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  70. <p id="35bf" class="hn ho fq fr b hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if di gn">There are lots of ways to build good teams and working relationships. I’m currently training as an organisation and relationship systems coach with <a href="http://www.crrglobal.com/orsc.html" class="do ig" rel="noopener nofollow">ORSC </a>and there are lots of methods that help build teams and collaborations which I will share more of as I do the training (I’ll be fully qualified in January 2018). On a much simpler level though, before you get to the relational matter of teams, platforms and systems, it’s important for people to know your preferences as an individual.</p>
  71. <p id="b665" class="hn ho fq fr b hp ih hq hr hs ii ht hu hv ij hw hx hy ik hz ia ib il ic id if di gn">I was inspired by<span id="rmm"> </span>a conversation with <a href="https://twitter.com/JanetHughes" class="do ig" rel="noopener nofollow">Janet Hughes</a> and one of the people that joined us at our first <a href="https://medium.com/doteveryone/what-a-digital-organisation-looks-like-82426a210ab8" class="do ig" rel="noopener">Doteveryone digital leadership</a> meet up, who had created a “user manual” of himself to share with his team. We are a new team at Doteveryone, two thirds of the team started in February 2017, so we are all still getting to know each other and the different ways we like to work. Sometimes you just learn to work together through doing and getting on with stuff but there are some basics that it is probably helpful for everyone to know. I’ve created a user manual about myself and I’d love to hear what other questions people think should be included in something like this. I also think there should be a caveat that this is done knowing that not all your needs and preferences can be met, but there is still value in making them explicit for those you work with.</p>
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  73. <p id="6335" class="hn ho fq fr b hp ih hq hr hs ii ht hu hv ij hw hx hy ik hz ia ib il ic id if di gn">I’ve put blank templates of them in a <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v9iun8fdv06ygw2/AAAvNB9MDL3a2GLxrkqY1Vaya?dl=0" class="do ig" rel="noopener nofollow">Dropbox here</a> in case anyone else wants to use or adapt it. This was a first draft.</p>
  74. <p id="97d6" class="hn ho fq fr b hp ih hq hr hs ii ht hu hv ij hw hx hy ik hz ia ib il ic id if di gn">And the questions are also on a <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P1GmeN36lFQZEWrtcAvcUqRJOErbi97pOkzTDsvwlxA/edit?usp=sharing" class="do ig" rel="noopener nofollow">googledoc here</a>, which include my full answers!</p>
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