title: Style with Stateful, Semantic Selectors url: https://benmyers.dev/blog/semantic-selectors/ hash_url: 99e7d2ba7e4adc69dbf0f1b2858a5248 archive_date: 2024-01-08 og_image: https://res.cloudinary.com/bendmyers/image/upload/v1656961915/benmyers.dev/semantic-selectors.png description: See how building with accessible semantics from the get-go can give you expressive, meaningful style hooks for free. favicon: https://benmyers.dev/favicon-32x32.png language: en_US



In web development, we frequently need to style elements to visually indicate some state they're in. We give form fields red outlines to indicate invalid values. We show disabled or inactive elements in gray. We use any number of colors, icons, borders, and more to indicate what kind of state an element is in. Behind the hood, those visual styles are often handled by toggling CSS classes.

And yet: screenreaders, for instance, don't expose colors or borders or underlines or most of our other visual styles. They have no idea what our .is-invalid or .selected classes mean. This can pose an accessibility gap, since we have a discrepancy between visually-conveyed information and information conveyed via assistive technologies. If a state is important enough to indicate visually, it's probably important enough to expose to assistive technologies.

Let's take current page indicators for nav links, for instance. It's a common practice to style the current page's link in a navbar, maybe coloring it differently or giving it a different border. This usually accomplishes two things:

Often, you might end up with markup like this:

<a href="/about" class="current-page">About</a>
<a href="/talks">Talks</a>
<a href="/projects">Projects</a>
<a href="/contact">Contact Me</a>

There's a problem here: that current page status would be super useful to screenreader users — after all, if a screenreader user reloads the current page, they might be flooded with announcements as the screenreader begins reading the page anew — and yet, screenreaders have no clue that this extra context exists.

We could address this with an ARIA state attribute — specifically, setting aria-current="page" on the link. When aria-current="page" is provided on a link, the screenreader will announce something like link, About, current page. The exact announcement may differ depending on which screenreader is used. Now, our markup looks like this:

<a href="/about" aria-current="page" class="current-page">About</a>
<a href="/talks">Talks</a>
<a href="/projects">Projects</a>
<a href="/contact">Contact Me</a>

We've introduced a new problem, though. Now we have to keep track of two things: the class and the ARIA attribute. In theory, everything should be fine, so long as we always remember to keep these two in sync. But what if they diverge, and we end up with a link that has the .current-page class but not aria-current="page"? It happens — sighted developers are much more likely to remember the visual indication and less so the semantic indication. Or, admittedly less likely, we remember to add aria-current="page" but we accidentally omit our .current-page class? We forget things. Bugs happen.

We can reduce the duplication and the risk of bugs, making impossible states impossible, by instead using the ARIA attribute as our selector:

a[aria-current="page"] {
border-bottom: 7px solid yellow;

Now, to get the desired visual indication, we have to provide the necessary semantics for assistive technology. We can't get one without the other. I call this styling with stateful, semantic selectors. In my experience, it makes my code much more robust and ensures I don't accidentally omit necessary accessible semantics.

There are many ways you can style with stateful, semantic selectors, but I'd like to show you a few more examples I love:

Expand/Collapse Triggers


In this pattern, you have a button which, when clicked, will show or hide some content. Frequently, this button will have some visual indication of whether that content is currently being shown or not — often, it'll have a caret that's in one orientation when the content is expanded, and it's rotated when the content is collapsed.

As before, we could toggle that caret state with a CSS class — let's call it .is-expanded.

<button class="is-expanded">
Additional Details
button::before {

content: '❯';
display: inline-block;
transition: transform 0.2s;

button.is-expanded::before {
transform: rotate(90deg);

If you were to try to use the above button with a screenreader, you'd have an issue. When you press the button, the caret will rotate, but your screenreader will remain silent. It has no context that the button has hidden or revealed some content, so it says nothing. As a screenreader user, you're left without any feedback, and you may start to wonder whether you even clicked the button at all.

Fortunately, there's an ARIA state attribute for this exact purpose, called aria-expanded! When a screenreader navigates to a button with aria-expanded="false", it'll announce the button along with something like collapsed, such as button, Additional Details, collapsed. This tells screenreader users that the button controls toggling some content, and that content is currently hidden. When the attribute is toggled to aria-expanded="true", the screenreader announcement will update to include expanded (or something to that effect), and say something like button, Additional Details, expanded.

Our code might update to something like:

Additional Details
button::before {

content: '❯';
display: inline-block;
transition: transform 0.2s;

button.is-expanded::before {
transform: rotate(90deg);

Upon every click of the button, a script toggles the .is-expanded class and flips aria-expanded between "true" and "false". However… we're once again doing two things where we could be doing just one thing, and we're risking impossible states if aria-expanded and the .is-expanded class fall out of sync with each other.

Instead, let's use aria-expanded as the source of truth for our styles:

<button aria-expanded="false">
Additional Details
button::before {

content: '❯';
display: inline-block;
transition: transform 0.2s;

button[aria-expanded="true"]::before {
transform: rotate(90deg);

Sorted Table Columns


Say you've got a sortable table, and you'd like to indicate which column the table is sorted by, and in which direction. No sweat — this time, we can use the aria-sort attribute.

The aria-sort attribute should be applied to at most one column header at a time. For most sortable tables (sor-tables?), you'll want to apply aria-sort="ascending" to the sorted column's table header when the column is sorted in ascending order, apply aria-sort="descending" to the sorted column's table header when the column is sorted in descending order, and remove aria-sort from the table header altogether when the sort is cleared. When a screenreader user navigates to a table where a column header has aria-sort="ascending" or aria-sort="descending", their screenreader will tell them the name of the sorted column and its direction.

Assuming you have buttons inside each of the table headers to let the user sort, your markup might look something like this:

<th scope="col" aria-sort="ascending">
<button aria-describedby="sort-description">
<th scope="col">
<button aria-describedby="sort-description">
<th scope="col">
<button aria-describedby="sort-description">


<p id="sort-description" hidden>Sort by column</p>

If we wanted to add some arrows inside the sorted column's header's button to indicate the current sort direction, the [aria-sort] attribute selector will see us through:

th[aria-sort="ascending"] button::after {

content: '↑';

th[aria-sort="descending"] button::after {

content: '↓';

(Simplified for the sake of demonstration. Check out Adrian Roselli's sortable tables article for a much more thorough and robust approach)

And More!


These examples aren't the only times stateful, semantic selectors could prove helpful. Here are just a few more I didn't get into:

In short, building with accessible semantics from the get-go can give you expressive, meaningful style hooks for free. Leaning on those style hooks in your CSS selectors lets you reduce the number of moving parts in your site or application, and it can prevent accessibility bugs from creeping in down the road.

As with any web development recommendation, use your best judgment. If you find yourself contorting an element's semantics or markup to get the appearance you want, it's a sign to take a step back and revisit. Maybe classes are your friend, or maybe you need to revisit your design and determine whether it still makes sense.


I'm definitely not the first to write about this approach. Here are a few other articles on the subject I'd recommend reading: