title: Farewell navigator.mozPay url: http://www.agmweb.ca/2016-03-02-mozpay/ hash_url: b33ebd3c4dbb1d572e2102539dd2b215

A few weeks ago the Mozilla Marketplace announced it was shutting down payments. A few days ago bugs were filed to remove mozPay from the mozilla tree.

And with that a pile of stuff I worked on at Mozilla for a long time with a couple of awesome colleagues came to an end. I'm not bitter about that at all, in the end I became the biggest proponent of ending this project because I saw the costs it was occuring (lots) and the returns (almost zero) and impact it was having (zero). At Mozilla we need to be better at evaluating and ending things when they don't work. If you can't end things that work, how can you start new exciting things?

There's multiple reasons why payments didn't go anywhere, I'll detail the business ones in a later post. For a moment here's the technical things that stood out:

If you think all the above sounds crazy, you are right. One time I went to DjangoCon Europe in Poland and said to my QA person "I'm in Poland can I test anything?". The reply I got was: go set up a Polish bank account, get a SIM card, get the SIM card billed to the bank account, get a phone, put the SIM card in and then try purchasing something. Ensure that when you purchase something it shows up correctly on your bank statement a few weeks later. I had one day free.

But the level of purchasing from the user clicking the button all the way through to what appears on the bank account was the level we were looking after.

We did have an awesome QA team who did heroic work under the circumstances, but all the above problems meant that this project was slow, moving, opaque and painful in many ways.

Updated: to reflect its being removed from the whole tree, not just Android.