# Inquiétude > [en] Worry time is the act of setting aside time each day to let yourself worry about the things that are making you anxious. > > For those of us who are prone to worrying and ruminating over and above what’s helpful to us, it serves 2 purposes: > > 1. It allows us to postpone our worries throughout the day, safe in the knowledge that we’ll get a chance to think about them at the designated time. > 2. It can help us to worry more “productively”, recognising what we can and can’t control and planning to take appropriate action. > > *[Worry time](https://amyhupe.co.uk/articles/worry-time/)* ([cache](/david/cache/2021/84f3139a5d033e4a6ffc5389ba520ebe/)) De la productivité même dans son anxiété. En première lecture, j’étais horrifié mais peut-être que ça n’est pas si délirant au final. J’aurais presque envie de tester pour me prouver qu’il faut laisser un peu de temps à une idée. Et le simple fait d’énoncer cela introduit un biais impossible à rattraper 😅. Un autre article de la même personne : > [en] I don’t know where we go from here, with this latest pandemic setback, but I do know that things will keep moving. > > And if you feel bad today, feel bad. Feel sad or angry or scared or whatever it is you need to feel. ==Give yourself to yourself as you are.== > > Things will keep changing. Life will keep unfolding. We will keep going. > > *[Best laid plans](https://amyhupe.co.uk/articles/best-laid-plans/)* ([cache](/david/cache/2021/2907a858e38eeffe0deacb60ea3e6de8/)) #anxiété #pandémie