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- title: Medium et pizzas
- > Still, I wouldn’t say that Medium’s homogeneous design is bad *ex ante*. Among web-publishing tools, I see Medium as the equivalent of a frozen pizza: not as wholesome as a meal you could make yourself, but for those without the time or motivation to cook, a potentially better option than just eating peanut butter straight from the jar.
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- > In truth, Medium’s main product is not a publishing platform, but the promotion of a publishing platform. This promotion brings readers and writers onto the site. This, in turn, generates the usage data that’s valuable to advertisers. Boiled down, Medium is simply marketing in the service of more marketing. It is not a “place for ideas.” It is a place for advertisers. It is, therefore, utterly superfluous.
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- > **Whereas the traditional typewriter offered freedom at the cost of design, the billionaire’s typewriter offers convenience at the cost of freedom.**
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- > <cite>*[The billionaire’s typewriter](http://practicaltypography.com/billionaires-typewriter.html)* ([cache](/david/cache/07e6ba2425870233ffb2af9a31eb43d9/))</cite>
- Matthew Butterick un peu énervé par la colère nous donne son avis sur Medium et c’est violemment justifié. Et pendant ce temps là, dans une galaxie pas si éloignée…
- > These days blogging tools try to lock you into their business model, and lock other developers out. I have the freedom to do what I want, so I decided to take the exact opposite approach. I don’t want to lock people in and make them dependent on me. Instead, I want to learn from thinkers and writers and developers. I want to engage with other minds. Making money, at this stage of my career, is not so interesting to me. I’d much rather make ideas, and new working relationships, and friends.
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- > <cite>*[MyWord Editor is open source](http://scripting.com/2015/03/23/mywordEditorIsOpenSource.html)* ([cache](/david/cache/31ac8edca25131c55c2f3948f0cd842f/))</cite>
- Servez une pizza surgelée à un écrivain, il n’aura droit qu’à l’olive.
- Apprenez-lui à faire une pizza, il pourra la partager avec ses amis.