? Autism-friendly websites (archive)

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All autistic people can benefit from access to appropriate services, including accessible web-based services. This guidance is for web professionals who want to make sure that their site is suitable for autistic people.

Best practice

Follow current accessibility and plain English guidelines, as well as the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and Northern Ireland equality legislation.

Sensory issues

Autistic people often have heightened sensory awareness, and so can find busy pages overwhelming. It is particularly important to:


As autistic people tend to need consistency:


Autistic people are more likely to take things literally and to benefit from visual material. It can be helpful to:


Consider an element of personalisation, as autistic people are all different. 

User testing

Include autistic people in your user testing, and support them to take part by:

If you are doing research into the specific user needs of autistic people in the web environment, we would very much like to hear from you. Please contact webmanager@nas.org.uk.