title: Microservices et culture > We all hear about Conway’s law, but this fact is the strongest reason why you’re not going to do micro services. People win. Culture wins. Paper processes and paper structure does not win. If you have a UI team, DB team, "services" team, each specializing in its own right, you’ll end up with systems that look like those tiers. > > *[You're not going to do Microservices](http://blog.christianposta.com/microservices/youre-not-going-to-do-microservices/)* ([cache](/david/cache/0ece0ae41acf13e4a61604955fef41fa/)) La culture est le reflet des personnes composant une équipe, pas des technologies ou des outils employés. Le *turn-over* technologique est le reflet d’un souhait profond de changement à une plus large échelle.