title: Listening to my body lang: en > **How do you train for these ultras?** > > Just however I feel. I don't have a plan. Sometimes when I leave my house I don't even know if I'm going to go out for 45 minutes or for 4 hours. Basically I'm just listening to my body and relying on the fact that I feel like I can read the signs my body is giving me pretty well and just going with it, otherwise not getting too caught up on what I do every day to train but trying to just keep getting in good, solid miles and keep figuring out how to do it all better. > > *[There’s No Stopping Ultrarunner Courtney Dauwalter](https://www.runnersworld.com/runners-stories/a22564627/theres-no-stopping-ultrarunner-courtney-dauwalter/)* ([cache](/david/cache/a6b57521726b1642fdd0829a3981027d/)) [🏃‍♀️](/david/stream/2018/07/24/)