A place to cache linked articles (think custom and personal wayback machine)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

cache_article.html 626B

  1. {% extends "base_2020.html" %}
  2. {% block title %}{{ cache.title }} (archive){% endblock %}
  3. {% block extra_head %}
  4. <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
  5. <meta content="origin-when-cross-origin" name="referrer">
  6. <!-- Canonical URL for SEO purposes -->
  7. <link rel="canonical" href="{{ cache.url }}">
  8. {% endblock %}
  9. {% block content %}
  10. <article>
  11. <h1>{{ cache.title }}</h1>
  12. <nav>
  13. <p class="center">
  14. <a href="/david/" title="Aller à l’accueil" tabindex="1">🏠</a>
  15. </p>
  16. </nav>
  17. <hr>
  18. <h2><a href="{{ cache.url }}">Source originale du contenu</a></h2>
  19. {{ cache.content }}
  20. </article>
  21. {% endblock content %}