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4 jaren geleden
  1. ## Culpabilité
  2. > [en] I have made countless decisions in this vein – from Iraq to Indonesia, from Italy to El Salvador. Individually, the impact was likely small in each case, but the world is a vast place. Although I made the best decision I could based on the knowledge available at the time, ultimately ==I was the one who made the decision== not to push more or prioritize further in each case, and I know that I have blood on my hands by now.
  3. >
  4. > <cite>*[Whistleblower Says Facebook Ignored Global Political Manipulation](* ([cache](/david/cache/2020/ab9f293c34ce421ab41465fcda8893fe/))</cite>
  5. Une suite à mes interrogations sur la [conscience](/david/2020/09/01/#conscience) des personnes en charge de ces choses là. C’est tout un pan de la pyramide qui est concerné mais une seule qui se retrouve avec les mains sales. Il est plus que temps d’éclabousser tout ce beau monde de leurs immondices calculatoires et calculées.
  6. Dans un tout autre domaine mais finalement pas tant — car il faudra que l’on arrive à mettre des bâtons légaux dans les roues des [GAFAM+](/david/2020/02/07/) qui tournent à l’*open-source* — je tombe aussi sur :
  7. > [en] Climate Strike Software is software that uses the Climate Strike License, a software license that developers can use to prohibit the use of their code by applications or companies that threaten to accelerate climate change through fossil fuel extraction.
  8. >
  9. > <cite>*[Climate Strike License](*</cite>
  10. Qui ajoute ces lignes [pour la licence MIT]( par exemple :
  11. > [en] The Software may not be used in applications and services that are used for or aid in the exploration, extraction, refinement, processing, or transportation of fossil fuels.
  12. >
  13. > The Software may not be used by companies that ==rely on fossil fuel extraction as their primary means of revenue==. This includes but is not limited to the companies listed at
  14. Je salue l’initiative *et* je me demande à quel point cela reste extrêmement interprétable. Si je suis constructeur de voitures, puis-je utiliser un outil protégé par cette licence ?