title: Apple & Web Apps lang: en > **Loser:** Apple. They don’t care about web apps. Actually, it’s worse than that. It feels like they are actually *hostile* to web apps. iOS Safari is the new Internet Explorer 6. It has lagged behind in nearly every web standard, especially around Progressive Web Apps. This is probably for business reasons: web apps disrupt their $99/year + 33% in-app purchases racket. So to make my web app work on their platform, I have to basically pretend I’m a native app. > > *[I built a PWA and published it in 3 app stores. Here’s what I learned.](http://debuggerdotbreak.judahgabriel.com/2018/04/13/i-built-a-pwa-and-published-it-in-3-app-stores-heres-what-i-learned/)* ([cache](/david/cache/70af6643808ad06e8e7c8d5c8e053bab/)) At the time of writing a [Progressive Web App](https://tech.people-doc.com/progressive-web-applications-primer.html) ([cache](/david/cache/f23e53c1e67a3062da9d338079897fde/)), it scares me. Hopefully, it will not end up in any store…