title: The History of the Web lang: en > The web's most fascinating stories, delivered each week. > > […] > > *Prefer RSS? [Fine by me](https://thehistoryoftheweb.com/feed/)* > > *[The History of the Web](https://thehistoryoftheweb.com/)* ([cache](/david/cache/2cccdae81666b4788d5969617db63bad/)) Kudos to [Jay Hoffmann](https://twitter.com/jay_hoffmann) for these little stories. The [last one about clearfix](https://thehistoryoftheweb.com/postscript/clearfix-a-lesson-in-web-development-evolution/) ([cache](/david/cache/a76c269e9283669744c2c2b0a58e07e2/)) is pure gold for dinos like me. *Note: please provide an RSS feed if you have a mailing-list 🙏.*