Repository with sources and generator of
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

пре 4 година
пре 4 година
пре 4 година
пре 4 година
пре 4 година
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пре 4 година
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пре 4 година
пре 4 година
пре 4 година
  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. import fnmatch
  3. import locale
  4. import os
  5. from dataclasses import dataclass
  6. from datetime import date, datetime
  7. from html import escape
  8. from pathlib import Path
  9. from time import perf_counter
  10. import mistune
  11. from jinja2 import Environment as Env
  12. from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader
  13. from minicli import cli, run, wrap
  14. from mistune.directives import DirectiveInclude
  15. from slugify import slugify
  16. # Useful for dates rendering within Jinja2.
  17. locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "fr_FR.UTF-8")
  18. HERE = Path(".")
  19. DAVID = HERE / "david"
  20. DOMAIN = ""
  21. # Hardcoding publication at 12 in Paris timezone.
  22. NORMALIZED_STRFTIME = "%Y-%m-%dT12:00:00+01:00"
  23. class CustomHTMLRenderer(mistune.HTMLRenderer):
  24. def heading(self, text, level):
  25. # Set an anchor to h2 headings.
  26. if level == 2:
  27. slug = slugify(text)
  28. return (
  29. f'<h2 id="{slug}">'
  30. f"{text} "
  31. f'<a href="#{slug}" title="Ancre vers cette partie">•</a>'
  32. f"</h2>"
  33. )
  34. else:
  35. return super().heading(text, level)
  36. markdown = mistune.create_markdown(
  37. renderer=CustomHTMLRenderer(escape=False), plugins=[DirectiveInclude()]
  38. )
  39. environment = Env(loader=FileSystemLoader(str(DAVID / "templates")))
  40. def each_markdown_from(source_dir, file_name="*.md"):
  41. """Walk across the `source_dir` and return the md file paths."""
  42. for filename in fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(source_dir), file_name):
  43. yield os.path.join(source_dir, filename)
  44. @dataclass
  45. class Page:
  46. title: str
  47. content: str
  48. file_path: str
  49. lang: str = "fr"
  50. def __post_init__(self):
  51. suffix = len(".md")
  52. prefix = len("YYYY/MM-DD") + suffix
  53. date_str = self.file_path[-prefix:-suffix].replace("-", "/")
  54. self.url = f"/david/{date_str}/"
  55. = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y/%m/%d").date()
  56. self.full_url = f"{DOMAIN}{self.url}"
  57. self.normalized_date =
  58. self.escaped_title = escape(self.title)
  59. self.escaped_content = escape(
  60. self.content.replace('href="/', f'href="{DOMAIN}/')
  61. .replace('src="/', f'src="{DOMAIN}/')
  62. .replace('href="#', f'href="{self.full_url}#')
  63. )
  64. # Extract first paragraph.
  65. self.extract = self.content.split("</p>", 1)[0] + "</p>"
  66. @staticmethod
  67. def all(source):
  68. """Retrieve all pages sorted by desc."""
  69. page_list = []
  70. for file_path in each_markdown_from(source):
  71. result =
  72. title, content = result.split("</h1>", 1)
  73. h1_opening_size = len("<h1>")
  74. title = title[h1_opening_size:]
  75. page = Page(title, content, file_path)
  76. page_list.append(page)
  77. return sorted(page_list, reverse=True)
  78. @cli
  79. def fragment(title: str):
  80. """Create a new fragment and open it in iA Writer."""
  81. fragment_path = DAVID / "2020" / "fragments" / f"{title}.md"
  82. open(fragment_path, "w+").write(f"## {title}")
  83. os.popen(f'open -a "iA Writer" "{fragment_path}"')
  84. @cli
  85. def pages():
  86. """Build the agregations from fragments."""
  87. root_path = DAVID / "2020"
  88. page_list = Page.all(source=root_path)
  89. for page in page_list:
  90. template = environment.get_template("article_2020.html")
  91. content = template.render(page=page)
  92. target_path = Path(page.url[1:])
  93. target_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
  94. open(target_path / "index.html", "w").write(content)
  95. template = environment.get_template("archives_2020.html")
  96. content = template.render(page_list=page_list)
  97. open(root_path / "index.html", "w").write(content)
  98. @cli
  99. def home():
  100. """Build the home page with last published items."""
  101. template = environment.get_template("profil.html")
  102. content = template.render(page_list=Page.all(source=DAVID / "2020"),)
  103. open(DAVID / "index.html", "w").write(content)
  104. @cli
  105. def feed():
  106. """Generate a feed from last published items."""
  107. template = environment.get_template("feed.xml")
  108. content = template.render(
  109. page_list=Page.all(source=DAVID / "2020"),
  111. BASE_URL=f"{DOMAIN}/david/",
  112. )
  113. open(DAVID / "log" / "index.xml", "w").write(content)
  114. @wrap
  115. def perf_wrapper():
  116. start = perf_counter()
  117. yield
  118. elapsed = perf_counter() - start
  119. print(f"Done in {elapsed:.5f} seconds.")
  120. if __name__ == "__main__":
  121. run()