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  75. <p>what i <em>would</em> like to see in terms of ActivityPub-powered wikis is a beautiful federated network of very focused wikis. more of a fandom.org competitor than a wikipedia.org competitor, really − get the torchlight wiki and the asoiaf wiki and the grenoble wiki talking together, let us contribute to all with our personal accounts,</p>
  76. <p>idk if it’s possible <a href="https://ibis.wiki/article/Announcing_Ibis,_the_federated_Wikipedia_Alternative@ibis.wiki">to beat wikipedia</a>, but i don’t think it’s really valuable − wikipedia works because it has 20 years of building rules and a relatively homogeneous community, which has the good and the bad. i just think it’s more worthwhile to think about building an alternative for all the wikis that would actually benefit from this.</p>
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