Oops! David Larlet is in trouble 😓
Persons to contact:
- Emilie Chastel (wife, in Montreal/Canada): +1 438 488 6862
- Luce Le Huerou (mother, in Marseille/France): +33 6 49 29 41 90
If you found me in bad conditions, please activate my Personal Locator Beacon to call search and rescue operations. It is located in the pharmacy (red bag with white cross).
Planned routes
2019-08-30 — 2019-09-01
Labelle, QC: around Nantel lake.
46°18'31.4"N 74°42'31.6"W
46.308723, -74.708769
Things to know about David
No drug prescription as of September 2019. Blood very fluid but coagulation is OK. Do NOT administrate any anti-coagulation drug (NO ASPIRIN).
- Blood group: A+
- Weight: 72 kilograms == 160 pounds
- Height: 178 centimeters == 5 feet, 10 inches
- Hair: brown
- Eyes: brown
- Healthy, regularly practicing endurance sports for a decade.
- Strong mental, used to survival situations alone in the bush.
- Basic first-aid skills, should know how to self-repair non-critical injuries.
- Hopefully humble enough to make a call before it gets too bad…