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2021-09-05 - 1.2KB

pirms 3 gadiem
  1. # Silence
  2. > [en] Such a transformation of the environment from a commons to a productive resource constitutes the most fundamental form of environmental degradation. […] The task must be undertaken urgently because ==commons can exist without police, but resources cannot.== Just as traffic does, computers call for police, and for ever more of them, and in ever more subtle forms.
  3. >
  4. > By definition, resources call for defense by police. Once they are defended, their recovery as commons becomes increasingly difficult. This is a special reason for urgency.
  5. >
  6. > <cite>*[Silence is a Commons by Ivan Illich](, 1982* ([cache](/david/cache/2021/20345aead1f8d541a0819dfc5a0dbc6d/))</cite>
  7. J’ai eu du mal à trouver l’extrait le plus pertinent de cette intervention qui a mon âge et qui n’a pas pris une ride… elle. La clairvoyance d’Illich me surprendra toujours.
  8. ==Le lendemain==, Llu m’invite à creuser la [piste de Spinoza]( ([cache](/david/cache/2021/12aa0cc26a4a578b6467414d5250206a/)) aussi. Réservé à la bibliothèque.
  9. #anxiété #climat #open-source