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2024-02-23 - 2.6KB

7 kuukautta sitten
  1. # Préparatifs
  2. J’admire les personnes qui arrivent à prendre une photo de leur sac de manière éclatée avant de partir. J’ai toujours pas mal de choses à rajouter au dernier moment, j’essaye au moins d’avoir les basiques de façon certaine.
  3. ---
  4. > [en] A utopia for web that I can envision would have ==rich component creation== and manipulation capabilities in built as a part of spec and browsers implementing them. Hence, we won’t have to include any of the heavy third party libraries which will give faster load times to the users by saving the download costs by a huge amounts.
  5. >
  6. > <cite>*[Generating Config driven Dynamic Forms using Web Components](*</cite>
  7. Aujourd’hui, j’ai exploré les façons de faire des formulaires en assemblant des *Web Components*. Cet article de 2019 donne un bon aperçu de ce qu’il est possible de faire. Il y a aussi [cet autre article]( qui m’a permis de découvrir [ElementInternals]( Des frameworks comme Shoelace [pourraient être inspirants]( dans le domaine.
  8. ---
  9. > [en] RH uses GNOME 3. Ubuntu used Unity, alienated a lot of people who only knew how to use Windows-like desktops, and that made Mint a huge success. GNOME 2 got forked as MATE, and Mint adopted it, helping a lot. Mint also built its own fork of GNOME 3, Cinnamon. Formerly tiny niche desktops like Xfce and LXDE got a *huge* boost. Debian adopted GNOME 3 and systemd, annoying lots of its developers and causing the Devuan fork to happen.
  10. >
  11. > <cite>*[Everyone seems to forget why GNOME and GNOME 3 and Unity happened](*</cite>
  12. Fascinante histoire.
  13. ---
  14. > [en] As of version 2.1.0 this project will split into Plausible Community Edition and Plausible Enterprise Edition. The Community Edition (CE) will remain completely open source under the AGPLv3 license. The Enterprise Edition (EE) will contain extra features that will be published as source-available on Github, but we do not grant rights for anyone else to use, distribute or otherwise exploit these features.
  15. >
  16. > <cite>*[Release notes de Plausible 2.1.0](*</cite>
  17. Des [raisons un peu plus détaillées]( ayant motivé ce choix.
  18. #apprentissage #processus #web