Gazouillis archivés pour 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 via Twitter.

There's no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.

Roald Amundsen • /dédicace @providenz :p

Quand elle stagne, même l'eau la plus pure finit par croupir.

The Real Toy Story, Michael Wolf a documenté le quotidien d’ouvriers chinois travaillant dans les usines de jouets

Le financement participatif devrait être l’occasion de fabriquer des biens et des services publics +impressionnants

I wouldn’t intentionally let people in my house to collect information about me and then sell it

Not so perfect for advertisers and marketers, perhaps, but we’re not creating sites for them.

OH "J'ai sauvegardé mes photos sur Facebook" #ouch

Les bonnes pratiques sont relatives. […] Votre veille technique doit être permanente.

I learned a valuable lesson about the state of the Internet throughout the rest of the world.

So, when Mark Zuckerberg said HTML5 wasn't ready, we took a little offense to the comment.

Hint: Your browser is an API client, HTML resources are hypermedia/HATEOAS in action

If DHH ’s writeup is not a prank post then I’m sadly forced to say it takes the cake as the stupidest post in 2012

git : se prendre la tête 99% du temps pour être efficace 1%. hg : se prendre la tête 1% du temps pour être efficace à 99%. #LesIngés

Polar app has been designed carefully and beautifully. It's by far the best mobile sign up form I have experienced

on a publié des ordures de données, ce qui nuit à l’#OpenData et à l’émergence du web de données.

It's an entirely client side app. No server logic or servers are needed.

Resize your browser now and see a responsive URL in action.

diecutter: at a given URL, there is a "template"; post variables to template's URL and receive the rendered string.

JavaScript [in the browser] is the only thing that has a chance of moving forward.

The choice is yours and you maintain control over how your photo can be used by others.

On m'a demandé hier si je connaissais mon adresse email par cœur. Et je ne m'en suis toujours pas remis…

Geoportals and (in)accessible open data

We are building an open laptop, with some wacky features in it for hackers like me.

Elles leur donneront l’occasion de défricher leurs propres terres vierges, d’expérimenter leurs propres utopies.

L'écosystème actuel du livre numérique a une fâcheuse tendance à la stérilisation des actions d'écrire

Coding in Python made me more explicit in my daily life too.

OH "L'éthique ça gratte." #scopyleft

Boom! was specifically written to replace my Apache Bench usage, because I was annoyed by some bugs

j'ai commencé à me dire que l'immortalité ne passerait sans doute pas par la préservation du corps.

I have learned that in the open-source world, you are not your code.

threaded discussion is ultimately too complex to survive on the public Internet.

Content-first starting with typography, interesting approach

We need solutions that lack complexity, are device-agnostic and work within existing workflows.

Getting together and creating something with your friends is amazing and for me [the most] rewarding things I do.

Well designed code will never substitute testing but does give you the reassurance that no code coverage can match

a simple, straightforward function to dump all the docstrings associated with active Bottle routes

Despite the usual browser inconsistencies and other gotchas we're pretty happy with the HTML 5 History API

Error messages need to be: Human, Helpful, Humorous, Humble.

The truth is that typical HR mechanisms don’t work at all in motivating software engineers.

Obama's Digital Government Strategy encourages departments and agencies to participate in open source communities

These qualities of Python and the community’s work, let us write the code just once before running it everywhere

La poste, la SNCF et le RSI se battent sur le podium de l'incompétence. Personne pour un @capitainetrain du courrier/colis ?

Exam is a Python toolkit for writing better tests. It aims to remove a lot of the boiler plate testing code

“@ChristianFaure: davidbgk éditorialisation ;-)” • Ah, encore mieux !

Le mot « curation » est tellement laid en français, pourquoi ne pas lui préférer « sélection » ?

Flatstrap: sometimes a new project doesn't need rounded corners or gradients. So we decided to get rid of them.

The result is we either build up a calloused or cynical defense against empathy or find a way to block out more.

I feel both intensely passionate and exceptionally guilty with how I contribute to open source.

“@cjean: davidbgk que donc penser du premier article écrit sur le net ?” • Il contenait déjà beaucoup de liens ;)

Un article sans liens est une impasse.

90% of what we do is business through APIs.

John Watton, Expedia Affiliate Network ($2 billion/year)

Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers about data structures and their relationships

RethinkDB has captured some of the best ideas from Cassandra and CouchDB.

Before there were managers, peer cultures created the glue that held societies together.

You don’t need to ask the user what type of card they are using. You can ditch that Card Type field

Arrow - Better date & time manipulation for Python

Thoonk is a Redis schema for manipulating advanced, live objects (feeds, sorted-feeds, queues, and job-queues, etc)

24 Pull Requests is a yearly initiative to encourage developers to send a pull request every day in December

Just spent the last 27 minutes watching @apiacademy's channel #mustwatch /thanks @mamund

Utilisez vos connaissances pour construire (ensemble) un monde meilleur

To say that concurrency is possible in Python, but it is not idiomatic in Python, would be an understatement.

Il ne tient qu'à nous de décider s'il faudra des décennies pour en hâter la venue, ou seulement quelques années.

The Rascal comes with Pytronics, a Python library of simple functions for reading sensors and talking to shields.

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.

Martin Fowler

Hardware should be separate from software. Software should be separate from services. is a little tool that generates images with an URL. Choose the size, the colors, even the text.

There is no place like comfort zone.

Perdre, c’est mourir ; gagner, c’est sentir. La lutte, c’est ce qui différencie une victoire ou un gagnant.

What I want to create is a multi-disciplinary group covering art, electronics, software, food & ecology.

"curl -kL URL | bash" is the new "apt-get install". #trust

You don't really need to learn JavaScript after all #OhWait

I more and more use Twitter to store my bookmarks.

we used Jekyll, multiple custom apps built on Django, Flask, Rails and Magento. Our widest-used language was Python

Offline is a feature and it’s crucial we start to consider it from the start of a project.

Le hic, c'est que les gens sont un peu flemmards et ont du mal à changer leurs habitudes

Challenge of the day: using both Python 3 *and* WebSockets. Looks harder than expected. Any ideas? #scopyleft

A lot of people think that only internet-famous rock star programmers can contribute to open source projects

Advices for efficient sprints: clean your requirements.txt -> minimal_requirements.txt, prepare libs on an USB key, serve DCSV repo locally

La fainéantise est le moteur du progrès social et humain.

@magopian #djangocong

Un bon back-office c'est avant tout savoir réduire les frustrations.

@cyberdelia #djangocong

Votre API est votre back-office.

@cyberdelia pour 20minutes #djangocong

Mémoire Politique de La Quadrature du Net : un outil permettant de noter ses élus en fonction de ses opinions vs. leurs votes #djangocong

L' #OpenData ils n'ont pas encore très bien compris à Météo France.


La pause numérette : 5 minutes le temps de tirer 3 taflines. #addiction

Quand je vois le mal que j'ai à imprimer une simple feuille de papier et qu'on m'annonce des imprimantes 3D, j'ai peur.

OH "Je ne veux pas que tu arrêtes Django, le poney est trop mignon !" #djangocong

Motivations : réciprocité, utilité, appartenance, apprentissage, gain, réputation, communauté #opendata

Your idea will not work. Here is why it won't work. One or more of the following flaws may apply

L'Assemblée nationale adopte à l'unanimité la reconnaissance du vote blanc

Source, • Même pas un pour voter blanc…

Apple is probably too in denial about the failings of it’s antiquated approach to the web

Blog post header text changes with size by dropping non-essential words as the browser viewport gets smaller.

This tutorial aims to put forth an opinionated and specific pattern to make trouble-free packages

Celui qui sait le comment aura toujours un emploi. Celui qui connaît le pourquoi sera toujours son propre maître.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

La question qui se pose donc aujourd’hui est celle du caractère indexable de l’être humain.

The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. That sucks.

Save yourself a few minutes of needless fiddling, ask for clearer feedback sooner than later.

Httpretty: HTTP client mocking tool for Python • Yay! An item removed from my TODO \o/

Chaque élève est important et c’est l’école qui doit s’adapter à cette singularité

Source, /source

Nearly every time I see a slider, a checkbox would have been a better, less-confusing UI choice.

I came up with a simple concept that will make your iPhone the smartest keyholder ever.

Gutenberg était le premier pirate.

Pierre Lescure

hosting our personal data at home in a small home-made server. We call it myhomebox.

Never use dict() anymore in Python. Just use {}. • Same apply for tuple() vs. () given my tests /cc @doughellmann

A billion files saved every 24h. Nearly 96% of its customers use Dropbox for free. About $500 million in revenues.

Craft.js is a lightweight & extensible JavaScript framework that handles much of the boilerplate you want to get rid of

Nos élus devraient observer une grande transparence en supprimant les dispositifs opaques et inéquitables

Célébrer le positif. Améliorer le négatif. Discuter le ressenti. #scopyleft

Before updating to Django 1.5 alpha, don't forget to read release notes AND the associated deprecation timeline

Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist.

George Carlin /via @iA

I still maintain that the -f in "git push -f" stands for "fired"

My tool abuses the way that “permanent” (301) HTTP redirects are cached by web browsers.

Qui trop écoute la météo, passe sa vie au bistro.

Proverbe breton

Can we invent new corporate formats for P2P and commons-friendly, fair market approaches?

Source en français sur le #copyfarleft /merci @dabl :)

[copyfarleft] for workers to make money by applying their own labour to mutual property but impossible for owners…

> For copyleft to have any revolutionary potential it must be Copyfarleft. It must insist upon workers ownership of the means of production.

OH "Attends même pire, ça ressemble au G8 !" #argh

OH "Le W3C c'est un peu comme l'OMC alors ?" #vismavisdegeek

49% des Français considèrent que « l’Open Data est gage de transparence et renforce la démocratie ».

Le savoir est le moteur de notre espèce, et nous venons de passer directement de la rame au réacteur.

Les Rencontres citoyennes de la montagne ambitionnent de devenir un moment privilégié pour réfléchir ensemble

Ne pas en maîtriser les contenus reviendrait à abandonner un peu de notre libre arbitre, de notre identité

factors outside of your direct control can impact the ability of your customers to get to your site

we wanted to do it in a much more comprehensive way than simply uploading a PDF or a Word document

Il faudra alors recommencer, améliorer, et poursuivre et petit à petit le gain se transforme en expérience.

I'm happy with this setup : for the first time I feel like I'm tracking my life at the right level of precision

Tarentool looks interesting but I can't see the key feature against Redis Any feedback?

iA Writer for Mac is the first native text editor that uses a responsive design. Why did it take so long?

La vie commence là où s'arrête votre zone de confort

We have begun to pollute and desecrate and cheapen all of our experiences.

Activity-Centered Design (ACD) focuses on the activity context in which individuals interact with your product.

The chance that someone else will have your idea and have the determination to execute it is tiny.

On occasion, we share our research findings with relevant law enforcement parties as a public service

La nouvelle économie nous a fait découvrir un nouvel aspect de la gestion de nos connaissances

"Objectif" trail 2012 atteint : arriver jusqu'aux Baux de Provence \o/

am I supposed to be doing sustainable engineering with my life? […] Do what you love, or do what you’re good at?

A person can survive for: 3 sec w/o attention, 3 min w/o air, 3 hours w/o shelter, 3 days w/o water, 3 weeks w/o food, 3 months w/o love.

This is why I consider the desire to create a mobile application to be a Wrong Thought.

“@ericflo: OpenResty simultaneously impresses and scares me: • Same here. What about content_by_python though? ;)

I dream of a […] netbook with exceptionally good battery life but the market is fascinated with locked-down tablets

You own your data, Recollect does not. Recollect is the product, not your data… we will never sell ads against it.

I use my iPad primarily for reading.

@gruber, advocating for 2 years that iPad is not about consuming but creating, remember? :)

Python est si facile à apprendre que c'est un stagiaire qui enseigne le langage aux nouveaux salariés.

Growstuff is a community of food gardeners working together to build an open source platform to… —

Is there anybody reading my [Thoughts] only because written in English? (srsly thinking about writing in French again)

Hiver (n. m.) : période de l'année pendant laquelle le chat se glisse sous la couette.

L'école doit se saisir du numérique et travailler ses usages ; elle doit s'instituer à leur égard comme *espace de décélération*

Imaginer qu'Internet ouvre la porte au savoir, c'est ignorer ce qu'est savoir.

Philippe Meirieu, L'école, le numérique et la société…

Ah, merci mon dieu de m'avoir fait athée.

Guy Delisle, Chroniques de Jérusalem

You don’t match your age to your job. You match your motivations to your job.

we're making this [Django] book open source in the hopes that it'll find love as a community project.

Pitié, pitié, achevez ces dinosaures délirants. Depuis la chute de la comète Internet ils souffrent trop.

Neighborland is a new way to make your city a better place.

This is a quick guide/tutorial to learning socket programming in python.

BootMetro: [Framework] that wants to use the "Windows 8 MetroUI" style, without the need to run on Windows 8.

we will transform into a data and API catalog that in real time pulls from agency websites

A web authorization protocol based on industry best practices, putting mobile and native apps first [vs. OAuth]

“@ajbaird: Most literal job title ever. • I just can't consider myself as a "web developer" anymore.

The big surprise here is how well the PyPy/Sync workers perform [vs. Node.js]

We don’t have users, we have customers we earn. They deserve our utmost respect, focus, and service.

Possimpible: where the possible and impossible meet. When you go beyond the possible and beyond the impossible.

The care and feeding of software engineers (or, why engineers are grumpy) (old but still so true)

le mouvement #labradors réunissant les contribuables entrepreneurs sauvant les domaines de

Le Japon est incapable de regarder l'Asie comme son égal. Le Japon a intériorisé l'occidentalo-centrisme.

the diversity of life on earth, its evolutionary history and the threats of extinction.

Someone else is happy with less than what you have.

L'entraînement c'est du REPOS (Régularité Équilibre Progressivité Organisation Satisfaction)

Les salles scolaires sont tellement inadaptées à la discussion… ça en est presque caricatural :/ #parisweb

"Il faut toujours surestimer votre audience, ça marche !" #parisweb #informelles

"Pour sensibiliser des gens à l'accessibilité il suffit de casser des poignets, c'est assez efficace" #parisweb #informelles

"Le responsive design c'est le TGV du Web : s'il passe sur des lignes non adaptées il ne roule plus aussi vite" #parisweb

Le responsive design à l'origine d'une communication indispensable entre les designers et les développeurs #parisweb #informelles

Propriété intellectuelle/reconnaissance de la paternité, pouvoir/légitimité, maîtrise de l'évaluation/amélioration continue. #parisweb #OQM

Je ne me lasse pas d'essayer de comprendre le langage des signes à #parisweb

#AgileWashing : mettre en place des méthodologies et outils agiles sans en comprendre les fondements et les évolutions *humaines* associées.

L'hyper-specialisation des profils dans les agences web et l'uniformisation des outils. La prolétarisation des acteurs du Web. #parisweb

Les conférences longues génèrent beaucoup (trop ?) de blabla et de contextualisation autour du message principal. #parisweb

Informelle sur l'éthique qui dérive sur la monétisation puis la transparence. Assez révélateur quand même ;) Merci à tous ! #parisweb

Notion of "responsive cartography" by Benjamin Becquet at #parisweb #FoodForThougths

Proposition d'informelle #parisweb : Technique sans éthique n'est que ruine du Web.

Le Web serait-il un livre avec quelques milliards de co-auteurs ? #parisweb

Le livre physique comme une luxification du web.

Claudio Vandi, #parisweb

3 profils se détachent nettement pour le bio : ~0%, ~50% et ~100%. En ce moment je tente le 50.

Par curiosité, vous estimez à quel pourcentage votre consommation de produits alimentaires issus de l'agriculture biologique ?

Opting in/out to "Interest Based iAds" via reached with your iOS device. • Kind of proprietary DNT?!

Si je me trompe, c’est que nous vivons en réalité dans une dictature cachée.

D’une certaine manière, l’enseignant n’est plus tout à fait le guide mais plutôt l’accompagnateur.

API maintainers, put a big fat warning that every user of your API should check your certificate.

Do you really need a server? Build your minimum viable product entirely client-side.

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be this who can't read and write but those who can't learn, unlearn, and relearn

service Meet & Seat de KLM : vous pouvez voir les données du profil d’autres passagers sur Facebook ou LinkedIn

un tour de la France exacte sans aucun moyen motorisé en suivant au plus près la frontière terrestre et le littoral

En parlant de gars qui s'envoient en l'air. /via @n1k0 /cc @informagicien

Tuer le nomade, c'est tuer la part de rêve où toute la société va puiser son besoin de renouveau.

Odile Alleguede, Petits habitats…

L’unique voie de la vraie ouverture pour les musées, c’est de devenir des plateformes, de devenir des communautés

Adventure is where you find it, any place, every place, except at home in the rocking chair!

Tiens je ne connaissais pas les « nonos » a.k.a. nouveaux nomades.

“@nhoizey: davidbgk tu connais déjà celle-ci ? • Ah non, plutôt pas mal aussi, merci :)

Martyn Ashton - Road Bike Party • Can't wait to have a new bike. /via @andymsymonds

Test de Cooper (après un an) 2770m, VO2max+10.7%, un peu déçu quand même…

EcoBalade est une nouvelle façon de vivre un moment dans la nature. Apprenez à reconnaître la faune et la flore

L'ouverture des esprits est une première étape à l'ouverture des données.

81% of 18-24 years olds use their mobile device while watching TV.

Source, /via

One day I'll start a company. These will be the core values

Source, • Except that's not values but principles and practices

Bloated test: valid if your users prefer the "mobile" version against the "desktop" one (using an iPad)

using responsive design for Basecamp mobile would have been like fitting a Prius body to a Hummer

If you use carousels (but you shouldn't), make sure you can read the text at least 3 times between each sliding effect. Thanks.

the fact that anything other than the Node.js implementation is a second-class citizen just feels awkward

les prix seront adaptés aux revenus des clients, en toute confidentialité, les produits proposés sont bio et locaux

> if you make something really cool, the neatness speaks for itself. And that's much more important than trying to make something marketable

Merci @capitainetrain d'envoyer vos mails en plain text, si rare mais toujours appréciable :)

Arrêtez de vous plaindre, Free vous désintoxique de Google, un peu brutal mais efficace :)

This project is innovation in its best form: the kind that has the courage to take bold yet calculated risks.

3 people already commented on twitter instead of enriching the initial document (no new fork for now), too soon to conclude but…

standard setup for [LinkedIn] engineers now is a machine with 20 or more gigabytes of RAM just to RUN the software.

Trying a new way to discuss with the community, come and participate (please fork, do not comment :)) /cc @karlpro

Progression is not about distance or time, it's about faster recovery.

je suis vraiment heureux de n’être touché par mon propre sentiment raciste qu’occasionnellement

Il n’y a qu’un seul Web et il ne change pas de visage selon votre périphérique de connexion.

writing service oriented web applications can be an extremely effective way to build great products

people who can’t explain their design decisions are like developers who don’t write documentation and tests works incredibly well, frightening. /via @karlpro #privacy

AMAW : Association pour le Maintien d'un Artisanat du Web

Interesting that is asking for a passphrase and not a password. #LittleBigDetails

.@Quanteek hindsight I prefer opinionated libs/languages/projects vs. bloated all-in-one ones, targeting the audience is the key

en cas de monnaie commune la solidarité intra-étatique n'est pas stabilisatrice mais déstabilisatrice

Si startup == croissance++, risque++, espoir de profit+++, bullshit++++, bien-être--, éthique-----

Je me rends compte à quel point la scop est une anti-startup. Et ça me rend heureux.

Si plutôt que vous battre sur l’imposition des plus-values vous vous battiez pour tout ce qui gêne la création ?

Le sponsoring OPENDATA, c’est 500€ à gagner pour une création numérique utilisant les données libres

Idea: a button in my Twitter client to load all links in browser's tabs with the original tweet in the header, useful on wake up & go.

Think about the Apple guy in charge of removing vignetting from iPhone's camera. The day he discovered Instagram. #F7U12

I made an honest mistake that any developer can by using code from the work I did at my previous employer

Souhaite-t-on que les revenus du capital contribuent autant au financement de la société que ceux du travail ?

Réponses aux critiques de l'étude sur les OGM (malheureusement pas sur le site original qui nécessite une inscription)

en se dépassant, on se connaît mieux, on crée du moi.

Très peu de projets ont véritablement utilisé des données #OpenData PACA lors du #hdpaca et c'est un peu dommage…

Did you ever click a "Scroll to top" button? (not the topbar in mobile Safari)

2008: Lua, 2009: Erlang, 2010: Scala, 2011: Clojure, 2012: Go. Programmers are so trendy. /inspiredby @providenz

La géographie c'est l'histoire moins les sophismes.

Un commentateur sur LeMonde #QOTD

When are we, as a web development community, going to stop giving Apple a free fucking pass?

Genericity kills the geek. #hdpaca

REST is not about URIs or HTTP (verbs). It's about resources, representations, self-description and (hyper)links. #hypermedia

Nous voulons la transparence car nous souhaitons l'émergence d'une force citoyenne qui ne s'oppose plus à l'état

Tout seul on va plus vite, ensemble on va plus loin.

Proverbe malien #lift12fr

Bénévole numérique : utiliser les fichiers pourris de l'#OpenData lors des formations Excel pour du nettoyage citoyen #lift12fr

Démocratie #lift12fr Mise en réseau de la diversité. Expériences de démocratie ascendante et de micro auto-régulations. Mémoire collective.

Démocratie #lift12fr Robustesse des promesses au-delà des désillusions. Résilience de la démocratie. Amplification de mouvements ?

Démocratie #lift12fr Importance de l'éducation citoyenne et de la contribution. Temporalité démocratie != temp. numérique.

Démocratie #lift12fr Illusion d'une fracture numérique alors que c'est une fracture sociale. Instrumentalisation du numérique.

Démocratie #lift12fr Les rapports de pouvoir n'ont pas changé. Rôle du numérique marginal. Pas de passage à l'échelle mais exp. stimulantes.

We are the lightnings in this age of cloud computing.

Honor Harger #lift12fr

Le parallèle entre la matinée sur les méthodes agiles et l'après midi sur la rédaction de la constitution islandaise est impressionnant…

3600 public comments were posted via the Web to the constitution

Gudrun Pétursdóttir, Iceland's chair constitutional committee #lift12fr

People managed to listen to one other, it was unbelievable!

Gudrun Pétursdóttir, Iceland's chair constitutional committee #lift12fr

Les européens ont peur des données. Angoisse historique.

Stéphane Grumbach #lift12fr #bigdata

Conquête du monde : promesse d'un monde meilleur.

Tiana Delhome, #lift12fr • Monde numérique : d'un être meilleur ?

La smart-isation (cities, grids, etc) de la planète pour accélérer la stupid-isation de l'homme ? #lift12fr #pardonmyawarefrench

La biologie est trop importante pour être laissée aux seules mains des industriels.

Thomas Landrain, #lift12fr

L'école numérique est une priorité.

Fleur Pellerin, #lift12fr

you’ll be paying a subscription fee just to stay alive, with pretty harsh measures if you refuse to pay up.

[Github] started as a place for mothballing unmaintained and unnecessary projects, and that is still most of what is hosted there. — Linus T

what-if is even better than xkcd.

Dans les commentaires qui suivent, vous trouverez, dans le désordre […]

Source, (commencez par lire l'article quand même…)

Aucune construction humaine n'est définitive

Big systems. Big failures.

Ce n'est pas parce que les choses sont difficiles que nous n'osons pas c'est parce que nous n'osons pas qu'elles sont difficiles

I am responsible for my own education.

La société qui m’intéresse est celle que je vais constituer à mon échelle

Lorsqu'on fait de l'information un spectacle, ce dernier est au mieux décevant, toujours mauvais.

Le coureur d’ultra est-il devenu un porc doublé d’un mufle ? • Ouch.

"Rater sa vie", quel étrange concept.

Today the entire city is my office - its parks, its countryside, its cafes and its workspaces.

Pour préciser : il y a des infographies qu'on pourrait résumer en 3 lignes. Lisibles. Indexables. Re-mixables.

L'infographie est l'électroménager (aka apple-ification) de l'information ou comment transformer de la donnée en lecture seule

Quote from "The man who turned his home into a public library"

> You don't do justice to these books if you put them in a cabinet or a box, a book should be used and reused. It has life, it has a message

Each one a new affirmation. “You mean something to someone” [“@” in my stream] seem to say.

We make data porn : l’Open-Data par un dev pour les devs (et les autres) • Excellente série à lire par les ouvreurs !

“@janl: Settings > General > About > Advertising > Limit Ad Tracking >> On. #iOS6” FR: Réglages > Général > Informations > Publicité > Suivi

cette étape des API devait être transitoire jusqu’à la libération complète des données

Rappel : acentré == qui n'a pas de centre ; décentré == dont le centre a été modifié

il faut arrêter de rechercher une formation professionnelle dans l’optique de trouver une place dans la hiérarchie

Proposition de conférence pour Confoo (vous pouvez recommander — ou pas — si vous avez un compte)

les rats OGM déclenchent donc de deux à trois fois plus de tumeurs que les rats non OGM quel que soit leur sexe.

@ChristianFaure et bientôt tu ne pourras plus taper que sur un iOS, préoccupant non ?

the reality of the world today is that grounding ethics in religion is no longer adequate.

I found myself asking her again and again, “Why the fuck would you do that?”

If the implementation is hard to explain, it's enterprisey.

the biggest difference between interface-first development and API-first development is thinking about actions

Real Time communication library using Animated Gifs as a transport™ #WTFriday

Vu l'effet positif que ça me fait de recevoir des mails de remerciements je vais en envoyer davantage.

le Triathlon, synthèse idéale, trinité dont la perfection tend vers le divin, et dont les trois disciplines…

Design elements and code snippets for Twitter Bootstrap HTML/CSS/JS framework

[desktop]’s about real-time and interacting without page loads [mobile]’s about fast page loads on slow connections

A program IS NOT communication between a human and the machine. It’s a communication between a developer and the next developer.

J'ai une théorie reliant le nombre de piqures de moustiques et l'indice de masse corporelle.

(let's see if the second part of the quote is spreading as fast as the first one: ) #html5bashing

it’s not that HTML5 is bad. I’m actually, on long-term, really excited about it […] mobile Web is a big thing for us.

Mark Zuckerberg

Never forget that wine is a game. A good game.

Pharmacologie du Front National par Bernard Stiegler #PrendreSoin #Google #WebSémantique #Incurie #LangueFrançaise

Objectifs #parisweb 2012 : moins de confs, plus d'ateliers, plus de off.

Je recommande très vivement la lecture de « L'école, le numérique et la société qui vient » (5€) qui garde un format très accessible.

Selon l’OCDE, une personne sur 10 est obèse en France, et presque 40% de la population est en surpoids.

Donc l'activité physique de la femme c'est le ménage. Joli. #TopMachisme

we’ll serve a double-size so it looks super sharp to [Retina] visitors -- they’ll think you’re ahead of the game.

“@karlpro: OTOH the twitter insanity is our collective fault to not design and support Open Protocols.” • s/fault/laziness/

Avec la tolérance, ma liberté s'arrête là où commence celle des autres. Avec l'altérité, ma liberté s'étend au travers de celle des autres.

ACTION: @w3c invites the FBI to the tracking protection working group. #DNT

Ces gamins sont les nouveaux requins du Web /via @coulix • Pleurer ou vomir ? Les deux.

Pourquoi nous n'apprendrons plus comme avant. Un dialogue entre Michel Serres et Bernard Siegler

TechCrunch to me is the great place to look to see the sickness in our industry right now.

écrire, c'est transformer les contraintes de la langue en ressources pour la pensée

Philippe Meirieu, L'École le Numérique et la Société

There is no place like a new home.

Apple and Amazon grant “nontransferable” rights to use content

Inspired by the Mars Curiosity rover, I set out to map Mars using all open source tools and open data.

Neil shoots pictures the same way my wife does: He cuts off people’s heads.

Sans l'ennui, la perméabilité à l'environnement est bien plus difficile.

Content should always feel like a gift, not a burden. […] we need to start focusing on ways to control the flow.

Using numba, I added just a single line to the original python code, and was able to attain speeds [x1000!]

In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent.

the qualities that make Twitter interesting are direct consequences of its centralized architecture.

[Tech websites] are ad-driven FUD machines that run on pageviews stolen from attention-deficient readers

[Readability] rely on Django day in, day out. And it delivers.

Source, • $10,000 donation to the DSF. Wow.

Consider hypermedia • Interesting thread about REST and

I didn’t bother writing tests because it’s obviously correct and test frameworks are ugly and stupid.

If you can't spare some time to give your employees the chance to wow you, you'll never get the best from them.

Decentralization lovers: how do you handle latency for real/human-time services? (remember RSS and Google Reader centralization? :))

Every revolution, whether political, scientific, or ideological began as a conversation.

Formats and protocols by themselves are meaningless. That's what I say about specs.

Tent is decentralized, not federated or centralized. Any Tent server can connect to any other Tent server.

When you sell a company, you can get new shoes, a new car, a new house or a new life.

#midata aimed at giving consumers access to the data created through their [life] — #Opendata

le premier arg pour convaincre une institution de faire du Linked Data [serait] d'améliorer les processus internes

chaque année 10 décès dus aux requins, 200 du fait des hippopotames, 600 provoqués par les éléphants

This just goes to show Internet companies are still surprisingly dumb when it comes to language and nationality

At last, I got a real connexion. But I can't remember what I planed to do with. Sad. Makes me think of the bandwidth's threshold to comfort.

Pricing Experiments You Might Not Know, But Can Learn From • And avoid?

Trying a new experiment: removing all branding from my home environment. Goods, clothes, appliances and so on.

I wonder if performances' tests will be performed (not current test suite but "real" websites) of Django using Py 2.x vs 3? @aymericaugustin

Retrouver le rythme nycthéméral. Retrouver le goût de la lecture papier. Retrouver le plaisir d'écouter son contexte. #SlowElectricity

If you're creating millions of [Python] objects, make them namedtuples.


ne serait-il pas préférable de faire de l’information, mais sans journalistes ?

You are encouraged to open pull request. Of course only valid legislation voted on by the Bundestag will be merged

Joli exemple d'éducation basé sur la peur ("le contrôleur arrive") et le chantage affectif ("sois sage ou je te ramène chez mamie")

I am resolved to never write another line of code for rotten-to-the-core “platforms”

Got a new home.

Python frameworks will not change much when the people demand more realtime on the web.

Développeurs : Soyez fainéants, mais ne faites pas faire votre boulot par vos utilisateurs !

j’ai appris que c’est la différence fondamentale de l’approche des dites pointes qui fait la différence

Autant JPEGmini a toutes les chances d’être un succès pour son éditeur […], autant l’avenir de WebP est incertain.

a perdu à pile ou face :'(

Each time I want to watch that #London2012 masquerade I'm going out to do sport by myself. More fun :)

Quand il n'y a plus que soi, et rien d'autre, on doit regarder à l'intérieur de nous-même.

the true sign of a geek is a delight in sharing a thing. It’s the major difference between a geek and a hipster

We will not unfairly advantage products from Google Inc.

Source, • Except those using SPDY? #OhWait

OH "Il va falloir réapprendre à avoir peur"

Bonjour la France !

The more OAuth providers there are, the more inconsistency there is.

The age of selling software to users at a fixed, one-time price is coming to an end. It’s just not sustainable

Users don’t notice this, but they don’t need to. Good UI design takes care of irritations before they appear

10% per week, every week, starting from the first day that the invoice is overdue.

Rikrolling is an internet meme involving a link pointing to @mozilla's bugzilla from @rik24d (optionally playing "Never Gonna Fix You Up")

Il y a même des caps où une augmentation du revenu aboutit à un appauvrissement net.

Finding sports' clothes without an ostentatious branding is a real challenge.

J'ai mangé un sushi qui frétillait encore. Littéralement. #onlyinjapan

3 sayopa, 3 ambiances, 1 même douleur. Merci :''))

The irony with all these Google/Sparrow haters is that they still use GMail.

“Stupid light”: Why light is not necessarily right, and why lighter is not necessarily better

The only time a mistake becomes “stupid” is when it is repeated more than once, otherwise it is experience, which becomes wisdom

I should have installed SublimeLinter way before

A talent acquisition is effectively a job offer with a large signing bonus.

I don't really care who winds up buying GitHub. The founders - my idols - have sold out.

Are lightning talks (tweets) the future of conferences (blogs)? #microreflexion is supposed to be a ‘bootstrapping mechanism’ in theory but is a central authority in practice

corporate APIs are good for the corporations that own them, and bad for everyone else.

users don’t hate change. They just hate when the experience of change is poorly designed.

He who climbs Mount Fuji is a wise man, he who climbs twice is a fool.

Japanese proverb • And what about 1.5?! :D

Achievement unlocked: Mt. Fuji with perfect weather conditions and an epic running descent via Gotemba (strongly recommended) + sunrise :)))

Good conference organizers take responsibility. […] Think about the audience, give them an experience.

[Facebook] is enthusiastic about the potential for an HTTP/2.0 standard that will deliver enhanced speed and safety

If an online service doesn't have the trust of its users and developers, then what does it have?

those faces are synonymous with the faces we have when we are alone

If everyone in the world had the same BMI as u, it would remove 50M tonnes from the total weight of the world's pop

I see a picture emerge where the back-end will become purely an API component

Il faut à présent en finir avec ce feuilleton de l’exception culturelles Hilarious. And so true. Well done @voozahq :D

[#lesgens] sachent que leurs impôts servent à des entreprises pour débaucher des gens d’autres qui fonctionnent

these servers handle almost 2 trillion queries on any given day (that’s more than 23 million queries per second).

Des risques, de la prévention, de la confiance ? Mais oui, vous vendez également de l’assurance qualité.

A software architect provides technological and product vision without losing sight of the present needs.

Nodejs is the best tool to build async client/server prototypes. Yeah, just prototypes. Because nodejs is a toy.

Hacking is the impulse to engage with something and figure out how to make it work for you

so badly contaminated that a forest fire could create a devastating radioactive smoke cloud

Now you can tie any kind of data to your users to see exactly who they are and what they have done.

SparQLed: an interactive SPARQL editor that provides context recos, helping users in formulating complex SPARQL queries

“home” is reinvented with a new purpose. It’s a community, an ethos, a series of opportunities for collaboration.

évolution en “AMAP culturelle”, sous forme juridique d’une SCIC

we've served 1.65 petabytes of data in the past 30 days (1,331,004,996 page views)

Terms of Service; Didn't Read • Such a clever idea.

Love the pricing page of pagekite (localhost tunneling solution ala localtunnel)

From my perspective, Python 3 isn’t worth it, yet.

Déjà ça me fait *** quand il faut traverser une route.

“@DirtyF: davidbgk will code for food. Or fun.” <3

Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and turns into a racket.

Eric Hoffer, quoted in Born To Run

But there’s a practical reason to use the open web: your app can’t be shut down.

Tempted to do not attend "traditional" conferences anymore. I want to discuss with my peers, not listen and troll on twitter.

You have to use Ghostery to realize the number of websites tracking you (and using Google Analytics) est un site expérimental pour la diffusion de données de l'IGN au format des Linked data #SPARQL

Unopinionated services are doom to fail.

School isn’t school. It is the birthplace of the citizen ideal.

Those nice URLs could leak sensitive information and the risk would not be obvious to the user.

C’est avec le Web 2.0 que le droit d’auteur est mort dans l’esprit des gens, pas avec le piratage.

the goal for me, […] focused more on the long term, is to store information in the most valuable format possible.

Nielsen’s dismissal of feature phones reminds me of some attitudes to Web accessibility in the early 2000′s.

Créer, un acte citoyen. Créer, implique de prendre conscience du monde dans lequel on vit, saisir ses possibilités…

In late 2009, I created an online persona named Pete London to help attract and hire the best JavaScript recruiters

The Most Versatile and Economical building design in the world.

The internet is accelerating the demise of print-based news consumption

Source, • Couldn't agree more. /via @n1k0

Disabling Xcode conversion and simply using ImageOptim instead was enough to reduce the application size by 30%

Our goal is to help you login with OAuth-compliant services using HTTP Basic authentication.

Nous sommes censés représenter les citoyens […] nous sommes censés réfléchir à leur place !

Man […] sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health

Le triage au sort des élus en France ne se fera pas tant qu'on prendra son concitoyen pour un imbécile. Jamais donc.

How Dark Sky Works • Hello @meteo_france can we have access to RAW DATA NOW please? :) #opendata

Idea to paying customers in 7 weeks • Interesting validation of the initial idea via fast users' feedback

The goal of any company who offers an API to their data is to build a eco-system that promotes lock-in

He’s insulting your intelligence, because that’s not the product you chose. […] He’s saying you’re a sap.

Arles est le terrain de leur expérimentation, […] laboratoire des nouveaux usages et services associés au numérique

python-readability: fast python port of arc90's readability tool, updated to match latest readability.js!

Conclusion of the previous tweet: a simple "title" optional field is enough #privacy

Réflexion sur l'analogie forêt/jardin/potager et le web. Domestication de la nature (humaine) et récolte de fruits (numériques).

DjangoBreizh, c'est tout l'esprit des rencontres djangocong, avec le climat sain et vivifiant de la Bretagne

When trying to develop a new skill, the important thing isn’t how much you do; it’s how often you do it.

Facebook, le TF1 d’Internet, […] crée des services prétextes pour collecter les informations

The upshot is that we’ve had users on the site from Day 3 of its existence on.

Think about writing a detailed blog post before you speak on any subject.

The Mythical Team-Month (you can start at slide 142 if you're busy, read the list twice though)

The #1 devop excuse for legitimately slacking off: "My architecture's deploying." • Inspired by

there is another factor that is much harder for Apple fans to understand: Not everyone sees the beauty.

Il faudrait reprendre chaque précepte de ce manuel et lui opposer un contre-principe.

C'est quand tu as construit une usine à gaz que tu te mets à apprécier les solutions simples.

Fast Web is about information. Slow Web is about knowledge. Info passes through you; knowledge dissolves into you.

Not only the SSL handshake is plain-text, but also it contains rather interesting data.

Categorizr is a modern device detection script that helps categorize different web capable devices • Any Python fork?

I want to keep doing that, because the act of producing, being a maker, has changed my life.

Maphub is a Web portal prototype for georeferencing and annotating digitized, high-resolution historic maps.

Germany has guaranteed high prices for wind, solar, and hydroelectric power, tacking the costs onto electric bills.

I will not work anymore for projects that do not plan to have users in the loop in the first 3 months. Assumptions are evil.

MemSQL places data into memory and translates SQL into C++ for the utmost optimization in query execution.

RedisLive: Visualize your redis instances, analyze query patterns and spikes.

We are no longer for sale. We will rescue ourselves with the money bankers, speculators and politicians have stolen

Homo Sapiens a appris à fuir devant le danger, pas à imaginer les dangers à venir

Les experts SEO ne sont pas méchants, il faut juste les laisser jouer ensemble, dans un bac à sable

les bons SEO font le nettoyage du web sous une appellation pour laquelle les clients veulent bien payer.

If you wanted to create an education environment that was directly opposed to what the brain was good at doing […]

Remote working allows us to optimize for motivation. Being three feet from my bed is just a pleasant side effect.

we won’t be able to blame Apple. We’ll have to blame ourselves. They gave us the choice.

I've been that guy, the one writing the awesome code, but I stopped. […] Instead, I'm productive

the most important tools an agile team can use to practice continuous improvement are retrospectives

In the long run, schemaless is likely to just become another feature in databases

Titan is a distributed graph database optimized for storing and processing large-scale graphs w/ multi-machine cluster.

These events are part of our shared culture and we don’t really mean to include people who view this as “just a job”

Quick Tip: Save Battery by Spinning Down Hard Drive Sooner • Useful if you've got a second drive in your macbook

Réflexion sur la durée de vie du code. À combien estimez vous la ligne que vous êtes en train de coder ?

The problem is not the individuals, […], it’s standards themselves. Standards are a tool, not a solution.

Rainbow: your code is beautiful - show it off. (syntax highlighting with 1.4kb of JS + CSS themes)

open source only really works if everybody is contributing for their own selfish reasons.

Chrome reduces apparent latency using a host of clever anticipatory mechanisms

The unique design allows you to change the table quickly and easily into 3 different configurations

What are we losing – of ourselves, of our relationships to one another, of […] our humanity.

It is absolutely trivial to gain root access to a MySQL database at this point.

What is the new calendar? What are the new seasons? The new weeks and months and decades?

Terrifying. Simply Terrifying.

It means that, as a diehard Mercurial fan, I have finally had to concede that Git has won.

Resurrection is a Chrome extension allowing to record a sequence of browser actions and to produce the CasperJS script

Curious what goes on under Cloak's hood? Here's our technology FAQ and deep dive.

Source, • Every service should have that.

[…] mais une justification consumériste. Plus on aspire à changer, plus on consomme.

Ces heures ne sont pas « productives », mais elles sont rentables

The development of RDFa was slowed down more by “social” rather than technical issues.

Désindustrialisons nos pensées, prenons conscience qu’il existe une véritable écologie de l’esthétique

Le client a un budget car il pense à un produit fini, alors que le Web est bien souvent un jardin potager.

Asking a designer to polish something after you finish it is like asking a chef to clean the kitchen after you cook a meal.

In comments.

I have learned that nothing solves an argument like a pull request with working code.

Tip: use HTTP a lot, that way you’re implementation-agnostic.

Ces jours ci, je n'ai besoin de rien d'autre que […] quelques habits pour me tenir chaud, et le grand air.

“@nhoizey: If you like TV shows: #CoucouHadopi” • Oh perfect, thanks!

I’ll provide an example of storing a simple relational dataset in Redis, and I’ll look at the performance

Djangonauts, if you can't attend #djangocon don't forget to read @reinoutvanrees's incredible blog posts

il n’y a pas plus de fait brut que de données brutes. Une donnée est toujours le résultat d’une intention

geventhttpclient is specifically designed for high concurrency, streaming and support HTTP 1.1 persistent connections.

Interaction design is engineering: it’s not about finding the perfect design, it’s finding the best compromise.

There’s no feelings of “kiss up to the boss or you won’t get a raise.”

PyCascading is a Python wrapper for Cascading. You can control the full data processing workflow from Python.

On a reçu un second mot de passe par email en clair pour voter par internet au second tour. Sûrement pour des raisons de sécurité. #OhWait

I'll probably give up on mercurial (to git) because of third-party tools' integration. So sad. #DistributedMonopoly

LodLive: a browser for the Semantic Web. • At last, well done!

Pinterest t'annonce quand tu te fais piner et repiner. En France on a le RSI pour ça.

En somme, à vivre dans ce pays et non à le visiter, je croise des personnes et non des Japonais.

By converting Freebase to industry-standard RDF, :BaseKB lets you explore our shared mental world /via @fumi1

The Architecture of Open Source Applications /via @karlpro • Incredible resource, thanks @aosabook's authors!

social media buttons make you look like a dog waiting for the crumbs from the table

All you need is e-mail, e-mail. E-mail is all you need. • And IRC. To troll about e-mails.

Django's CBVs were a mistake • Rewrote almost all my current Django project to get rid of it.

Bulbs is an open-source Python persistence framework for graph databases

The idea of creating a business class for online news is not about buying information, but buying better experience

J'ai assisté à un match de sport collectif professionnel et populaire sans aucune haine.

les jeunes se préoccupent du présent et les vieux du futur 

Trying to write down your personal and professional values is incredibly hard. But it's definitely worth it.

French finance Minister during this process was Christine Lagarde, now head of the IMF

even failure is better than the crappy […] system musicians have suffered from for over 50 years.

Without these [open source] communities I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am today

Capital letters were always the best way of dealing with things you didn't have a good answer to.

Douglas Adams

We make products and decisions every day around our core values.

Just honest, clear prices. […] Shoppers hated it.

Source, • Always wondered what would happen. Disappointed.

These running tips are intended to cover all levels of runner, from a beginner to a competitive athlete.

J'aime énormément le terme élaboratoire de #sudweb

no amount of design can anticipate the many complexities of bringing a product to life in the real world

Drapache: A python server that uses the dropbox API to serve files that are hosted on dropbox

Stallion is a Python Package Manager interface created to provide an easy-to-use visual interface for Python newcomers

Flash is supported for only popular but legacy web sites that need it, not broadly available for all sites.

Our goal: move millions of people from using the web to actively making the web.

Apple has an internal system called “Can We Talk?” where any employee can raise questions on most any subject.

The world gets a lot bigger when you're living smaller.

When adults need to ask for permission to see how the company’s doing, it’s a sign something is wrong.

Think twice next time you put a carousel of faces on your website :) #DontPutCarouselsAnywayPlease

Pinterest: 18 millions visitors, 150 EC2 instances, 70 master databases, 12 employees, Written in Python and Django

Pour résumer : vous pouvez désinstaller Skype si le fait de vous faire surveiller à votre insu vous irrite.

Le coût d'opportunité désigne la perte des biens auxquels on renonce lorsqu'on procède à un choix

Je me demande comment je réagirais si on m'imposait de me filmer pendant mon travail. #copwatch

Est-ce qu'il y a des consommateurs/sociétaires de enercoop dans mes followers ?

we now support the Do Not Track (DNT) browser setting, which stops the collection of information used for tailored suggestions.

TED-Ed’s commitment to creating lessons worth sharing is an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas.

an ordinary middle-class consumer is far more of a job creator than a capitalist like me

I simply want to suggest that you start creating your mobile presence as a web presence.

Gingko, a lightweight service framework on top of gevent, implementing the "service model" /thx @sebastibe

A party for (hack|think)ers, combining serious and not-so-serious productivity with a fun and exciting atmosphere.

Go against the stream — the other fish don’t know where they’re going either!

Knowledge Graph owl:sameAs Semantic Web

Flickr is still pretty wonderful, it's lovely in the same way a box of old photos you've stashed under the bed is.

I don’t hear people say “I use Python at work because I have to, but I’d rather be writing Java.”

Si tu as besoin de concevoir une usine à gaz, c'est que tu n'as pas confiance dans l'utilité de ton idée première.

Le principe de Greenbureau est vraiment intéressant, autant dans l'idée que dans le business model

Python HOWTOs are documents that cover a single, specific topic, and attempt to cover it fairly completely. #MustRead

Dear Japanese people, you don't want to restart nuclear reactors? Just stop wasting your electricity like you do. #MrObvious

The datasexual obsessively record everything about their personal lives, and they think that data is sexy.

appjs: SDK to develop cross-platform desktop apps with HTML5/Nodejs

A comprehensive guide through Python packaging (a.k.a. setup scripts)

L’écran gêne l’enseignement. Il diminue les expériences physiques et émotionnelles.

Government Digital Service Design Principles (coucou

Distributing Work in Python Without Celery /by the prolific @zeeg :)

We The Tiny House People (Documentary): Small Homes, Tiny Flats & Wee Shelters

BioLite Stoves make cooking on wood as clean, safe & easy as modern fuels while generating electricity

we’re more interested in how a distributed, federated network of producers and consumers might work and evolve.

L'efficacité d'un réseau, c'est l'efficacité de la matrice, et non pas un réseau sur deux ou trois lignes.

Startups and babies have one thing in common; you don’t do them with someone you just met.

Goodbye, CouchDB • Interesting for their use of MySQL, last §

tout homme est un homme politique avec un portable à la main.

“@zyegfryed: davidbgk Take a look at decruft: • Thanks @zeeg !

readabilitySAX: a fast and platform independent readability port (JS) /via @clochix

C’est d’un vrai plan numérique dont nous avons besoin

Cell Architectures • Biology background as a future requirement for computer scientists? :) #biologeek

Redisco : A Python Library for Simple Models and Containers Persisted in Redis (Djangonauts will feel at home)

Vous ne voyez rien ? Maintenant, je porte un pantalon et un T-Shirt. Maintenant, je suis un homme.

Je suis reconnaissant envers ceux qui essayent de placer l’écologie dans le débat politique mais c’est une anomalie

Japan will produce about 15 percent more greenhouse gas emissions this fiscal year than it did in 1990 /via @nkame

L’intelligence n’est pas une compétence mentale ou neurologique, c’est une compétence sociale.

Perdu dans un patelin d'une petite île du pacifique, le chanteur local te demande de le liker sur facebook à la fin de la chanson. Bordel.

L'émerveillement des japonais, même surjoué, est communicatif. Et ça fait du bien.

The best runner leaves no tracks.

Lao Tseu, Tao Te King

OH "Comme tous les animaux à plumes les anges doivent pondrent des œufs."

Dans toute œuvre de génie chacun reconnaît une idée personnelle inaboutie.

Le plat français qui me manque le plus au Japon ? Le couscous. :p

Courir dans les calanques en chaussures minimalistes ça montre ses limites. #barefoot

The technical features could be replicated, the brand and user community could not.

et ensuite votés par les participants, la personne ayant proposé introduit, possibilité d'étendre la discussion (+15 min) une fois par sujet

Réflexions sur un nouveau format d'événement : 3 minutes de sujet + 12 minutes de discussion, les sujets sont soumis avant anonymement…

#djangocong stats : 2010 = 1 participante, 2011 = 2 participantes, 2012 = 3 participantes. Ça progresse. Doucement. Oratrice(s) en 2013 ?

Whoah. @guillaumebarbaz a déjà publié la vidéo de mon intervention à #djangocong Impressionnant de professionnalisme.

J'ai trouvé ce qui ne me manque pas au Japon : l'agressivité. #WelcomeToFrance

I will never EVER give my email address again to an administration. Legal spammers: go die in a fire. /cc @ambafrancejp @pole_emploi

Secouer la boîte aux images, et les laisser raconter.

Hanami is not about flowers. It's all about family and friendship. And happiness.

La vulgarité des chinois. #leschinois

Seeing more and more people taking pics with an iPad in Tokyo (japanese & tourists)

4th month without taking lifts and escalators (live at 7F). Less electricity, less medicine, more muscles. You should try :)

Creating a P2P network of trust for SSL (via a Firefox extension, not sure of the pertinence but… better than nothing.)

OH "Les coréens, ces pinsuts."

OH "la nowifi conférence est une très bonne chose, mais je pense qu'il faudrait rajouter une nobikini" #djangocong

La vulgarité des américains. #lesaméricains

More and more considering facial masks as a way for Japanese women to prevent from men harassment (at work).

Comment parler des données ouvertes à des non-développeurs ? atelier #OpenData par @schignard

il est difficile pour un enfant de ce début du XXIe siècle de vivre son enfance.

Any sufficiently advanced bullshit is indistinguishable from truth.


Ceux qui paieront toutes leurs factures en se passant de papier pendant un an pourront ‘adopter’ un arbre de la ville.

À quel moment l'Homme s'est-il défini par son addiction ? Est-ce vraiment récent ?

Les statistiques de Webkit ne représentent pas totalement la réalité des requêtes du navigateur Web

Idea: a travel book based on geoloc that you fill with published photos from you and/or others took at the time of the visit

Bernard Stiegler au sujet de l'« insurrection civique » de Mélenchon (entre autres)

C’est un combat d’arrière garde, et un combat nuisible que d’essayer de revenir au patriotisme exclusif.

les policiers ne sont plus des "Gardiens de la Paix". Ils sont devenus des "Gardiens de la Peur".

Axel J, commentant sur Mediapart

OH "Les vainqueurs écrivent les media"

Beaucoup trop à (re)dire sur « Comment j'ai pourri le web » pour Twitter mais via @n1k0 est un bon début

I'm seriously considering jailbreaking my iPhone 4 just to install f.lux or just selling it eventually?

PaySwarm is the worlds open payment standard for the Web. It makes payment a core part of it • Feedback?

Waitress is meant to be a production-quality pure-Python WSGI server with very acceptable performance.

Airy doesn't use the standard notion of HTTP requests and pages. Instead, it makes use of WebSockets (via

- de 3% des développeurs #OpenData interrogés ont pour motivation que leur service puisse être un jour profitable

National Radioactivity Stat as Linked Data /via @_masaka #japan #opendata

Django-hstore is a niche library which integrates the hstore extension of PostgreSQL into Django

Responsive-Enhance: Javascript to load a larger image where necessary

I'm not releasing code anymore because support and maintenance is so boring.

The retina version of home page is four times the standard home page.

Python 3 is the future of Python and in support of that Django is and will remain committed to achieving compatibility

author creates something worth linking to, and the rest of us can link as we see fit, regardless of how we found it

Homeless people are offering SXSW attendees network access in exchange for a donation. Is this awful or innovative?

“@emmaroux: REcherche activement stagiaire […] URGENT ! […] innovation et autonomie à la clef” • Et un salaire c'est moins urgent ?

pyrasite: Tools for injecting code into running Python processes /via @ogrisel

I want my kids to fail. That probably isn’t at the top of your list for your kids, but it should be.

Ginkgo: Lightweight service framework on top of gevent

un bon site = HTML5 + MICROFORMATS et je dirais même très bon site = HTML5 + MICROFORMATS + ARIA

Removing jQuery, step by step (reviews/comments welcome :)

The Dark Matter dev aren't chasing the latest beta or pushing any limits, they are just producing.

Cyclone is a low-level network toolkit, which provides support for HTTP 1.1 (proof that Bootstrap can produce bad UX)

Service public : l'audimat avant la démocratie ? /coucou @f_inter /via @fvsch

Kartograph: A simple and lightweight framework for creating beautiful, interactive vector maps. • Just beautiful.

there is no point to distributing music in 24-bit/192kHz format

Monty, • Almost validates my migration to FLAC :)

Starting your day as a producer means that your information consumption has meaning

Switching back to Firefox after a few years with Safari.

here are seven qualities that I consider essential to the identity of open source

Don’t build the best REST API, build the best HTTP API.

More and more tempted to work on my own project. My ethics. My motivations. My failures.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a Redis-like interface to client-side storage in javascript?

From data, we derive knowledge and understanding through a process of induction.

This discussion about ethic & sponsorship reminds me how tricky it can be when you're an organizer.

This is democratization of energy using the democratization of information.

Your API is a product. Treat your developers as you would your most profitable users.

Les européens ne croient pas en l'Europe car elle n'est pas souveraine.

Tower.js: Full Stack Web Framework for Node.js and the Browser with MongoDB, Redis, CoffeScript & Bootstrap • BINGO!

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which the unskilled suffer from illusory superiority

Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.

Will Rogers

It is meant to be used by humans to interact with HTTP-based APIs and web servers.

Subway: a web-based IRC client with a multi-user backend and a JavaScript-heavy UI. endangered

Le Japon : de nouveaux choix sociaux ? • Dossier très complet sur le Japon /thx @Prabil

Réflexion du jour : de l'animisme au monothéisme par l'urbanisation. Responsabilité, anonymat & harmonie.

Apple bookstore is rejecting a book which contains links to another store. • Breaking the Web, one URI at a time.

The INSIDE GOVERNMENT part, on the other hand, is about meeting the needs of the engaged minority.

From virtual reality to real virtuality with #opendata from @NASA in video games. /thx @karlpro

So happy with my new LimeChat IRC theme that I decided to share it :)

le numérique est partout, pourquoi n'est-il pas politique ? Ne participe-t-il pas à la vie de la Cité ?

Nous voici dans une situation où nous nous attendons à pouvoir tenir une assemblée démocratique dans un supermarché

If you try to distract me while reading your content. You probably don't respect it as much as I planed to. You don't respect me either.

We'll probably see a lot of click-scrolling implemented those days, demo by @37signals:

Working on a minimalist OS X environment, removing almost all top buttons from apps. More space, more focus, more fun!

Opening a dropdown is an explicit action and should only happen on click.

Why are we always using <ul> for a menu? After all, order does matter in this case. Reconsidering <ol>. Discuss.

t’as beau être un spécialiste des avalanches, l’avalanche n’est pas au courant que tu es un spécialiste

And the Oscar for Best Picture goes to... Wikileaks! With Stratfor as Best Leading Actor.

il y a quelque chose de tristement effarant à voir des militants antinucléaires griller une cigarette

I see the reasoning behind but I hardly see how to rely on it. No ToS means no service. /cc @shinypb @dustball

make the assumption: everyone has a Graph Store. Now what do you want to do with yours?

Plus personne ne sait ce qu'il faut faire à l'école.

Argh is a small library that provides several layers of abstraction on top of argparse. /thx @n1k0

Exceptionnelle et passionnante conversation entre Bernard Stiegler, Robin Renucci, Philippe Meirieu et Patrick Bouchain

Si vous ne devez lire qu'un texte aujourd'hui #politique #arsindustrialis

La plateforme de l’Etat FR n’intègre actuellement aucun canal de partage et de prise en compte des contributions

How did I missed that blog about minimalism. Read almost all archives :)

I want a twitter client with 3 states: Focus (only my favs followings)/Normal (my followings)/Procrastinate (followings+ favs' friends)

This project is experimental […] However, it could start a revolution in information access.

This "Mastered for iTunes" thing convinced me to rebuild a music library based on FLAC out of iTunes.

On s'est contenté de déplacer des fauteuils sur le pont du Titanic.

The Open Data Handbook introduces you to the legal, social and technical aspects of open data /via @fumi1

L’aventure Biologeek est terminée. Merci :')

Le kimono africain par Serge Mouangue pour #TEDxConcorde #japon #afrique #design

La pollinisation ou le partage des savoirs par Thanh Nghiem pour #TEDxConcorde

pushState is the new AJAX. Be prepared for a pile of sheets.

Google Public DNS: 70 billion requests a day and counting […] DNS acts like the *phone book* of the Internet.

l’abstention peut être un acte politique. Tout comme la désertion peut être un acte héroïque

Le FMI s'est transformé en une institution chargée de protéger les seuls intérêts financiers.

À partir d'une certaine taille, les organisations hiérarchiques ne fonctionnent plus.

Idea: implementing comments as pull requests on my writings. Pros: decentralization. Cons: account, audience.

I just want to let the devs know that Youporn relaunched two weeks ago with Redis as our primary database.

Jeu : remplacer « croissance » par « excroissance » dans les discours politique. Observer la propagation du cancer.

When you have a new medium, you have to rethink these things.

MySQL 7.2 GA: 70x Higher JOIN Performance, New NoSQL Interface and Schema-less Storage, Schema-less K/V store • Ouch.

Third demonstration I see in Tokyo this week. Who said Japanese aren't… demonstrative :)

[Thoughts] Standards /cc @lespacedunmatin @fvsch @jacobian @n1k0

Stop reading all those crappy management books, watch StarWars. Learn. /via @codepo8 /takethat @darthvader @DeathStarPR

La France est engluée dans une approche centralisée du XXème siècle du haut vers le bas.

Stop looking for code warriors, better work with code lovers :)

why wouldn't the "wisdom of the crowd" apply just as well to curating the important news?

Python Ecosystem - An Introduction • Definitely a good read for switchers & beginners #BestPractices

We built the company that we’d want to do business with. Then we built this one.

At some point, and I hope very soon, the way web standards are defined is going to have to change.

Point Quichotte unlocked: la pétition.

Pears are common patterns of markup & style • Nice execution. #css #snippets #guidelines

If only Apple could have implemented -webkit-retweet to avoid being flooded x times by the same link...

Idea for @github: adding a "Thanks" tab, because sometimes you just want to thank developers and this is not an Issue ;)

Doan: “And who owns the web?” @timberners_lee: “We do.” —

#python + #websockets + #twisted = Autobahn WebSockets /cc @sebastibe ;)

Cabin Porn made my day • Definitely looking for a place like this. Soon. /thx @providenz

je considère le partage non-commercial de mon livre…comme une attestation de la pénétration culturelle de mes idées

Les gens qui ne réalisent pas qu'ils font 2 paires de guillemets avec leurs doigts en fait. ""#lesgens""

Idea: creating a #Django project's template that initializes an async architecture with #redis #gevent #socketio #nginx etc /cc @ericflo

Thinking about an hyperlocal decentralized minimalist social network #BINGO

“@fwenzel: has changed data centers and is now partially powered by Django!” • Who needs references now? ;)

Seuls les charognards se complaisent dans un écosystème mourant. Mais pour combien de temps ?

La fonction des réseaux c'est de résister et de créer.

“@oncletom: En lisant "Et si l'aventure humaine devait échouer", je me dis que davidbgk a tout d'un Théodore Monod.” • Pression. :))

Bootstrap is not overused, just under customized. Lazy you!

Before I start writing a single line of code, I write the README and fill it with usage examples.

Compare the number of people complaining about small font sizes vs. large font sizes on the Web. Make your own conclusion.

“@nautilebleu: #Fabric, #Cuisine and #Watchdog for server administration in #Python - • Cuisine or Watchdog feedback?

Warming World 1880-2010 /by @nasa /via @colinux • Tonight: heater or pullover? Tomorrow: lift or stairs? #UpToYou

Dear @disqus, your research on pseudonyms is great but why don't you use HTML to display it?

Very happy with Vox as a minimalist music player for OS X still looking for a decent alternative to Skype though…

la recherche et l'innovation apparaît comme l'un des seuls secteurs épargnés du plan de rigueur [anglais]

sortez y’a rien à la TV , marchez ailleurs que dans les magasins, la nature n’est pas soldée elle est gratuite.

What is the unit of your time-to-screen on the morning? Seconds? Minutes? • Inspired by @wilsonminer

Six étrangers venus faire leurs études en France. Diplômés, ils voulaient débuter leur vie active ici

Les publications d'@hubertguillaud sont la preuve qu'on peut faire des articles web de qualité (liens, sources, réflexion). Merci.

Plus la diversité humaine dans un environnement est grande, moins on obtient de diversité personnelle.

Don't tell me that your project is BIG, let me judge that by myself. #StopBullshit

Those days, I'm listening to @dabears318's mixes to work: #focus /thx @idrajit

Dear soon-to-be-former user, […] Now grab your data while you still can and get out of here.

Tu crois que tout le monde a le bac en France ? Plus de 70% ? Plus de 50% ?! 42%, il "suffit" de croiser les données

“@prabil: davidbgk Si tu as aimé Chouard, tu aimeras bien Gael Giraud. • Merci beaucoup !

Care about (y)our limited resources. Help your browser. Specify a character set. Specify image dimensions. Minimize redirects.

If you focus on performances before evaluating the ergonomic aspects of your app, you're probably doing it wrong. — A user.

RFC for the 7XX Range of HTTP Status codes - Developer Errors /via @dioxmat

Web developers: stop complaining about Textbook. It's your responsibility to bring back that content to the Web. Go back to work!

These businesses are lucrative for Google because our collective attention is economically valuable.

Ne vous excusez pas d'avoir des supports de présentation illisibles, c'est inexcusable.

Vous être en train de détruire ce que la civilisation a de plus cher […] Piratement vôtre,

Thinking about a Python client to browse/interact with generic JSON+HAL APIs /cc @mikekelly85

How the media manipulates the world into war • en + fr subtitles /via @AntoineCezar

Django WebID Provider: Your Identity. Your data. Your rules. /by @quinode • W00t!

OH "I'm an hacktist."

Code is like ideas. Useless without execution, marketing and energy.

Traditional backends are effectively isolated silos, triplestores are integrated with the links of the Web.

I wonder how people consider Internet for now: centralized, decentralized or distributed? #silos #p2p #dns

Data is the new raw material of the 21st century — a resource that gets more plentiful every day.

Care about (y)our limited resources. Cache your statics. Use gzip. Limit your HTTP requests. Learn to use Now.

Texte de 1840 Alexis de Tocqueville, Démocratie comme despotisme, De la Démocratie en Amérique, vol II • 1840.

…pour se procurer de petits et vulgaires plaisirs, dont ils emplissent leur timeline.

adapté de Tocqueville, Démocratie comme despotisme

> Je vois une foule innombrable d'hommes semblables et égaux qui tournent sans repos sur eux-mêmes …

“@n1k0: Cher toi, je te *conjure* de prendre 2h30 de ton temps pour visionner et digérer ceci • MERCI !

Care about (y)our limited resources. Check your logs. Block spambots. Prevent hotlinking of images. Now.

And definitely not part of Apache.

Damien Katz, • Consensus vs. competitiveness, business as usual :)