title: 25th work anniversary url: https://blog.koalie.net/2024/02/29/25th-work-anniversary/ hash_url: d74f376e53fc6a1108c59b6e6fa57ba1 archive_date: 2024-03-01 og_image: https://blog.koalie.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/koalie-mit-ids-scaled.jpeg description: 25 January 1999 was my first day at W3C. I was 23 years old when I started. I’ve now spent more than half my life at that. I regret nothing because I find the work I do really interesting, im… favicon: https://blog.koalie.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/cropped-koalie-meiji-shrine-cropped-400px-32x32.jpeg language: en_US Two Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) identification cards on a wooden surface, with a retractable key holder. The cards show the same individual's photo and name with different expiration dates.

25 January 1999 was my first day at W3C. I was 23 years old when I started. I’ve now spent more than half my life at that. I regret nothing because I find the work I do really interesting, important, meaningful; and I don’t tire of it because I feel like there’s renewal every now and then. I’ve held many positions, worn many hats, learned a lot of things and I work with incredibly smart and dedicated people. This has been and is very rewarding.

Young white woman with long brown hair sitting at an office desk with a large cathode ray tube monitor, computer, papers, and a window with blinds in the background.
Coralie at her desk. Photo of February 1999. Resolution of 640x480px, because: early digital cameras!

I selected a highlight for each year (in many cases it was hard to choose just one, so I didn’t) for a retrospective:

It is as likely as anything else that I will finish my career at the Web Consortium. I wouldn’t mind!