{% extends "base_stream_twitter.html" %} {% block extra_head %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {{ super() }}

If you want to be depressed for the last day of the year. www.youtube.com

Tried #nodejs today. It's a web server with callbacks. Still don't get the awesomeness and fun :(

Chiffrer pour sécuriser ? — pas si simple… blog.frenchmozilla.org /by @clochix

At last, took me a month to read comments from www.fourhourworkweek.com but there are very interesting tips :) #LightIsRight

OH: "Merry Crisis and a Happy New Fear"

Write your logs for machines to process […] consumable by a human.

You value adventure over advertising. Memories over souvenirs. You don't want to clog the planet with more stuff.

comment savoir si je fais du bon agile ou de l’agile marketing ?

Slides from yesterday's HTML5 APIs meetup slides.agektmr.com by @agektmr and docs.google.com by @kinu /thx @myakura @fumi1 @takoratta

The most frustrating moments when you attend a conference in a foreign language is not understanding jokes & trolls

Did you notice that www.postgresql.org switched to #Django? No and that's a good news :) blog.hagander.net

[Thoughts] Centralizing larlet.fr #identity #design #trust

Un énorme merci pour le support exceptionnel d'@alwaysdata (même un 25 décembre !)

For christmas, I offered my digital identity a SSL certificate. I think it deserves it!

If I had more time, I would have written a longer tweet.

Inspired by Marcus T Cicero #evolution

Idea: implementing a server that remove parts of the page content when you remove chars from the URI

Technology behind Rackspace Cloud Monitoring journal.paul.querna.org and why they switched from Python to NodeJS journal.paul.querna.org

L'affect et l'intellect conduisent à des généralisations tout aussi biaisées.

Tanzawa山: 21km 1500D+ 4h30 #barefoot \o/ (no injury so far but worst ground ever, validates my new shoes except for ice)

If Japan could close its gender employment gap […] the level of Japan’s GDP could increase by as much as 15%.

So what if we also start (re-) imagining the city as open source?

Croiser des touristes Me sentir différent Acclimatation

not overmarketing to you, keeping as few people between you and me as possible in the transaction.

En investissant sur la nature, on investit sur l'avenir.

de la pratique du placebo chez l'idiophile

Where Satan goes backpacking

Source, • Landing on a vhellcano, did you bring BBQ ribs Sæli? :)

“@lloydhilaiel: We just moved the #browserid service onto over 500 cpu cores. 500 more coming soon.” Decentralized they said… #webid

Very interesting comments on this article about accessibility and icons in fonts 24ways.org

Les paradoxes de la valeur www.alterites.ca (pas encore lu)

Le risque est grand que notre démocratie ne soit mise à l’encan et raflée par le plus offrant.

Indie capitalism is, above all, a maker system of economics based on creating new value, not trading old value.

Semantic Data Service is an object-oriented search engine semantic.eea.europa.eu /via @fumi1 /cc @orovellotti

Python 3 is the XHTML of the programming language world.

Is Spinoza the grandfather of the Semantic Web?

Impressed by maptal.es both idea and execution. Well done. (Making of: adactio.com )

“@codepo8: Don't be a free user: blog.pinboard.in • Buy your freedom actually :)

Découvre les fascinantes interviews de Dominique Cardon sur le Web vimeo.com /via Bernard Stiegler

White House to open source Data.gov as open government data platform radar.oreilly.com • Good move! Code github.com

Discovering www.youtube.com via @colinux

MongoGraph Brings Semantic Web Features to MongoDB Developers www.infoq.com

Conversation entre Bernard Stiegler et Paul Jorion www.pauljorion.com en préambule de arsindustrialis.org sur l'agonie du capitalisme

Data.gouv.fr est ouvert: www.data.gouv.fr • XLS 293601 - 1 RDF (mais seulement 47 PDF)

Framework-agnostic, micro-library for getting stack traces in all web browsers stacktracejs.org • JS will soon be a programming language

An Introduction To FluidDB - a social database in the cloud www.slideshare.net • Interesting use of semantic tags /by @ntoll

The Semantic API uses concepts which are, by definition, terms in The New York Times controlled vocabulary.

We want to share, re-mix and use this data to build more awesome Web applications.

What Powers Instagram: Hundreds of Instances, Dozens of Technologies instagram-engineering.tumblr.com • Including #Django :)

Over-architecturing is the new over-optimizing. And the root of (costly) evil too. Start simple. Iterate.

Cooper's test (run 12 minutes, as fast as you can), first try: 2530 meters. Room for improvements :D

The combination of pointing and calling reduced mistakes by almost 85 percent.

@bertails every year @w3c Members meet and @timberners_lee says: The triples which I give is my flesh, the URIs which I give is my blood

“@bertails: davidbgk I believe in one Web, the Web of all HTTP URIs. And in @w3c, one of its fathers. Amen.” @timberners_lee is our savior!

@bertails @w3c created the Web in your own image: simple links but complex relations ;)

Craft & Vision – The Free eBook www.pixelatedimage.com #photography

Je prends un sain plaisir à non-organiser les rencontres Django cette année. Chapeau l'équipe #djangocong ! rencontres.django-fr.org

Si vous aimez que l'on vous prépare votre bento, la-grange est maintenant à emporter :) www.la-grange.net

So let's stop mapping open data portals, and start mapping datasets that adhere to common schemas.

@n1k0 l'administration française c'est comme un serveur HTTP sans 200, 201 et 202 et avec plein de 205, 206, 210, 300, 303… /cc @karlpro

Redis to build a NoSQL autocomplete search index patshaughnessy.net • Very good article, except the agile(?!) conclusion. It's minimalism!

Thanks for confirming that my decision to stick with hg was correct. IMHO git is a human factors horrowshow.

Si je comprends bien on pourrait combler la dette de l'État français avec le budget de la Défense ? voila-le-travail.data-projet.com Tentant. #OpenData

Lancement de www.appartinfo.com un bien joli projet #Django + #OpenData dont j'avais parlé après mon intervention bgk.me

@n1k0 the problem of Open-Source is not contributions, it's verification and quality, should propose something about that for #djangocong

always keep backups. At the end of the day an online service is no different than the hard drive in your laptop.

Running barefoot is about connecting with the ground, about feeling, about freedom and lightness, about fun.

Votre distributeur va mourir un jour, vos contenus et notre culture avec.

Current mood. www.youtube.com

After 2km running, 8km walking, 12km hiking/trailing I can tell you that #barefoot is all about (incredibly good!) sensations.

Il est compliqué de comparer/juger les cultures/sociétés lorsqu'elles ne se basent pas sur les même paradigmes.

Pictures Under Glass sacrifice all the tactile richness of working with our hands

#TheDequiringChallenge x=3: barefoot running shoes, don't want to miss something cool #ShareTheHype

Re: Linking in JSON, it looks like @mnot answered to me via a complete blog post www.mnot.net :)

Montpellier propose les métadonnées #opendata en RDF opendata.montpelliernumerique.fr • On se rapproche du #LinkedData \o/

#microformats 2.0 somehow introduced namespaces ('h-' 'p-' 'u-' 'dt-', 'e-') microformats.org Hardly refrain myself from laughing now.

Remember that if you move your publication system from your own domain to Google(+), you don't care about it googleblog.blogspot.com

Trying a new way to run: small steps, legs never in total extension. Inspired by #barefoot runners. Ridiculous but discovered new muscles :)

SPARQL Explorer for DBpedia is a good way to learn SPARQL by example. E.g. interesting places in Marseille: dbpedia.org Play!

Le seul PDF qu'a libéré la mission Etalab depuis le 22 février 2011 : www.gouvernement.fr Chapeau. #opendata

Finding a new competitor is so exciting: trying, analyzing, hacking, being inspired, cheering, questioning. Iterating. Iterating. Iterating.

Consensus is the glue of us doing things together.

@karlpro, • Purely based on ego vs. Purely based on patience :)

A (tampering) proxy server for Apple's Siri github.com • Let's see how much time is necessary to Apple to disable it…

Discovering UP by Jawbone jawbone.com via scobleizer.com • "Welcome to a healthier you" such an interesting marketing tagline

Introducing Hypernotation, an alternative to Linked Data milicicvuk.com • Good luck with performances! #hypercomplexity

#TheDequiringChallenge x=2: a lightweight but incredibly hot hat. Useful for winter treks & Mt Fuji. #LightIsRight

Weekly roundup of news about the REST architectural style thisweekinrest.wordpress.com • How did I miss that collection of linked resources' URI? :)

Web APIs: Don’t be a victim of your success. www.bizcoder.com (a bit monomaniac those days but… I NEED TO FIX THE WEB.)

Making a Local Web Server Public with Localtunnel www.twilio.com • So simple, so useful.

#TheDequiringChallenge x=1: a highly foldable bag to refuse plastic bags at the combini, too much waste from packing in Japan

I dream to see 2 speakers @parisweb one day: @timberners_lee for his vision, @hixie for his blindness.

[Japon] Ma vie de salary man tam.blogs.clan-takeda.com

Idea: creating a universal hypermedia API client/browser that can validate links, headers, HTTP codes and so on.

You website is probably more RESTful than your API. Think about that today. #hypermedia

“@karlpro: "It is my duty to build a better disciple than me." vimeo.com #japan” • Beautiful, reminds me thisismadebyhand.com

Je suis un Don Quichotte.

From Application Programming Interface (API) to Data Linking Interface to Data Browsing Experience to Data Mixing Visualization #BINGO

My personal hope is that http://schema.org grows into a broader 'documentation centre' role

Is that really the Great Wall of China you can see at 3:47?! Whoah. vimeo.com

I discovered BuzzData buzzdata.com e.g. buzzdata.com via Changing the World with #OpenData www.engineyard.com

Si t'as un truc dans la tête il faut l'essayer.

Schema.org and RDFa 1.1 Lite: how does it look now? www.w3.org /by @ivan_herman

“@limi: Yo dawg, I herd yuo liek volcanoes… goo.gl (Aogashima, Japan)” • Not that far from Tokyo \o/

Landscapes: Volume Two vimeo.com /by @dustin_farrell #phodeo

Great photography is about depth of feeling not depth of field.

Peter Adams

A way to stop being notified by paper.li paper.li /thanks @simon_bricolo • Annoying you said? twitter.com

“Internet représente 3,7 % du PIB français selon McKinsey, il pèse déjà 9 % en Allemagne ou au Royaume-Uni bit.ly • Source

The camera doesn’t make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE.

Discovering ownCloud 2 – web services under your control owncloud.org /via @webaaz

In short: there are a lot of ways to break HTTPS/TLS/SSL today, even when websites do everything right.

The Economy Is in Our Hands, We Just Don't Know It www.huffingtonpost.com #minimal #local

Social networks exist to sell you crap.

maciej, #foaf #opendata #linkeddata #socialgraph #4chan #wow #aol #THEWEB

We're at an awesome time in Django history.

If you’re not paying for something, you have no reason to expect it to be there tomorrow.

Playing with DBpedia & Django for my new job. I kinda like that :)

One day W3C has to say goodbye to WHATWG. Sooner than later. #mascarade

Here Comes Apple’s Real Thermonuclear War Against Google www.cultofmac.com

I won’t make the same kinds of photographs. They’ll be different, because I am.

“@OpenRePub: If we can sequence a human genome for $100, why can't we openly publish for $100? openrepub.org This. Is. Huge.

Avec un peu de recul, les japonais ont l'air plus heureux que les français. Ça fait réfléchir. #aigris

Everything You Know About REST Is Wrong vimeo.com • I like the "Hypermedia APIs" name proposition (vs. RESTful)

Interesting to see how symmetric are Firefox vs. Chrome and IE vs. Safari talkingpointsmemo.com 4 major browsers at 25% in january 2012? :)

“@nojhan: Toutes les explications (même les plus geeks) sur ma carte du métro de Paris : ping.fm Whoah.

Le web est un proxénète et nous sommes ses putes www.mangetamain.fr

#ParisWeb 2011 côté coulisses www.cheekfille.com Très intéressant billet d'un cheek bisounours :)

When dreams become things.

Mercurial 2.0 has been released with graft command and largefiles extension mercurial.selenic.com

In a good shape this morning www.runtastic.com (I realized that you can use the app without having any mobile plan and sync by wifi)

At my first UTMB, I drank maybe three liters and ate two sandwiches!

Representing a graph with HTML is still incredibly hard. The Web can't represent itself. How ironic is that? :(

Idée #parisweb/#sudweb : faire une page sur le site expliquant le prix du billet en détail, ça évitera d'avoir des discussions récurrentes…

And then I saw Him. In all His majesty. おはよう富士山! yfrog.com

Un homme libre c'est quelqu'un qui tente ce qu'il a envie de faire.

Why don't we promote social captcha? You must rate x previous comments to be able to post your one. Thoughts?

Introduction au HTTP Driven Development par @karlpro www.la-grange.net

OK. I just got the confirmation that japaneses are sleeping overnight in the open-space. Sadly woke up my neighbor this morning. Scary.

RDFaCE is an RDFa Content Editor based on TinyMCE. aksw.org

Les offres de stage sérieuses sont rares, en voici une : gist.github.com Chapeau @jlecour !

Note: Avoid hot-linking and upload font files to your own server. Or we replace them with Webdings.

Is that the best minimalist HTTP example you can show in Python (without dependencies)? gist.github.com

Le bouton « Supprimer » n’a qu’une fonction cosmétique : il permet de masquer le message aux yeux de l’internaute

“@PierreJoye: New HTTP code: tools.ietf.org #ietf #http” • Definitely useful for APIs!

Migrating from a stateful client based on sessions to a web-based stateless app is an interesting process.

Si vous prenez soin de votre qualité (web), je vous recommande vivement de travailler avec @temesis et @ElieSl qui sont très pro. Vraiment.

Using CSS should always be as simple as playing with Bootstrap twitter.github.com

Tiens une conf sur Javascript, Html 5 & CSS 3, WebGL et le Web Semantique www.web-5.org à Béziers /via @fastclemmy

Inspections sanitaires des établissements alimentaires montréalais resto-net.ca #opendata • Ça arrive quand en France ? Burp :)

Tarifs réduits en conférence • I have a dream ;) n.survol.fr

“@n1k0: /me says HTTP 203 RT @erdgeist: HTTP 413 - That's what SHE said” • Just hope it's not 417 :p

Un outil pour prendre des minutes qui est joli minutes.io #parisweb

Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur l'infrastructure technique de la BBC présentée par @olivierthereaux www.bbc.co.uk #parisweb

A comprehensive list of open government data catalogs curated by experts from around the world datacatalogs.org

#sudweb est annoncé à Toulouse les 25 et 26 mai pendant #parisweb ! Youhouuuuuuuu :) #sharethesun

L'indépendance m'aura appris à quantifier la réussite de mes projets par la qualité des rencontres que j'ai pu faire. #parisweb #industrie

« IBM : Bâtissons une planète plus intelligente. » Mouais des gens moins cons ça serait plus utile quand même. #parisweb #greenwash

“@karlpro: Ouvrir le Web un bug à la fois - les slides www.la-grange.net #parisWeb” • La conf la moins décevante du jour :)

« Ouvrir le Web un bug à la fois » en concurrence avec une conf sur voyages-sncf, ça ne s'invente pas #parisweb #sharethetroll

My timeline talked more about Denis Ritchie than Steve Jobs. Cool, but stop comparing please :)

Le mot stratégie s'oppose à celui de programme.

Edgard Morin, Introduction à la pensée complexe. #politique #informatique

Moyenne des retards du Shinkansen en 2003 : 6 secondes. Incluant toutes les causes de défaillances techniques, mécaniques ou humaines.

First earthquake in Japan. Close to Fukushima :(

First trek in Japan. Never hope to see Fujisan. Monkeys are hostile! Don't forget your towel. All standards are different. Bambooooooooos :)

Data without border: using data in the service of Humanity (keynote) www.youtube.com and website datawithoutborders.cc

Qu’est-ce qu’une maison passive ? www.maisonpassive.be

“@zebuline: Intéressant: La dette publique youtu.be • Ça me parait simpliste, j'aimerais bien avoir l'avis de @PaulJorion :)

Interesting feedback about the "UX and Design" team of our beloved www.voyages-sncf.com uxmatters.com

Well, democracy doesn't work for technical development.

How many photos have ever been taken? 1000memories.com • The World's largest photo libraries scema is impressive!

The Web is just a bunch of trees plus shortcuts milicicvuk.com #robinhood

Je n'emploierai plus "temps-réel" mais "temps-humain" qui est plus juste. Non latence != Instantanéité. Merci @hubertguillaud & J. Sheehy

Passer de la recommandation à la découverte est le problème principal auquel nous allons être confronté

all the things that matter will be controlled and owned by a very small number of Big Web companies.

django-bootstrap github.com Django: there is always an app for that.

Geeks are against all monopolies. But don't talk about their tools.

Je lis un livre papier annoté, ça me force à faire des pauses qui enrichissent et ralentissent ma lecture. Merci @oncletom :)

First day as a japanese employee after 4 years as a freelance. More about that later. Kinda weird :) #salaryman

“@kennethreitz: Want. www.thisiswhyimbroke.com Can't find the best one :)

Discovering readablediff.com for readable diffs from you favorite command line :)

> This is the first shot in the new war for replacing the Internet with a privatized merchant data-aggregation network. cdespinosa.posterous.com

One week without a fridge. Nor a mobile phone. It's feasible :) #karlstyle #japan #local

BonjourMozilla from Ueno, Tokyo :) yfrog.com

Monsanto: acquisition de la start-up Beeologics. fr.finance.yahoo.com ça fait peur… /via @nautilebleu

Japan is the only place where you're doing tilt-shifting without planning it since their cars are really looking like toys ;)

[photo] Tablet of the day yfrog.com

BrowserID will win against WebID because of marketing benlog.com So much lost energy...

National security (noun): level of autonomy of the country's childhood.

First run in Japan. So much and BIG spiders! Lot of fun and met Japanese trailers ;)

Such a lovely place :)

Comprendre la différence entre Becquerel, dose absorbée et Sievert www.rue89.com #radioactivité

All the proprietary and ad-hoc things that preceded HTTP have died, and good riddance.

Contributors, not consumers, are what the twenty first century needs.

Any feedback about Python Camelot (inspired by Django's admin)? www.python-camelot.com /via @mrjmad

Ok, @hubertguillaud a écrit la même chose ce matin, en mieux. Je vais enrichir avec ses liens... www.internetactu.net

We should not focus on OpenData apps but on OpenData communities.

“@sebastibe: blind - vimeo.com The film is set in post-nuclear Tokyo in a dimension not so distant from ours.

Results of the poll about virtualenvs' location: a) 14 ~/.virtualenvs b) 9 per project c) 3 others d) 1 (poor Obi-Wan)

Found one of my first webpages! :'')) <FRAMESET COLS="160,* " FRAMEBORDER=0 BORDER=0 NORESIZE FRAMESPACING=0> yfrog.com

“@n1k0: implementing is nothing. documenting is everything.” maintaining is boring.

[Blog] Geeks are paranoiac larlet.com a.k.a. redemption

Time to write in English. Starting a new blog. So 2004. larlet.com

Found an interesting tool to, well, map a run. www.mapmyrun.com

In the privacy of our homes code.flickr.com Interesting concepts from the flickr team /via @dioxmat

Now that we can use decentralized development tools, we more and more rely on uncachable centralized data. #offline

Arrivée de @kilianj lors de l'UTMB qu'il remporte pour la 3ème fois consécutive ! chamonix-meteo.com (170km, 9500+ de dénivellé... en 20h.)

Par Bernard Stiegler dans Économie de l'hypermatériel et psychopouvoir.

> L'inhumanisation des enfants n'est pas seulement une grande et funeste tentation de notre temps : c'est devenu l'ordinaire de notre misère

“@LANDEYves: On tweete pour exister. On arrête de tweeter pour vivre.” On se remet à tweeter pour survivre.

Data-Oriented Web Browser dannyayers.com

Ten years ago I had to reboot my computer every 2 days, today it's my browser. Browsers turned to OSes even before the hype.

Ces chèques que l’on reçoit, que l’on prend et qu’on utilise sont des chèques de la honte.

Toi qui marche, il n’y a pas de chemin. Le Chemin se fait en marchant.

I thought that Bootstrap was #yetanothercssgridframework but there is a bit more actually twitter.github.com :)

La traversée des Pyrénées par Kilian www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Respect.

$ echo "alias karl='curl'" >> ~/.profile

url(r'^admin/', lambda _: HttpResponseRedirect('https://www.djangoproject.com')), because only djangonauts check that :)

Un autodafé numérique ne fera ni bruit, ni fumée.

N'imposez pas ça à vos utilisateurs, affichez directement l'information. #UX #ergonomie yfrog.com

Alors quel rôle peut tenir un enseignant ? Celui de facilitateur d’accession à l’information.

www.liberation.fr one of the largest newspaper website in France is now powered by Django! Congratz to the team \o/

An interesting file to define styleguides with your designer necolas.github.com BTW, thoughts on normalize.css?

On s’indigne et on a peur. La révolte sans la solution. Face à un capitalisme même malade, c’est peu.

Idea for dealing with languages in Twitter, starting tweets with reserved two letters account: "@fr tweet en français" and following @fr too

A mustwatch video about Hypermedia APIs (a.k.a RESTful) vimeo.com inspired by www.amundsen.com /cc @thisneonsoul

Redesigning the browser window blogg.antrop.se /via @rik24d • Instant switch to the browser implementing this natively.

You sucks < My life sucks < I'm great < We're great < Life is great • Will your tribes change the world? — David Logan, www.ted.com

The brokers with hands on their faces blog brokershandsontheirfacesblog.tumblr.com

Incredible articles about problems of #LinkedData milicicvuk.com /by @faviki #mustread

Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.

Joe Sparano.

Got my visa and plane ticket for this year in Japan. Take off on September 21. F*cking excited! \o/

An interesting use-case of why schema.org adds more complexity for the developer www.jenitennison.com Convergence, please!

I create websites. Not shit websites. Good websites.

Impressed. www.flightradar24.com Live flight tracker

Trying to use the Semantic Web without SPARQL is like trying to use a relational database without SQL.

Tim Berners-Lee

La main qui donne est au-dessus de la main qui reçoit.

@clochix la différence entre une religion est une secte c'est juste le nombre de pratiquants non ? /cc @rik24d

Google Plus “one of the subtlest and most user-friendly ontology development systems we’ve ever seen.”

The truth is: a good story doesn’t need to be protected. The rest is greed or ignorance.

Placez une échelle quelque part. Grimpez jusqu'en haut pour voir le ciel de plus près.

David Horvitz, Rencontres photo Arles

#Playdoh is a low-level meta framework on top of #Django (vs. high-level #Pinax) by Mozilla blog.mozilla.com /via @rik24d

(Web) Developer, noun: a person or thing that spends his time to serialize and deserialize data. #cpu #bandwidth #ecology

#django tip, you can pass a tuple to dictsort, useful with regroup: {% regroup object_list|dictsort:"team_sort" by team as teams_list %}

Boot to Gecko #B2G to pursue the goal of building a complete, standalone operating system for the open web wiki.mozilla.org

Si on stockait le travail plutôt que l’énergie, cela réduirait de beaucoup l’infrastructure énergitivore de stockage

Installing the Incognito extension for Safari www.orbicule.com (close to ShareMeNot for Firefox sharemenot.cs.washington.edu )

This archive contains 18,592 scientific publications which should be available to everyone at no cost thepiratebay.org /via @moustaki

9 occurrences of "Apple ID" on www.apple.com iCloud and iCertification on their ways, maybe even iTrust? :)

“@rodpetrovic: PHP is like your parents' house. If you're older than 18, you're only there because of cheap hosting.” #trolldi

Efficiently copying files to multiple destinations engineering.tumblr.com Good to have in your unix toolbox!

Free books: Porting to #Python 3: An in-depth guide python3porting.com and The #Node Beginner Book nodebeginner.org

bulbflow: A Python framework for graph databases bulbflow.com Impressive.

WebID vs BrowserID security.stackexchange.com /by @bblfish

Entre le planning du projet www.datalocale.fr et les bonnes pratiques www.datalocale.fr je suis impressionné ce portail ! #OpenData

#BrowserID browserid.org lloyd.io identity.mozilla.com lists.w3.org arstechnica.com groups.google.com

If you are forking a project for an enhancement, please update documentation and tests too. — Your busy maintainer.

"Don't be naive" is my new evil motto.

THE MOST AWKWARD 404 NOT FOUND PAGE ON THE INTERNET visitsteve.com /via @brutasse

he took the mouse in the air because he thought that the cursor will go up

My 3 advices to new web startups: reduce complexity, reduce complexity, reduce complexity.

Youtube is using Wikipedia as a controlled vocabulary www.youtube.com lists.freebase.com Did that 3 years ago for a French project :)

Interesting to see Kenya proposing data visualizations along with their recently released #OpenData www.opendata.go.ke

Ce qui me gêne dans les workshops sur l'identité numérique c'est qu'il est toujours recommandé d'exprimer en ligne un avis aseptisé #lift11

Speakers: adapt your support to the length of your talk, skipping many slides is irrespectful for your audience #lift11

If you can't protect it, don't collect it.

Adam Greenfield, about the networked city at #lift11

DNA is now DIY with OpenPCR openpcr.org this is just the beginning :) /via @bortzmeyer #biologeek

La réutilisation des applications #OpenData n'invalide-t-elle l'argument du développement économique local ? #odg11 #concurrence

L'#OpenData ne doit pas être considéré comme un désengagement du service public. À méditer. #odg11

L'#OpenData apporte du dialogue, de la collaboration, de la motivation et de l'innovation. Dans cet ordre. #odg11 /via @LiberTIC

Excellent retour sur les bénéfices de l'#OpenData pour la ville de Rennes qui ne se base pas sur un calcul foireux par @schignard #odg11

La détention de l'information était le pouvoir, le croisement des données *est* le pouvoir. #odg11

Intéressante initiative de CheckMyMetro avec CheckMyMap pour pallier au « silence » de la #RATP checkmylabs.tumblr.com #OpenData

If you're choosing a CMS because you're undecided, you'll remain undecided but with a confusing website.

Django is becoming more mature those days continuous.io django-speedcenter.djangozoom.net jacobian.org

Nobody Understands REST or HTTP blog.steveklabnik.com It's all about links and headers /via @rgaidot

OpenDataPhilly.org source code released technicallyphilly.com (and it's Django!) #opendata /via @providenz

He gave the "I have a dream" speech, not the "I have a plan" speech.

Dans quel mesure la lutte contre le gaspillage est-elle antisociale dans une société consumériste ? #laquestionduweekend

La division du travail c'est l'origine de l'Humanité.

Infobesity is the currency of oligarchy.

Adapted from Thomas Jefferson

Our brains have just one scale, and we resize our experiences to fit.

Typing s/foo/bar/ in Skype's chat modifies the previous line sent. Clever.

Google Takeout is nice, now can I have a Download & Erase button please? And more services? :) www.google.com

#ilovemercurial because I remember my daily commands without opening any documentation. Readability/aesthetic matters. bitquabit.com

The OpenData challenge is over! A very good example of use and reuse of data opendatachallenge.org

Je trouve le système de pré-ventes de #parisweb intéressant pour la communauté #unpeudepositifdanscettemaréedetrolls #sharedaluv

I didn't know you can put HTML directly in your address bar! Try this: data:text/html,<h1>Hello, world!</h1>

...le genre d'existence de ceux qui survivront. — Pardot Kynes, Dune 2/2

> La question qui se pose pour les humains n'est pas de savoir combien d'entre eux survivront dans le système mais quel sera 1/2

Le concept de lâcher prise est inassimilable pour un geek, qui se définit par un besoin de contrôle maladif. #versionsgate

Le concept de progrès agit comme un mécanisme de protection destiné à nous isoler des terreurs de l'avenir.

Princesse Irulan, Dune

Discovering the PyStar project pystar.org I wonder why the diversity keynote at #europython didn't mentioned it

Some documentation about Coding Dojo ntoll.org codingdojo.org wiki.agile-france.org + video of @ntoll's talk about his fork :)

It's just like IRC but you're actually IRL!

@ntoll, #europython about Dojo

Discovering Pydoop, a Python map/reduce and HDFS API for Hadoop pydoop.sourceforge.net #europython

Saving energy, saving Japan blogs.wsj.com Can we think about saving the world now? Thanks.

Déclaration sur l'#OpenData en France www.donneeslibres.fr À lire et à signer :)

Managing servers by executing commands via SSH is like writing code at the Python interactive prompt.

@natea, #europython

“@karlpro: "cut down on the amount of line noise needed to create xml in python" www.bigjason.com nice use of Python's "with"!

It's not that Science is boring but scientists are so bad at communication :(

Que méprisez-vous ? Par cela, on vous connait vraiment.

Princesse Irulan, Manuel de Muad'Dib

Conference organizers: it's never a Wi-Fi problem. It's all about talks' intensity. #europython nowificonferences.com

Python's reminder: (re)take a look at deque, bisect, heapq, collections.Counter/Sequence/namedtuple #europython

Bibliothèques publiques et open data : quels enjeux ? www.bibliobsession.net Rendez-nous nos données owni.fr #opendata

“Why wasn't I consulted?” is the fundamental question of the web.

Coût de l'ouverture des données publiques à Nantes : 100 000 € (dont 50 000 € pour le concours) — Frédéric Vasse, #web2day #opendata

Discovering iPhone's Emoji pukupi.com via The mobile web HTML 5 performance keynote icant.co.uk

TomTom is selling your driving data. This is just the beginning. www.theregister.co.uk #privacy #geolocalisation

Leave your API keys at home, this search data is all open!

Django apps from #EuroDjangoCon github.com github.com github.com django-secure.readthedocs.org

Syncany is an open-source cloud storage and filesharing application. www.syncany.org

Dagny is a Django adaptation of Ruby on Rails’s Resource-Oriented Architecture (a.k.a. ‘RESTful Rails’). zacharyvoase.github.com

Brewery is a Python framework and collection of tools for analysing and mining data. databrewery.org

Use our data, but don't pretend to be us.

HTTP has been successfully conflating names and addresses since 1989.

Et papa ! #wallphotography yfrog.com

Pour accepter l'effort, il faut ne pas être satisfait de son sort.

Amélie Nothomb, Cosmétique de l'ennemi

Discovering CrisisCommons crisiscommons.org very close to what we discussed at #djangocong /thx @jetienne

Quand on commence à se soucier des générations futures c'est qu'on a renoncé à défendre la sienne ? #sudweb

C'est la première fois que je vois une intervention sur l'agile qui ne soit pas du pur bullshit. Merci Pablo Pernot ! #SudWeb

Le contenu est R.O.I.

Muriel Vandermulen, #webux

Les conférences de plus de 20 minutes deviennent vraiment rédhibitoires pour moi #AttentionDeficitDisorder #TropDeMessageTueLeMessage

On n'est pas des voleurs.

Looking for a real alternative to Skype, because Microsoft is still Microsoft... slashdot.org /via @daks_

Le nombre d’erreurs commises dans cette affaire est tel qu’il est purement et simplement incroyable.

Si au moins les radars étaient placés en haut des montées d'autoroutes ça deviendrait un impôt écologique et proportionnel aux revenus :)

Tiens j'avais pas encore vu la vidéo du record du GR20 www.dailymotion.com www.dailymotion.com

Given the amount of CPU/time to generate the pagination of search results, I wonder if it's worth the price for the user to wait. Thoughts?

Reading EuroPython's code of conduct, still mitigated between evidence and requirement for that kind of communication ep2011.europython.eu

Quelqu'un a vu Hole in the head : a life revealed ? (sur les expérimentations nucléaires) www.smithleonardproductions.com

Quelqu'un a vu Into Eternity ? (sur les déchets nucléaires) www.youtube.com

Inspiring terminal display, the future of Terminal.app? acko.net /via @rgaidot

Public speaking tips that will improve your next presentation is a useful collection of links justcreativedesign.com /via @oncletom

Attendees will apologize for not understanding a talk, but will want an apology for a talk that’s too basic.

J. Zeldman, #sotrue

Discovering noteandpoint.com #presentation #inspiration

REST APIs must be hypertext-driven, an old post from Roy T. Fielding himself roy.gbiv.com

Finally took the time to read that incredible article of @jenit about Hash URIs www.w3.org #mustread

Active Admin is a framework for creating admin interface for Ruby on Rails app activeadmin.info • (re)inspiration for Django's admin?

Create a product, don’t re-imagine one for small screens. Great mobile products are created, never ported.

Brian Fling

RDFa CheatSheet by DERI linkeddata.deri.ie (pdf)

Lecture de « Pour une révolution fiscale » terminée, ça fait du bien de comprendre un peu mieux l'économie de son pays revolution-fiscale.fr

Thinking about minimalism, aesthetic and conscious consumerism. As a citizen, as a professional, as a human.

Discovering MIN min.artequalswork.com via Owltastic owltastic.com

Les entités publiques ont besoin de solutions clés en main pour l' #OpenData car elles n'ont pas de ressources. C'est pas gagné.

Ne présupposez de la réutilisation possible de vos données, ni de la nature des consommateurs potentiels. #OpenData

L' #OpenData pousse les organismes publics à avoir une réflexion sur la réutilisation possible de leurs données, intéressants retours d'xp

Elements of the Linked Open Data Puzzle www.timdavies.org.uk

« Je ne suis pas raciste mais … » je ne t'écoute plus car tu vas enchainer sur un propos inacceptable.

Paris Sémantique, une initiative d'exploitation des données publiques de la ville de Paris parisemantique.fr par @mglcel #SPARQL #OWL

Mon intérêt à court terme est rarement mon intérêt à long terme.

La proportion de français qui croient que les japonais mangent du chien est impressionnante.

Django-le-social is implementing OAuth and OpenID clients The Right Way™. django-le-social.readthedocs.org /thx @brutasse

Quand est-ce que @mediapart va comprendre que les articles paginés sur le web c'est juste aberrant ?

Si vous ne voulez pas me communiquer votre budget, ne refusez pas ensuite mon offre en disant que ça ne rentre pas dans votre budget.

Nous plaidons pour une réutilisation gratuite des données y compris à des fins commerciales.

L'Homme a la mémoire courte mais l'Atome a la vie longue.

Arte, Thema sur le nucléaire #mustwatch

Reading the hgflow user manual bitbucket.org

[Blog] Bilan sur les rencontres Django 2011 bgk.me #djangocong

Impressed by what you can achieve with Spine maccman.github.com

This guy should be locked in a room more often. vimeo.com /via @brunobord

To me "simple" can't be "smart". Thoughts?

Ces dernières minutes dans ma timeline twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com #mondedemerde

“@karlpro: Tokyo stop motion at night before and after www.youtube.com What are we waiting to do that worldwide?

A new #datacide from Google mashable.com When will we seriously consider those crimes against web?

An unforgettable moment: a djangonaut giving a pony to a pyramid user :) www.flickr.com #djangocong

Tried a #nolaptopconf approach today for #djancocong. Quite refreshing, and focused. #doublewin

Seismic waves xkcd.com applied to radioactivity www.blogherald.com /via @oncletom

The Marshmallow Challenge marshmallowchallenge.com #musttry

Incidents nucléaires en France www.asn.fr et accidents nucléaires dans le monde secure.wikimedia.org /via @nkame @daks_

Japan Geigermap refers to the average public space geiger counter japan.failedrobot.com

Reading the Anti-harassment policy resources for conference organizers carefully geekfeminism.wikia.com

Discovering psutil: A cross-platform process utilities module for Python code.google.com

If you plan to propose a RESTful interface, you MUST check those slides icant.co.uk

Ce matin, j'ai croisé un brochet. Au 20mm. yfrog.com

Il y a de plus en plus de projets d'importance en Python/Django en France, et ça me réjouis :)

Si ça vous intéresse de randonner léger a.k.a. MUL, il y a le site dédié www.randonner-leger.org et la boutique www.arklight-design.com

Sac pour le GR20 terminé, 5.5kg à sec pour pouvoir dormir dehors. Content :)

Some clients ask for a NDA on the first 10 minutes, others grant me root access. Both scared me.

Spark is a JavaScript library that allows the simple integration of data from all over the Web in any HTML page km.aifb.kit.edu #SPARQL

Si les développeurs et les entrepreneurs se saisissent des données publiques à des fins commerciales, il faut s’en féliciter !

The previous link made me discover djubby a Linked Data frontend for SPARQL endpoints for Django code.google.com

Survey of Pythonic tools for RDF and Linked Data programming www.michelepasin.org

Data Science Toolkit is a really cool project. www.datasciencetoolkit.org

Faites moi penser à proposer un slot de barcamp « Geeks Sans Frontières » pour #djangocong

I need a "startconvore @ericflo @leahculver" that retrieve tweets from a recent discussion w/ those people and send back the link to convore

140 chars leads to extremists' statements, sometimes concision is not that good :(

The Apple iPad 2 for Photographers www.dpreview.com (interesting selection of apps)

Laser + Sound (video) www.youtube.com Draw, Play, Enjoy :)

Visualising the symbiome: hosts, parasites, and the Tree of Life iphylo.blogspot.com (using SVG /cc @JeremiePat)

[Blog] Retour sur l'OpenData et nous, et nous, et nous ? bgk.me #opendata #rsln

Discovering the minimalist movement. Quite appropriated when you decide to move to another country. www.becomingminimalist.com

Il y a @capitainetrain qui vient de mettre une fessée à toute l'équipe de www.voyages-sncf.com, qui se charge de orange.fr maintenant ? :)

Djangonauts, I'll work on Refugee Home Finder: docs.google.com (explanations) bitbucket.org (repository)

Discovering the 100 Thing Challenge guynameddave.com #100TC /via Travel Without Baggage www.kk.org

Ennui (n. m.) : Commencer à lire les top tweets, enchaîner sur les top hashtags.

.@c4software #django powered: disqus, liberation (in progress), century21, convore, instagram, threadless, bitbucket, nasa, washingtonpost

Lessons for France: agile methods, open source, open licences, open standards, public data, community.

Nigel Shadbolt, #opendata Pan!

Publish data that matters. Apps will come. Don't worry about that.

Nigel Shadbolt about data.gov.uk, #opendata

La conclusion : l'#opendata n'est pas limitée aux données publiques, c'est leur croisement avec d'autres sources qui les valorisera

On parle de qualité des données #opendata pour les développeurs ! Enfin. Et c'est Bernard Ourghanlian, de Microsoft qui en parle. Woah.

On a en effet un gros problème avec la gestion de l'échec en France (entrepreneurs, scolaires, institutions). #opendata

À Rennes on a pris la décision en 48h. On a été audacieux, on doit être porteurs de ces ruptures.

Xavier Crouan, #opendata

L'innovation sociale n'est plus du ressort des institutions mais du citoyen.

Xavier Crouan, #opendata

Pour pouvoir coproduire ensemble la ville il faut un niveau d'information équivalent.

J-L Missika, adjoint au maire de Paris. #opendata

Les données ne sont pas forcément des informations, on parle de données lorsqu'il y a un traitement.

Bernard Stiegler, #opendata #rsln

Automatically secure your Internet connection in unprotected wireless networks chetansurpur.com #macosx /via @karlpro • w00t!

Je ne connaissais pas l'existence des liquidateurs de Tchernobyl fr.wikipedia.org www.suite101.fr

Go to twitter.com • Check "Always use HTTPS" • Save • Thanks.

Every people discussing Pearl Harbor and Karma should have a free entrance to the Peace Memorial in Hiroshima.

Still astonished by all you can do with Redis 00f.net

Archiving and deleting your old tweets with Python olivier.thereaux.net Interesting thoughts about devs vs. hackers

Bruce Percy's latest ebook made me consider 4:5 ratio as a serious option (for landscapes). Can't wait to try that! #photography

username.domain.tld and DNS prefetching implications www.pinkbike.com #mustread

The more I attend conferences, the more sessions' durations become closer to the attention span en.wikipedia.org

Their egos are too softly stroked by having their name first in the URL.

"explicit consent" must be gathered from web users who are being tracked via text files called "cookies"

3 interesting resources to learn Open/LinkedData opendatamanual.org learnlinkeddata.com linkeddatabook.com

Un peu de Michel Serres un dimanche matin ça ne fait pas de mal www.lemonde.fr #education

Performance of RESTful Apps www.subbu.org is a very complete article on the subject

Very interesting links in the comments of "Linked Data/RDF/SPARQL Documentation Challenge" memespring.co.uk

Very interesting infos in "The Technology Behind Convore" www.eflorenzano.com and comments /thx @ericflo for sharing this!

Why code is art? Because you start with a blank sheet.

Innovation and creativity are on top of knowledge.

Code is like a poem; it's not just something we write to reach some practical result.

@thibaultj j'aime beaucoup la Bodeguita (tapas), pour un dîner en amoureux Le Criquet, pour une pizz La Dolce Vita, plus classe La Table d'L

J'interviendrai lors d'une session prospective sur l'#OpenData le 17 mars à Paris www.rslnmag.fr

The value of a data is proportional to the square of the number of links of the system.

Metcalfe's law, adapted.

"Lifetime warranty" is a lie. Which company can warranty it will still be there at the end of my life?!

y_serial = serialization + persistence. Compress and annotate Python objects into SQLite, then query by keywords yserial.sourceforge.net

"cookie de cession", quelle intéressante typo :) #hijacking

Cette vidéo est un moyen de dire merci.

Lion Server is now part of Mac OS X Lion.

That's the interesting news today, each mac becoming a peer of that giant graph.

Analyzing tweets with Python, for an election for example www.clips.ua.ac.be t.co

C'est Séverin Naudet, la personne en charge de france.fr qui va s'occuper de data.gouv.fr. Ça fait peur.

Make it meaningful, interesting pyramid www.contrast.ie

If your UI needs a textual legend, you're probably doing it wrong. Don't make me read.

Pourquoi opposer objet et graphe ? De petits objets très liés ne décrivent-ils pas un graphe ? /cc @lespetitescases @christianfaure

S'ils sont dans les nuages, c'est qu'ils sont morts?

fils de @nautilebleu :)

Les révolutions, ce sont les peuples qui les font, pas les diplomates.

I'm a poor lonesome geek. I've a long long way from ::1.

An interesting present for managers. www.bringtim.com

Ça, c'est de l'interprétation. www.youtube.com

That being said, manu.sporny.org is an interesting initiative for the future of bioinformatics, still thinking about implications

When you're open sourcing your genetic data, you're partly releasing genetic data from your parents and children.

Some Youtube's videos have a good sound, it's refreshing www.youtube.com

Il m'aura fallu : 1 an pour travailler moins, 2 ans pour bouger plus, 3 ans pour manger mieux. #maviedefreelance

T'es en train de glander, comme tous les vendredi aprem, profites en pour réviser ton français fr.wikipedia.org

Implementing Web standards is just the start of our commitment to an interoperable Web and Same Markup.

Python on top of PHP this month. This is just the beginning :) www.tiobe.com

わたしはダビラレです。(Japanese keyboard layout: installed.)

".... will be available in HTML Living Standard." is never False without a timestamp. #marketing #honeypot

Note for music artists: self-press your CDs www.informationisbeautiful.net (very interesting column about label revenue/artist)

Social Web + Linked Data = Social Link ?

Vieillesse (n.f.) : avoir à scroller pour trouver son année de naissance dans un formulaire web.

A fast, fuzzy, full-text index using Redis playnice.ly Any feedback with non-English languages?

Il y a malheureusement un problème de connectivité et de qualité dans les données libérées par opendata.paris.fr qui limite leur utilité

Executing Python in your browser, without any plugins syntensity.com

Incurie, déni, et irresponsabilité sont finalement les trois visages de la politique en France aujourd’hui.


Previously on the Web:⁰W3C: "OK, you win let's call all that HTML5"⁰WHATWG: "We'll never be part of a bundle, we're unique!" Devs: "WTF?!"

@karlpro I should write that tweet on top of my screen.

IPv6 et conséquences sur l'anonymat linuxfr.org

[Blog] Retours à chaud sur la première journée de #semwebpro bgk.me

Re OpenTrekkingMap: @informagicien proposed www.refuges.info and @providenz proposed dev.camptocamp.org Thanks!

Un outil qui pourrait être intéressant avant de libérer les données par un non-informaticien : Google Refine #semwebpro #lightningtalks

Excellent keynote of @moustaki about BBC and Semantic Web at #semwebpro Refreshing!

On utilise le web comme notre CMS. Cela permet d'enrichir et de maintenir les données.

@moustaki, #semwebpro

En raccourcissant automatiquement ce lien, twitter est dans l'illégalité www.insee.fr :D #INSEE #semwebpro

Point positif : la BNF a une vraie réflexion sur ses données, encourageant ! (mais pas nouveau, continuez ;)) #semwebpro

La personne de l'INSEE n'a aucune idée des données libérées par l'INSEE en RDF, il devrait faire un tour sur nosdonnees.fr :) #semwebpro

Ressenti table ronde #opendata de #semwebpro: l'IGN et l'INSEE sont largués techniquement ET idéologiquement. Pas rassurant.

6 enjeux par @fabien_gandon à #semwebpro : formation/éducation, propagation de la dynamique linkeddata, questions ouvertes 2/2

6 enjeux par @fabien_gandon à #semwebpro : confirmation des standards, implémentation massive, mise en ligne données publiques 1/2

Les conférences de presse devraient publier leurs transcripts. Raw data now! #semwebpro (et ça éviterait les mauvaises interprétations)

Introduire le web sémantique pendant 10 min à une conf intitulée #semwebpro n'est peut-être pas super pertinent parlez de *votre* experience

La médiation sémantique c'est la centralisation d'un graphe distribué ? #semwebpro

OTM implementations in Python: RDFAlchemy, SuRF, … and soon my own ;) #semwebpro

En fait je suis Free Community Manager depuis 2004 c'est ça ? #ubuntufr #djangofr :D

Nights are so much more productive. Less digital noise :)

Actually, this guy is crazy. Refreshing. sebmontaz.com

Pyramid's Optimizations, interesting for #django too plope.com /via @sdouche

[Blog] ★ Résolutions : découvrir, concrétiser et transmettre bgk.me

10 years ago, in a Web far far away, I wrote my first HTML tag.

Python's operator module contains very interesting methods! docs.python.org /via @n1k0

User Generated Content: the acronym found by marketing to hide User Marketed Content.

Triple-centric Networking, How Google is using Linked Data Today and Vision For Tomorrow linkeddata.future-internet.eu

Web 2.0 is about companies “doing” social media via cloistered social islands.

Lis avec intérêt wikileaks13.wordpress.com

Removed Flash 2 months ago from my browser. The current hidden part of the web isn't that useful. My CPU thanks me daily though.

Il faut un œil de poète pour être un bon géographe. Être éponge vis-à-vis de son environnement.

Pitte, #agoradessavoirs

Le géographe est un descripteur de contrastes.

J-M Pitte, #agoradessavoirs

Si vous libérez des fichiers xls de plus de 10Mo, ce n'est pas de l'#OpenData mais de l'OpenCPU... (message destiné à l'INSEE notamment)

"Hey, I'm not working, I'm commiting daily to be able to tag our holiday pics! I promise ♥" geocommit.com

La liberté numérique s'arrête là où commence le lien des autres romy.tetue.net

The new documentation of Redis' commands is awesome redis.io (see live-examples)

Journaliste : agent d’ambiance éditorial en contexte commercial. novovision.fr #mustread

C'est marrant tous ces gens qui voudraient sauver les agrégateurs alors que Twitter est un filtre social assez pertinent :)

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