## Jeux > Every major game platform defines achievements similarly, whether it is PlayStation, Steam, Xbox, or one of the other new cloud-gaming platforms operated by Google, Amazon, and Nvidia. This ubiquitous implementation of “achievements” — data about players’ behavior and skill that is not contained to the game itself — reflects how games have been gamified: Achievements and rewards reduce the heterogeneous experience of different players playing different games to a common currency, ==allowing platforms to gather and compare data across all the games their systems can run==. This data can then be used for ends that have little to do with the games themselves > > *[The Gamification of Games](https://reallifemag.com/the-gamification-of-games/)* ([cache](/david/cache/2020/e30e5e6e532e5eeb1314ef1ad9abd6e1/)) Si vous pensiez naïvement pouvoir jouer tranquille. Désolé.