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  139. <p>They both would have been ‘good enough’ for my purposes, but since I’m comfortable with Markdown, HTML, and CSS, using Pandoc made the most&nbsp;sense.</p>
  140. <p>If you’re comfortable with Markdown then Pandoc is <em>amazing</em>. It integrates out of the box with both Weasyprint and paged.js. <mark>Either of them is a decent option for generating PDFs.</mark> Paged.js uses headless Chrome, which gives it access to a broader spectrum of CSS features and makes it a little bit&nbsp;flakier.</p>
  141. <p><cite><em><a href="">Some thoughts on how to make a book, three months after I made one</a></em>&nbsp;(<a href="/david/cache/2023/8cb87dbe21c3f5a7a69735a70daf51c3/">cache</a>)</cite></p>
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  143. <p>Je commence à avoir quelques expériences avec Pandoc si vous voulez que l’on produise un livre numérique ensemble. Pas forcément technique. Potentiellement sur le Web. Dans le meilleur des cas on apprendrait chacun·e des choses et on repartirait à la fois plus autonomes <em>et</em> paradoxalement plus lié·es&nbsp;aussi.</p>
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