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<h1>When you’re driving in Google Maps you’re re-enacting an ancient space combat sim</h1>
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Mis en cache le 2024-05-20
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">This week I’m midway through my now-annual lecture series on <a href="https://www.actsnotfacts.com/made/folktales">folktales from the history of computing</a> at <a href="https://aho.no/en">AHO</a> (the Oslo School of Architecture and Design).</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">The idea is that I trace an admittedly idiosyncratic path through the history of the personal computer by focusing on certain stories that were, once upon a time, handed down to me as being pivotal. (Though I try to be rigorous when it comes to the lineage: I love evidence for the interconnections.)</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Then I unpack the tales to look at the world they were in, roads not taken, voices not heard, and I share a view on where I stand with respect to what we should take from it all.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">With a dash of speculative design and storytelling.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Look, it’s this blog in lecture form, that’s all you need to know.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">I’m pretty well grooved in now. This is my fourth time giving the talks with AHO, and I had a ton of fun doing the whole series on three successive nights for a tech conference back in 2021.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">But: each year I keep notes of where I feel I hit speed bumps to fix for the next time. And the opening of the first talk has never felt satisfying to me. Too much exposition, not enough feel.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Anyway! I fixed that this year! I have a new story to open.</p>
<hr class="xh1 bg-white w3 ml0 mv5 bb-0 bl-0 br-0 bt-1 b--black">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">It’s about the little dart-shaped arrow that appears at the top of your iPhone when an app is using your location. <a href="https://support.apple.com/en-gb/102647">You know the arrow I mean.</a> The students all recognise it too.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">The heart of this story is from research and a long read by <a href="https://www.benjedwards.com">Benj Edwards</a>, tech historian and journalist.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Back in 2015, Edwards published this amazing history of the first ever in-car computerised navigation system:</p>
<blockquote cite="https://www.fastcompany.com/3047828/who-needs-gps-the-forgotten-story-of-etaks-amazing-1985-car-navigation-system" class="quoteback bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i" data-author="Benj Edwards, Fast Company" data-title="Who Needs GPS? The Forgotten Story of Etak's Amazing 1985 Car Navigation System (2015)">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Thirty years ago, a company called Etak released the first commercially available computerized navigation system for automobiles. Spearheaded by an engineer named Stan Honey and bankrolled by Nolan Bushnell, the cofounder of Atari, the company’s Navigator was so far ahead of its time that the phrase “ahead of its time” seems like an understatement.</p>

<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">So, that dart-shaped arrow…</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">…is also the arrow used in Google Maps turn-by-turn navigation to show your current location. You can see it if you use directions in the app today. You can see it in the <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20091214013008/https://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/10/announcing-google-maps-navigation-for.html">Google Maps Navigation launch blog post from 2009</a>.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">And what Edwards spotted is that the same Google Maps arrow was used by Etak to show the current location of your car, way back then.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">To give you an idea of how much 1985 was a different era: there were no GPS satellites. So you had to put magnetic sensors in your wheels to count rotations.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Map data was stored on audio cassette tapes in the back of the car!</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">The screen didn’t have pixels! It was a vector screen, with electron beams painting lines on directly on the phosphors, like an oscilloscope.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">So check out his article, because there’s a photo of the Etak Navigator, and you can see the dart-arrow, right there in the mirror. So is that the origin?</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Edwards goes further. In a follow-up article, he figured out the connection:</p>
<blockquote cite="https://www.fastcompany.com/3068135/the-untold-story-of-atari-founder-nolan-bushnells-visionary-1980s-tech-incubator" class="quoteback bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i" data-author="Benj Edwards, Fast Company" data-title="The Untold Story of Atari Founder Nolan Bushnell's Visionary 1980s Tech Incubator (2017)">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">To Etak’s benefit, Catalyst’s shared office building encouraged the cross-pollination of ideas between companies. Alcorn, while working at Cumma, recalls being fascinated by the activities at Etak. During development, he snuck into nearby Atari’s coin-op division building with Etak engineers to show them the hit 1979 arcade title Asteroids. The game used a vector display that produced fluid animations with low-cost hardware. It’s little surprise, then, that <u>Etak’s final on-screen representation of the car in its shipping product was a vector triangle nearly identical to the ship from Asteroids.</u></p>

<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Asteroids? <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteroids_(video_game)">Asteroids</a> <em>(Wikipedia).</em> The break-out coin-op arcade game. The dart-arrow is the spaceship, it’s right there!</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80"><em>Thank you Benj, amazing research!</em></p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">btw: Benj has a new book out, a history of Nintendo’s OG virtual reality gaming device, <em>Virtual Boy</em> from 1995: <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Seeing-Red-Nintendos-Virtual-Platform/dp/0262045060/">Seeing Red</a> <em>(Amazon).</em></p>
<hr class="xh1 bg-white w3 ml0 mv5 bb-0 bl-0 br-0 bt-1 b--black">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">I think we can take another step back…</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Before <em>Asteroids</em> there was <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spacewar!">Spacewar!</a> <em>(Wikipedia).</em></p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80"><em>Spacewar</em> was developed in 1962 for the PDP-1 – cost: $120k then, $1.2m in today’s money, only 55 ever made.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80"><em>Spacewar</em> was the first popular video game. (That is, it may not have been the first graphical video game, but it was the first one popular enough to be copied to other locations). It was played mainly illicitly… the PDP-1 was a research computer, and the game was played after hours.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">It’s a simulation of space combat between two ships: the needle and the wedge.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">But it pointed at a new application of real-time computers. Brenda Laurel (in <em>Computers as Theatre)</em> observes that <em>Spacewar</em> showed that</p>
<blockquote class="bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">[the computer’s] interesting potential lay not in its ability to perform calculations but in its capacity to <em>represent action in which humans could participate.</em></p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Its popularity broke through: Stewart Brand wrote about <em>Spacewar</em> <a href="https://www.labouseur.com/courses/gamesem/rolling-stone-1972.pdf">in Rolling Stone magazine in 1972</a> <em>(pdf).</em></p>
<blockquote class="bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Ready or not, computers are coming to the people. That’s good news, maybe the best since psychedelics.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Brand used <em>Spacewar</em> as a subcultural phenomenon to introduce what was going on in those days with computing, and in particular at Xerox PARC. He got some good quotes. Here’s one:</p>
<blockquote class="bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Alan Kay: “The game of Spacewar blossoms spontaneously wherever there is a graphics display connected to a computer.”</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">And of course Stewart Brand, having <a href="/home/2021/05/05/strange_loop">been present at the birth of personal computing in 1968</a>, went on to be the first person to use <q>personal computer</q> in print (to mean the thing we mean today) in 1974. <a href="https://x.com/genmon/status/1660533557511479296">Here’s the Twitter thread where I asked him.</a></p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">ANYWAY.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80"><em>Spacewar</em> inspired <em>Asteroids.</em></p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">So. While “the wedge” spaceship in <em>Spacewar</em> isn’t visually identical to the ship in <em>Asteroids,</em> and therefore to Etak, and Google Maps, and the dart-arrow that appears in the iPhone, there’s the ancestry.</p>
<hr class="xh1 bg-white w3 ml0 mv5 bb-0 bl-0 br-0 bt-1 b--black">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">When you’re driving around in Google Maps, you’re piloting a spaceship in an ancient simulation of space warfare.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">That’s what I’m saying. And, like, does it <em>matter?</em> Does the connection <em>mean</em> anything?</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">I tend to believe that it does matter, yes, that vibe <em>transmits</em> somehow. A chair made by a carpenter who sits badly will impart their twisted stance on anyone who sits in it.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">I can’t tell you exactly why I think it’s worth looking at, or what would have been different had the original game been a digital Ouija Board or a virtual loom or proto-Farmville.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">And if we disagree on whether it matters then that’s worth talking about too!</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Speculating on the counterfactuals, opening up whether it even matters, and finding joy in the interconnectedness of all things – that’s what the talk series is all about.</p>
<hr class="xh1 bg-white w3 ml0 mv5 bb-0 bl-0 br-0 bt-1 b--black">
<blockquote cite="https://longnow.org/essays/big-here-long-now/" class="quoteback bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i" data-author="Brian Eno" data-title="The Big Here and Long Now (01995)">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">“Now” is never just a moment. The Long Now is the recognition that <u>the precise moment you’re in grows out of the past and is a seed for the future.</u></p>

<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">The lectures wind up in a meditation on the braided tendencies in computing of collaboration and control. These idealistic moments - effective and wrong-headed, we get both - in a technology that finds its evolution in ugly periods and repeatedly tends towards population control… can we take lessons from that, too?</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Well. A story for another day.</p>


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title: When you’re driving in Google Maps you’re re-enacting an ancient space combat sim
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description: Posted on Friday 17 May 2024. 1,259 words, 14 links. By Matt Webb.
language: en_US

<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">This week I’m midway through my now-annual lecture series on <a href="https://www.actsnotfacts.com/made/folktales">folktales from the history of computing</a> at <a href="https://aho.no/en">AHO</a> (the Oslo School of Architecture and Design).</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">The idea is that I trace an admittedly idiosyncratic path through the history of the personal computer by focusing on certain stories that were, once upon a time, handed down to me as being pivotal. (Though I try to be rigorous when it comes to the lineage: I love evidence for the interconnections.)</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Then I unpack the tales to look at the world they were in, roads not taken, voices not heard, and I share a view on where I stand with respect to what we should take from it all.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">With a dash of speculative design and storytelling.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Look, it’s this blog in lecture form, that’s all you need to know.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">I’m pretty well grooved in now. This is my fourth time giving the talks with AHO, and I had a ton of fun doing the whole series on three successive nights for a tech conference back in 2021.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">But: each year I keep notes of where I feel I hit speed bumps to fix for the next time. And the opening of the first talk has never felt satisfying to me. Too much exposition, not enough feel.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Anyway! I fixed that this year! I have a new story to open.</p>
<hr class="xh1 bg-white w3 ml0 mv5 bb-0 bl-0 br-0 bt-1 b--black">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">It’s about the little dart-shaped arrow that appears at the top of your iPhone when an app is using your location. <a href="https://support.apple.com/en-gb/102647">You know the arrow I mean.</a> The students all recognise it too.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">The heart of this story is from research and a long read by <a href="https://www.benjedwards.com">Benj Edwards</a>, tech historian and journalist.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Back in 2015, Edwards published this amazing history of the first ever in-car computerised navigation system:</p>
<blockquote cite="https://www.fastcompany.com/3047828/who-needs-gps-the-forgotten-story-of-etaks-amazing-1985-car-navigation-system" class="quoteback bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i" data-author="Benj Edwards, Fast Company" data-title="Who Needs GPS? The Forgotten Story of Etak's Amazing 1985 Car Navigation System (2015)">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Thirty years ago, a company called Etak released the first commercially available computerized navigation system for automobiles. Spearheaded by an engineer named Stan Honey and bankrolled by Nolan Bushnell, the cofounder of Atari, the company’s Navigator was so far ahead of its time that the phrase “ahead of its time” seems like an understatement.</p>

<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">So, that dart-shaped arrow…</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">…is also the arrow used in Google Maps turn-by-turn navigation to show your current location. You can see it if you use directions in the app today. You can see it in the <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20091214013008/https://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/10/announcing-google-maps-navigation-for.html">Google Maps Navigation launch blog post from 2009</a>.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">And what Edwards spotted is that the same Google Maps arrow was used by Etak to show the current location of your car, way back then.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">To give you an idea of how much 1985 was a different era: there were no GPS satellites. So you had to put magnetic sensors in your wheels to count rotations.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Map data was stored on audio cassette tapes in the back of the car!</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">The screen didn’t have pixels! It was a vector screen, with electron beams painting lines on directly on the phosphors, like an oscilloscope.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">So check out his article, because there’s a photo of the Etak Navigator, and you can see the dart-arrow, right there in the mirror. So is that the origin?</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Edwards goes further. In a follow-up article, he figured out the connection:</p>
<blockquote cite="https://www.fastcompany.com/3068135/the-untold-story-of-atari-founder-nolan-bushnells-visionary-1980s-tech-incubator" class="quoteback bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i" data-author="Benj Edwards, Fast Company" data-title="The Untold Story of Atari Founder Nolan Bushnell's Visionary 1980s Tech Incubator (2017)">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">To Etak’s benefit, Catalyst’s shared office building encouraged the cross-pollination of ideas between companies. Alcorn, while working at Cumma, recalls being fascinated by the activities at Etak. During development, he snuck into nearby Atari’s coin-op division building with Etak engineers to show them the hit 1979 arcade title Asteroids. The game used a vector display that produced fluid animations with low-cost hardware. It’s little surprise, then, that <u>Etak’s final on-screen representation of the car in its shipping product was a vector triangle nearly identical to the ship from Asteroids.</u></p>

<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Asteroids? <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteroids_(video_game)">Asteroids</a> <em>(Wikipedia).</em> The break-out coin-op arcade game. The dart-arrow is the spaceship, it’s right there!</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80"><em>Thank you Benj, amazing research!</em></p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">btw: Benj has a new book out, a history of Nintendo’s OG virtual reality gaming device, <em>Virtual Boy</em> from 1995: <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Seeing-Red-Nintendos-Virtual-Platform/dp/0262045060/">Seeing Red</a> <em>(Amazon).</em></p>
<hr class="xh1 bg-white w3 ml0 mv5 bb-0 bl-0 br-0 bt-1 b--black">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">I think we can take another step back…</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Before <em>Asteroids</em> there was <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spacewar!">Spacewar!</a> <em>(Wikipedia).</em></p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80"><em>Spacewar</em> was developed in 1962 for the PDP-1 – cost: $120k then, $1.2m in today’s money, only 55 ever made.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80"><em>Spacewar</em> was the first popular video game. (That is, it may not have been the first graphical video game, but it was the first one popular enough to be copied to other locations). It was played mainly illicitly… the PDP-1 was a research computer, and the game was played after hours.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">It’s a simulation of space combat between two ships: the needle and the wedge.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">But it pointed at a new application of real-time computers. Brenda Laurel (in <em>Computers as Theatre)</em> observes that <em>Spacewar</em> showed that</p>
<blockquote class="bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">[the computer’s] interesting potential lay not in its ability to perform calculations but in its capacity to <em>represent action in which humans could participate.</em></p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Its popularity broke through: Stewart Brand wrote about <em>Spacewar</em> <a href="https://www.labouseur.com/courses/gamesem/rolling-stone-1972.pdf">in Rolling Stone magazine in 1972</a> <em>(pdf).</em></p>
<blockquote class="bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Ready or not, computers are coming to the people. That’s good news, maybe the best since psychedelics.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Brand used <em>Spacewar</em> as a subcultural phenomenon to introduce what was going on in those days with computing, and in particular at Xerox PARC. He got some good quotes. Here’s one:</p>
<blockquote class="bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Alan Kay: “The game of Spacewar blossoms spontaneously wherever there is a graphics display connected to a computer.”</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">And of course Stewart Brand, having <a href="/home/2021/05/05/strange_loop">been present at the birth of personal computing in 1968</a>, went on to be the first person to use <q>personal computer</q> in print (to mean the thing we mean today) in 1974. <a href="https://x.com/genmon/status/1660533557511479296">Here’s the Twitter thread where I asked him.</a></p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">ANYWAY.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80"><em>Spacewar</em> inspired <em>Asteroids.</em></p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">So. While “the wedge” spaceship in <em>Spacewar</em> isn’t visually identical to the ship in <em>Asteroids,</em> and therefore to Etak, and Google Maps, and the dart-arrow that appears in the iPhone, there’s the ancestry.</p>
<hr class="xh1 bg-white w3 ml0 mv5 bb-0 bl-0 br-0 bt-1 b--black">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">When you’re driving around in Google Maps, you’re piloting a spaceship in an ancient simulation of space warfare.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">That’s what I’m saying. And, like, does it <em>matter?</em> Does the connection <em>mean</em> anything?</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">I tend to believe that it does matter, yes, that vibe <em>transmits</em> somehow. A chair made by a carpenter who sits badly will impart their twisted stance on anyone who sits in it.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">I can’t tell you exactly why I think it’s worth looking at, or what would have been different had the original game been a digital Ouija Board or a virtual loom or proto-Farmville.</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">And if we disagree on whether it matters then that’s worth talking about too!</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Speculating on the counterfactuals, opening up whether it even matters, and finding joy in the interconnectedness of all things – that’s what the talk series is all about.</p>
<hr class="xh1 bg-white w3 ml0 mv5 bb-0 bl-0 br-0 bt-1 b--black">
<blockquote cite="https://longnow.org/essays/big-here-long-now/" class="quoteback bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i" data-author="Brian Eno" data-title="The Big Here and Long Now (01995)">
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">“Now” is never just a moment. The Long Now is the recognition that <u>the precise moment you’re in grows out of the past and is a seed for the future.</u></p>

<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">The lectures wind up in a meditation on the braided tendencies in computing of collaboration and control. These idealistic moments - effective and wrong-headed, we get both - in a technology that finds its evolution in ugly periods and repeatedly tends towards population control… can we take lessons from that, too?</p>
<p class="measure-wide f6 f5-l lh-copy black-80">Well. A story for another day.</p>

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<h1>Natural Language Geocoding</h1>
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Mis en cache le 2024-05-20
<p>In our increasingly data-driven world, the ability to quickly and accurately access geospatial data can transform industries from public health to urban planning. Imagine being able to locate and analyze data from ‘within 10 miles of the North Carolina coastline’ in mere seconds. Natural Language Geocoding makes this possible, bridging the gap between complex geospatial queries and user-friendly language. Let’s dive into how this innovative technology is changing the landscape of data analysis, making it more accessible and efficient. </p>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">Balancing user needs when identifying geospatial regions </h1>

<p>There are different design goals when allowing the user to specify spatial regions. </p>

<li><strong>It should be as easy as possible to specify the spatial region.</strong> The user shouldn’t have to spend a long time entering coordinates or dragging points around. Dragging a bounding box is an example of something that’s relatively easy on a desktop computer.</li>

<li><strong>The user should be able to express their intent precisely</strong>. This means that the most relevant search results will be found and relevant data analyzed. Uploading a shapefile to specify the exact coordinates is a way for the user to specify an exact area.</li>

<p>Both of these goals are important but achieving one can sometimes come at the expense of the other. Bounding boxes are a relatively simple mechanic for users, but are not very precise if the region in question doesn’t fit within a boxy shape. Conversely, dragging points to outline a more precise area with a polygon is both tricky and time-consuming. Finally, uploading an exact spatial area has the potential to produce a highly accurate region, but it requires too much time spent finding geojson areas or converting between shapefiles, KML, and GeoJSON before an upload is even possible. </p>

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full is-resized"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">A user-drawn bounding box around Florida; quick but imprecise.</figcaption></figure>

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full is-resized"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">A user-drawn polygon around Florida; more precise but takes time.</figcaption></figure>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to interact with spatial data</h1>

<p>With the above dilemma in mind, we’ve been considering the possibilities of implementing Natural Language Processing (NLP) as a strategy for enabling both precision and simplicity. What if the user could just describe the area they want and the system was smart enough to get just that?</p>

<p>The newer advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) from Large Language Models (LLM) combined with geospatial algorithms allow us to do just that. </p>

<p>Here are some examples of that.</p>

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full is-resized"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Natural Language “Florida” to spatial area (easy and precise).</figcaption></figure>

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full is-resized"></figure>

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full is-resized"></figure>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">What is Natural Language Geocoding? </h1>

<p>Natural Language Geocoding is a technology that allows users to interact with geospatial data systems using everyday language. This approach simplifies querying complex data sets without the need for specialized training in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).</p>

<p>If you look at traditional Geocoding APIs they use conventional search approaches to convert region names like “Canada” or addresses “123 Main St. New York, NY” to points or polygons. Natural Language Geocoding goes beyond this traditional approach in a few ways:</p>

<li>Users can specify region names, names of physical features, coastlines, etc.</li>

<li>Users can specify multiple regions; they can include spatial operations in their descriptions like “Between Florida and Cuba” or “Within 10 miles of Washington DC”</li>

<li>The end result of our approach generates a single Geometry, such as points, polygons, lines, etc, that precisely defines the area that was described by the user.</li>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">How would Natural Language Geocoding look in practice? </h1>

<p>We see Natural Language Geocoding as a component of a larger AI/Ml strategy. It could support many different use cases whenever a user needs to express a spatial area. We’ve highlighted a few examples below, but the possibilities extend far beyond the scope of this list. </p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Geospatial Data Discovery for Climate Change Analysis, Habitat Protection, and Scientific Research</h2>

<p>Imagine a feature including Natural Language Geocoding in a tool such as <a href="https://search.earthdata.nasa.gov/search" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">NASA’s Earthdata Search</a>. Scientists and researchers want to quickly identify and obtain the data they need without downloading data outside of the boundaries of their area of study. With Natural Language Geocoding, they’d be able to specify specific areas like “within 10 miles of the North Carolina coastline” in only a fraction of the time required to identify such a specific region without this feature. </p>

<p>Here’s an example of a tool that combines Image Embedding models with Natural Language Geocoding to allow searching for any features visible through satellite imagery. </p>

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full is-resized"><img src="/_gatsby/file/a4cb13ce9c447722fde717bd9580922c/image3-1.png?u=https%3A%2F%2Felement84.flywheelsites.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F05%2Fimage3-1.png" alt="Partial screenshot of the world map, the Natural Language Geocoding query selected is &amp;quot;Show me algal blooms within 2 miles of Cape Cod&amp;quot; and the portion of Massachusetts is appropriately outlined in a blue line. There is an image of the algal blooms tiled next to the map. " class="wp-image-25351 inline-gatsby-image-wrapper"></figure>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Geospatial Data Discovery for Healthcare and Epidemiology</h2>

<p>In healthcare, both time and accuracy are crucial. With access to this tool, public health officials and researchers can quickly identify spatial areas  related to disease outbreaks or healthcare access using natural language, streamlining the identification of high-risk areas and planning of healthcare services. For example, during an outbreak of dengue fever, public health officials can use Natural Language Geocoding to quickly locate all reported cases within ’50 miles of Rio de Janeiro city center’, allowing for rapid response and resource allocation.</p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Geospatial Data Discovery for Education</h2>

<p>The introduction of Natural Language Geocoding makes geospatial concepts more accessible to students and educators. With this tool, real-world spatial data analysis is integrated into the classroom without the need for complex GIS software training.</p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Geospatial Data Discovery for Public Policy/​​Real Estate/Urban Planning</h2>

<p>When it comes to policy and housing, through leveraging Natural Language Geocoding professionals become able to monitor urban growth, land use changes, and compliance with zoning laws, making governance more efficient and data-driven.</p>

<p>Widespread adoption of Natural Language Geocoding also streamlines the analysis of land use, zoning, and urban development projects by allowing planners and real estate developers to query geospatial data repositories with natural language, making site selection and planning processes more efficient.</p>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">How does Natural Language Geocoding work? </h1>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Spatial Operations in Natural Language Requests</h2>

<p>Natural language requests can be understood as directed graphs. In order for users to identify particular regions, different combinations can be interpreted as spatial operations: </p>

<li>In “California <strong>and</strong> Nevada”, the inclusion of “and” represents a union of two regions</li>

<li>In “The Great Lakes <strong>in</strong> Canada”, the inclusion of “in” represents the Intersection of two regions</li>

<li><strong>“Within 50 KM</strong> of Madrid” utilizes a buffer zone by including “within” and a specific KM range</li>

<p>By combining several of the above operations such as in, “The Iberian Peninsula north of Barcelona and France west of Paris”, the relative complexity and specificity can be increased. </p>

<p>These combinations can be thought of as a tree structure such as:</p>

<li>Directional Constraint
<li>Named Location: “Iberian Peninsula”</li>

<li>Named Location: Barcelona</li>

<li>Directional Constraint
<li>Named Location: “France”</li>



<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Large Language Models (LLMs) convert user intent into a tree structure</h2>

<p>LLMs have improved dramatically when it comes to converting user requests into data structures, and can even produce valid programmatic representations like JSON. This is the same approach that’s used for Agents, which allow LLMs to use APIs based on user requests. We’ve been able to use general purpose LLMs, like Claude 3 Sonnet, with a system prompt to perform conversion from a user query into a tree structure.</p>

<p>Our system prompt is divided into a few sections</p>

<li>Overview – Tells the LLM the overview of the job it has to perform</li>

<li>JSON Schema – Lists the JSON schema that that output must conform to.</li>

<li>Examples – A few examples of user queries and the output response.</li>

<li>Guidelines – A list of important rules to make sure the LLM generates the expected output.</li>

<p>The LLM returns a text based response which we can parse into instances of classes representing each node type. </p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Processing the tree</h2>

<p>At this point, processing the tree is fairly straightforward. Each node of the tree is processed from the leaves to the root. Named locations like “Washington DC” are converted into a Polygon using a database of known areas. Other tree nodes that are spatial operations are processed using geospatial algorithms. The end result is a single geospatial area that can be converted to GeoJSON or other formats for use. </p>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">Natural Language Geocoding Challenges and Potential Solutions </h1>

<p>I’ve encountered a few challenges with this approach, some of which I’ve been able to overcome and others that will take more time.</p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Disambiguating multiple responses in a geocoding API</h2>

<p>Geocoding databases can contain multiple entries for the same item like “Mississippi River”. When you ask it for something, like “Mississippi River”, there are multiple results that come back and only one of them refers to the entire river. You have to make sure to select the one that’s most likely going to refer to the area that the user wants.</p>

<p>Other examples of ambiguities can be present in an area’s name such as Portland, Maine and Paris, Texas. If the user asks for an area which is ambiguous, such as a city like Paris or Portland, there are a few ways to determine what the user actually means. </p>

<p>Firstly, context clues may provide an immediate resolution. For example if the user’s request is, “In Texas west of Paris” we can be confident that Paris, Texas is the city being referred to. If the request does not provide sufficient context, it may be possible to ask the user directly for clarification. Portland could refer to the city in Oregon or Maine. We can instruct the LLM to detect situations like this and tell us to prompt the user to clear the ambiguity. Finally, feedback may be available via visual maps. Pairing natural language understanding with visual tools, such as maps, is a clear way for users to confirm that their request was interpreted correctly. Because “Los Angeles” could mean the official boundary of Los Angeles or a greater Los Angeles metro area, a visual confirmation that the correct area was selected is a quick way to disambiguate and avoid confusion. </p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Missing areas</h2>

<p>Geocoding APIs contain things like countries, cities, individual addresses, and some natural features like rivers. This being said, the natural features included in these APIs are not all inclusive. Other natural features or broad areas like “Rocky Mountains” or the “Congo River Basin Rainforest” typically won’t be in a Geocoding API.</p>

<p>To remedy this problem, we’ll have to identify alternate sources for these kinds of areas. When it comes to coastlines specifically, I found a Natural Earth GeoJSON source containing all of the coastlines for the entire world. If a user requests an area like “California Coastline”, I can perform a spatial intersection of “California” plus a small buffer with the world coastline shape to extract the particular coastline of interest.</p>

<p>Options like the <a href="https://github.com/martynafford/natural-earth-geojson" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Natural Earth GeoJSON Github Repository</a> contain a large number of additional features like “Rocky Mountains”, but it is not a completely comprehensive resource. This being said, we haven’t found one single source that presents a full picture of this type of information. Further research and development is required on this topic, but a comprehensive understanding of natural features will likely require pulling from multiple sources like the repository referenced above and government websites.</p>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">Final Thoughts</h1>

<p>Element 84 has a robust background in geospatial data discovery and analysis. Throughout our time in the space, we’ve worked to streamline the process for users to find, acquire, and use the geospatial data they need  for various purposes. On a related note, we pride ourselves in our ability to maintain an current and up-to-date understanding of geospatial technologies, even as they evolve rapidly (and for a more comprehensive picture of our thoughts on up and coming technology, you can find more in our 2023 Geospatial Technology Radar). </p>

<p>As we detail throughout this blog, the introduction of Natural Language Geocoding as a tool in identifying geospatial regions represents huge potential for both reducing the time and effort required by users while also increasing precision and accuracy throughout the process. In addition to these general benefits, Natural Language Geocoding has huge potential in a variety of specific applications including climate change analysis, healthcare, education, and housing policy. </p>

<p>We’re working towards integrating natural language capabilities into geospatial analysis. At E84 we’re excited about anything we can do to shorten the distance and effort required to uncover answers to our world’s biggest questions, and increasing efficiency from the geospatial perspective is a large part of that. We’re working on <a href="https://element84.com/machine-learning/towards-a-queryable-earth-with-vision-language-foundation-models/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">other innovative solutions</a> and we’d love to hear from you if you’re interested in learning more about anything we’ve outlined in this post. Do you have applications that would benefit from Natural Language Geocoding? Are there particular ways of phrasing spatial areas that might be unique to your domain or user base? – <a href="https://www.element84.com/who-we-are/contact-us/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">connect with our team directly on our contact us page</a>!</p>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">Launching A New Geospatial AI Community</h1>

<p>Like many others in our community, we appreciate openness and collaboration between groups. We’re passionate about the intersection of geospatial technology and artificial intelligence and want to work with other enthusiasts, professionals, and newcomers who feel the same. We want to actively encourage a collaborative and vibrant environment where members can share knowledge, discuss challenges, and explore innovative solutions within geospatial AI. As we begin to shape this new community, we invite individuals from all backgrounds to provide their input on how we can shape this community to best support learning, sharing, and innovation in applying AI/ML to geospatial workloads. If you’re interested in getting involved, <a href="https://forms.gle/s5bayqE3cnRoqMkV9" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">fill out this form to learn more, express your interest, and share your ideas</a>.</p>


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title: Natural Language Geocoding
url: https://www.element84.com/machine-learning/natural-language-geocoding/
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archive_date: 2024-05-20
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description: We discuss how natural language geocoding is changing the landscape of data analysis, making it more accessible and efficient.
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<p>In our increasingly data-driven world, the ability to quickly and accurately access geospatial data can transform industries from public health to urban planning. Imagine being able to locate and analyze data from ‘within 10 miles of the North Carolina coastline’ in mere seconds. Natural Language Geocoding makes this possible, bridging the gap between complex geospatial queries and user-friendly language. Let’s dive into how this innovative technology is changing the landscape of data analysis, making it more accessible and efficient. </p>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">Balancing user needs when identifying geospatial regions </h1>

<p>There are different design goals when allowing the user to specify spatial regions. </p>

<li><strong>It should be as easy as possible to specify the spatial region.</strong> The user shouldn’t have to spend a long time entering coordinates or dragging points around. Dragging a bounding box is an example of something that’s relatively easy on a desktop computer.</li>

<li><strong>The user should be able to express their intent precisely</strong>. This means that the most relevant search results will be found and relevant data analyzed. Uploading a shapefile to specify the exact coordinates is a way for the user to specify an exact area.</li>

<p>Both of these goals are important but achieving one can sometimes come at the expense of the other. Bounding boxes are a relatively simple mechanic for users, but are not very precise if the region in question doesn’t fit within a boxy shape. Conversely, dragging points to outline a more precise area with a polygon is both tricky and time-consuming. Finally, uploading an exact spatial area has the potential to produce a highly accurate region, but it requires too much time spent finding geojson areas or converting between shapefiles, KML, and GeoJSON before an upload is even possible. </p>

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full is-resized"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">A user-drawn bounding box around Florida; quick but imprecise.</figcaption></figure>

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full is-resized"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">A user-drawn polygon around Florida; more precise but takes time.</figcaption></figure>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to interact with spatial data</h1>

<p>With the above dilemma in mind, we’ve been considering the possibilities of implementing Natural Language Processing (NLP) as a strategy for enabling both precision and simplicity. What if the user could just describe the area they want and the system was smart enough to get just that?</p>

<p>The newer advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) from Large Language Models (LLM) combined with geospatial algorithms allow us to do just that. </p>

<p>Here are some examples of that.</p>

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full is-resized"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption">Natural Language “Florida” to spatial area (easy and precise).</figcaption></figure>

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full is-resized"></figure>

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full is-resized"></figure>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">What is Natural Language Geocoding? </h1>

<p>Natural Language Geocoding is a technology that allows users to interact with geospatial data systems using everyday language. This approach simplifies querying complex data sets without the need for specialized training in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).</p>

<p>If you look at traditional Geocoding APIs they use conventional search approaches to convert region names like “Canada” or addresses “123 Main St. New York, NY” to points or polygons. Natural Language Geocoding goes beyond this traditional approach in a few ways:</p>

<li>Users can specify region names, names of physical features, coastlines, etc.</li>

<li>Users can specify multiple regions; they can include spatial operations in their descriptions like “Between Florida and Cuba” or “Within 10 miles of Washington DC”</li>

<li>The end result of our approach generates a single Geometry, such as points, polygons, lines, etc, that precisely defines the area that was described by the user.</li>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">How would Natural Language Geocoding look in practice? </h1>

<p>We see Natural Language Geocoding as a component of a larger AI/Ml strategy. It could support many different use cases whenever a user needs to express a spatial area. We’ve highlighted a few examples below, but the possibilities extend far beyond the scope of this list. </p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Geospatial Data Discovery for Climate Change Analysis, Habitat Protection, and Scientific Research</h2>

<p>Imagine a feature including Natural Language Geocoding in a tool such as <a href="https://search.earthdata.nasa.gov/search" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">NASA’s Earthdata Search</a>. Scientists and researchers want to quickly identify and obtain the data they need without downloading data outside of the boundaries of their area of study. With Natural Language Geocoding, they’d be able to specify specific areas like “within 10 miles of the North Carolina coastline” in only a fraction of the time required to identify such a specific region without this feature. </p>

<p>Here’s an example of a tool that combines Image Embedding models with Natural Language Geocoding to allow searching for any features visible through satellite imagery. </p>

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full is-resized"><img src="/_gatsby/file/a4cb13ce9c447722fde717bd9580922c/image3-1.png?u=https%3A%2F%2Felement84.flywheelsites.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F05%2Fimage3-1.png" alt="Partial screenshot of the world map, the Natural Language Geocoding query selected is &amp;quot;Show me algal blooms within 2 miles of Cape Cod&amp;quot; and the portion of Massachusetts is appropriately outlined in a blue line. There is an image of the algal blooms tiled next to the map. " class="wp-image-25351 inline-gatsby-image-wrapper"></figure>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Geospatial Data Discovery for Healthcare and Epidemiology</h2>

<p>In healthcare, both time and accuracy are crucial. With access to this tool, public health officials and researchers can quickly identify spatial areas  related to disease outbreaks or healthcare access using natural language, streamlining the identification of high-risk areas and planning of healthcare services. For example, during an outbreak of dengue fever, public health officials can use Natural Language Geocoding to quickly locate all reported cases within ’50 miles of Rio de Janeiro city center’, allowing for rapid response and resource allocation.</p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Geospatial Data Discovery for Education</h2>

<p>The introduction of Natural Language Geocoding makes geospatial concepts more accessible to students and educators. With this tool, real-world spatial data analysis is integrated into the classroom without the need for complex GIS software training.</p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Geospatial Data Discovery for Public Policy/​​Real Estate/Urban Planning</h2>

<p>When it comes to policy and housing, through leveraging Natural Language Geocoding professionals become able to monitor urban growth, land use changes, and compliance with zoning laws, making governance more efficient and data-driven.</p>

<p>Widespread adoption of Natural Language Geocoding also streamlines the analysis of land use, zoning, and urban development projects by allowing planners and real estate developers to query geospatial data repositories with natural language, making site selection and planning processes more efficient.</p>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">How does Natural Language Geocoding work? </h1>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Spatial Operations in Natural Language Requests</h2>

<p>Natural language requests can be understood as directed graphs. In order for users to identify particular regions, different combinations can be interpreted as spatial operations: </p>

<li>In “California <strong>and</strong> Nevada”, the inclusion of “and” represents a union of two regions</li>

<li>In “The Great Lakes <strong>in</strong> Canada”, the inclusion of “in” represents the Intersection of two regions</li>

<li><strong>“Within 50 KM</strong> of Madrid” utilizes a buffer zone by including “within” and a specific KM range</li>

<p>By combining several of the above operations such as in, “The Iberian Peninsula north of Barcelona and France west of Paris”, the relative complexity and specificity can be increased. </p>

<p>These combinations can be thought of as a tree structure such as:</p>

<li>Directional Constraint
<li>Named Location: “Iberian Peninsula”</li>

<li>Named Location: Barcelona</li>

<li>Directional Constraint
<li>Named Location: “France”</li>



<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Large Language Models (LLMs) convert user intent into a tree structure</h2>

<p>LLMs have improved dramatically when it comes to converting user requests into data structures, and can even produce valid programmatic representations like JSON. This is the same approach that’s used for Agents, which allow LLMs to use APIs based on user requests. We’ve been able to use general purpose LLMs, like Claude 3 Sonnet, with a system prompt to perform conversion from a user query into a tree structure.</p>

<p>Our system prompt is divided into a few sections</p>

<li>Overview – Tells the LLM the overview of the job it has to perform</li>

<li>JSON Schema – Lists the JSON schema that that output must conform to.</li>

<li>Examples – A few examples of user queries and the output response.</li>

<li>Guidelines – A list of important rules to make sure the LLM generates the expected output.</li>

<p>The LLM returns a text based response which we can parse into instances of classes representing each node type. </p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Processing the tree</h2>

<p>At this point, processing the tree is fairly straightforward. Each node of the tree is processed from the leaves to the root. Named locations like “Washington DC” are converted into a Polygon using a database of known areas. Other tree nodes that are spatial operations are processed using geospatial algorithms. The end result is a single geospatial area that can be converted to GeoJSON or other formats for use. </p>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">Natural Language Geocoding Challenges and Potential Solutions </h1>

<p>I’ve encountered a few challenges with this approach, some of which I’ve been able to overcome and others that will take more time.</p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Disambiguating multiple responses in a geocoding API</h2>

<p>Geocoding databases can contain multiple entries for the same item like “Mississippi River”. When you ask it for something, like “Mississippi River”, there are multiple results that come back and only one of them refers to the entire river. You have to make sure to select the one that’s most likely going to refer to the area that the user wants.</p>

<p>Other examples of ambiguities can be present in an area’s name such as Portland, Maine and Paris, Texas. If the user asks for an area which is ambiguous, such as a city like Paris or Portland, there are a few ways to determine what the user actually means. </p>

<p>Firstly, context clues may provide an immediate resolution. For example if the user’s request is, “In Texas west of Paris” we can be confident that Paris, Texas is the city being referred to. If the request does not provide sufficient context, it may be possible to ask the user directly for clarification. Portland could refer to the city in Oregon or Maine. We can instruct the LLM to detect situations like this and tell us to prompt the user to clear the ambiguity. Finally, feedback may be available via visual maps. Pairing natural language understanding with visual tools, such as maps, is a clear way for users to confirm that their request was interpreted correctly. Because “Los Angeles” could mean the official boundary of Los Angeles or a greater Los Angeles metro area, a visual confirmation that the correct area was selected is a quick way to disambiguate and avoid confusion. </p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Missing areas</h2>

<p>Geocoding APIs contain things like countries, cities, individual addresses, and some natural features like rivers. This being said, the natural features included in these APIs are not all inclusive. Other natural features or broad areas like “Rocky Mountains” or the “Congo River Basin Rainforest” typically won’t be in a Geocoding API.</p>

<p>To remedy this problem, we’ll have to identify alternate sources for these kinds of areas. When it comes to coastlines specifically, I found a Natural Earth GeoJSON source containing all of the coastlines for the entire world. If a user requests an area like “California Coastline”, I can perform a spatial intersection of “California” plus a small buffer with the world coastline shape to extract the particular coastline of interest.</p>

<p>Options like the <a href="https://github.com/martynafford/natural-earth-geojson" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Natural Earth GeoJSON Github Repository</a> contain a large number of additional features like “Rocky Mountains”, but it is not a completely comprehensive resource. This being said, we haven’t found one single source that presents a full picture of this type of information. Further research and development is required on this topic, but a comprehensive understanding of natural features will likely require pulling from multiple sources like the repository referenced above and government websites.</p>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">Final Thoughts</h1>

<p>Element 84 has a robust background in geospatial data discovery and analysis. Throughout our time in the space, we’ve worked to streamline the process for users to find, acquire, and use the geospatial data they need  for various purposes. On a related note, we pride ourselves in our ability to maintain an current and up-to-date understanding of geospatial technologies, even as they evolve rapidly (and for a more comprehensive picture of our thoughts on up and coming technology, you can find more in our 2023 Geospatial Technology Radar). </p>

<p>As we detail throughout this blog, the introduction of Natural Language Geocoding as a tool in identifying geospatial regions represents huge potential for both reducing the time and effort required by users while also increasing precision and accuracy throughout the process. In addition to these general benefits, Natural Language Geocoding has huge potential in a variety of specific applications including climate change analysis, healthcare, education, and housing policy. </p>

<p>We’re working towards integrating natural language capabilities into geospatial analysis. At E84 we’re excited about anything we can do to shorten the distance and effort required to uncover answers to our world’s biggest questions, and increasing efficiency from the geospatial perspective is a large part of that. We’re working on <a href="https://element84.com/machine-learning/towards-a-queryable-earth-with-vision-language-foundation-models/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">other innovative solutions</a> and we’d love to hear from you if you’re interested in learning more about anything we’ve outlined in this post. Do you have applications that would benefit from Natural Language Geocoding? Are there particular ways of phrasing spatial areas that might be unique to your domain or user base? – <a href="https://www.element84.com/who-we-are/contact-us/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">connect with our team directly on our contact us page</a>!</p>

<h1 class="wp-block-heading">Launching A New Geospatial AI Community</h1>

<p>Like many others in our community, we appreciate openness and collaboration between groups. We’re passionate about the intersection of geospatial technology and artificial intelligence and want to work with other enthusiasts, professionals, and newcomers who feel the same. We want to actively encourage a collaborative and vibrant environment where members can share knowledge, discuss challenges, and explore innovative solutions within geospatial AI. As we begin to shape this new community, we invite individuals from all backgrounds to provide their input on how we can shape this community to best support learning, sharing, and innovation in applying AI/ML to geospatial workloads. If you’re interested in getting involved, <a href="https://forms.gle/s5bayqE3cnRoqMkV9" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">fill out this form to learn more, express your interest, and share your ideas</a>.</p>

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<h1>Understanding AuDHD: The Co-Occurence of Autism and ADHD</h1>
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<p>AuDHD refers to the co-occurrence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (<a href="https://www.relationalpsych.group/tags/adhd">ADHD</a>) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (<a href="https://www.relationalpsych.group/tags/autism">ASD</a>). This term has developed in the last few years within neurodivergent communities to acknowledge the unique experience of having both of these neurodevelopmental conditions. While more people are becoming knowledgeable about the various presentations of ADHD and autism, the interaction of these conditions is still under researched. By building greater awareness of the frequency with which ADHD and autism co-occur and understanding of the ways in which traits and symptoms overlap, perhaps more people who identify with these experiences can find clarity and direction for care.</p>
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<h2>Differentiating ADHD, Autism, and AuDHD</h2>
<p>To understand the nature of AuDHD, it is important to understand the aspects of ADHD and autism that are unique to each neurotype.</p>
<p>ADHD is characterized by differences in attention, executive functioning, reward-seeking, and activity levels.</p>
<ul role="list"><li>Traits that are common with ADHD include:<ul role="list"><li>Tendencies to hyperfocus on a wide-range of interests, some of which may be long-lasting while many are maintained intensely for a shorter period of time before finding a new interest</li><li>Needing movement, fidgeting, or stimming to assist with maintaining focus and regulating emotion</li><li>Changes in attention regulation depending on the level of interest in the subject or urgency inherent to the tasksome text<ul role="list"><li>This can look like the individual becoming bored easily, craving novelty, or having a strong ability to respond quickly and calmly in crisis situations</li></ul></li><li>Impact to working memory and processing speed</li><li>Social interactions impacted by impulsivity and differences in focus</li><li>Difficulties switching focus leading to challenges with transitioning between tasks</li></ul></li></ul>
<p>Autism is characterized by differences in social interaction, information processing, communication, sensory processing, and behavior. </p>
<ul role="list"><li>Traits that are common with autism include:<ul role="list"><li>Hyper and/or hypo-awareness of sensory information. The level of sensitivity an autistic individual can also vary depending on factors like stress and sleep.</li><li>Difficulty identifying and naming feelings or associating physical sensations with emotions</li><li>Tendencies to hyperfocus on a few interests for an extended period of time</li><li>Preference for interpersonal connection through interests</li><li>Pattern recognition</li><li>Tendencies toward concrete or literal thinking</li><li>Preference for direct and precise communication</li><li>Benefiting from routine, order, and clear expectations, particularly when under stress or when demands are made of them</li><li>Impacted motor skills</li><li>Differences in verbal and non-verbal communication</li><li>Highly developed sense of morality and justice</li><li>Needing time alone </li></ul></li></ul>
<p>There are many traits and behaviors common to both ADHD and autism, including stimming, <a href="https://www.relationalpsych.group/articles/understanding-rejection-sensitive-dysphoria-and-its-connection-to-adhd">emotional sensitivity</a>, being driven by interests, difficulties with executive functions, impacted processing speed, and differences with interoception, perception of time, and non-linear ways of learning. Additionally, having asynchronous development over childhood is often associated with both ADHD and autism. </p>
<p>AuDHD represents a blend of ADHD and autistic traits, leading to unique experiences and challenges. When the underlying needs of ADHD and autism interact, it can feel like a tug of war for the AuDHDer - Do I need routine or spontaneity? Newness or familiarity? Busyness or a steady pace? Though these examples are quite simplistic, they illustrate the internal confusion of the AuDHDer attempting to address their needs. </p>
<p>The presentation of AuDHD is highly variable, and still understudied, but here are some examples of common AuDHD experiences:</p>
<ul role="list"><li>Being highly organized to compensate for internal disorganization, or, being easily overwhelmed by mess or disorganization while struggling to keep things in order</li><li>Frequently burning out from busyness and social overwhelm, but still struggling to slow down and keep a sustainable pace</li><li>Cyclical patterns with energy, experiencing big bursts of energy followed by a crash</li><li>Impulsively making changes and then experiencing significant anxiety due to the change and struggling to adjust</li><li>Regularly creating new routines they attempt to stick to</li><li>Seeking out new things, but only with familiar people or while completing things in a familiar process</li><li>Specific interests may routinely change topic or theme</li><li>Coming up with new ways of doing the same task, allowing them to experience something new while minimizing their anxiety around change<a href="https://autisticgirlsnetwork.org/audhd/"><sup>[1]</sup></a></li></ul>
<p>Having both ADHD and autism can lead to the traits of each condition masking each other. When an AuDHDer does not present as typically autistic or typically ADHD, it can make it more challenging for providers, <a href="https://www.relationalpsych.group/articles/self-advocacy-strategies-for-neurodivergent-adults">employers</a>, teachers, or family members to catch onto their true diagnoses. </p>
<h2>Diagnostic Challenges and Approaches</h2>
<p>Until 2013, clinical guidelines stated that autism and ADHD could not be diagnosed simultaneously, indicating the long-held belief that an individual could be autistic or have ADHD, but not both. While this may have maintained clarity between diagnostic categories, this practice also led to many neurodivergent individuals receiving no or incomplete diagnoses due to the non-”typical” presentation of their symptoms. A study by researchers at Duke University found that up to 50% of people diagnosed autistic also exhibit ADHD symptoms and that characteristics of autism are present in two-thirds of people diagnosed with ADHD.<a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s13311-012-0126-9"><sup>[2]</sup></a></p>
<p>Some researchers posit that the experience identified as AuDHD may not be the co-occurence of autism and ADHD, but may describe increased severity of an attentional trait present in all autistic individuals. From this perspective, the differences in attention found in AuDHD-identified people may be affected by heightened attentional abilities present in autism (too much attention to internal and external stimuli), rather than the “attention deficit” of ADHD (too little regulation of attention). These researchers call for more nuanced analysis of the neuropsychological features present in these conditions to clarify their relationship and to optimize treatment approaches.<a href="https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.837424"><sup>[3]</sup></a></p>
<p>As indicated by the differences in diagnostic perspectives represented above, <a href="https://www.relationalpsych.group/articles/how-to-get-tested-for-adult-adhd">diagnosing both autism and ADHD</a> can be complex. However, it is invaluable for AuDHDers to have both their autistic and ADHD experiences acknowledged, understood, respected, and addressed. Many AuDHDers find diagnostic clarity through extensive personal research and involvement with neurodivergent communities. Others find comprehensive evaluations with mental health professionals to be the tool most useful for finding clarity and direction for care. For many, the decision of which route to go is highly dependent on their need for and ability to access specific services, which of can require a formal diagnosis, and the extent to which they feel they are able to parse out their experiences independently.</p>
<h2>Treatment Considerations for AuDHD</h2>
<p>AuDHD typically requires a highly individualized approach as the needs and experiences of AuDHDers vary greatly. For those interested in psychotherapy for support, it can be important to seek out a therapist who is neurodiversity-affirming and familiar with adult presentations of autism and ADHD. Neurodiversity-affirming therapy varies based on the therapeutic modality of the clinician and often can assist with building self-understanding, integrating AuDHD identity, addressing emotional, physical, and relational needs, and developing strategies for advocating for and accommodating oneself in various aspects of life. Neurodivergent coaching can be particularly beneficial for those seeking non-clinical, practical understanding and ideas tailored to their unique needs. </p>
<p>For AuDHDers interested in pursuing medication to assist with managing certain symptoms or co-occurring concerns, such as anxiety or depression, a personalized and nuanced approach is also needed. Working with a medication provider familiar with the nuances of both autism and ADHD can help with addressing the unique needs of AuDHDers. Some ADHD medications have been shown to be helpful in treating the overlap of symptoms of AuDHD, particularly those centered on attention and activity level, while some neuroleptic medications that act upon dopamine receptors in the nervous system can assist with irritability and stimming-related self-injury. Research has shown that certain stimulants, including amphetamine and methylphenidate, can be less effective and cause more side effects when taken by AuDHDers than when they are used to treat ADHD alone.<a href="http://chadd.org/about-adhd/adhd-and-autism-spectrum-disorder/"><sup>[4]</sup></a> </p>
<p>Understanding the intersection of ADHD and autism is essential for the accurate diagnosing and most beneficial support for AuDHDers. Because the needs and challenges of ADHD and autism present uniquely when combined, the awareness and recognition of interacting traits can provide much needed insight and open up new avenues for accommodations, services, and support. </p>
<p>A few resources for continuing to learn about AuDHD include:</p>
<ul role="list"><li><a href="https://neurodivergentinsights.com/">Neurodivergent Insights</a></li><li><a href="https://autisticadvocacy.org/">Autistic Self-Advocacy Network</a></li><li><a href="https://www.relationalpsych.group/services/seattle-psychological-assessment">Comprehensive psychological assessment in Seattle from Relational Psych</a></li></ul>
<h2>Common Questions About AuDHD</h2>
<h3>What is AuDHD?</h3>
<p>AuDHD refers to the co-occurrence of <a href="https://www.relationalpsych.group/tags/adhd">Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)</a> and <a href="https://www.relationalpsych.group/tags/autism">Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)</a>. It describes the unique experience of having traits and symptoms of both neurodevelopmental conditions.</p>
<h3>How common is it to have both ADHD and autism?</h3>
<p>Research suggests that up to 50% of people diagnosed with autism also exhibit ADHD symptoms, and characteristics of autism are present in two-thirds of people diagnosed with ADHD.</p>
<h3>What are some common traits of AuDHD?</h3>
<p>Common AuDHD traits include a blend of ADHD and autistic characteristics, such as hyperfocus on interests, difficulty with transitions, sensory sensitivities, impulsivity, and challenges with social interactions.</p>
<h3>How is AuDHD diagnosed?</h3>
<p>Diagnosing AuDHD can be complex due to the overlapping symptoms of ADHD and autism. Some individuals find clarity through personal research and involvement with <a href="https://www.relationalpsych.group/categories/neurodivergence">neurodivergent</a> communities, while others benefit from comprehensive evaluations with <a href="https://www.relationalpsych.group/services/seattle-psychological-assessment">mental health professionals</a>.</p>
<h3>What treatment options are available for AuDHD?</h3>
<p>Treatment for AuDHD typically involves a personalized approach that may include <a href="https://www.relationalpsych.group/services/seattle-individual-psychotherapy">psychotherapy</a>, neurodiversity-affirming support, and sometimes <a href="https://www.relationalpsych.group/tags/medication">medication</a> to manage specific symptoms or co-occurring concerns like <a href="https://www.relationalpsych.group/categories/depression">anxiety or depression</a>.</p>
<h3>Where can I find more information about AuDHD?</h3>
<p>Resources for learning more about AuDHD include <a href="https://neurodivergentinsights.com/">Neurodivergent Insights</a> and the <a href="https://autisticadvocacy.org/">Autistic Self-Advocacy Network</a>.</p>


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<h1>Mélanaïlourologos - Le Combat syndicaliste</h1>
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Mis en cache le 2024-05-20
<p>Depuis quelques mois, je réalise des petites BD sur le même principe qu'Étymographie dans <a href="https://www.cnt-f.org/spip.php?rubrique10" target="_blank">Le Combat syndicaliste</a>, le journal de la <a href="https://www.cnt-f.org/" target="_blank">CNT-F</a>. Je les mets à l'occasion sur <a href="https://www.instagram.com/boutanox/" target="_blank">Instagram</a>, mais je ne veux pas non plus totalement laisser mourir mon cher blog, d'autant qu'il y a peut-être une ou deux personnes qui y vont encore et boudent les réseaux sociaux, sait-on jamais... En voici donc trois :</p>
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title: Mélanaïlourologos - Le Combat syndicaliste
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hash_url: 8a50a4b5f8ead46ca899437425315367
archive_date: 2024-05-20
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description: Depuis quelques mois, je réalise des petites BD sur le même principe qu'Étymographie dans Le Combat syndicaliste , le journal de la CNT-F ....
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<p>Depuis quelques mois, je réalise des petites BD sur le même principe qu'Étymographie dans <a href="https://www.cnt-f.org/spip.php?rubrique10" target="_blank">Le Combat syndicaliste</a>, le journal de la <a href="https://www.cnt-f.org/" target="_blank">CNT-F</a>. Je les mets à l'occasion sur <a href="https://www.instagram.com/boutanox/" target="_blank">Instagram</a>, mais je ne veux pas non plus totalement laisser mourir mon cher blog, d'autant qu'il y a peut-être une ou deux personnes qui y vont encore et boudent les réseaux sociaux, sait-on jamais... En voici donc trois :</p><p><br></p>
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<h1>Oser la confiance</h1>
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Mis en cache le 2024-05-20
<p>On m’a conseillé ce livre, voici donc quelques notes. Je ne partais pas gagnant
parce que j’avais un peu peur de l’approche très « managériale », mais (bien
qu’elle soit présente) ce n’était pas bloquant pour moi. J’ai eu quelques
belles surprises au passage. </p>
<p>Le tout est quand même emprunt d’une vision capitaliste du monde, dans laquelle
la croissance des entreprises est indispensable. Ça mis de côté, plein de bons bouts.</p>
<p>Ainsi, peu à peu, sont sorties les conditions de la libération de l’énergie: </p>
<li>La franchise sur la réalité de la situation.</li>
<li>L’appel à tous, qui reconnaît la valeur de chacun et solidarise l’entreprise.</li>
<li>Pas d’exclu.</li>
<li>L’écoute préalable à toute déclaration pour ouvrir le champ sans limites.</li>
<li>La liberté jusqu’au bout, sans contrôle, qui responsabilise et permet l’appropriation.</li>
<li>La confiance jusqu’au bout qui appelle la confiance.</li>
<p>– page 33.</p>
<p>Une liste intéressante à plein d’égards. Il est rappelé à plusieurs endroits le
rôle de la « confiance jusqu’au bout », qu’on peut opposer à la méfiance, je crois.</p>
<p>Cette confiance, qui naît et se nourrit de réciprocité n’est-elle pas une
folie ? C’est pourtant bien dans ce regard que l’autre peut se construire. Et la
méfiance, si minime soit-elle, est destructrice.</p>
<p>Permettre l’appropriation qui engendre la motivation, c’est accepter de
se dépouiller. <strong>Est-il acceptable, est-il même normal pour celui qui a la
responsabilité du pouvoir d’abandonner ainsi son pouvoir, d’en abandonner
l’exercice, même en partie ? Le pouvoir est si agréable.</strong></p>
<p>Respecter la parole et la pensée de l’autre, lui laisser cet espace de liberté
qui lui permettra d’exercer ses talents et sa responsabilité, de développer son
jugement, est bien difficile lorsque l’on croit détenir la vérité. Il est bien
réconfortant de croire que l’on sait. Un chef d’entreprise me disait : « Le plus
difficile pour moi, c’est de me taire lorsque je connais la solution… »</p>
<p>Donner l’autonomie, la liberté qui va permettre la croissance de la personne,
n’est-ce pas prendre le risque de l’erreur, de l’accident, de l’incohérence ?
Casser l’ordre qui fige, qui empêche d’avancer, laisser s’établir et durer un
désordre chaotique d’où pourra jaillir la vie, est-ce bien acceptable ?</p>
<p><strong>Ces questions […] sont des interrogations jamais closes comme des appels, des
fenêtres toujours ouvertes vers un avenir meilleur. Elles dépendent […] de nos
convictions, mais aussi de nos limites et de nos peurs.</strong></p>
<p>Tenter d’y répondre, c’est accepter de se remettre en question et avancer,
c’est un cheminement individuel et collectif où chaque pas assuré, chaque étape
atteinte, est un nouveau point de départ.</p>
<p>— page 65.</p>
<p>Il s’agit […] de retrouver ce que l’on appelle la combinaison
de la Protection, de la Permission, et de la Puissance [en analyse transactionnelle].</p>
<p>Par Protection, on entend toutes les interventions qui
définissent les règles du jeu, les valeurs qui vont être mises en œuvre
(confiance, transparence, language de vérité, respect des personnes, désir
d’encouragement, considération de l’autre, écoute…). <strong>Cette Protection est aussi
la garantie qu’en cas de difficulté, de fragilité ou d’erreur, la personne
trouvera un appui</strong>, conformément à une règle du jeu clairement définie […] de façon a
protéger l’équipe, tant des dangers venant de l’extérieur que de ses propres
fragilités internes.</p>
<p>De même que l’on ne part pas en montagne sans cordes et matériel pour éviter
les accidents, la prise de risque nécessaire au changement doit être « assurée »,
« protégée ».</p>
<p>Je ne connais pas bien l’analyse transactionnelle, mais je m’en méfie un peu,
surement plus par ignorance que par connaissance.</p>
<p>Je trouve cependant que les différents « P » (Protection, Permission, Puissance) qui sont
proposés sont intéressants quand il s’agit de parler de confiance, de légitimité
et de collaboration. Je suis content de rencontrer ces termes.</p>
<p>[…] La Permission est […] le pouvoir de dire oui, ce qui suppose de la
part des protagonistes […] une attitude de « parent nourricier » qui soutient,
encourage, met de la chaleur, crée de la confiance, met en œuvre chez les
personnes l’effet « Pygmalion ».</p>
<p>Il évoque la métaphore de « la belle au bois dormant » (je paraphrase)</p>
<li>Le poison commence à se diriger vers le cœur</li>
<li>Une bonne fée l’endort pour la protégér</li>
<li>Un prince charmant veut la réveiller, pensant la sauver, mais…</li>
<li>Quand elle se réveille, le poison continue son chemin et la tue.</li>
<p>Combien de formateurs […] se prévalent de ce beau rôle […] et amènent les
individus ou les organisations à vivre des exp^ériences apparemment souhaitables
ou désirées dont l’issue est plus ou moins fatale. On invite les personnes à
s’exprimer et on les sanctionne ensuite.</p>
<p>Non ! Attention: pas de Permission sans Protection préalable.</p>
<p>– page 70-71.</p>
<p>Le circuit de la confiance</p>
<li>Protection et permission visant à la confiance</li>
<li>Régulation (partage des représentations)</li>
<li>Subtilité, reconnaissance de l’autre comme sujet</li>
<li>Intimité, partage des confidences</li>
<li>Créativité, résolution de problèmes</li>
<li>Opérationnalité débloquée et performante</li>
<li>Résultats et feedback</li>
<li>Satisfaction, motivation</li>
<li>retour à la première étape</li>
<p>– page 78</p>
<h2 id="faire-equipe">Faire équipe</h2>
<div class="align-center">
<img src="/images/confiance/equipe-performante.jpg">

<p>Pour qu’une équipe soit performante, elle doit successivement <strong>franchir ces trois étapes</strong>:</p>
<li>La collection d’individus où <strong>les gens sont centrés</strong> sur une technique, une
fonction relativement individualisée, <strong>sur une performance personnelle</strong> et une
dynamique souvent encombrée par la logique des territoires.</li>
<li>Le groupe solidaire intégrant des logiques différentes et passant d’une
monologique à une dialogique [au sens d’Edgar Morin], optimisant des décisions
dans des processus transverses. <strong>Il se crée donc une solidarité, une écoute
réciproque et le désir de dépasser des points de vue souvent opposés ou
contradictoires, de sortir de la logique des territoires</strong>.</li>
<li>Dans l’équipe performante, troisième étape, <strong>les personnes ont suffisamment
conscience de leur identité et de leur complémentarité pour pouvoir la dépasser
et se centrer sur le sens et la vision commune</strong>. Chacun se sent porteur du tout et
vit une approche de type holomorphique; chaque fonction est porteuse du tout et
chacun se sent responsable de la pérénité [du groupe].</li>
<p>J’aime bien cette vision de l’évolution d’une équipe, et j’ai l’impression de
pouvoir la voir parfoisà l’œuvre. Content de passer les étapes.</p>
<h2 id="le-deficit-didentite">Le déficit d’identité</h2>
<p>Si la personne n’a pas trouvé son identité et la sécurité ontologique de
celui qui sait qui il est, il va se produire une interaction parasitaire, où
l’identité, insuffisante, conduit la personne à s’investir désespérément dans un
niveau de pouvoir qui se nourrit d’au moins sept niveaux de réalité [conscient,
inconscient, opérationnel, fonction, entreprise, environnement, metasens]</p>
<p>Prenons l’exemple d’une réunion, qui a un ordre du jour indiqué dans le niveau
opérationnel: au lieu de se concentrer sur la résolution d’un problème ou la
prise de décision opérationnelle, l’enjeu et l’investissement de la personne
déficiente en identité (ou en mutation déstabilisante pour elle-même), va se
récupérer au niveau du pouvoir ; elle va chercher à asseoir son pouvoir et le
nourrir de tout ce qui peut se passer au niveau relationnel, ou dans des jeux
plus ou moins inconscients, ou bien dans une guerre de territoires où elle
va surinvestir la définition de sa fonction ; ou bien elle va se positionner
dans l’entreprise et tirer les objectifs de l’entreprise au profit de ses
oibjectifs personnels, ou bien utiliser tout ce qui vient de son environnement
pour renforcer son pouvoir, ou enfin justifier son attitude de pouvoir par
des élements venants du métasens (politique, culture, éthique, spirituel, etc).</p>
<p><strong>Il sera donc nécessaire pour la personne qui gère le changement de
prendre en compte ce déficit identitaire</strong>, ce surinvestissement du niveau de
pouvoir et de faire le lien entre les neufs niveaux de sens [environnemental,
organisationnel, managérial, professionnel, vie privée, psychologique,
existentiel, spirituel, confessionnel] pour dégager la problématique
opérationnelle de tout ce qui la parasite. <strong>Ainsi, cette personne agira pour
traiter le problème là où se trouve le blocage du sens et seulement après,
reviendra à l’ordre du jour opérationnel</strong>.</p>
<p>Je suis content de voir l’aspect pouvoir mis en regard avec l’aspect de déficit
d’identité, comme quoi on pourrait chercher à accroitre son pouvoir lorsqu’on ne
se sens pas bien dans son identité (au sein du travail).</p>
<p>Je me demande encore comment on peut faire en sorte de déjouer ces dynamiques de
manière efficace.</p>
<p>[…] Les responsables se doivent d’être vigilants en face de toutes
les récupérations ou les manipulations dont ils peuvent être les objets ou les
sujets et veiller, par un questionnement éthique […]
à ce que leur situation de pouvoir ne devienne pas le lieu où ils perdent un peu
ou beaucoup de leur âme. […] <strong>La question permanente reste toujours posée: quelle est
la véritable finalité? Le bien commun, le service, ou l’égoïsme individuel</strong> ou
celui d’une groupe mafieux ?</p>
<p>Mettre l’essentiel au cœur de l’immportant ne consiste pas à faire de
l’entreprise une idole, une finalité en soi. Cela consiste au contraire à voir
que l’entreprise est un lieu de vie qui a aussi sa naissance et sa mort, qui
doit vivre ses cycles. Comme une école qui peut être un lieu de développement
transitoire des personnes, <strong>l’entreprise ne trouvera son équilibre que dans la
mesure où son positionnement sera effectivement celui d’un lieu de croissance et
d’un lieu de vie</strong>.</p>
<p>Bon, j’imagine que le côté « croissance » est questionnable, mais je pense qu’on
peut voir les choses sous l’angle positif de la croissance humaine, et non pas
uniquement économique.</p>
<p>[…] Je pense effectivement que <strong>les meilleurs seront ceux qui chercheront
dans l’entreprise non pas la finalité de leur existence, mais le lieu où ils
pourront développer au mieux leur propre potentiel</strong>.</p>


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hasDarkRules = true
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title: Oser la confiance
url: https://blog.notmyidea.org/oser-la-confiance.html
hash_url: f0f339af451863ac8580a9fb65a58e99
archive_date: 2024-05-20
og_image: https://blog.notmyidea.org/images/confiance/equipe-performante.jpg
description: On m’a conseillé ce livre, voici donc quelques notes.
favicon: https://blog.notmyidea.org/favicon-32x32.png
language: fr_FR

<p>On m’a conseillé ce livre, voici donc quelques notes. Je ne partais pas gagnant
parce que j’avais un peu peur de l’approche très « managériale », mais (bien
qu’elle soit présente) ce n’était pas bloquant pour moi. J’ai eu quelques
belles surprises au passage. </p>
<p>Le tout est quand même emprunt d’une vision capitaliste du monde, dans laquelle
la croissance des entreprises est indispensable. Ça mis de côté, plein de bons bouts.</p>
<p>Ainsi, peu à peu, sont sorties les conditions de la libération de l’énergie: </p>
<li>La franchise sur la réalité de la situation.</li>
<li>L’appel à tous, qui reconnaît la valeur de chacun et solidarise l’entreprise.</li>
<li>Pas d’exclu.</li>
<li>L’écoute préalable à toute déclaration pour ouvrir le champ sans limites.</li>
<li>La liberté jusqu’au bout, sans contrôle, qui responsabilise et permet l’appropriation.</li>
<li>La confiance jusqu’au bout qui appelle la confiance.</li>
<p>– page 33.</p>
<p>Une liste intéressante à plein d’égards. Il est rappelé à plusieurs endroits le
rôle de la « confiance jusqu’au bout », qu’on peut opposer à la méfiance, je crois.</p>
<p>Cette confiance, qui naît et se nourrit de réciprocité n’est-elle pas une
folie ? C’est pourtant bien dans ce regard que l’autre peut se construire. Et la
méfiance, si minime soit-elle, est destructrice.</p>
<p>Permettre l’appropriation qui engendre la motivation, c’est accepter de
se dépouiller. <strong>Est-il acceptable, est-il même normal pour celui qui a la
responsabilité du pouvoir d’abandonner ainsi son pouvoir, d’en abandonner
l’exercice, même en partie ? Le pouvoir est si agréable.</strong></p>
<p>Respecter la parole et la pensée de l’autre, lui laisser cet espace de liberté
qui lui permettra d’exercer ses talents et sa responsabilité, de développer son
jugement, est bien difficile lorsque l’on croit détenir la vérité. Il est bien
réconfortant de croire que l’on sait. Un chef d’entreprise me disait : « Le plus
difficile pour moi, c’est de me taire lorsque je connais la solution… »</p>
<p>Donner l’autonomie, la liberté qui va permettre la croissance de la personne,
n’est-ce pas prendre le risque de l’erreur, de l’accident, de l’incohérence ?
Casser l’ordre qui fige, qui empêche d’avancer, laisser s’établir et durer un
désordre chaotique d’où pourra jaillir la vie, est-ce bien acceptable ?</p>
<p><strong>Ces questions […] sont des interrogations jamais closes comme des appels, des
fenêtres toujours ouvertes vers un avenir meilleur. Elles dépendent […] de nos
convictions, mais aussi de nos limites et de nos peurs.</strong></p>
<p>Tenter d’y répondre, c’est accepter de se remettre en question et avancer,
c’est un cheminement individuel et collectif où chaque pas assuré, chaque étape
atteinte, est un nouveau point de départ.</p>
<p>— page 65.</p>
<p>Il s’agit […] de retrouver ce que l’on appelle la combinaison
de la Protection, de la Permission, et de la Puissance [en analyse transactionnelle].</p>
<p>Par Protection, on entend toutes les interventions qui
définissent les règles du jeu, les valeurs qui vont être mises en œuvre
(confiance, transparence, language de vérité, respect des personnes, désir
d’encouragement, considération de l’autre, écoute…). <strong>Cette Protection est aussi
la garantie qu’en cas de difficulté, de fragilité ou d’erreur, la personne
trouvera un appui</strong>, conformément à une règle du jeu clairement définie […] de façon a
protéger l’équipe, tant des dangers venant de l’extérieur que de ses propres
fragilités internes.</p>
<p>De même que l’on ne part pas en montagne sans cordes et matériel pour éviter
les accidents, la prise de risque nécessaire au changement doit être « assurée »,
« protégée ».</p>
<p>Je ne connais pas bien l’analyse transactionnelle, mais je m’en méfie un peu,
surement plus par ignorance que par connaissance.</p>
<p>Je trouve cependant que les différents « P » (Protection, Permission, Puissance) qui sont
proposés sont intéressants quand il s’agit de parler de confiance, de légitimité
et de collaboration. Je suis content de rencontrer ces termes.</p>
<p>[…] La Permission est […] le pouvoir de dire oui, ce qui suppose de la
part des protagonistes […] une attitude de « parent nourricier » qui soutient,
encourage, met de la chaleur, crée de la confiance, met en œuvre chez les
personnes l’effet « Pygmalion ».</p>
<p>Il évoque la métaphore de « la belle au bois dormant » (je paraphrase)</p>
<li>Le poison commence à se diriger vers le cœur</li>
<li>Une bonne fée l’endort pour la protégér</li>
<li>Un prince charmant veut la réveiller, pensant la sauver, mais…</li>
<li>Quand elle se réveille, le poison continue son chemin et la tue.</li>
<p>Combien de formateurs […] se prévalent de ce beau rôle […] et amènent les
individus ou les organisations à vivre des exp^ériences apparemment souhaitables
ou désirées dont l’issue est plus ou moins fatale. On invite les personnes à
s’exprimer et on les sanctionne ensuite.</p>
<p>Non ! Attention: pas de Permission sans Protection préalable.</p>
<p>– page 70-71.</p>
<p>Le circuit de la confiance</p>
<li>Protection et permission visant à la confiance</li>
<li>Régulation (partage des représentations)</li>
<li>Subtilité, reconnaissance de l’autre comme sujet</li>
<li>Intimité, partage des confidences</li>
<li>Créativité, résolution de problèmes</li>
<li>Opérationnalité débloquée et performante</li>
<li>Résultats et feedback</li>
<li>Satisfaction, motivation</li>
<li>retour à la première étape</li>
<p>– page 78</p>
<h2 id="faire-equipe">Faire équipe</h2>
<div class="align-center">
<img src="/images/confiance/equipe-performante.jpg">

<p>Pour qu’une équipe soit performante, elle doit successivement <strong>franchir ces trois étapes</strong>:</p>
<li>La collection d’individus où <strong>les gens sont centrés</strong> sur une technique, une
fonction relativement individualisée, <strong>sur une performance personnelle</strong> et une
dynamique souvent encombrée par la logique des territoires.</li>
<li>Le groupe solidaire intégrant des logiques différentes et passant d’une
monologique à une dialogique [au sens d’Edgar Morin], optimisant des décisions
dans des processus transverses. <strong>Il se crée donc une solidarité, une écoute
réciproque et le désir de dépasser des points de vue souvent opposés ou
contradictoires, de sortir de la logique des territoires</strong>.</li>
<li>Dans l’équipe performante, troisième étape, <strong>les personnes ont suffisamment
conscience de leur identité et de leur complémentarité pour pouvoir la dépasser
et se centrer sur le sens et la vision commune</strong>. Chacun se sent porteur du tout et
vit une approche de type holomorphique; chaque fonction est porteuse du tout et
chacun se sent responsable de la pérénité [du groupe].</li>
<p>J’aime bien cette vision de l’évolution d’une équipe, et j’ai l’impression de
pouvoir la voir parfoisà l’œuvre. Content de passer les étapes.</p>
<h2 id="le-deficit-didentite">Le déficit d’identité</h2>
<p>Si la personne n’a pas trouvé son identité et la sécurité ontologique de
celui qui sait qui il est, il va se produire une interaction parasitaire, où
l’identité, insuffisante, conduit la personne à s’investir désespérément dans un
niveau de pouvoir qui se nourrit d’au moins sept niveaux de réalité [conscient,
inconscient, opérationnel, fonction, entreprise, environnement, metasens]</p>
<p>Prenons l’exemple d’une réunion, qui a un ordre du jour indiqué dans le niveau
opérationnel: au lieu de se concentrer sur la résolution d’un problème ou la
prise de décision opérationnelle, l’enjeu et l’investissement de la personne
déficiente en identité (ou en mutation déstabilisante pour elle-même), va se
récupérer au niveau du pouvoir ; elle va chercher à asseoir son pouvoir et le
nourrir de tout ce qui peut se passer au niveau relationnel, ou dans des jeux
plus ou moins inconscients, ou bien dans une guerre de territoires où elle
va surinvestir la définition de sa fonction ; ou bien elle va se positionner
dans l’entreprise et tirer les objectifs de l’entreprise au profit de ses
oibjectifs personnels, ou bien utiliser tout ce qui vient de son environnement
pour renforcer son pouvoir, ou enfin justifier son attitude de pouvoir par
des élements venants du métasens (politique, culture, éthique, spirituel, etc).</p>
<p><strong>Il sera donc nécessaire pour la personne qui gère le changement de
prendre en compte ce déficit identitaire</strong>, ce surinvestissement du niveau de
pouvoir et de faire le lien entre les neufs niveaux de sens [environnemental,
organisationnel, managérial, professionnel, vie privée, psychologique,
existentiel, spirituel, confessionnel] pour dégager la problématique
opérationnelle de tout ce qui la parasite. <strong>Ainsi, cette personne agira pour
traiter le problème là où se trouve le blocage du sens et seulement après,
reviendra à l’ordre du jour opérationnel</strong>.</p>
<p>Je suis content de voir l’aspect pouvoir mis en regard avec l’aspect de déficit
d’identité, comme quoi on pourrait chercher à accroitre son pouvoir lorsqu’on ne
se sens pas bien dans son identité (au sein du travail).</p>
<p>Je me demande encore comment on peut faire en sorte de déjouer ces dynamiques de
manière efficace.</p>
<p>[…] Les responsables se doivent d’être vigilants en face de toutes
les récupérations ou les manipulations dont ils peuvent être les objets ou les
sujets et veiller, par un questionnement éthique […]
à ce que leur situation de pouvoir ne devienne pas le lieu où ils perdent un peu
ou beaucoup de leur âme. […] <strong>La question permanente reste toujours posée: quelle est
la véritable finalité? Le bien commun, le service, ou l’égoïsme individuel</strong> ou
celui d’une groupe mafieux ?</p>
<p>Mettre l’essentiel au cœur de l’immportant ne consiste pas à faire de
l’entreprise une idole, une finalité en soi. Cela consiste au contraire à voir
que l’entreprise est un lieu de vie qui a aussi sa naissance et sa mort, qui
doit vivre ses cycles. Comme une école qui peut être un lieu de développement
transitoire des personnes, <strong>l’entreprise ne trouvera son équilibre que dans la
mesure où son positionnement sera effectivement celui d’un lieu de croissance et
d’un lieu de vie</strong>.</p>
<p>Bon, j’imagine que le côté « croissance » est questionnable, mais je pense qu’on
peut voir les choses sous l’angle positif de la croissance humaine, et non pas
uniquement économique.</p>
<p>[…] Je pense effectivement que <strong>les meilleurs seront ceux qui chercheront
dans l’entreprise non pas la finalité de leur existence, mais le lieu où ils
pourront développer au mieux leur propre potentiel</strong>.</p>

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