Long terme

So I wonder about the long-term effects not of lockdown itself, but the continuous risk of lockdown. Like, will you book a holiday for 6 months time, or will you book simply the option to go somewhere? Would you ever start a business that had a reliance on in-person meetings, or a supply chain that wasn’t tolerant to an unexpected 3 month stop? Of course not. How do you invest in friendships? Do you ever move far away from ageing parents if there’s a risk that planes won’t fly – or does distance no longer matter when you wouldn’t be able to meet in person anyway?

Some rambling thoughts about the stuttering end of the last ice age and what lockdown means (cache)

Je me faisais cette réflexion dernièrement que les symptômes grippaux n’auront plus jamais cette signification quasi-bénigne à laquelle nous étions habitu·é·es. Il y aura toujours la crainte d’une mutation, d’un nouveau variant, d’une n-ième transmission à l’humain, d’une complication imminente.

Sous un autre angle, comment va-t-on vivre avec les personnes présentant des séquelles à long terme de la Covid ? Perte de mémoire, de concentration, fatigue chronique, aphasie, etc., nous découvrons peu (cache) à peu (cache) les conséquences neurologiques à long terme.

De quelle solidarité va-t-on faire preuve auprès de ces survivant·e·s ?

“People seem to be going home, getting long-term effects, coming back in and dying. We see nearly 30 per cent have been readmitted, and that’s a lot of people. The numbers are so large.

The message here is we really need to prepare for long Covid. It’s a mammoth task to follow up with these patients and the NHS is really pushed at the moment, but some sort of monitoring needs to be arranged.”

Almost a third of recovered Covid patients return to hospital in five months and one in eight die (cache)