## Degrowth > Historically, people have fought for more—more bread, more rights, more wealth. Deliberately deciding to have less, albeit a radically more equal distribution of a smaller overall pie, will not be easy nor will it be an overnight transition. However, forming plans for a materially credible, ecologically sustainable, post-capitalist future is absolutely necessary if we are to avoid the likelihood of a future where the rich fortify themselves in relatively safe, highly militarized zones within temperate regions while most people are left in ruined ecologies located in sacrifice zones, existing well below the social foundation. > > *[Ecological crises and equitable futures](https://esra.nz/ecological-crises-equitable-futures/)* ([cache](/david/cache/2020/99c5bddeed5760b748ba9b219270d75d/)) Et puis il y a nos aspirations à plus long terme. Réduire les chaînes d’approvisionnement, réduire notre consommation d’énergie, repenser un système moins inégalitaire. Tout cela est lié et va probablement me faire revoir des choses à titre personnel déjà.