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  75. <h2>Summary</h2>
  76. <p>
  77. Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
  78. </p>
  79. <ol>
  80. <li>
  81. <strong>Major</strong> version whenever you feel like it.
  82. </li>
  83. <li>
  84. <strong>Minor</strong> version whenever you feel like it.
  85. </li>
  86. <li>
  87. <strong>Patch</strong> version whenever you feel like it.
  88. </li>
  89. </ol>
  90. <p>
  91. Additional labels for whatever you feel like are available as extensions to
  92. the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format. The more the merrier.
  93. </p>
  94. <h2>Introduction</h2>
  95. <p> For years the software industry has used systems like
  96. <a href="https://semver.org"><strong>semver</strong></a> and <a href="https://calver.org"><strong>calver</strong></a> to communicate with users
  97. what to expect in an update. The prescriptiveness of <strong>semver</strong>
  98. granting relief to the library user who only has to update from version 1.1.0
  99. to 1.1.1 to make most recent Snyk alert go away. The flexibility of
  100. <strong>calver</strong> allowing the busy application developer to release
  101. without fear, not needing to worry about whether a set of changes is
  102. significant enough to justify a 2.0.0 release and the awkward conversation
  103. with marketing that will ensue.
  104. </p>
  105. <p>
  106. But behind their promises, these systems are flawed. They do not
  107. represent the reality of modern software practice. This document aims to
  108. rectify that. It is a call to arms for the software community to embrace
  109. how people really version their software:
  110. <strong><span class="y">Y</span><span class="o">O</span><span class="l">L</span><span class="o2">O</span>
  111. Ver</strong>.
  112. </p>
  113. <h2>Goals</h2>
  114. <p>
  115. The goals of <strong><span class="y">Y</span><span class="o">O</span><span class="l">L</span><span class="o2">O</span>
  116. Ver</strong> are simple: to allow you to justify any version bump you
  117. want. You've changed stuff, who knows exactly what, and figuring out whether
  118. it's technically a major, minor, or patch change is too much work. All
  119. you really want to do is paste "bug fixes and performance improvements" into
  120. the patch notes and call it a day. <strong><span class="y">Y</span><span class="o">O</span><span class="l">L</span><span class="o2">O</span>
  121. Ver</strong> is here to help.
  122. </p>
  123. <p>
  124. What follows are example conversations you might have with users that
  125. are not familiar with <strong><span class="y">Y</span><span class="o">O</span><span class="l">L</span><span class="o2">O</span>
  126. Ver</strong>:
  127. </p>
  128. <h3>Example 1</h3>
  129. <ul>
  130. <li>
  131. <strong>User</strong>: The most recent patch-level release of your
  132. software broke our service in production. You shouldn't have done that.
  133. You should instead consider <strong>semver</strong> so your users know
  134. what to expect.
  135. </li>
  136. <li>
  137. <strong>You</strong>: lol, we use <strong><span class="y">Y</span><span class="o">O</span><span class="l">L</span><span class="o2">O</span>
  138. Ver</strong>.
  139. </li>
  140. </ul>
  141. <h3>Example 2</h3>
  142. <ul>
  143. <li>
  144. <strong>User</strong>: The most recent major-level release of your
  145. software was a huge disappointment. Almost nothing changed. Why
  146. would you bump the major version for no reason?
  147. </li>
  148. <li>
  149. <strong>You</strong>: lol, we use <strong><span class="y">Y</span><span class="o">O</span><span class="l">L</span><span class="o2">O</span>
  150. Ver</strong>.
  151. </li>
  152. </ul>
  153. <h3>Example 3</h3>
  154. <ul>
  155. <li>
  156. <strong>User</strong>: I can't figure out what the version number of your
  157. software means. Can you explain all of the parts? e.g. "Version
  158. 121.0.6167.139 (Official Build) (arm64)"
  159. </li>
  160. <li>
  161. <strong>You</strong>: lol, we use <strong><span class="y">Y</span><span class="o">O</span><span class="l">L</span><span class="o2">O</span>
  162. Ver</strong>.
  163. </li>
  164. </ul>
  165. <h2>Specification</h2>
  166. <ol>
  167. <li>
  168. </li>
  169. </ol>
  170. <h2>Recommendations</h2>
  171. <p>
  172. While <strong><span class="y">Y</span><span class="o">O</span><span class="l">L</span><span class="o2">O</span>
  173. Ver</strong> does not require any specific versioning scheme, we can
  174. recommend some best practices from industry to get you started.
  175. </p>
  176. <ol>
  177. <li>
  178. Never, <strong>ever</strong>, release a version 1.0.0. This ensures
  179. compatibility with <strong>semver</strong>.
  180. </li>
  181. <li>
  182. Ensure that some artefact if your build process makes it in to your
  183. version. This could be a build number, a git hash, or a timestamp. This
  184. introduces visual noise and makes it more difficult to know what's
  185. changed.
  186. </li>
  187. <li>
  188. If you have a direct competitor, ensure that your version numbers are
  189. higher than theirs. This will make you look more successful.
  190. </li>
  191. <li>
  192. Consider releasing a breaking change without modifying the version number
  193. at all. This will keep your users on their toes.
  194. </li>
  195. <li>
  196. Every once in a while, skip a number. People love mystery.
  197. </li>
  198. <li>
  199. If your software depends on other software, consider not specifying a
  200. version of those dependencies. This ensures all of your users get a unique
  201. experience.
  202. </li>
  203. </ol>
  204. <h2>Backus-Naur Form Grammar for valid <strong><span class="y">Y</span><span class="o">O</span><span class="l">L</span><span class="o2">O</span>
  205. Ver</strong> versions</h2>
  206. <pre>
  207. &amp;ltvalid-yolover&amp;gt ::= &amp;ltany-char&amp;gt &amp;ltvalid-yolover&amp;gt | &amp;ltany-char&amp;gt
  208. &lt;any-char&gt; ::= &lt;letter&gt; | &lt;digit&gt; | &lt;punctuation&gt; | &lt;symbol&gt; | &lt;whitespace&gt; |
  209. &lt;emoji&gt;
  210. &lt;letter&gt; ::= "a" | "b" | "c" | ... | "Z"
  211. &lt;digit&gt; ::= "0" | "1" | ... | "9"
  212. &lt;punctuation&gt; ::= "." | "," | ";" | ":" | "!" | "?" | "-" | "_" | ...
  213. &lt;symbol&gt; ::= "@" | "#" | "$" | "%" | "&amp;" | "*" | "(" | ")" | ...
  214. &lt;whitespace&gt; ::= " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r"
  215. &lt;emoji&gt; ::= &lt;standard-emojis&gt; | &lt;extended-emojis&gt;
  216. &lt;standard-emojis&gt; ::= "😀" | "😂" | ... | &lt;any other standard emoji&gt;
  217. &lt;extended-emojis&gt; ::= "👨‍👨‍👧‍👦" | "🏳️‍🌈" | ... | &lt;any other extended or combined emoji&gt;
  218. </pre>
  219. <h2>License</h2>
  220. <p>
  221. <a href="http://www.wtfpl.net/">WTFPL</a>
  222. </p>
  223. <h2>Attribution</h2>
  224. <p>
  225. This document is a parody of <a href="https://semver.org/">semver</a> and
  226. <a href="https://calver.org/">calver</a>. It is not intended to be taken
  227. seriously.
  228. </p>
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