

Smart cities, smart phones, smart hospitals, smart objects, smart sensors. Can we talk about stupid humans too? #Tedxmop

This is elegance. It derives from the design of the internet and the web and its many open standards

So go outside, be present with the people you love when you're with them, or go make something

La douceur du discours des expatriés me redonne espoir en la France. #OhWait

Django utilities for honoring the Do Not Track HTTP header.

Prediction: after the #NoUI trend, we'll get back to a futuristic one, by nostalgia this time :)

Learn Advanced HTML & CSS with one useful guide.

"100% LIFETIME GUARANTEE" always makes me wonder whom "lifetime" is it? The customer or the company? :)

After activating a virtual environment any npm intalled will be inserted inside the active virtual env

Nice visual history of Google, Altavista, Flash splash screens, Reddit and W3C websites by @iA

If you plan to organize a Python sprint or hackathon, use a local cache for pip-installed packages #djangocong

Our biggest surprise was to realize that a self-organized company can actually function without a shared vision.

Here’s how government services have been responding to mobile growth. [Note]: none of these examples are apps.

We estimate the cms-free will require approximately 30 less servers than current cms-based

While monkey-patching is still evil, in this case it is a "useful evil".

After 0.12, the next major stable release will be 1.0.

Source, • JavaScript's logic always surprises you;

how I set up my weather station with my home made front end for modern HTML visualizations

l'association FranceJS devra être à l'image de JavaScript : ouverte, universelle, démocratique et open-source.

django-hyperadmin is a HATEOAS API framework for building resources in Django.

Geeks Without Bounds is an accelerator for humanitarian projects.

OH "T'es pas fatigué en fait t'es juste vieux."

The only way to know if you know is to do.

Repository unavailable due to DMCA takedown

Write up your research papers, right inside your browser.

MailappApp lets you quickly and hipsterly create another mail app, because that’s totally what everyone wants.

L'erreur est humaine. Les bugs sont informatiques. Ou serait-ce l'inverse ?

OH "mercurial est fait pour des humains, git est fait pour Linus" #QOTD

Understanding your GoPro Part 2

Source, • My own tests regarding battery life are way under these average recording times

Hypermedia APIs - less hype more media, please

The ODI's Open Data Certificate specifies what good open data looks like in four main categories

Cynics don’t get anything done. Stop talking to people whose first response is always skeptical.

D’une certaine façon le Web s’oublie lui-même “graphiquement”, comme si cela n’avait pas d’importance

When looking at the console log, you’ll see output for joining their team.

lunr.js is a simple full text search engine for your client side applications.

Lot's of people like to tackle "hard problems." These people are dangerous.

Match Box is a Dropbox type clone that you can install on your personal server to remotely backup your files

We can keep evolving our standards in the web world without pushing subjective opinions as absolutes

I think the protectionism that is touted by “anti-piracy” campaigns and lawsuits actually hurts the artist.

Les 24, 25 et 26 Mai 2013 à Cluny, se déroule la deuxième édition du festival de la transition

Nous voudrions avoir le droit de créer des emplois, souvent simplement de créer notre emploi.

You better believe the douches in senior management dug deep to come up with this crap.

We need passionate people who are creative and want to learn to DESIGN software in addition to coding.

There is an almost masochistic take on sleep deprivation in the developer community.

Django 1.5 is the first Django release with support for Python 3

I think my projects have value, and I want people who use them to perceive that value in them.

I wanted to put myself in a situation where I had to leave my comfort zone as a photographer.

An open protocol for per-user storage

my focus continues to be on striving to make better products by listening, not driving behaviour change.

A great product is closer to an accident. It's the byproduct of the environment you build at your company.

Over the last month we’ve rolled out a bunch of improvements to MapBox to give you more design tools […]

With just a few hundred Bytes of XML data an attacker can occupy several Gigabytes of memory within seconds.

dropzone.js is an open source library that provides drag'n'drop file uploads with image previews

l'Open Data n'est aujourd'hui qu'un argument politique, de la poudre aux yeux

There is list of pretty useful python small command line oneliners available out of the box.

Pour un meilleur confort de lecture […] nous vous invitons à télécharger la version intégrale (15 pages) en PDF.

Gone is Android. Killed by its own father. Believe me, you want to buy a Google.

An open source comment service.

OH "Les intégristes de la coopération" #scopyleft

That’s why I have to stop working on Open Source projects for a while. In the next weeks I will try to be offline

OAuth2 is... quite unsafe auth framework.

La confidentialité est une chaîne. Un seul maillon plus faible et la chaîne se rompt quelle que soit la solidité des autres maillons.

Delightful products are adopted faster, get better word of mouth, and create higher satisfaction.

La culture du livre est une culture de l’Un, alors que la culture numérique est une culture du multiple

Freely distributed information that’s relevant to the person reading it. That’s web design.

PeerJS completes #WebRTC as an API abstraction, connection broker, and binary serialization format

PouchDB allows you to store and query data for web applications that need to work offline, and sync

Add great search to your website in minutes

Source, • Custom externalized search engine looks trendy :)

La marque (du langage) Python est en péril en Europe et a besoin de votre aide !

Finally there’s something better than outsourcing your blog search to Google.

Avec petite Poucette nous sommes bien dans une forme de croyance scientiste, le numérisme.

I dream of the days when the Web truly does resemble Smalltalk.

Limpyd provides an easy way to store objects in Redis, without losing the power and the control of the Redis API

The future of mobile is the end of the term “mobile”. “Mobile” already sounds archaic.

“@iA: Shit. I thought that was just a cool light effect in the sky—sorry about the stupid joke.” • I should apologize more often.

Serval is an open-source software for mobile phones, letting them communicate even in the absence of phone towers

Bullet points in keynotes are like <table> tags in HTML: to be used wisely., a way for those that seek scientific papers to make contact with those that have access

design done right: seeking efficiency and simplicity without sacrificing usability to the altar of minimalism.

Since then, many people have asked about how this email openness actually works.

a library for eliminating the 300ms delay between a physical tap and the firing of a click event on mobile

I think we were able to hit a higher mark with a native wrapper [vs. web-app]

God Bless America (the movie) is incredible. And so is Tara Lynne Barr.

Normalement vous devez être en train de vous pincer depuis deux ou trois phrases

Le W3C existe car il y a du conflit. Sa mission est de gérer ce conflit et de trouver une solution acceptable

je veux ces temps-ci approcher les gens avec une attitude bienveillante

We won the open data movement. Now we have to win the municipal products movement.

"What about bikeshedding?" should be the one and only question to recruit a good developer. Thanks @jezdez for the inspiration ;)

Arch(l)ives are places where people do things: submit, annotate, map, collect, connect, re-code, author.

Who's in for webarch(l)ives? :)

Preserving the enormous quantity of digital media connected to catastrophes is a daunting task

Colis suspect. Parisiens circonspects. Retard assuré.

Une user story ne se lit pas, elle se raconte. […] Une story sans test d’acceptation est une histoire sans fin.

T. Cros, Spécifiez agile

A lot of neat UX innovations in Discourse's threads. Impressive.

Facebook stores three hashes of your password

We don't think downvotes make sense on a system of opinion. How can an opinion be wrong?

Ready for a new discussion platform?

What I like about this mix is that we could swap out any part of it

Intéressant de retrouver les même patterns dans toutes les communautés :) #AgileGames

OH "Test Driven Storying" #AgileGames

OH "Ton backlog est ton jardin" #AgileGames

Il suivait son idée, c'était une idée fixe, et il s'étonnait de ne pas avancer.

Jacques Prévert, #AgileGames

Look for analytics providers and other folks on that list who have instructed you to embed JS on your website.

This project provides tools to play with geographical data [using Python].

To be successful, we need to start thinking about Agile as a culture and not as a product or family of processes.

Michael Sahota

Pourquoi les médias oublient le projet libre et participatif OpenStreetMap ?

Only things that are allowed to age can last forever […] So, how can we make a web that gets better with use?

Inspired by ZenPen for my ContentBrowser, maybe time for a ContentWriter? :)

I wonder how that kind of experience will be transferred in a digital age. Did you keep your 64kb encoded mp3?

Sublime Text 3 now uses Python 3.3 for plugins, and runs them out of process

Run For Your Lives is the world’s first interactive zombie-infested obstacle race experience.

Fuck you, bioinformatics. Eat shit and die.

Python is so incredible to build your dreams, with joy.

SplinterNet is designed to create an unblockable Twitter

Source, • Mobile P2P messaging via bluetooth, clever.

Je viens d'apprendre que l'expression "Cahier des charges" vient de la spécification des charges possibles pour les ponts du Moyen-Âge.

L'#OpenData peut être la pire et la meilleure des choses.

MapBox maps are now fully integrated with Twitter.

Source, • MapBox is clearly leading the way in geo/carto

Blogging is not writing. It's graffiti with punctuation.

Contagion (movie)

Marrant qu'en parlant d'inspiration, de valeur et de discussion on me reproche d'avoir un usage trop sérieux de Twitter :)

All of these successful tech companies were simple, humble and ugly when they first launched

RFC for the 7XX Range of HTTP Status codes - Developer Errors <3

Nos livres : catalogue de livres électroniques du domaine public français • Pensé à un tel service hier, cool :)

Hypermedia API designs will require a larger initial investment in server and client design and implementation

XMPP reste un très beau standard, avec des clients et des serveurs matures, et une belle place pour les robots.

Bad product design is fixed by hiring good designers not by adopting a better design process.

A simple command-line utility (and Python module) to determine your current location. library provides you with missing "batteries" to get maximum from functional approach in Python

Read the first half of the "2 scoops of Django" book. Already impressed. /kudos @pydanny @audreyr

If you're struggling with finances and can't afford it, let us know and we'd be happy to send you a free copy.

Plutôt que d’aller de divisions en divisions, pourquoi ne supprime-t-on pas l’institution légale du mariage ?

Voyager, c'est accepter de se rendre vulnérable. Se mettre à la merci d'une rencontre, d'une émotion, d'un signe…

Jean-Claude Bourlès

I will never forget that I discovered web development in Python thanks to @aaronsw's #RIP

What a privilege to be a spectator during that process. At Apple we were actually all students, not just spectators

If your signature is longer than your actual email content, then you’ve failed at the Internet and you must leave.

Nokia: Yes, we decrypt your HTTPS data, but don’t worry about it

the Java/Python eco-systems are really different in terms of dependency and library usage

I hate the lowest common denominator kind of "developers" that these frameworks enable.

With Learn, we’re making that accumulated knowledge available through high-quality, DRM-free training videos.

Are you aware of any private twitter account that you have to pay for in order to be able to follow?

Le meilleur esprit, lorsqu'on joue, est d'oublier son adversaire, tout en le respectant.

Xie Weidong, RFGo

Adopter des pratiques, c'est faire de l'agile. Pour être agile, cela ne suffit pas.

If you’re building any sort of web service or mobile app and you can’t yet receive money from people: stop.

Just my type: a collection of nice font pairings from Typekit.

Are we dinosaurs when using a Django template? […] What’s left, then, of Django? ORM/models and views.

Les spammeurs devraient s'insurger contre les anti-spam activés par défaut dans les inbox des FAI pour atteinte à la neutralité du net !

Nous sommes ce que nous lisons et ce que nous lisons nous façonne

It would be a shame if brilliant technology were to end up threatening the kind of intellect that produced it

La démocratie athénienne encourageait l’amateurisme et se donnait les moyens de le conserver.

pulsar - Event driven concurrent framework for Python (inspired by #gunicorn #nodejs #twisted #tornado #celery)

Our lives improve only when we take chances and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves

W. Anderson is a python script to backup any IMAP capable email account to a HTML archive, nicely browsable

J'admire les personnes qui font un travail que je ne souhaiterais pas faire. Surtout dans le domaine du service.

[well over half of the Internet's total population of users] pass through CloudFlare's network in 2012.

C'est donc avec la plus grande fermeté que je refuse cette médaille

Premier jour officiellement @Scopyleft et je fais déjà du node.js :p

Interestingly, Python is the second most popular programming language in the US.

Books are weapons in the war of ideas