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  130. <h2>
  131. <a href="/david/2024/03/09/" title="Lien permanent vers cet article">Marque</a> <time datetime="2024-03-09">9 mars 2024</time>
  132. </h2>
  133. <blockquote lang="en">
  134. <p><mark>Removing the brand from the person</mark> is all but straightforward. I now start my about page with a quick way to introduce myself by putting forward some of my values. […] Beside saying <em>people</em> instead of <em>users</em>, stop considering who’s reading my stuff as <em>audience</em>, and quit referring to what I do as <em>content</em>, I want to modify a few more&nbsp;behaviours:</p>
  135. <ul>
  136. <li>Quit mentioning well-known bloggers on a first-name basis. […]</li>
  137. <li>Keep writing about different things. […]</li>
  138. <li>Don’t quote so-called thought leaders&nbsp;[…]</li>
  139. <li>Stop sugar-coating concepts&nbsp;[…]</li>
  140. </ul>
  141. <p><cite><em><a data-link-domain="" href="" hreflang="en"
  142. title="Consultation de l’article (anglais)">A Kafkaesque digital relationship with ourselves</a>
  143. <a href="/david/cache/2024/34590090e8c8ea82be14fcc3dd7b734c/" hreflang="en"
  144. data-tippy data-description="Words are crucial to build a sense of online community, however many of us have been using them straight out of a soulless corporate lingo in order to sell ourselves as a product."
  145. data-source=""
  146. data-date="2024-03-09"
  147. data-favicon=""
  148. data-domain=""
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  156. <span class="sr-only">[archive]</span></a></em></cite></p>
  157. </blockquote>
  158. <p>Réflexion du jour sur le vocabulaire qui évolue pour se présenter sur le Web. Je suis souvent intrigué par les biographies et textes de présentation sur mastodon qui sont à la fois singuliers tout en respectant des codes (micro-)culturels. Peut-être que l’on a besoin de se sentir dans un cadre de représentation connu pour se sentir exister dans une&nbsp;communauté.</p>
  159. <p>Le même auteur, en&nbsp;2002(!)&nbsp;:</p>
  160. <blockquote lang="en">
  161. <p>Five years ago there was all this buzz about <em>virtual communities</em>. How did that go? I have no idea, all I know is that everything revolves around who’s the hottest blogger right now. They talk about themselves, reference each other, all anxious about who has the most comments or the longest and most prestigious blogroll. Compared to that, <mark>my online journal is pure mental masturbation, but at least I have the occasional good photo and such nice&nbsp;typography.</mark></p>
  162. <p><cite><em><a data-link-domain="" href="" hreflang="en"
  163. title="Consultation de l’article (anglais)">Years just pass by</a>
  164. <a href="/david/cache/2024/4f003de8f8531a4aaf121ecf6c21ae66/" hreflang="en"
  165. data-tippy data-description="The desire to be part of a community of bloggers hits the harsh reality of how humans want thought leaders who appear to be successful."
  166. data-source=""
  167. data-date="2024-03-09"
  168. data-favicon=""
  169. data-domain=""
  170. ><svg xmlns=""
  171. width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"
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  177. <span class="sr-only">[archive]</span></a></em></cite></p>
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  205. <p>J’avais envie d’introduire une légère saisonnalité dans mes listes à puces. Surtout une <a href="/david/2024/03/07/#hr-102">autre excuse</a> pour jouer avec <code>:has()</code>. Je lis un peu trop de blogs qui manquent de fantaisie. Et puis il&nbsp;pleut…</p>
  206. <a href="#hr-107" title="Lien vers cette section de la page"><hr id="hr-107" /></a>
  207. <p>Chant du cardinal<br />
  208. Le matin s’éveille sans toi<br />
  209. Lovée dans mes&nbsp;bras</p>
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  224. <h2>
  225. <a href="/david/2024/02/26/" title="Lien permanent vers cet article">Galaxie</a> <time datetime="2024-02-26">26 février 2024</time>
  226. </h2>
  227. <p>Anecdote du jour qui met le sourire de bon&nbsp;matin.</p>
  228. <figure>
  229. <a href="/static/david/2024/2024-02-26-neige-galaxie.jpg"
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  237. decoding="async"
  238. alt="De la neige qui tombe à gros flocon.">
  239. </a>
  240. <figcaption>L’espace d’un instant, par la&nbsp;fenêtre.</figcaption>
  241. </figure>
  242. <blockquote>
  243. <p>— Oh la belle neige&#8239;!<br />
  244. —&nbsp;Il pleut des étoiles, la galaxie est en train de tomber.<br />
  245. —&nbsp;❤️</p>
  246. </blockquote>
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  249. <p>CSS Variable Groups is a way to define multiple properties under the same namespace and pass the entire group around, addressing several pain points around design tokens, design systems, and integrating third-party&nbsp;components.</p>
  250. <p><cite><em><a data-link-domain="" href="" hreflang="en"
  251. title="Consultation de l’article (anglais)">Proposal: CSS Variable Groups</a>
  252. <a href="/david/cache/2024/0cc2e9c6b29f8326b2ff628f64e22888/" hreflang="en"
  253. data-tippy data-description="CSS Variable Groups is a way to define multiple properties under the same namespace"
  254. data-source=""
  255. data-date="2024-02-27"
  256. data-favicon=""
  257. data-domain=""
  258. ><svg xmlns=""
  259. width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"
  260. stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="square"
  261. stroke-linejoin="round"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="10"></circle>
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  264. </svg>
  265. <span class="sr-only">[archive]</span></a></em></cite></p>
  266. </blockquote>
  267. <p>Heureusement que Lea Verou <a href="/david/2024/02/18/" title="In·directions">me lit</a> et traduit ça en proposition de <a data-link-domain="" href="">standardisation</a> en quelques jours au lieu de chialer&nbsp;😅🙇. Trop&nbsp;hâte&#8239;!</p>
  268. <a href="#hr-90" title="Lien vers cette section de la page"><hr id="hr-90" /></a>
  269. <blockquote lang="en">
  270. <p><mark>Maybe that’s ok.</mark> The amount of power you give plugin authors is a delicate balance. Giving them too much power could impact the stability of your project. But giving them too little power makes it hard for them to solve their problems — in that case you might as well not have&nbsp;plugins.</p>
  271. <p><cite><em><a data-link-domain="" href="" hreflang="en"
  272. title="Consultation de l’article (anglais)">Designing a JavaScript Plugin System</a>
  273. <a href="/david/cache/2024/d9c30865dde8c88394ba054836a18ae3/" hreflang="en"
  274. data-tippy data-description="WordPress has plugins. jQuery has plugins. Gatsby, Eleventy, and Vue do, too."
  275. data-source=""
  276. data-date="2024-02-27"
  277. data-favicon=""
  278. data-domain=""
  279. ><svg xmlns=""
  280. width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"
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  286. <span class="sr-only">[archive]</span></a></em></cite></p>
  287. </blockquote>
  288. <p>Problématique du jour&nbsp;: comment concevoir un système de <em>plugins</em> qui soit le bon compromis entre flexibilité et stabilité&#8239;? Ce n’est pas si évident, encore plus dans un écosystème aussi évolutif que&nbsp;JavaScript.</p>
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