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  437. <h1>
  438. <span><a id="jumper" href="#jumpto" title="Un peu perdu ?">?</a></span>
  439. I Can’t Sing (archive)
  440. <time>Pour la pérennité des contenus liés. Non-indexé, retrait sur simple email.</time>
  441. </h1>
  442. <section>
  443. <article>
  444. <h3><a href="https://m.signalvnoise.com/i-can-t-sing-6c11cdf93dfc">Source originale du contenu</a></h3>
  445. <h3 name="9b5e" id="9b5e" class="graf--h3 graf--first">I Can’t Sing</h3>
  446. <p name="a4a2" id="a4a2" class="graf--p graf-after--h3 graf--last">I can’t code. I can’t design. I can’t dance. I can’t get in shape. I can’t draw. I can’t give speeches. I can’t write. I can’t invent.</p>
  447. <p name="c3ae" id="c3ae" class="graf--p graf-after--figure">When I was 15 I had a friend named Patrick. We met in driver’s ed.</p>
  448. <p name="2eb1" id="2eb1" class="graf--p graf-after--p">If you looked at him, you’d probably expect to find him in a mosh pit, or playing insanely loud punk music. You’d be right. But the guy had the voice of an angel and sang in his high school choir.</p>
  449. <p name="abe3" id="abe3" class="graf--p graf-after--p">One night, Collin and I pick Patrick up from choir practice. Collin was our 16 year old friend who we often made drive us around. Poor Collin :)</p>
  450. <p name="40d1" id="40d1" class="graf--p graf-after--p">As we were driving to who knows where (some cafe to play chess and drink coffee or to Taco Bell) a song came on the radio that I liked. And I sang it a little.</p>
  451. <p name="e8aa" id="e8aa" class="graf--p graf-after--p">That weird looking, punk rock, 15 year old kid gave me some advice that has helped shape every single thing I’ve accomplished since.</p>
  452. <p name="86e0" id="86e0" class="graf--p graf-after--p">He warned me that, as I sang, I was trying to imitate the musician on the radio, and I wasn’t doing a very good job of it. My voice just couldn’t do what we were listening to.</p>
  453. <p name="7442" id="7442" class="graf--p graf-after--p">Instead, I should try to cover the same song but do it in a way that suited my voice. My voice isn’t very strong at those high notes. If I was going to imitate anyone, try to imitate someone’s voice that works at this low pitch.</p>
  454. <p name="2578" id="2578" class="graf--p graf-after--p graf--last">I tried Patrick’s advice, and I sang the song at a considerably lower pitch that was comfortable to me. I remember it sounded now more like Johnny Cash. The result was surprising. It wasn’t half bad, and it was much better than me trying to sing like that guy on the radio.</p>
  455. <p name="c31e" id="c31e" class="graf--p graf--first">I’ve never felt like a “web designer”. I’ve been building websites for 15 years, and I’ve done what I’ve needed to do, but I could never get my stuff to look even close to those beautiful creations I admire.</p>
  456. <p name="1533" id="1533" class="graf--p graf-after--p">To get past that, I’d end up buying a template someone else made. Or finding really good business partners who could design all the things I couldn’t.</p>
  457. <p name="fd2a" id="fd2a" class="graf--p graf-after--p">A handful of years ago, however, running my third software company, I found myself alone trying to create a new project.</p>
  458. <p name="49e0" id="49e0" class="graf--p graf-after--p">I didn’t have a partner, or a designer or anyone else to help me. And I didn’t have any money to spend getting the help. A template wasn’t going to cut it this time. I was in a bind.</p>
  459. <p name="43e6" id="43e6" class="graf--p graf-after--p">I don’t have a Dribbble account full of my work. I don’t have a portfolio. I don’t know what awards designers win. I hear there are awards.</p>
  460. <p name="2527" id="2527" class="graf--p graf-after--p">But I had to figure out what I can design. I had to figure out a way to design that suits me.</p>
  461. <p name="b36f" id="b36f" class="graf--p graf-after--p">Since I can’t do a lot with color, or illustrations, or shadows, or logos, I’d have to go with very little of those things. It would have to be the basics.</p>
  462. <p name="c458" id="c458" class="graf--p graf-after--p">I still looked at people doing amazing work online for inspiration. But instead of trying to step into the shoes of my preconceived notion of a designer, I started noticing elements of projects that I could actually do myself.</p>
  463. <p name="9f2d" id="9f2d" class="graf--p graf-after--p">I can’t create an identity or logo like Aaron Draplin, but I sure could use Futura Bold and add a little space between the letters like he seems to be doing.</p>
  464. <p name="e95a" id="e95a" class="graf--p graf-after--p">I ended up with what you see at <a href="http://draftin.com" data-href="http://draftin.com" class="markup--anchor markup--p-anchor">Draft</a>, software I’ve made to help me <a href="http://draftin.com" data-href="http://draftin.com" class="markup--anchor markup--p-anchor">write better</a>.</p>
  465. <p name="0c76" id="0c76" class="graf--p graf-after--p">It has no logo. It has zero images. There’s one color on the homepage. Blue.</p>
  466. <p name="dee6" id="dee6" class="graf--p graf-after--p">Thank god or luck or hard work or whatever, I have stumbled on a large number of people that appreciate and love the user experience and user interface I’ve created. I’ve worked my ass off to accomplish this project. But I didn’t expect this.</p>
  467. <p name="f4af" id="f4af" class="graf--p graf-after--p">Of course there’s plenty of blemishes that you might see (and even more that I do). Mountains of things I need to improve and polish. And I’ll never think it’s as good as anything from my heros who I immediately think of when someone says: designer.</p>
  468. <p name="3a85" id="3a85" class="graf--p graf-after--p">But somehow, along the way of getting here, I have figured out a way to design. I found some way to sing this song but with a voice that suits me.</p>
  469. <p name="8009" id="8009" class="graf--p graf-after--p">You might not be able to sing like your preconceived model of how a singer sings, but I’ll never understand when someone tells me, “I can’t sing.”</p>
  470. <p name="89f7" id="89f7" class="graf--p graf-after--p graf--last">You probably didn’t have a friend like Patrick.</p>
  471. </article>
  472. </section>
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  474. <p>
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  483. <p>
  484. Bonjour/Hi!
  485. Je suis <a href="/david/" title="Profil public">David&nbsp;Larlet</a>, je vis actuellement à Montréal et j’alimente cet espace depuis 15 ans. <br>
  486. Si tu as apprécié cette lecture, n’hésite pas à poursuivre ton exploration. Par exemple via les <a href="/david/blog/" title="Expériences bienveillantes">réflexions bimestrielles</a>, la <a href="/david/stream/2019/" title="Pensées (dés)articulées">veille hebdomadaire</a> ou en t’abonnant au <a href="/david/log/" title="S’abonner aux publications via RSS">flux RSS</a> (<a href="/david/blog/2019/flux-rss/" title="Tiens c’est quoi un flux RSS ?">so 2005</a>).
  487. </p>
  488. <p>
  489. Je m’intéresse à la place que je peux avoir dans ce monde. En tant qu’humain, en tant que membre d’une famille et en tant qu’associé d’une coopérative. De temps en temps, je fais aussi des <a href="https://github.com/davidbgk" title="Principalement sur Github mais aussi ailleurs">trucs techniques</a>. Et encore plus rarement, <a href="/david/talks/" title="En ce moment je laisse plutôt la place aux autres">j’en parle</a>.
  490. </p>
  491. <p>
  492. Voici quelques articles choisis :
  493. <a href="/david/blog/2019/faire-equipe/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Faire équipe</a>,
  494. <a href="/david/blog/2018/bivouac-automnal/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Bivouac automnal</a>,
  495. <a href="/david/blog/2018/commodite-effondrement/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Commodité et effondrement</a>,
  496. <a href="/david/blog/2017/donnees-communs/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Des données aux communs</a>,
  497. <a href="/david/blog/2016/accompagner-enfant/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Accompagner un enfant</a>,
  498. <a href="/david/blog/2016/senior-developer/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Senior developer</a>,
  499. <a href="/david/blog/2016/illusion-sociale/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">L’illusion sociale</a>,
  500. <a href="/david/blog/2016/instantane-scopyleft/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Instantané Scopyleft</a>,
  501. <a href="/david/blog/2016/enseigner-web/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Enseigner le Web</a>,
  502. <a href="/david/blog/2016/simplicite-defaut/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Simplicité par défaut</a>,
  503. <a href="/david/blog/2016/minimalisme-esthetique/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Minimalisme et esthétique</a>,
  504. <a href="/david/blog/2014/un-web-omni-present/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Un web omni-présent</a>,
  505. <a href="/david/blog/2014/manifeste-developpeur/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Manifeste de développeur</a>,
  506. <a href="/david/blog/2013/confort-convivialite/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Confort et convivialité</a>,
  507. <a href="/david/blog/2013/testament-numerique/" title="Accéder à l’article complet">Testament numérique</a>,
  508. et <a href="/david/blog/" title="Accéder aux archives">bien d’autres…</a>
  509. </p>
  510. <p>
  511. On peut <a href="mailto:david%40larlet.fr" title="Envoyer un courriel">échanger par courriel</a>. Si éventuellement tu souhaites que l’on travaille ensemble, tu devrais commencer par consulter le <a href="http://larlet.com">profil dédié à mon activité professionnelle</a> et/ou contacter directement <a href="http://scopyleft.fr/">scopyleft</a>, la <abbr title="Société coopérative et participative">SCOP</abbr> dont je fais partie depuis six ans. Je recommande au préalable de lire <a href="/david/blog/2018/cout-site/" title="Attention ce qui va suivre peut vous choquer">combien coûte un site</a> et pourquoi je suis plutôt favorable à une <a href="/david/pro/devis/" title="Discutons-en !">non-demande de devis</a>.
  512. </p>
  513. <p>
  514. Je ne traque pas ta navigation mais mon
  515. <abbr title="Alwaysdata, 62 rue Tiquetonne 75002 Paris, +33.184162340">hébergeur</abbr>
  516. conserve des logs d’accès.
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