title: Write 5x more but write 5x less url: https://critter.blog/2020/10/02/write-5x-more-but-write-5x-less/ hash_url: 0a106edc34e0e32ff31371309ceb668a

There are 2 things I have come to believe about writing:

  1. The average person should write 5x more things than they do.
  2. The average written thing should be 5x shorter than it is.

See? Write 5x more but write 5x less. Write more often, but make each thing you write shorter.

I don’t care what it is. Blog posts. Novels. Google docs. Articles. Wiki pages. Write more of them, but make them shorter.

Why write more often?

Why make them shorter?

So write more, but write less.