title: Web components et navigateurs > Web Components are a prime example of how difficult it is to get large features into the browser today. Every API added lives indefinitely and remains as an obstacle to the next. > > Comparable to picking apart a huge knotted ball of string, adding a bit more, then tangling it back up again. This knot, our platform, grows ever larger and more complex. > > *[The state of Web Components](https://hacks.mozilla.org/2015/06/the-state-of-web-components/)* ([cache](/david/cache/d3c5f2dc3f30a43b13c8662ac468e889/)) Pour ceux (et malheureusement pas celles) qui étaient à l’élaboratoire [SudWeb](http://sudweb.fr/2015/) sur le sujet, cet article répond à pas mal d’interrogations. Je souris en ayant eu la naïveté de penser que [ça allait être plus simple](/david/stream/2015/06/07/) il y a quelques jours :-).