title: Ticket policy | Edgeryders url: https://edgeryders.eu/ro/lote5/ticket-policy hash_url: 2fa2533df6ad40dd9dcf05fd30758af8

Suggest new ideas in a comment below. DL to finalize this: 13 Nov. 
The ticket policy is also accesible from the LOTE5 minisite here.

One ticket to Living on the Edge 5 is worth the equivalent of 1000 eur, the rough estimate of two days of consultancy work. The ticket covers participants entrance at the main event, social gatherings and other related activities, as well as basic snacks and drinks. The coordinating team is currently fundraising in order to cover proper meals, but we cannot guarantee those.

EdgeRyders LbG will offer a limited number of grants to support participants’ travels and accommodation. If you are in Brussels or have friends there, we’d be grateful if you joined efforts to secure cheap or free places to sleep in by reaching out to your network, to the local Couchsurfing community, to AirBnb and other services which can provide discounts.

Tickets are earned, not bought

In Edgeryders tradition, anyone should have access to knowledge and meaningful experiences whether or not they have the financial means for that. However, we don’t have the resources to grant free-as-in-beer access, so we are asking people who come to contribute their skills in exchange for the tickets.

In order to come, you have to complete up to 3 tasks, as per the instructions in each. We will be adding new tasks every week, so there is always something to choose from. There are two types of tasks:

  1. Worth a whole ticket: Tasks to contribute content, such as proposing a session, a workshop, a talk; contribute a case study on failure in one of the key conference tracks (open care track, development track, tba); lead documentation of the event; or anything that you want to propose and is OKed by organisers
  2. Worth part of a ticket: Organisational tasks such as leading community calls in the runup of Lote, cooking on site, compiling newsletters, social media sharing etc.

We are keeping track of all contributions in this spreadsheet. If you end up contributing more than one ticket, you can safely transfer your “completed tasks” to another participant. 

Trial and error: adjusting ticket policy as we go

We are offering the first 50 tickets based on following the instructions on the event minisite.

The organisers reserve the right to adjust the ticket policy once the first 50 spots are taken or alternatively, in early 2016, mainly because:

Finally, LOTE5 is organised by a lot of volunteering work and much dedication by a number of community members whose efforts amount to more than tickets. We’re trying to make it worthwhile your time and a lot of fun, both at the event and through the connections and community you will find there. Advice, patience and forgiveness will be much appreciated, send them over to noemi@edgeryders.eu.