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- title: Ça casse du 2.0
- slug: ca-casse-du-20
- date: 2007-09-19 11:28:50
- type: thought
- vignette:
- contextual_title1: Erlang et acharnement
- contextual_url1: 20070918-erlang-et-acharnement
- contextual_title2: Des CSS vraiment pythoniques
- contextual_url2: 20070917-des-css-vraiment-pythoniques
- contextual_title3: Différences iPhone et iPod touch
- contextual_url3: 20070917-differences-iphone-et-ipod-touch
- The real reason, of course, for all this stuff, is that it provides a way to blow off work you should be doing, while creating the illusion that you are achieving something. At least in most offices, you can’t masturbate at your desk. But you can Tweet. <a href="http://www.zeldman.com/2007/09/18/facebook-considered-harmless/" title="Accès au site (sortie)">Merci Jeffrey</a>.