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<h1>Écoconception des services numériques, et si ça ne suffisait pas ?</h1>
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<a href="https://richardhanna.dev/blog/2023/ecoconception-ne-suffit-pas.html" title="Lien vers le contenu original">Source originale</a>
<em>Cet article est un support à la
<a href="https://www.paris-web.fr/2023/conferences/ecoconception-web-et-si-ca-ne-suffisait-pas.php">conférence que j’ai donné</a>
à Paris Web 2023. Je tiens à remercier les organisateurs, l’équipe de
traduction en langue des signes et la bienveillance de l’audience. Le
temps d’échanges informels pour donner suite aux conférences est une
chouette idée que j’ai beaucoup appréciée en tant que conférencier tout
comme en tant que participant.</em>

<p><img src="https://richardhanna.dev/assets/img/nuages.jpg"></p>
Durant la colonisation européenne des Antilles et la période de
l’esclavage qui a duré du XVIIè au XIXè siècle, 1 million d’esclaves ont
été déportés d’Afrique vers les Antilles dans la triste célèbre traite
négrière. Certains esclaves ont pu <strong>fuir</strong> les plantations,
l’habitation coloniale et les mauvais traitements en se réfugiant dans la
forêt. Dès lors, certains sont entrés en <strong>résistance</strong> et
ont tenté de libérer leurs frères et sœurs du joug du maitre colon. On les
appelle les « <em><strong>neg-mawon</strong></em> », les nègres marrons. Le <strong>marronage</strong> désigne leur fuite
et leur résistance.

Aujourd’hui, la
<a href="https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2020/06/24/la-statue-de-colbert-vandalisee-devant-l-assemblee-nationale_6043986_3224.html" target="_blank"><strong>statue de Colbert</strong></a><strong>,</strong> ministre de Louis XIV et auteur du
<strong>Code Noir</strong>
régissant les conditions de vie et les châtiments des esclaves, trône
encore devant notre Assemblée Nationale. Aujourd’hui, le paysage agricole
de la Guadeloupe, de la Martinique n’a pas beaucoup changé en 3 siècles :
des champs de cannes à sucre et des bananerais destinées à l’exportation,
la nourriture locale étant à plus de 80% importée. Aujourd’hui, les
Antilles sont toujours victimes des conséquences de la colonisation :
pauvreté, chômage, drogue. Aujourd’hui, les Antilles sont les premières
victimes des catastrophes écologiques : des ouragans nombreux et puissants
du fait du réchauffement des océans, pas d’eau dans le robinet à cause du
désinvestissement de l’État dans les infrastructures, sur les côtes des
échouages de sargasses cet algue toxique pour les humains, la faune et la
flore et qui prolifère à cause du réchauffement des océans et les
fertilisants utilisés dans l’agriculture intensive notamment en Amérique
du Sud. Aujourd’hui, les guadeloupéens et martiniquais doivent vivre avec
un sol, une eau et leur propre sang pollués par un insecticide contre le
charançon du bananier, la chlordécone, interdit aux États-Unis dès 1975,
interdit en métropole en 1990, interdit en 1993 aux Antilles mais suite à
la découverte de stocks et de contaminations dans les plantations de
bananes, a été utilisé probablement jusqu’au début des années 2000 par les
gros propriétaires terriens notamment les békés, les descendants des

<h2>D’où je parle ?</h2>

Je suis originaire de la Guadeloupe. Développeur, je sors d’une période de
8 ans où j’ai enchainé une création d’une coopérative avec
<a href="https://fairness.coop/" target="_blank">Fairness</a> puis une
mission passionnante à la Direction interministérielle du numérique, où
j’étais chargé de
<a href="https://ecoresponsable.numerique.gouv.fr/" target="_blank">réduire l’empreinte du numérique de l’administration publique</a>. À mes heures gagnées, et non perdues, j’anime le
<a href="https://techologie.net/" target="_blank">podcast Techologie</a>,
où je m’entretiens avec des personnalités sur la place des technologies
dans nos sociétés, et par conséquent les enjeux sociaux et
environnementaux. Actuellement, je suis en jachère professionnelle et en
<a href="https://www.placedeslibraires.fr/livre/9782757890592-le-chomage-createur-postface-a-la-convivialite-ivan-illich/">chômage créateur</a>
à la recherche de là où je peux être utile.

Il y a 5 ans, en 2018, je me suis retrouvé comme Néo dans le
<a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_(film)" target="_blank">film Matrix</a>, à choisir entre la pilule bleue et rouge. Je n’ai pas vraiment choisi,
le réveil était inévitable. Il a été brutal. J’ai compris soudainement
l’état du monde : la
<strong>6ème extinction de masse des espèces</strong>, le
<strong>dérèglement climatique</strong> et le
<strong>dépassement des limites planétaires</strong>, tout cela à cause
<strong>des activités humaines</strong>. On parle d’<a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropoc%C3%A8ne" target="_blank"><strong>Anthropocène</strong></a>, « nouvelle époque géologique qui se caractérise par l'avènement des
hommes comme principale force de changement sur Terre, surpassant les
forces géophysiques ». Il vaut mieux sans doute parler de
<a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitaloc%C3%A8ne" target="_blank"><strong>Capitalocène</strong></a>
car c'est « le capitalisme qui est principalement responsable des
dérèglements environnementaux actuels, et non l'humanité dans son
ensemble ».

D’abord m’est venue la <strong>colère</strong> de ne pas avoir compris
plus tôt l’état du monde, colère contre les semeurs de doutes, colère
contre les médias qui n’en parlaient que très peu il y a quelques années.
Mais tout de suite est venue l’envie irrépressible de sortir de cette
matrice qui nous envoie dans le mur et d’<strong>agir</strong>.

<h2>Impacts environnementaux du numérique</h2>

À ce moment-là j’étais développeur. Je me demandais ce que je pouvais
faire en tant que développeur pour que cela soit moins la merde. J’ai
commencé comme tout bon technicien à voir si on pouvait évaluer les
impacts environnementaux d’un service numérique. Je pensais consommation
d’électricité et impact carbone. J’ai contribué au think thank le Shift
Project en développant en open source la webextension
<a href="https://theshiftproject.org/carbonalyser-extension-navigateur/" target="_blank"><strong>Carbonalyser</strong></a>. Ce qui, après coup, s’est avéré complètement une fausse route.

<strong>Prenons ce point de vue : en considérant les logiques coloniales sur
lesquelles reposent aujourd’hui le numérique, quels sont les différents
impacts ?</strong>

Le numérique c’est d’abord une infrastructure loin d’être immatérielle.
Cela repose sur des équipements serveurs, réseaux et utilisateurs reliés
entre eux par des câbles sur Terre et même au fond des océans, mais aussi
par des antennes des réseaux mobiles.

<strong>Digital ne rime pas avec végétal : le numérique ne pousse pas dans les
arbres. </strong>Pour fabriquer toute cette infrastructure, cela repose sur l’<strong>extraction de matières du sol</strong>. L’industrie minière est l’<strong>industrie la plus polluante au monde</strong>. Comme elle est pratiquée dans le tiers-monde, les contraintes
environnementales et sociales sont inexistantes. Sans compter que certains
gisements sont tenus par des milices qui esclavagisent des hommes, des
femmes, des enfants et qui violent des femmes, pour subvenir aux besoins
mondiaux des industriels, constructeurs et au bout de la chaine, nous
autres consommateurs en proie à la surconsommation d’usages numériques, à
la multiplication des équipements et à leur obsolescence prématurée.

<strong>fabrication des composants et l’assemblage des équipements
dans les usines du monde en Asie reposent également sur des logiques
coloniales où l’asservissement des ouvriers est la règle.

Concernant la <strong>fin de vie des équipements</strong>, même si au
niveau français on parait exemplaire avec plus de 70% des équipements qui
sont traités, recyclés, valorisés et enfouis dans le sol en France, de par
le monde, ce n’est pas du tout le cas. Une grande majorité des équipements
des pays riches partent vers des décharges sauvages en Afrique ou en Asie,
où le démantèlement est très artisanal avec des conséquences
environnementales et sanitaires catastrophiques sur les populations
locales. De plus, des entreprises mafieuses profitent de la manne que
représentent la récupération des métaux précieux présents dans le
numérique pour détourner les déchets du recyclage.

Le numérique, l’Internet sont des formidables outils d’émancipation. Ce
sont aussi des outils d’aliénation. L’<strong>accaparement de notre temps de cerveaux</strong>
par les réseaux sociaux et autres applications ludiques par les GAFAM et
autres big tech représente également une
<strong>forme de colonialisme</strong> de notre temps, de notre attention
et de nos données personnelles. 2 heures par jour passée sur Instagram
représentent sur une année, un mois complet sans sommeil. C’est énorme.
Avec le numérique, nous vivons une forme de
<a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syndrome_de_Stockholm" target="_blank"><strong>syndrome de Stockholm</strong></a> : otages consentants, nous connaissons ce qui ne va pas avec le
numérique mais nous ne pouvons plus nous en passer.


Face au gaspillage numérique, un des leviers pour nous, professionnels du
numérique et du web, c’est de
<strong>réduire l’empreinte de nos services numériques</strong>. Les sites
web et applications sont de plus en plus lourds, de plus en plus gourmands
en ressources informatiques. Les utilisateurs ont une expérience dégradée
avec des services plus lents ou qui ne se chargent pas, notamment dans les
zones à faible débit réseau. Cela peut contribuer ainsi à l’obsolescence
des équipements.

L’écoconception de services numériques est une démarche
<strong>pour réduire la consommation de ressources informatiques</strong>.
Il ne s’agit donc pas seulement une simple réduction de la consommation
d’énergie ou d’électricité, d’autant plus dans le cas d’un smartphone dont
les recharges quotidiennes ne pèsent pas plus de quelques euros sur la
facture annuelle d’électricité. L’impact carbone d’un service numérique ne
veut donc pas dire grand-chose. Il faut parler des impacts
environnementaux multi indicateurs et les émissions de gaz à effet de
serre, l’impact carbone est très mauvais indicateur. Il faut tenir compte
aussi de la consommation de ressources abiotiques par exemple : matières,
eau, etc.

Ne pas envisager l’écoconception sous l’angle
<strong>techniciste ou techno-solutionniste</strong>. Ce n’est pas un
sujet d’optimisation technique, ni de rendre les outils plus efficients
mais une démarche demandant de repenser globalement un service numérique.

Au-delà des aspects environnementaux,
<strong>l’écoconception est un enjeu social</strong> : faire en sorte que
le service numérique fonctionne sur les équipements les plus anciens ou
les moins performants, <strong>ceux qui ne coûtent pas un SMIC</strong>.
Il est important alors pour nous professionnels du web de
<strong>tester le bon fonctionnement</strong> du service numérique sur un
<strong>vieil équipement</strong> ou un
<strong>matériel beaucoup moins performant</strong> que les appareils haut
de gamme.

<strong>Quels profils, quels métiers sont concernés ?</strong>
Tous ! Toutes les personnes concernées par la conception du service
numérique et non pas seulement designers et développeurs. Il faut pouvoir
embarquer le commanditaire du produit, le métier, mais aussi les devops,
les pros de l’hébergement. Il ne faut pas oublier les contributeurs,
rédacteurs web, etc. Ces personnes ont également un rôle à jouer.

De plus, pour être cohérent, il vaut mieux démarrer une démarche
d’écoconception après s’être engagé à améliorer l’<strong>accessibilité numérique</strong>
dans une démarche globale d’amélioration de la qualité d’un service

De grâce, arrêtons de qualifier les sites web éco-conçus de sites
écologiques, qui préservent ou sauvent la planète. C’est ridicule et cela
discrédite la démarche. Aucun site web ne sera jamais écologique, même
celui qui affiche que 2 mots.

<h2>Comment faire les premiers pas en écoconception ?</h2>

<p>Proposition tout à fait adaptable et à parfaire :</p>

Cela peut commencer par un exercice collectif d’<strong>identification des améliorations potentielles</strong>
sur un service numérique (site web, application au périmètre bien
défini) sans regarder aucun référentiel d’écoconception. L’important est
de travailler sur ce qui a le plus d’impact (<a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loi_de_Pareto" target="_blank">loi de Pareto ou méthode des 80-20</a> : 20% d’effort pour 80% d’impact).
Construire son propre
<strong>manifeste d’écoconception </strong>co-écrit par tous les membres
de l’équipe.
<strong>Suivre des indicateurs techniques</strong> : poids des pages,
nombre de requêtes, temps passé à réaliser un parcours utilisateurs,
etc. Il est inutile à ce stade d’installer ou d’utiliser des tas
d’outils parfois complexes.
Réaliser un premier <strong>diagnostic </strong><a href="https://ecoresponsable.numerique.gouv.fr/publications/referentiel-general-ecoconception/" target="_blank"><strong>RGESN</strong></a>
– Référentiel Général d’écoconception de services numériques d’un
service numérique (ou une partie du service), avec
<a href="https://ecoresponsable.numerique.gouv.fr/publications/referentiel-general-ecoconception/numecodiag/" target="_blank">NumEcoDiag</a>. Cet atelier peut être collectif ou par domaine de compétence.
Pour documenter la démarche, être transparent sur les efforts, éviter
une forme de greenwashing et que cela puisse servir à d’autres,
<strong>rédiger une déclaration d’écoconception</strong> toujours en
mode collectif.

<h2>Pourquoi l’écoconception ne suffit pas ?</h2>

Les services numériques sont de plus en plus complexes, mobilisent de plus
en plus de métiers. On vit dans une forme
<strong>d’accélérationnisme</strong>, symptomatique de notre époque (la
<a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grande_acc%C3%A9l%C3%A9ration" target="_blank">Grande Accélération</a>
est la période la plus récente de l’Anthropocène). Selon
<strong>Ivan Illich</strong> dans son essai
<a href="https://www.babelio.com/livres/Illich-La-Convivialite/2485" target="_blank">La convivialité</a>
paru en 1973,
<em><strong>L'outil simple, pauvre, transparent est un humble serviteur ; l'outil
élaboré, complexe, secret est un maître arrogant</strong></em>.

L’écoconception ne suffit pas car il y a d’abord les risques d’<strong>effet rebond</strong> : l’écoconception pourrait rendre les services numériques plus
efficaces, et donc potentiellement beaucoup plus utilisés ce qui augmente
les impacts du service au lieu de les diminuer.

Attention également à ne pas s’enfermer dans une forme de
<strong>solutionnisme technologique</strong> : les technologies pour
corriger les méfaits des technologies. Avant de concevoir ou
d’écoconcevoir, il faut d’abord
<strong>apprendre à renoncer à numériser</strong>,
<strong>dénumériser</strong> et <strong>démanteler</strong> des
infrastructures inutiles.

En réalité, l’écoconception, en plus de réduire l’empreinte
environnementale des services numériques, est
<strong>un prétexte pour questionner nos pratiques</strong>, la
consommation des ressources et surtout les modèles business dépendant du

Le <strong>système d’exploitation</strong> le plus installé dans le monde
n’est ni Windows, ni MacOS, ni Android, mais bien le
<strong>capitalisme colonial</strong>.

Trier les déchets, entamer une démarche zéro-déchet, acheter local,
prendre des douches courtes, réduire ou ne plus manger de viande, réduire
ou ne plus prendre l’avion, réparer son smartphone ou son PC, écoconcevoir
ses services numériques.
<strong>Ces éco-gestes individuels ou même collectifs sont indolores </strong>pour le système capitaliste colonial<strong>.</strong> Le système et les
entreprises ont complètement <strong>intégré</strong> les concepts du
développement durable.

Par exemple, lorsque <strong>Coca-Cola</strong> fait des affichages pubs
qui déclarent « <em>N’achète pas Coca-Cola si tu nous aides pas à recycler</em> ». Bien sûr, il n’est pas question de remettre en cause le modèle
d’activité ayant amené à vendre essentiellement de l’eau et du sucre dans
des bouteilles plastiques jetables.

Dans le secteur du numérique, les <em>cloud provider</em> sont très armés
pour montrer patte verte sans qu’au final rien ne bouge (à part sans doute
l’accroissement de leur chiffre d’affaires et les impacts environnementaux
associés) : ils sont <em>green</em>, neutres en carbone même de manière
rétroactive alors que l’installation de nouveaux data centers avec
l’artificialisation des sols nécessaires pour cela, la consommation
d’énergie, d’eau et de matériels ne fait qu’augmenter. Les calculs ne sont
pas bons, Kévin. Ne soyons pas dupes.

À l’heure où
<a href="https://gauthierroussilhe.com/articles/les-emissions-evitees-de-la-numerisation" target="_blank">l’industrie du numérique vante les émissions de gaz à effet de serre
évitées</a>, considérons non pas seulement les externalités positives, mais aussi
celles négatives. À l’heure où se pose la question de la place des
Intelligences Artificielles, demandons-nous plutôt à qui ou à quoi
profitent ces nouvelles technologies. À l’heure où le numérique accroit
les gains de productivité, pourquoi ces gains ne sont pas partagés ou bien
que le temps de travail ne diminue pas ?

Plus de 30 ans de <strong>développement durable</strong> et de
<strong>numérisation</strong> n’ont pas empêché l'effondrement de la
biodiversité et la croissance exponentielles des émissions de gaz à effet
de serre. Les 17 objectifs de développement durable définis par l’ONU en
2015 ont largement été détournés, galvaudés, au service des entreprises,
et du <em><strong>business as usual</strong></em>, le business comme d’habitude, autrement dit le <em>statu quo</em>.

J’ai cru en la <strong>Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat</strong>. Le
résultat a été jeté à la poubelle. Je n’attends rien mais je suis quand
même déçu de la
<em><strong>planification écologique à la française</strong></em> qui se
résume essentiellement à
<strong>subventionner le modèle tout-bagnole individuelle</strong>, à
développer encore et toujours des
<strong>méga-infrastructures énergétiques </strong>sensibles au
réchauffement climatique, et en omettant complètement l’indispensable
<strong>sobriété</strong> qui devrait être au cœur de la transformation de
notre société.

Après des années d’échanges, de rencontres, à travers ma vie
professionnelle et par les entretiens réalisés sur le podcast Techologie,
j’ai compris une chose :
<strong>on ne peut pas changer le système actuel. </strong>Comme le dit
Hélène Grosbois dans un article<strong>, </strong><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/changer-le-syst%C3%A8me-ou-de-h%C3%A9l%C3%A8ne-grosbois/" target="_blank"><strong>il faut changer DE système</strong></a><strong>. Cela parait impossible </strong>mais lorsqu’on regarde en
arrière, dans l’Histoire, de système nous en avons changé pleins de fois !

En tant que <strong>travailleurs de la tech</strong>, très souvent,
<strong>nous faisons partie du système, nous participons au problème, </strong>nous sommes un maillon de la chaine productiviste :
<strong>par notre travail, nous contribuons à des modèles
coloniaux, le profit de certains au détriment de tous, l’accaparement des
ressources de la planète, l’asservissement des êtres humains les plus
pauvres et la destruction du vivant.

<strong>Faut-il déserter nos entreprises ?</strong> Selon l’Institut
Transitions, il y a
<a href="https://www.instituttransitions.org/transition_ecologique_4_questions/" target="_blank">4 questions à se poser</a>

<li>Ma structure a-t-elle sa place dans la société de demain ?</li>
<li>Mon entreprise peut-elle réellement changer ?</li>
Est-ce que, moi, je peux faire bouger les lignes dans mon entreprise ?
<li>Que désirez-vous vivre dans votre vie professionnelle ?</li>

<strong>Dès lors, si nous pouvons, si nous avons le privilège pour le faire,
bifurquons, désertons. </strong>Ne croyons pas qu’il sera facile d’être remplacé. Nos métiers sont en
« tension ». De plus, les freins à la désertion sont parfois plus
psychologiques que matériels ou financiers. Des associations accompagnent
la désertion, par exemple
<a href="https://desertheureuses.noblogs.org/" target="_blank">Les Désert’Heureuses</a>
ou bien
<a href="https://vous-netes-pas-seuls.org/" target="_blank">Vous n’êtes pas seuls</a>.

Si vous avez une idée entrepreneuriale à développer, un projet sincère,
social, environnemental, il y a beaucoup de financement public pour la
création d’entreprise notamment de « <em><strong>startups green tech »</strong></em>. De plus, envisagez le statut de coopératif (SCOP ou SCIC) pour la
gouvernance et les bénéfices partagés.

Nous pouvons aussi<strong>
rejoindre des emplois, des employeurs et des clients dont les activités
ne sont pas destructrices du vivant</strong>
: économie sociale et solidaire, associations, coopératives, dans les
domaines de la santé, de l'économie du réemploi, l'économie de
fonctionnalité (location vs logique de propriété), le service public… Dans
tous ces secteurs, même le secteur public, toujours
<strong>se méfier des logiques techno-solutionnistes</strong> ou des
<strong>pratiques non-éthiques</strong> (capitalisme de la surveillance de
masse par exemple) qui ont corrompus ces secteurs et se répandent partout.

<h3>Quelles stratégies plus offensives ?</h3>

On peut également adopter des<strong> stratégies plus offensives, </strong>des stratégies pour<strong> nuire au système, </strong>adopter une
démarche d’« <a href="https://www.babelio.com/livres/Ouassak-Pour-une-ecologie-pirate/1492801" target="_blank"><strong>écologie pirate</strong></a> » selon le titre d’un essai de Fatima Ouassak.

<strong>Saboter le système (en toute légalité)</strong>

Un premier pas de côté c’est de<strong>
réduire le temps travaillé</strong>
qui permet de libérer du temps pour des activités non-marchandes : donner
du temps bénévole à des associations, s’occuper de ses proches, de ses
enfants, de ses parents, d’avoir le temps de cuisiner, de s’occuper d’un
potager, de lire, etc., bref, de vivre. Par exemple, avec le temps que je
libère, je donne des coups de main dans une
<a href="https://www.sauvages-cultivees.fr/" target="_blank">ferme agro-écologique</a>
près de chez moi.

Il s’agit aussi de<strong> nuire au système</strong> en le rendant
inefficace de l’intérieur, ralentir,<strong> </strong>lever le pied au
travail,<strong> </strong>alourdir les sites e-commerce inutiles (donc
n’entamez surtout pas de démarche d’écoconception dans ce cas,
ralentissez-le, sabotez-le !).

Si vous voyez des usages irresponsables dans votre entreprise,
<strong>soyez un lanceur ou une lanceuse d’alerte</strong> en divulguant
les informations à la presse si c’est répréhensible moralement ou à la
police, c’est si un délit.

<h3>Entrer en résistance</h3>

<strong>Diffuser la bonne parole</strong> par exemple en sensibilisant les
professionnels du numérique mais aussi les futurs professionnels, les
étudiants. Il y a quelques mois, à la suite d’une réunion sur les impacts
environnementaux du numérique, un jeune en stage dans une administration
m’a fait part que c’est une de mes conférences il y a 4 ans lorsqu’il
était encore étudiant qui l’a poussé à s’engager dans cette voie. Cela m’a
évidemment fait chaud au cœur.

<strong>Rejoindre des collectifs </strong>car « seul on va plus vite,
ensemble on va plus loin »<strong> </strong>: collectifs informels,
associations, coopératives, les organisations de luttes telles que
Alternatiba, Les soulèvements de la Terre, Vous n’êtes pas seuls, les

<strong>Si votre dissonance est trop forte </strong>en continuant dans le
secteur du numérique<strong>, il n’est jamais trop tard pour se reconvertir</strong>
vers un autre emploi plus en phase avec vos valeurs.

<h3>Gagner moins d’argent, plus de bonheur</h3>

Mieux on gagne sa vie, plus on a des chances par notre consommation, notre
mode de vie, nos placements financiers et nos remboursements de crédits à
des banques qui financent les énergies fossiles, de contribuer
involontairement et indirectement à la destruction du vivant.

Dès lors, il faut se rendre à l’évidence que la solution est de
<strong>réduire volontairement ses revenus</strong>
: avoir une vie et une consommation plus sobre, moins d’impact sur les
ressources de la planète et possibilité d’accéder à des activités moins
rémunératrices mais tellement plus épanouissantes.

<strong>Refuser de parvenir</strong> est une éthique théorisée par
l’intellectuel anarchiste Albert Thierry qui est un refus volontaire des
privilèges, des distinctions et de la promotion individuelle. Le refus de
parvenir est d'abord un refus de vivre et d'agir uniquement pour soi, «
pour mettre son savoir-faire comme ses compétences au profit de la
solidarité ».

Je n’oublierai jamais ce que m’a dit il y a quelques semaines un ami qui
s’est engagé dans une démarche familiale de sobriété heureuse : il n’a
jamais été
<strong>aussi riche et heureux que depuis qu’il est passé sous le seuil de

Je pense qu’il faut trouver un juste milieu entre personnes privilégiées
qui doivent voir leur revenu baisser et les personnes défavorisées qui
doivent voir leur revenu augmenter. Je ne peux pas développer le sujet
dans cet article mais sans doute, une rééquilibrage des salaires, le
plafonnage des revenus et le revenu de base et inconditionnel sont des
réponses possibles qui selon moi ne peuvent malheureusement pas réellement
émerger dans le système économique actuel.

Vous êtes décidé à déserter. Comment subvenir à ses besoins essentiels
(avoir un peu d’argent) ?

Si vous êtes salariés et que vous souhaitez partir, essayez de négocier
une rupture conventionnelle avec votre employeur (il n'est pas obligé de
vous l'accorder). À la fin d’un CDD (Contrat à Durée Déterminée), cela
ouvre droit à vos allocations chômage (dont le nom officiel est l’ARE,
l’allocation d’aide au retour à l’emploi). Si vous avez démissionné, faire
un CDD d'au moins 65 jours permet d’ouvrir les droits à cette allocation.
On peut aussi démissionner pour se rapprocher du conjoint ayant trouvé un
emploi à un autre endroit, cela fait partie des causes de « démission
légitime » qui ouvrent les droits aux allocations.

Si vous souhaitez créer ou reprendre une entreprise, vous pouvez si vous
ne vous rémunérez pas, garder vos allocations chômage ou choisir de
recevoir la totalité de vos allocations pour vous aidez à démarrer

Si votre condition physique le permet,<strong> </strong>donnez un coup de
main aux maraichers et fermes des environs qui manquent de saisonniers.

Donnez des cours<strong> </strong>à des étudiants, à des élèves et
transmettre vos compétences.

<h2>Pour conclure</h2>

Le dérèglement du climat, l’effondrement de la biodiversité et le manque
d’eau douce sont dus à deux choses :
<strong>les activités humaines</strong> et paradoxalement, l’<strong>inaction humaine</strong>.

Pour ne pas s’enfermer dans l’inaction et la
<strong>dissonance cognitive</strong> entre ses valeurs, ses actions
personnelles et sa vie professionnelle, questionner nos métiers dans la
tech, dans le web,
<strong>entamer une démarche d’écoconception est une première étape</strong>. Cette étape est insuffisante car relativement indolore pour le
<em><strong>business as usual</strong></em>. Il faut également questionner nos revenus, les activités de nos
entreprises et pointer ce qui ne va pas.

L’écologie sans <strong>lutte des classes</strong> c’est du jardinage. Le
combat écologique c’est d’abord une lutte sociale, une lutte contre les
dominants, un combat pour les opprimés.
<strong>Soyons radicaux</strong> face au radicalisme idéologique de la
croissance infinie ou de la croissance verte qui nous emmènent droit dans
le mur.

<strong>Rejoignons des collectifs et comme les esclaves aux Antilles </strong>il y a moins de 2 siècles<strong>, entrons en « </strong><em><strong>marronage</strong></em><strong> »</strong> : bifurquons, divergeons mais surtout faisons tout
notre possible pour
<strong>nuire au système capitaliste colonial </strong>pour laisser place
à un nouveau monde respectueux du vivant et du non vivant, non soumis aux
injonctions d’une croissance infinie dans un monde aux ressources finies,
mais <strong>guidé par la recherche du bonheur</strong>.


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title: Écoconception des services numériques, et si ça ne suffisait pas ?
url: https://richardhanna.dev/blog/2023/ecoconception-ne-suffit-pas.html
hash_url: 026e36c493ee97a30d613864813aaae1

<em>Cet article est un support à la
<a href="https://www.paris-web.fr/2023/conferences/ecoconception-web-et-si-ca-ne-suffisait-pas.php">conférence que j’ai donné</a>
à Paris Web 2023. Je tiens à remercier les organisateurs, l’équipe de
traduction en langue des signes et la bienveillance de l’audience. Le
temps d’échanges informels pour donner suite aux conférences est une
chouette idée que j’ai beaucoup appréciée en tant que conférencier tout
comme en tant que participant.</em>

<img src="https://richardhanna.dev/assets/img/nuages.jpg">

Durant la colonisation européenne des Antilles et la période de
l’esclavage qui a duré du XVIIè au XIXè siècle, 1 million d’esclaves ont
été déportés d’Afrique vers les Antilles dans la triste célèbre traite
négrière. Certains esclaves ont pu <strong>fuir</strong> les plantations,
l’habitation coloniale et les mauvais traitements en se réfugiant dans la
forêt. Dès lors, certains sont entrés en <strong>résistance</strong> et
ont tenté de libérer leurs frères et sœurs du joug du maitre colon. On les
appelle les « <em><strong>neg-mawon</strong></em> », les nègres marrons. Le <strong>marronage</strong> désigne leur fuite
et leur résistance.

Aujourd’hui, la
<a href="https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2020/06/24/la-statue-de-colbert-vandalisee-devant-l-assemblee-nationale_6043986_3224.html" target="_blank"><strong>statue de Colbert</strong></a><strong>,</strong> ministre de Louis XIV et auteur du
<strong>Code Noir</strong>
régissant les conditions de vie et les châtiments des esclaves, trône
encore devant notre Assemblée Nationale. Aujourd’hui, le paysage agricole
de la Guadeloupe, de la Martinique n’a pas beaucoup changé en 3 siècles :
des champs de cannes à sucre et des bananerais destinées à l’exportation,
la nourriture locale étant à plus de 80% importée. Aujourd’hui, les
Antilles sont toujours victimes des conséquences de la colonisation :
pauvreté, chômage, drogue. Aujourd’hui, les Antilles sont les premières
victimes des catastrophes écologiques : des ouragans nombreux et puissants
du fait du réchauffement des océans, pas d’eau dans le robinet à cause du
désinvestissement de l’État dans les infrastructures, sur les côtes des
échouages de sargasses cet algue toxique pour les humains, la faune et la
flore et qui prolifère à cause du réchauffement des océans et les
fertilisants utilisés dans l’agriculture intensive notamment en Amérique
du Sud. Aujourd’hui, les guadeloupéens et martiniquais doivent vivre avec
un sol, une eau et leur propre sang pollués par un insecticide contre le
charançon du bananier, la chlordécone, interdit aux États-Unis dès 1975,
interdit en métropole en 1990, interdit en 1993 aux Antilles mais suite à
la découverte de stocks et de contaminations dans les plantations de
bananes, a été utilisé probablement jusqu’au début des années 2000 par les
gros propriétaires terriens notamment les békés, les descendants des

<h2>D’où je parle ?</h2>

Je suis originaire de la Guadeloupe. Développeur, je sors d’une période de
8 ans où j’ai enchainé une création d’une coopérative avec
<a href="https://fairness.coop/" target="_blank">Fairness</a> puis une
mission passionnante à la Direction interministérielle du numérique, où
j’étais chargé de
<a href="https://ecoresponsable.numerique.gouv.fr/" target="_blank">réduire l’empreinte du numérique de l’administration publique</a>. À mes heures gagnées, et non perdues, j’anime le
<a href="https://techologie.net/" target="_blank">podcast Techologie</a>,
où je m’entretiens avec des personnalités sur la place des technologies
dans nos sociétés, et par conséquent les enjeux sociaux et
environnementaux. Actuellement, je suis en jachère professionnelle et en
<a href="https://www.placedeslibraires.fr/livre/9782757890592-le-chomage-createur-postface-a-la-convivialite-ivan-illich/">chômage créateur</a>
à la recherche de là où je peux être utile.

Il y a 5 ans, en 2018, je me suis retrouvé comme Néo dans le
<a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_(film)" target="_blank">film Matrix</a>, à choisir entre la pilule bleue et rouge. Je n’ai pas vraiment choisi,
le réveil était inévitable. Il a été brutal. J’ai compris soudainement
l’état du monde : la
<strong>6ème extinction de masse des espèces</strong>, le
<strong>dérèglement climatique</strong> et le
<strong>dépassement des limites planétaires</strong>, tout cela à cause
<strong>des activités humaines</strong>. On parle d’<a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropoc%C3%A8ne" target="_blank"><strong>Anthropocène</strong></a>, « nouvelle époque géologique qui se caractérise par l'avènement des
hommes comme principale force de changement sur Terre, surpassant les
forces géophysiques ». Il vaut mieux sans doute parler de
<a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitaloc%C3%A8ne" target="_blank"><strong>Capitalocène</strong></a>
car c'est « le capitalisme qui est principalement responsable des
dérèglements environnementaux actuels, et non l'humanité dans son
ensemble ».

D’abord m’est venue la <strong>colère</strong> de ne pas avoir compris
plus tôt l’état du monde, colère contre les semeurs de doutes, colère
contre les médias qui n’en parlaient que très peu il y a quelques années.
Mais tout de suite est venue l’envie irrépressible de sortir de cette
matrice qui nous envoie dans le mur et d’<strong>agir</strong>.

<h2>Impacts environnementaux du numérique</h2>

À ce moment-là j’étais développeur. Je me demandais ce que je pouvais
faire en tant que développeur pour que cela soit moins la merde. J’ai
commencé comme tout bon technicien à voir si on pouvait évaluer les
impacts environnementaux d’un service numérique. Je pensais consommation
d’électricité et impact carbone. J’ai contribué au think thank le Shift
Project en développant en open source la webextension
<a href="https://theshiftproject.org/carbonalyser-extension-navigateur/" target="_blank"><strong>Carbonalyser</strong></a>. Ce qui, après coup, s’est avéré complètement une fausse route.

<strong>Prenons ce point de vue : en considérant les logiques coloniales sur
lesquelles reposent aujourd’hui le numérique, quels sont les différents
impacts ?</strong>

Le numérique c’est d’abord une infrastructure loin d’être immatérielle.
Cela repose sur des équipements serveurs, réseaux et utilisateurs reliés
entre eux par des câbles sur Terre et même au fond des océans, mais aussi
par des antennes des réseaux mobiles.

<strong>Digital ne rime pas avec végétal : le numérique ne pousse pas dans les
arbres. </strong>Pour fabriquer toute cette infrastructure, cela repose sur l’<strong>extraction de matières du sol</strong>. L’industrie minière est l’<strong>industrie la plus polluante au monde</strong>. Comme elle est pratiquée dans le tiers-monde, les contraintes
environnementales et sociales sont inexistantes. Sans compter que certains
gisements sont tenus par des milices qui esclavagisent des hommes, des
femmes, des enfants et qui violent des femmes, pour subvenir aux besoins
mondiaux des industriels, constructeurs et au bout de la chaine, nous
autres consommateurs en proie à la surconsommation d’usages numériques, à
la multiplication des équipements et à leur obsolescence prématurée.

<strong>fabrication des composants et l’assemblage des équipements
dans les usines du monde en Asie reposent également sur des logiques
coloniales où l’asservissement des ouvriers est la règle.

Concernant la <strong>fin de vie des équipements</strong>, même si au
niveau français on parait exemplaire avec plus de 70% des équipements qui
sont traités, recyclés, valorisés et enfouis dans le sol en France, de par
le monde, ce n’est pas du tout le cas. Une grande majorité des équipements
des pays riches partent vers des décharges sauvages en Afrique ou en Asie,
où le démantèlement est très artisanal avec des conséquences
environnementales et sanitaires catastrophiques sur les populations
locales. De plus, des entreprises mafieuses profitent de la manne que
représentent la récupération des métaux précieux présents dans le
numérique pour détourner les déchets du recyclage.

Le numérique, l’Internet sont des formidables outils d’émancipation. Ce
sont aussi des outils d’aliénation. L’<strong>accaparement de notre temps de cerveaux</strong>
par les réseaux sociaux et autres applications ludiques par les GAFAM et
autres big tech représente également une
<strong>forme de colonialisme</strong> de notre temps, de notre attention
et de nos données personnelles. 2 heures par jour passée sur Instagram
représentent sur une année, un mois complet sans sommeil. C’est énorme.
Avec le numérique, nous vivons une forme de
<a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syndrome_de_Stockholm" target="_blank"><strong>syndrome de Stockholm</strong></a> : otages consentants, nous connaissons ce qui ne va pas avec le
numérique mais nous ne pouvons plus nous en passer.


Face au gaspillage numérique, un des leviers pour nous, professionnels du
numérique et du web, c’est de
<strong>réduire l’empreinte de nos services numériques</strong>. Les sites
web et applications sont de plus en plus lourds, de plus en plus gourmands
en ressources informatiques. Les utilisateurs ont une expérience dégradée
avec des services plus lents ou qui ne se chargent pas, notamment dans les
zones à faible débit réseau. Cela peut contribuer ainsi à l’obsolescence
des équipements.

L’écoconception de services numériques est une démarche
<strong>pour réduire la consommation de ressources informatiques</strong>.
Il ne s’agit donc pas seulement une simple réduction de la consommation
d’énergie ou d’électricité, d’autant plus dans le cas d’un smartphone dont
les recharges quotidiennes ne pèsent pas plus de quelques euros sur la
facture annuelle d’électricité. L’impact carbone d’un service numérique ne
veut donc pas dire grand-chose. Il faut parler des impacts
environnementaux multi indicateurs et les émissions de gaz à effet de
serre, l’impact carbone est très mauvais indicateur. Il faut tenir compte
aussi de la consommation de ressources abiotiques par exemple : matières,
eau, etc.

Ne pas envisager l’écoconception sous l’angle
<strong>techniciste ou techno-solutionniste</strong>. Ce n’est pas un
sujet d’optimisation technique, ni de rendre les outils plus efficients
mais une démarche demandant de repenser globalement un service numérique.

Au-delà des aspects environnementaux,
<strong>l’écoconception est un enjeu social</strong> : faire en sorte que
le service numérique fonctionne sur les équipements les plus anciens ou
les moins performants, <strong>ceux qui ne coûtent pas un SMIC</strong>.
Il est important alors pour nous professionnels du web de
<strong>tester le bon fonctionnement</strong> du service numérique sur un
<strong>vieil équipement</strong> ou un
<strong>matériel beaucoup moins performant</strong> que les appareils haut
de gamme.

<strong>Quels profils, quels métiers sont concernés ?</strong>
Tous ! Toutes les personnes concernées par la conception du service
numérique et non pas seulement designers et développeurs. Il faut pouvoir
embarquer le commanditaire du produit, le métier, mais aussi les devops,
les pros de l’hébergement. Il ne faut pas oublier les contributeurs,
rédacteurs web, etc. Ces personnes ont également un rôle à jouer.

De plus, pour être cohérent, il vaut mieux démarrer une démarche
d’écoconception après s’être engagé à améliorer l’<strong>accessibilité numérique</strong>
dans une démarche globale d’amélioration de la qualité d’un service

De grâce, arrêtons de qualifier les sites web éco-conçus de sites
écologiques, qui préservent ou sauvent la planète. C’est ridicule et cela
discrédite la démarche. Aucun site web ne sera jamais écologique, même
celui qui affiche que 2 mots.

<h2>Comment faire les premiers pas en écoconception ?</h2>

<p>Proposition tout à fait adaptable et à parfaire :</p>

Cela peut commencer par un exercice collectif d’<strong>identification des améliorations potentielles</strong>
sur un service numérique (site web, application au périmètre bien
défini) sans regarder aucun référentiel d’écoconception. L’important est
de travailler sur ce qui a le plus d’impact (<a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loi_de_Pareto" target="_blank">loi de Pareto ou méthode des 80-20</a> : 20% d’effort pour 80% d’impact).
Construire son propre
<strong>manifeste d’écoconception </strong>co-écrit par tous les membres
de l’équipe.
<strong>Suivre des indicateurs techniques</strong> : poids des pages,
nombre de requêtes, temps passé à réaliser un parcours utilisateurs,
etc. Il est inutile à ce stade d’installer ou d’utiliser des tas
d’outils parfois complexes.
Réaliser un premier <strong>diagnostic </strong><a href="https://ecoresponsable.numerique.gouv.fr/publications/referentiel-general-ecoconception/" target="_blank"><strong>RGESN</strong></a>
– Référentiel Général d’écoconception de services numériques d’un
service numérique (ou une partie du service), avec
<a href="https://ecoresponsable.numerique.gouv.fr/publications/referentiel-general-ecoconception/numecodiag/" target="_blank">NumEcoDiag</a>. Cet atelier peut être collectif ou par domaine de compétence.
Pour documenter la démarche, être transparent sur les efforts, éviter
une forme de greenwashing et que cela puisse servir à d’autres,
<strong>rédiger une déclaration d’écoconception</strong> toujours en
mode collectif.

<h2>Pourquoi l’écoconception ne suffit pas ?</h2>

Les services numériques sont de plus en plus complexes, mobilisent de plus
en plus de métiers. On vit dans une forme
<strong>d’accélérationnisme</strong>, symptomatique de notre époque (la
<a href="https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grande_acc%C3%A9l%C3%A9ration" target="_blank">Grande Accélération</a>
est la période la plus récente de l’Anthropocène). Selon
<strong>Ivan Illich</strong> dans son essai
<a href="https://www.babelio.com/livres/Illich-La-Convivialite/2485" target="_blank">La convivialité</a>
paru en 1973,
<em><strong>L'outil simple, pauvre, transparent est un humble serviteur ; l'outil
élaboré, complexe, secret est un maître arrogant</strong></em>.

L’écoconception ne suffit pas car il y a d’abord les risques d’<strong>effet rebond</strong> : l’écoconception pourrait rendre les services numériques plus
efficaces, et donc potentiellement beaucoup plus utilisés ce qui augmente
les impacts du service au lieu de les diminuer.

Attention également à ne pas s’enfermer dans une forme de
<strong>solutionnisme technologique</strong> : les technologies pour
corriger les méfaits des technologies. Avant de concevoir ou
d’écoconcevoir, il faut d’abord
<strong>apprendre à renoncer à numériser</strong>,
<strong>dénumériser</strong> et <strong>démanteler</strong> des
infrastructures inutiles.

En réalité, l’écoconception, en plus de réduire l’empreinte
environnementale des services numériques, est
<strong>un prétexte pour questionner nos pratiques</strong>, la
consommation des ressources et surtout les modèles business dépendant du

Le <strong>système d’exploitation</strong> le plus installé dans le monde
n’est ni Windows, ni MacOS, ni Android, mais bien le
<strong>capitalisme colonial</strong>.

Trier les déchets, entamer une démarche zéro-déchet, acheter local,
prendre des douches courtes, réduire ou ne plus manger de viande, réduire
ou ne plus prendre l’avion, réparer son smartphone ou son PC, écoconcevoir
ses services numériques.
<strong>Ces éco-gestes individuels ou même collectifs sont indolores </strong>pour le système capitaliste colonial<strong>.</strong> Le système et les
entreprises ont complètement <strong>intégré</strong> les concepts du
développement durable.

Par exemple, lorsque <strong>Coca-Cola</strong> fait des affichages pubs
qui déclarent « <em>N’achète pas Coca-Cola si tu nous aides pas à recycler</em> ». Bien sûr, il n’est pas question de remettre en cause le modèle
d’activité ayant amené à vendre essentiellement de l’eau et du sucre dans
des bouteilles plastiques jetables.

Dans le secteur du numérique, les <em>cloud provider</em> sont très armés
pour montrer patte verte sans qu’au final rien ne bouge (à part sans doute
l’accroissement de leur chiffre d’affaires et les impacts environnementaux
associés) : ils sont <em>green</em>, neutres en carbone même de manière
rétroactive alors que l’installation de nouveaux data centers avec
l’artificialisation des sols nécessaires pour cela, la consommation
d’énergie, d’eau et de matériels ne fait qu’augmenter. Les calculs ne sont
pas bons, Kévin. Ne soyons pas dupes.

À l’heure où
<a href="https://gauthierroussilhe.com/articles/les-emissions-evitees-de-la-numerisation" target="_blank">l’industrie du numérique vante les émissions de gaz à effet de serre
évitées</a>, considérons non pas seulement les externalités positives, mais aussi
celles négatives. À l’heure où se pose la question de la place des
Intelligences Artificielles, demandons-nous plutôt à qui ou à quoi
profitent ces nouvelles technologies. À l’heure où le numérique accroit
les gains de productivité, pourquoi ces gains ne sont pas partagés ou bien
que le temps de travail ne diminue pas ?

Plus de 30 ans de <strong>développement durable</strong> et de
<strong>numérisation</strong> n’ont pas empêché l'effondrement de la
biodiversité et la croissance exponentielles des émissions de gaz à effet
de serre. Les 17 objectifs de développement durable définis par l’ONU en
2015 ont largement été détournés, galvaudés, au service des entreprises,
et du <em><strong>business as usual</strong></em>, le business comme d’habitude, autrement dit le <em>statu quo</em>.

J’ai cru en la <strong>Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat</strong>. Le
résultat a été jeté à la poubelle. Je n’attends rien mais je suis quand
même déçu de la
<em><strong>planification écologique à la française</strong></em> qui se
résume essentiellement à
<strong>subventionner le modèle tout-bagnole individuelle</strong>, à
développer encore et toujours des
<strong>méga-infrastructures énergétiques </strong>sensibles au
réchauffement climatique, et en omettant complètement l’indispensable
<strong>sobriété</strong> qui devrait être au cœur de la transformation de
notre société.

Après des années d’échanges, de rencontres, à travers ma vie
professionnelle et par les entretiens réalisés sur le podcast Techologie,
j’ai compris une chose :
<strong>on ne peut pas changer le système actuel. </strong>Comme le dit
Hélène Grosbois dans un article<strong>, </strong><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/changer-le-syst%C3%A8me-ou-de-h%C3%A9l%C3%A8ne-grosbois/" target="_blank"><strong>il faut changer DE système</strong></a><strong>. Cela parait impossible </strong>mais lorsqu’on regarde en
arrière, dans l’Histoire, de système nous en avons changé pleins de fois !

En tant que <strong>travailleurs de la tech</strong>, très souvent,
<strong>nous faisons partie du système, nous participons au problème, </strong>nous sommes un maillon de la chaine productiviste :
<strong>par notre travail, nous contribuons à des modèles
coloniaux, le profit de certains au détriment de tous, l’accaparement des
ressources de la planète, l’asservissement des êtres humains les plus
pauvres et la destruction du vivant.

<strong>Faut-il déserter nos entreprises ?</strong> Selon l’Institut
Transitions, il y a
<a href="https://www.instituttransitions.org/transition_ecologique_4_questions/" target="_blank">4 questions à se poser</a>

<li>Ma structure a-t-elle sa place dans la société de demain ?</li>
<li>Mon entreprise peut-elle réellement changer ?</li>
Est-ce que, moi, je peux faire bouger les lignes dans mon entreprise ?
<li>Que désirez-vous vivre dans votre vie professionnelle ?</li>

<strong>Dès lors, si nous pouvons, si nous avons le privilège pour le faire,
bifurquons, désertons. </strong>Ne croyons pas qu’il sera facile d’être remplacé. Nos métiers sont en
« tension ». De plus, les freins à la désertion sont parfois plus
psychologiques que matériels ou financiers. Des associations accompagnent
la désertion, par exemple
<a href="https://desertheureuses.noblogs.org/" target="_blank">Les Désert’Heureuses</a>
ou bien
<a href="https://vous-netes-pas-seuls.org/" target="_blank">Vous n’êtes pas seuls</a>.

Si vous avez une idée entrepreneuriale à développer, un projet sincère,
social, environnemental, il y a beaucoup de financement public pour la
création d’entreprise notamment de « <em><strong>startups green tech »</strong></em>. De plus, envisagez le statut de coopératif (SCOP ou SCIC) pour la
gouvernance et les bénéfices partagés.

Nous pouvons aussi<strong>
rejoindre des emplois, des employeurs et des clients dont les activités
ne sont pas destructrices du vivant</strong>
: économie sociale et solidaire, associations, coopératives, dans les
domaines de la santé, de l'économie du réemploi, l'économie de
fonctionnalité (location vs logique de propriété), le service public… Dans
tous ces secteurs, même le secteur public, toujours
<strong>se méfier des logiques techno-solutionnistes</strong> ou des
<strong>pratiques non-éthiques</strong> (capitalisme de la surveillance de
masse par exemple) qui ont corrompus ces secteurs et se répandent partout.

<h3>Quelles stratégies plus offensives ?</h3>

On peut également adopter des<strong> stratégies plus offensives, </strong>des stratégies pour<strong> nuire au système, </strong>adopter une
démarche d’« <a href="https://www.babelio.com/livres/Ouassak-Pour-une-ecologie-pirate/1492801" target="_blank"><strong>écologie pirate</strong></a> » selon le titre d’un essai de Fatima Ouassak.

<strong>Saboter le système (en toute légalité)</strong>

Un premier pas de côté c’est de<strong>
réduire le temps travaillé</strong>
qui permet de libérer du temps pour des activités non-marchandes : donner
du temps bénévole à des associations, s’occuper de ses proches, de ses
enfants, de ses parents, d’avoir le temps de cuisiner, de s’occuper d’un
potager, de lire, etc., bref, de vivre. Par exemple, avec le temps que je
libère, je donne des coups de main dans une
<a href="https://www.sauvages-cultivees.fr/" target="_blank">ferme agro-écologique</a>
près de chez moi.

Il s’agit aussi de<strong> nuire au système</strong> en le rendant
inefficace de l’intérieur, ralentir,<strong> </strong>lever le pied au
travail,<strong> </strong>alourdir les sites e-commerce inutiles (donc
n’entamez surtout pas de démarche d’écoconception dans ce cas,
ralentissez-le, sabotez-le !).

Si vous voyez des usages irresponsables dans votre entreprise,
<strong>soyez un lanceur ou une lanceuse d’alerte</strong> en divulguant
les informations à la presse si c’est répréhensible moralement ou à la
police, c’est si un délit.

<h3>Entrer en résistance</h3>

<strong>Diffuser la bonne parole</strong> par exemple en sensibilisant les
professionnels du numérique mais aussi les futurs professionnels, les
étudiants. Il y a quelques mois, à la suite d’une réunion sur les impacts
environnementaux du numérique, un jeune en stage dans une administration
m’a fait part que c’est une de mes conférences il y a 4 ans lorsqu’il
était encore étudiant qui l’a poussé à s’engager dans cette voie. Cela m’a
évidemment fait chaud au cœur.

<strong>Rejoindre des collectifs </strong>car « seul on va plus vite,
ensemble on va plus loin »<strong> </strong>: collectifs informels,
associations, coopératives, les organisations de luttes telles que
Alternatiba, Les soulèvements de la Terre, Vous n’êtes pas seuls, les

<strong>Si votre dissonance est trop forte </strong>en continuant dans le
secteur du numérique<strong>, il n’est jamais trop tard pour se reconvertir</strong>
vers un autre emploi plus en phase avec vos valeurs.

<h3>Gagner moins d’argent, plus de bonheur</h3>

Mieux on gagne sa vie, plus on a des chances par notre consommation, notre
mode de vie, nos placements financiers et nos remboursements de crédits à
des banques qui financent les énergies fossiles, de contribuer
involontairement et indirectement à la destruction du vivant.

Dès lors, il faut se rendre à l’évidence que la solution est de
<strong>réduire volontairement ses revenus</strong>
: avoir une vie et une consommation plus sobre, moins d’impact sur les
ressources de la planète et possibilité d’accéder à des activités moins
rémunératrices mais tellement plus épanouissantes.

<strong>Refuser de parvenir</strong> est une éthique théorisée par
l’intellectuel anarchiste Albert Thierry qui est un refus volontaire des
privilèges, des distinctions et de la promotion individuelle. Le refus de
parvenir est d'abord un refus de vivre et d'agir uniquement pour soi, «
pour mettre son savoir-faire comme ses compétences au profit de la
solidarité ».

Je n’oublierai jamais ce que m’a dit il y a quelques semaines un ami qui
s’est engagé dans une démarche familiale de sobriété heureuse : il n’a
jamais été
<strong>aussi riche et heureux que depuis qu’il est passé sous le seuil de

Je pense qu’il faut trouver un juste milieu entre personnes privilégiées
qui doivent voir leur revenu baisser et les personnes défavorisées qui
doivent voir leur revenu augmenter. Je ne peux pas développer le sujet
dans cet article mais sans doute, une rééquilibrage des salaires, le
plafonnage des revenus et le revenu de base et inconditionnel sont des
réponses possibles qui selon moi ne peuvent malheureusement pas réellement
émerger dans le système économique actuel.

Vous êtes décidé à déserter. Comment subvenir à ses besoins essentiels
(avoir un peu d’argent) ?

Si vous êtes salariés et que vous souhaitez partir, essayez de négocier
une rupture conventionnelle avec votre employeur (il n'est pas obligé de
vous l'accorder). À la fin d’un CDD (Contrat à Durée Déterminée), cela
ouvre droit à vos allocations chômage (dont le nom officiel est l’ARE,
l’allocation d’aide au retour à l’emploi). Si vous avez démissionné, faire
un CDD d'au moins 65 jours permet d’ouvrir les droits à cette allocation.
On peut aussi démissionner pour se rapprocher du conjoint ayant trouvé un
emploi à un autre endroit, cela fait partie des causes de « démission
légitime » qui ouvrent les droits aux allocations.

Si vous souhaitez créer ou reprendre une entreprise, vous pouvez si vous
ne vous rémunérez pas, garder vos allocations chômage ou choisir de
recevoir la totalité de vos allocations pour vous aidez à démarrer

Si votre condition physique le permet,<strong> </strong>donnez un coup de
main aux maraichers et fermes des environs qui manquent de saisonniers.

Donnez des cours<strong> </strong>à des étudiants, à des élèves et
transmettre vos compétences.

<h2>Pour conclure</h2>

Le dérèglement du climat, l’effondrement de la biodiversité et le manque
d’eau douce sont dus à deux choses :
<strong>les activités humaines</strong> et paradoxalement, l’<strong>inaction humaine</strong>.

Pour ne pas s’enfermer dans l’inaction et la
<strong>dissonance cognitive</strong> entre ses valeurs, ses actions
personnelles et sa vie professionnelle, questionner nos métiers dans la
tech, dans le web,
<strong>entamer une démarche d’écoconception est une première étape</strong>. Cette étape est insuffisante car relativement indolore pour le
<em><strong>business as usual</strong></em>. Il faut également questionner nos revenus, les activités de nos
entreprises et pointer ce qui ne va pas.

L’écologie sans <strong>lutte des classes</strong> c’est du jardinage. Le
combat écologique c’est d’abord une lutte sociale, une lutte contre les
dominants, un combat pour les opprimés.
<strong>Soyons radicaux</strong> face au radicalisme idéologique de la
croissance infinie ou de la croissance verte qui nous emmènent droit dans
le mur.

<strong>Rejoignons des collectifs et comme les esclaves aux Antilles </strong>il y a moins de 2 siècles<strong>, entrons en « </strong><em><strong>marronage</strong></em><strong> »</strong> : bifurquons, divergeons mais surtout faisons tout
notre possible pour
<strong>nuire au système capitaliste colonial </strong>pour laisser place
à un nouveau monde respectueux du vivant et du non vivant, non soumis aux
injonctions d’une croissance infinie dans un monde aux ressources finies,
mais <strong>guidé par la recherche du bonheur</strong>.

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<h1>Old wards and new against fake humans</h1>
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<p>Somebody’s taken Childish Gambino’s music video <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYOjWnS4cMY">This is America</a> <em>(original, YouTube)</em> and used some AI face-swapper software called FaceFusion to sub in Nicolas Cage.</p>
<p><a href="https://twitter.com/cocktailpeanut/status/1703784764728082677">Here’s the result on X/Twitter.</a> You don’t need to watch the whole thing – just the moment at 2m40s where Cage/Gambino turns his face sideways and the face swap glitches out, back, out again and sits on Gambino for a beat, then back to Cage looks unnatural, settings in, then lights up and walks off.</p>
<p>The timing is perfect. <a href="/more/2023/09/gambino-cage-glitch.mp4">I’ve clipped the video here.</a></p>
<p>It seems to me like this is a visual trope we’re going to see more and more? It’s the paranoia and glitching in <em>A Scanner Darkly</em> (2006), the visual glitch when your trust in subjective reality is shaken loose. I’m looking forward to this being a commonplace shorthand for doubt; a quick glitch in a romcom when somebody is acting out of character, say.</p>
<p>It reminds me that AI face swaps are not (in 2023) much good at ears.</p>
<p><a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/03/05/ai-voice-scam/">There is a rise in imposter scams</a> <em>(Washington Post):</em></p>
<p>The man calling Ruth Card sounded just like her grandson Brandon. So when he said he was in jail, with no wallet or cellphone, and needed cash for bail</p>
<p>…for which you need about 30 seconds of audio and under a hundred bucks.</p>
<p>And so, at least for video calls, <a href="/home/2022/11/17/filtered">as previously discussed when I posted about ears last year</a>, the advice is this: <q>To Uncover a Deepfake Video Call, Ask the Caller to Turn Sideways.</q></p>
<p>As a family, we have a secret pass phrase to check identity between ourselves in the event of an unexpected video call.</p>
<p>It’s a sticking plaster solution. Long term I suspect we all need 2FA for humans.</p>
<p>In the meantime, maybe the most effective ward against deepfakes is simply to turn sideways?</p>
<p>We should build the habit now. At the beginning of every call, exchange a quick proof-of-humanity by showing our ears.</p>
<p><strong>Warding against pretend people: some examples.</strong></p>
<p>The origin of <em>tao po,</em> apparently a common Filipino phrase:</p>
<blockquote cite="https://www.esquiremag.ph/long-reads/features/puwera-usog-meaning-and-history-a00293-20200211" class="quoteback bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i" data-author="Esquire" data-title="Puwera Usog, Tao Po, and Tabi Po: The Curious History of Three Filipino Phrases (2020)">
<p>According to historian Ambeth Ocampo, pre-colonial Filipinos used the phrase to declare themselves as humans, thus: “Tao po ako, hindi aswang!” (<u>“I am human and not <em>aswang</em>“</u>)</p>
<p>… evil spirits, <em>aswang,</em> and other dangers that lurked outside the home were incapable of saying “tao po” to trick you into letting them in your house. </p>
<p>… Today, “tao po” has a more mundane purpose. Depending on the usage, it can be loosely translated to “anybody home?” or “a person is at the gate.”</p>

<p>Haint blue is: <q>a collection of pale shades of blue-green that are traditionally used to paint porch ceilings in the Southern United States.</q></p>
<blockquote cite="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haint_blue" class="quoteback bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i" data-author="Wikipedia" data-title="Haint blue">
<p>Originally, haint blue was thought by the Gullah to ward haints, or ghosts, away from the home. The tactic was intended either to mimic the appearance of the sky, tricking the ghost into passing through, or to mimic the appearance of water, which ghosts traditionally could not cross. The Gullah would paint not only the porch, but also doors, window frames, and shutters. Blue glass bottles were also hung in trees to trap haints and boo hags.</p>

<p>For HTML fans, that’s hex #D1EAEB.</p>
<p>Perhaps your baby has been stolen and an ancient fairy has taken its place – a <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changeling">changeling</a>.</p>
<p>You can trick fey folk into breaking their silence by baffling them. Typically: <a href="https://writinginmargins.weebly.com/home/eggshells-and-changelings">cooking with eggshells</a>.</p>
<p>A fairy doppelganger has posed as a human baby and successfully pulled the wool over its human hosts’ eyes. However, someone (typically the mother) realizes what’s happened. To trick the changeling, she uses empty eggshells as milk pans, stewpots, or brewing cauldrons. The fake infant is so surprised that he suddenly begins to speak. Sometimes he is startled, sometimes amused. “I have never seen the like of that before” is the most common exclamation, as he unthinkingly reveals his great age. Then, in a flash, all is set right and the real baby is returned.</p>
<p><strong>What 21st century fake humans do I want to ward off?</strong> What should I carry with me?</p>
<p>Ok, taking turns to show our ears to watch for deepfake glitches. Like shaking hands from the old days, demonstrating that I’m not about to draw my sword.</p>
<p>What about if I suspect I’m speaking, in text or voiceswapped, with an AI? The best trick would be to challenge it to say something obscene. The AI changeling wouldn’t be able to help itself, blurting in response: <q>I’m sorry but as a large language model I cannot…</q></p>
<p><em>If we’re emailing, and the first words I say to you are utterly beyond the pale, just like excessively and graphically disturbing, don’t worry, I’m just helpfully establishing my humanity.</em></p>
<p>Tao po.</p>
<p>I’m into wards that become unquestioned social habits.</p>
<p>I’m also thinking more about wards that are physical artefacts, and less about AI…</p>
<p>For instance: my car was stolen recently, evaporated from the street.</p>
<p>Apparently 50% of car thefts in the UK are from hijacking keyless entry.</p>
<p>So now I own a ward against malicious ghost RF: a handsome box, in which I store my keys.</p>
<p>And so does everyone else it turns out! If you type <q>far–</q> into search on amazon.co.uk, the top two suggestions are:</p>
<li>faraday pouch for car keys</li>
<li>faraday box for car keys</li>
<p>The third autocomplete:</p>

<p>Don’t get that one. It is unlikely to help.</p>


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title: Old wards and new against fake humans
url: https://interconnected.org/home/2023/09/22/wards
hash_url: 60461be5ec82443fd6a7c12f29e40587

<p>Somebody’s taken Childish Gambino’s music video <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYOjWnS4cMY">This is America</a> <em>(original, YouTube)</em> and used some AI face-swapper software called FaceFusion to sub in Nicolas Cage.</p>
<p><a href="https://twitter.com/cocktailpeanut/status/1703784764728082677">Here’s the result on X/Twitter.</a> You don’t need to watch the whole thing – just the moment at 2m40s where Cage/Gambino turns his face sideways and the face swap glitches out, back, out again and sits on Gambino for a beat, then back to Cage looks unnatural, settings in, then lights up and walks off.</p>
<p>The timing is perfect. <a href="/more/2023/09/gambino-cage-glitch.mp4">I’ve clipped the video here.</a></p>
<p>It seems to me like this is a visual trope we’re going to see more and more? It’s the paranoia and glitching in <em>A Scanner Darkly</em> (2006), the visual glitch when your trust in subjective reality is shaken loose. I’m looking forward to this being a commonplace shorthand for doubt; a quick glitch in a romcom when somebody is acting out of character, say.</p>
<p>It reminds me that AI face swaps are not (in 2023) much good at ears.</p>
<p><a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/03/05/ai-voice-scam/">There is a rise in imposter scams</a> <em>(Washington Post):</em></p>
<p>The man calling Ruth Card sounded just like her grandson Brandon. So when he said he was in jail, with no wallet or cellphone, and needed cash for bail</p>
<p>…for which you need about 30 seconds of audio and under a hundred bucks.</p>
<p>And so, at least for video calls, <a href="/home/2022/11/17/filtered">as previously discussed when I posted about ears last year</a>, the advice is this: <q>To Uncover a Deepfake Video Call, Ask the Caller to Turn Sideways.</q></p>
<p>As a family, we have a secret pass phrase to check identity between ourselves in the event of an unexpected video call.</p>
<p>It’s a sticking plaster solution. Long term I suspect we all need 2FA for humans.</p>
<p>In the meantime, maybe the most effective ward against deepfakes is simply to turn sideways?</p>
<p>We should build the habit now. At the beginning of every call, exchange a quick proof-of-humanity by showing our ears.</p>
<p><strong>Warding against pretend people: some examples.</strong></p>
<p>The origin of <em>tao po,</em> apparently a common Filipino phrase:</p>
<blockquote cite="https://www.esquiremag.ph/long-reads/features/puwera-usog-meaning-and-history-a00293-20200211" class="quoteback bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i" data-author="Esquire" data-title="Puwera Usog, Tao Po, and Tabi Po: The Curious History of Three Filipino Phrases (2020)">
<p>According to historian Ambeth Ocampo, pre-colonial Filipinos used the phrase to declare themselves as humans, thus: “Tao po ako, hindi aswang!” (<u>“I am human and not <em>aswang</em>“</u>)</p>
<p>… evil spirits, <em>aswang,</em> and other dangers that lurked outside the home were incapable of saying “tao po” to trick you into letting them in your house. </p>
<p>… Today, “tao po” has a more mundane purpose. Depending on the usage, it can be loosely translated to “anybody home?” or “a person is at the gate.”</p>

<p>Haint blue is: <q>a collection of pale shades of blue-green that are traditionally used to paint porch ceilings in the Southern United States.</q></p>
<blockquote cite="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haint_blue" class="quoteback bl bw2 pl2 b--orange ml0 italic i" data-author="Wikipedia" data-title="Haint blue">
<p>Originally, haint blue was thought by the Gullah to ward haints, or ghosts, away from the home. The tactic was intended either to mimic the appearance of the sky, tricking the ghost into passing through, or to mimic the appearance of water, which ghosts traditionally could not cross. The Gullah would paint not only the porch, but also doors, window frames, and shutters. Blue glass bottles were also hung in trees to trap haints and boo hags.</p>

<p>For HTML fans, that’s hex #D1EAEB.</p>
<p>Perhaps your baby has been stolen and an ancient fairy has taken its place – a <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changeling">changeling</a>.</p>
<p>You can trick fey folk into breaking their silence by baffling them. Typically: <a href="https://writinginmargins.weebly.com/home/eggshells-and-changelings">cooking with eggshells</a>.</p>
<p>A fairy doppelganger has posed as a human baby and successfully pulled the wool over its human hosts’ eyes. However, someone (typically the mother) realizes what’s happened. To trick the changeling, she uses empty eggshells as milk pans, stewpots, or brewing cauldrons. The fake infant is so surprised that he suddenly begins to speak. Sometimes he is startled, sometimes amused. “I have never seen the like of that before” is the most common exclamation, as he unthinkingly reveals his great age. Then, in a flash, all is set right and the real baby is returned.</p>
<p><strong>What 21st century fake humans do I want to ward off?</strong> What should I carry with me?</p>
<p>Ok, taking turns to show our ears to watch for deepfake glitches. Like shaking hands from the old days, demonstrating that I’m not about to draw my sword.</p>
<p>What about if I suspect I’m speaking, in text or voiceswapped, with an AI? The best trick would be to challenge it to say something obscene. The AI changeling wouldn’t be able to help itself, blurting in response: <q>I’m sorry but as a large language model I cannot…</q></p>
<p><em>If we’re emailing, and the first words I say to you are utterly beyond the pale, just like excessively and graphically disturbing, don’t worry, I’m just helpfully establishing my humanity.</em></p>
<p>Tao po.</p>
<p>I’m into wards that become unquestioned social habits.</p>
<p>I’m also thinking more about wards that are physical artefacts, and less about AI…</p>
<p>For instance: my car was stolen recently, evaporated from the street.</p>
<p>Apparently 50% of car thefts in the UK are from hijacking keyless entry.</p>
<p>So now I own a ward against malicious ghost RF: a handsome box, in which I store my keys.</p>
<p>And so does everyone else it turns out! If you type <q>far–</q> into search on amazon.co.uk, the top two suggestions are:</p>
<li>faraday pouch for car keys</li>
<li>faraday box for car keys</li>
<p>The third autocomplete:</p>

<p>Don’t get that one. It is unlikely to help.</p>

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<h1>NASA satellites reveal restoration power of beavers</h1>
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<a href="https://news.mongabay.com/2023/09/nasa-satellites-reveal-restoration-power-of-beavers/" title="Lien vers le contenu original">Source originale</a>
<p>If humans went extinct tomorrow, who would rule the world? Beavers.</p>
<p>Well, at least in the Northern Hemisphere. These tree-felling, water-slowing, wetland-creating rodent engineers have a massive impact wherever they live. Indeed, when it comes to their power over water flow, Cory Mosby says, “I’m not aware of another species that does this (save humans) on the scale that a beaver population can.”</p>
<p>A biologist with the Idaho Department of Fish and Wildlife, Mosby knows the power of these mammals intimately. And now NASA — yes, the same agency that sends people into space and searches for killer comets — is helping researchers get a more detailed look at how beavers can transform our world for the better, including combating climate change.</p>
<figure id="attachment_273147" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" class="size-full wp-image-273147" src="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11142614/DJI_0081-copy.jpg" alt="Beaver dam on an Idaho creek. Image courtesy of Boise State University." width="768" height="512" srcset="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11142614/DJI_0081-copy.jpg 768w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11142614/DJI_0081-copy-610x407.jpg 610w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Beaver dam on an Idaho creek. Image courtesy of Boise State University.</figcaption></figure>
<p>“NASA is interested in how satellite Earth observations can be used for natural resource management,” says Cynthia Schmidt, the associate program manager for the NASA Ecological Conservation Program. In this particular case, Schmidt says, NASA is keen to use satellite research to help scientists “better understand the impacts of rewilding for ecosystem restoration.”</p>
<p>Working with Jodi Brandt, a professor of human-environment systems at Boise State University, they are tracking just how quickly and verdantly reintroduced beavers change Idaho’s landscape. Already, the program has been able to produce images taken from space of how areas with reintroduced beavers are greener — i.e. have more vegetation — than areas without them.</p>
<p><strong>Water lords</strong></p>
<p>North America once housed more beavers than humans — by a lot. Even before Europeans showed up and built an entire extractive economy on beaver pelts, estimates put the number in the hundreds of millions (during the Pleistocene, there were even giant species of beaver, as large as bears). The North American fur trade, which lasted for centuries, nearly wiped beavers off the continent — and, unknown to trappers, vastly changed its ecosystems from sea to sea.</p>
<p>“There is evidence that riverscapes across the West were much more complex and ‘anastomosed’ prior to European colonization,” says Nicholas Kolarik, a Ph.D. student working with Brandt, who is focusing on mapping data sets of wetlands. Anastomosis denotes branches connecting two things, like organs in the body, but in this case, he means streams, since waterways in the U.S. West used to be much more interconnected.</p>
<p>Today, they’re “starved of wood,” he says, but by adding wood into streams and rivers, especially by building dams, beavers slow water down significantly.</p>
<p>“In doing so, sediment is stored, water infiltrates into the aquifers, riparian vegetation establishes, habitat is created, and carbon is stored,” Kolarik says.</p>
<figure id="attachment_273150" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-273150" src="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11143804/jodi_cindy_2022.jpg" alt="Researcher Jodi Brandt (l) leads a team studying the re-wetting power of beavers. Image courtesy of Boise State University. " width="768" height="512" srcset="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11143804/jodi_cindy_2022.jpg 768w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11143804/jodi_cindy_2022-610x407.jpg 610w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Researcher Jodi Brandt (l) leads a team studying the landscape re-wetting power of beavers. Image courtesy of Boise State University.</figcaption></figure>
<p>Given that Idaho is an arid state, most of the state’s water comes from snowmelt in the mountains. If that water isn’t slowed down, it speeds through streams and into rivers and soon exits the state. During the warm summer, shallow streams and wetlands often dry up completely.</p>
<p>“Any way to retain more water, or keep it a little longer into the season, is typically beneficial,” Fish and Wildlife’s Mosby says. Slowing down water creates new habitats, like marshlands and flooded pasture, and keeps streams flowing later and deeper into the year. This provides vital habitat and forage for innumerable species, from fish to birds and ungulates. In all, Mosby says, there have been “several hundred” beaver reintroductions in Idaho in the last decade.</p>
<p>Kolarik says they don’t yet have any “exhaustive analyses that could speak to an average effect on mesic vegetation or other broad data driven conclusions” on beavers’ impact in Idaho. What they do have is a number of streams that have been transformed by beavers, he says, pointing to the Yankee Fork, a tributary of the Salmon River, which had been degraded by decades of gold mining. After restoration work was done, beavers returned naturally. Unpublished research by Trout Unlimited found that the beavers in Idaho helped maintain the restoration, increasing vegetation and connecting this part of the river back to the floodplain.</p>
<p>Generally, scientists have explored beavers’ impacts in dryland streams less than in other places. A 2014 <a href="https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/aqc.2432" data-wpel-link="external" target="_blank" rel="external">paper</a> in <em>Aquatic Conservation</em> reported that “surprisingly little is known about the ecology of beaver in dryland streams.”</p>
<figure id="attachment_273148" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-273148" src="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11143327/DJI_0084-copy.jpg" alt="Each beaver dam stores a large amount of water. Image courtesy of Boise State University." width="768" height="512" srcset="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11143327/DJI_0084-copy.jpg 768w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11143327/DJI_0084-copy-610x407.jpg 610w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Each beaver dam stores a large amount of water. Image courtesy of Boise State University.</figcaption></figure>
<p>That said, scientists are well aware that beavers boost biodiversity and increase wetlands. For example, <a href="https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00442-002-0929-1" data-wpel-link="external" target="_blank" rel="external">research</a> from the Adirondacks in New York, published in <em>Oecologia</em> in 2002, found that the beaver presence the boosted the diversity of plants by one-third.</p>
<p>Despite this, the U.S. Department of Agriculture&#8217;s Wildlife Services has a long history of killing beavers, which have been deemed to be pests, as their dams can lead to flooding of infrastructure and crops. In 2022, the agency killed 26,731 beavers.</p>
<p>However, experts like Peter Busher say that “Any potential negatives are minor in regard to the ecosystem services the beaver wetlands provide.” A professor and beaver expert at Boston University, who was unconnected to this project, Busher says that “beaver activity may be the most cost-effective method of creating functional wetland systems.”</p>
<p>After decades of recovery, the North American beaver population stands at only around 15 million, from subarctic Canada to northern Mexico. That’s still a long, long way from its pre-European population, but it’s a big comeback.</p>
<figure id="attachment_273153" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" class="size-medium wp-image-273153" src="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11145921/Beaver_Yearling_Grooming_Alhambra_Creek_2008-768x512.jpeg" alt width="768" height="512" srcset="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11145921/Beaver_Yearling_Grooming_Alhambra_Creek_2008-768x512.jpeg 768w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11145921/Beaver_Yearling_Grooming_Alhambra_Creek_2008-1200x800.jpeg 1200w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11145921/Beaver_Yearling_Grooming_Alhambra_Creek_2008-610x407.jpeg 610w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11145921/Beaver_Yearling_Grooming_Alhambra_Creek_2008.jpeg 1210w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Young beaver grooming itself. Image courtesy of Cheryl Reynolds via Wikimedia Commons.</figcaption></figure>
<p><strong>Rewilding results seen from space</strong></p>
<p>When NASA joined the project in 2020, it brought new data to initiatives already underway. Schmidt says the project is using the satellite data for two main purposes, the first being to find potential locations for future beaver reintroductions.</p>
<p>“It’s difficult and expensive to get people out on the ground to try and figure out where beavers should go, so satellite imagery gives a comprehensive view of a region, which can tell you if it’s appropriate for beaver,” Schmidt says.</p>
<p>Before reintroducing any animals, Mosby says his department has much to consider. First, they have to determine if the area has enough food and year-round water for beavers, and enough wood for their dams. Then they have to make sure there are no concerns over disease or invasive species that could hamper reintroductions.</p>
<p>If the biological conditions look good, then they have to move on to social questions, including land ownership of the location and surrounding areas, water rights, and whether any introduced beavers might negatively impact crops or infrastructure.</p>
<p>Mosby says views on beavers in Idaho are “are all over the board.” But he notes that many ranchers have come around, as they see the tremendous benefits of having beavers on or near their land, including more water and grazing for their cattle. He says the least tolerant people to beavers are often those living in more developed areas.</p>
<figure id="attachment_273143" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-273143" src="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11141835/apbeaversnatclr_oli2_2022175_hires.jpg" alt="NASA Earth Observatory image reveals re-greening power of beavers. Image courtesy of NASA." width="768" height="512" srcset="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11141835/apbeaversnatclr_oli2_2022175_hires.jpg 768w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11141835/apbeaversnatclr_oli2_2022175_hires-610x407.jpg 610w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">NASA Earth Observatory image reveals re-greening power of beavers. Image courtesy of NASA.</figcaption></figure>
<p>“Transportation infrastructure and their associated culverts and bridges can be put at risk when beavers begin damming these areas,” Mosby says. “When beavers begin cutting large trees next to popular walking paths or residential and commercial buildings, this becomes a safety concern. Also, these same animals will remove and browse the landscaped vegetation. In these situations, people that have never strongly felt one way or the other often want those beavers removed.”</p>
<p>If a reintroduction gets the go-ahead, Mosby says the department will begin to find animals, capture them, and then move them quickly. After that, it’s really about allowing the beavers to do what they do best: shape the ecosystem.</p>
<p>And that’s where the second role of NASA’s data comes in again. From above the clouds, NASA can track the landscape&#8217;s transformation after beavers arrive, helping researchers understand the pace and nuance of beaver impacts without having to send researchers into remote areas. In addition to the data, NASA also helps with funding as a part of its Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences grants. The program doesn’t cover all costs, but shares costs with the research group.</p>
<p><strong>Furry fire fighters</strong></p>
<p>Beavers are also likely to become more important as the world continues to rapidly heat up due to <a href="https://news.mongabay.com/list/climate-change/" data-wpel-link="internal">climate change</a>.</p>
<p>A <a href="/www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-09/documents/climate-change-id.pdf" data-wpel-link="internal">2016 federal report</a> on how climate change will impact Idaho shows that its vital mountain snowpack was already decreasing, lessening the availability of water in late summer. It also predicted that some streams could see 50% less flow by 2050. The report further predicts that global warming will increase the likelihood of fires, which already burn about 1% of the state annually. Climate change could even push some ecosystems into regime shifts: forests could become grasslands, and grasslands, deserts.</p>
<figure id="attachment_273160" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" class="wp-image-273160 size-full" src="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11155354/2016s_Pioneer_Fire_in_the_Boise_National_Forest_42399007595.jpeg" alt="The destructive power of events like the 2016 Pioneer Fire in the Boise National Forest could be lessened by beaver activity. Image by Kari Greer/U.S. Forest Service." width="768" height="512" srcset="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11155354/2016s_Pioneer_Fire_in_the_Boise_National_Forest_42399007595.jpeg 768w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11155354/2016s_Pioneer_Fire_in_the_Boise_National_Forest_42399007595-610x407.jpeg 610w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">The destructive power of events like the 2016 Pioneer Fire in the Boise National Forest, where naturally dry conditions were exacerbated by a lack of late-summer monsoon rains, could be lessened by beaver activity. Image by Kari Greer/U.S. Forest Service.</figcaption></figure>
<p>Beavers could help mitigate all of these issues. By slowing down the flow of water melting from the snowpack, they could allow streams to stay deeper and last longer, perhaps saving habitat for fish, and vegetation for cattle. They could even mitigate forest fires.</p>
<p>“As our collaborator Joe Wheaton [from Utah State University] likes to say, ‘water doesn&#8217;t burn,’” Kolarik says. “Beavers maintain healthy riverscapes which store carbon and water. Consistent access to water is key to mitigating the effects of climate disturbances like drought.”</p>
<p>Beavers’ role as firefighters has already been documented in Idaho. A 2018 <a href="https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-Sharps-Fire-burned-approximately-75-of-the-Baugh-Creek-watershed-located-in_fig1_331824980" data-wpel-link="external" target="_blank" rel="external">technical report by Anabranch Solutions</a>, a river restoration company, found that beavers were a major factor in decreasing burn intensity along Baugh Creek during that year’s Sharps Fire.</p>
<p>“Where active beaver dams were present, native riparian vegetation persisted, unburnt,” the authors wrote. In our hotter and fierier world, beavers are a buffer.</p>
<p>“I once heard a rancher use the analogy of sponges when referring to valley bottoms. If we can successfully rewet the sponges, the West will be much more resilient to climate change, and beavers can keep those sponges wet,” Kolarik says.</p>
<p>If the species that was once pushed nearly to extinction can help humanity survive the next tumultuous century, that would be a true, full-circle restoration story.</p>


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title: NASA satellites reveal restoration power of beavers
url: https://news.mongabay.com/2023/09/nasa-satellites-reveal-restoration-power-of-beavers/
hash_url: 7732c1cdc56a5db0f2fd3117f9522fa8

<p>If humans went extinct tomorrow, who would rule the world? Beavers.</p>
<p>Well, at least in the Northern Hemisphere. These tree-felling, water-slowing, wetland-creating rodent engineers have a massive impact wherever they live. Indeed, when it comes to their power over water flow, Cory Mosby says, “I’m not aware of another species that does this (save humans) on the scale that a beaver population can.”</p>
<p>A biologist with the Idaho Department of Fish and Wildlife, Mosby knows the power of these mammals intimately. And now NASA — yes, the same agency that sends people into space and searches for killer comets — is helping researchers get a more detailed look at how beavers can transform our world for the better, including combating climate change.</p>
<figure id="attachment_273147" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" class="size-full wp-image-273147" src="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11142614/DJI_0081-copy.jpg" alt="Beaver dam on an Idaho creek. Image courtesy of Boise State University." width="768" height="512" srcset="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11142614/DJI_0081-copy.jpg 768w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11142614/DJI_0081-copy-610x407.jpg 610w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Beaver dam on an Idaho creek. Image courtesy of Boise State University.</figcaption></figure>
<p>“NASA is interested in how satellite Earth observations can be used for natural resource management,” says Cynthia Schmidt, the associate program manager for the NASA Ecological Conservation Program. In this particular case, Schmidt says, NASA is keen to use satellite research to help scientists “better understand the impacts of rewilding for ecosystem restoration.”</p>
<p>Working with Jodi Brandt, a professor of human-environment systems at Boise State University, they are tracking just how quickly and verdantly reintroduced beavers change Idaho’s landscape. Already, the program has been able to produce images taken from space of how areas with reintroduced beavers are greener — i.e. have more vegetation — than areas without them.</p>
<p><strong>Water lords</strong></p>
<p>North America once housed more beavers than humans — by a lot. Even before Europeans showed up and built an entire extractive economy on beaver pelts, estimates put the number in the hundreds of millions (during the Pleistocene, there were even giant species of beaver, as large as bears). The North American fur trade, which lasted for centuries, nearly wiped beavers off the continent — and, unknown to trappers, vastly changed its ecosystems from sea to sea.</p>
<p>“There is evidence that riverscapes across the West were much more complex and ‘anastomosed’ prior to European colonization,” says Nicholas Kolarik, a Ph.D. student working with Brandt, who is focusing on mapping data sets of wetlands. Anastomosis denotes branches connecting two things, like organs in the body, but in this case, he means streams, since waterways in the U.S. West used to be much more interconnected.</p>
<p>Today, they’re “starved of wood,” he says, but by adding wood into streams and rivers, especially by building dams, beavers slow water down significantly.</p>
<p>“In doing so, sediment is stored, water infiltrates into the aquifers, riparian vegetation establishes, habitat is created, and carbon is stored,” Kolarik says.</p>
<figure id="attachment_273150" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-273150" src="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11143804/jodi_cindy_2022.jpg" alt="Researcher Jodi Brandt (l) leads a team studying the re-wetting power of beavers. Image courtesy of Boise State University. " width="768" height="512" srcset="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11143804/jodi_cindy_2022.jpg 768w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11143804/jodi_cindy_2022-610x407.jpg 610w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Researcher Jodi Brandt (l) leads a team studying the landscape re-wetting power of beavers. Image courtesy of Boise State University.</figcaption></figure>
<p>Given that Idaho is an arid state, most of the state’s water comes from snowmelt in the mountains. If that water isn’t slowed down, it speeds through streams and into rivers and soon exits the state. During the warm summer, shallow streams and wetlands often dry up completely.</p>
<p>“Any way to retain more water, or keep it a little longer into the season, is typically beneficial,” Fish and Wildlife’s Mosby says. Slowing down water creates new habitats, like marshlands and flooded pasture, and keeps streams flowing later and deeper into the year. This provides vital habitat and forage for innumerable species, from fish to birds and ungulates. In all, Mosby says, there have been “several hundred” beaver reintroductions in Idaho in the last decade.</p>
<p>Kolarik says they don’t yet have any “exhaustive analyses that could speak to an average effect on mesic vegetation or other broad data driven conclusions” on beavers’ impact in Idaho. What they do have is a number of streams that have been transformed by beavers, he says, pointing to the Yankee Fork, a tributary of the Salmon River, which had been degraded by decades of gold mining. After restoration work was done, beavers returned naturally. Unpublished research by Trout Unlimited found that the beavers in Idaho helped maintain the restoration, increasing vegetation and connecting this part of the river back to the floodplain.</p>
<p>Generally, scientists have explored beavers’ impacts in dryland streams less than in other places. A 2014 <a href="https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/aqc.2432" data-wpel-link="external" target="_blank" rel="external">paper</a> in <em>Aquatic Conservation</em> reported that “surprisingly little is known about the ecology of beaver in dryland streams.”</p>
<figure id="attachment_273148" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-273148" src="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11143327/DJI_0084-copy.jpg" alt="Each beaver dam stores a large amount of water. Image courtesy of Boise State University." width="768" height="512" srcset="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11143327/DJI_0084-copy.jpg 768w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11143327/DJI_0084-copy-610x407.jpg 610w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Each beaver dam stores a large amount of water. Image courtesy of Boise State University.</figcaption></figure>
<p>That said, scientists are well aware that beavers boost biodiversity and increase wetlands. For example, <a href="https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00442-002-0929-1" data-wpel-link="external" target="_blank" rel="external">research</a> from the Adirondacks in New York, published in <em>Oecologia</em> in 2002, found that the beaver presence the boosted the diversity of plants by one-third.</p>
<p>Despite this, the U.S. Department of Agriculture&#8217;s Wildlife Services has a long history of killing beavers, which have been deemed to be pests, as their dams can lead to flooding of infrastructure and crops. In 2022, the agency killed 26,731 beavers.</p>
<p>However, experts like Peter Busher say that “Any potential negatives are minor in regard to the ecosystem services the beaver wetlands provide.” A professor and beaver expert at Boston University, who was unconnected to this project, Busher says that “beaver activity may be the most cost-effective method of creating functional wetland systems.”</p>
<p>After decades of recovery, the North American beaver population stands at only around 15 million, from subarctic Canada to northern Mexico. That’s still a long, long way from its pre-European population, but it’s a big comeback.</p>
<figure id="attachment_273153" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" class="size-medium wp-image-273153" src="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11145921/Beaver_Yearling_Grooming_Alhambra_Creek_2008-768x512.jpeg" alt width="768" height="512" srcset="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11145921/Beaver_Yearling_Grooming_Alhambra_Creek_2008-768x512.jpeg 768w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11145921/Beaver_Yearling_Grooming_Alhambra_Creek_2008-1200x800.jpeg 1200w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11145921/Beaver_Yearling_Grooming_Alhambra_Creek_2008-610x407.jpeg 610w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11145921/Beaver_Yearling_Grooming_Alhambra_Creek_2008.jpeg 1210w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Young beaver grooming itself. Image courtesy of Cheryl Reynolds via Wikimedia Commons.</figcaption></figure>
<p><strong>Rewilding results seen from space</strong></p>
<p>When NASA joined the project in 2020, it brought new data to initiatives already underway. Schmidt says the project is using the satellite data for two main purposes, the first being to find potential locations for future beaver reintroductions.</p>
<p>“It’s difficult and expensive to get people out on the ground to try and figure out where beavers should go, so satellite imagery gives a comprehensive view of a region, which can tell you if it’s appropriate for beaver,” Schmidt says.</p>
<p>Before reintroducing any animals, Mosby says his department has much to consider. First, they have to determine if the area has enough food and year-round water for beavers, and enough wood for their dams. Then they have to make sure there are no concerns over disease or invasive species that could hamper reintroductions.</p>
<p>If the biological conditions look good, then they have to move on to social questions, including land ownership of the location and surrounding areas, water rights, and whether any introduced beavers might negatively impact crops or infrastructure.</p>
<p>Mosby says views on beavers in Idaho are “are all over the board.” But he notes that many ranchers have come around, as they see the tremendous benefits of having beavers on or near their land, including more water and grazing for their cattle. He says the least tolerant people to beavers are often those living in more developed areas.</p>
<figure id="attachment_273143" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" class="size-full wp-image-273143" src="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11141835/apbeaversnatclr_oli2_2022175_hires.jpg" alt="NASA Earth Observatory image reveals re-greening power of beavers. Image courtesy of NASA." width="768" height="512" srcset="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11141835/apbeaversnatclr_oli2_2022175_hires.jpg 768w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11141835/apbeaversnatclr_oli2_2022175_hires-610x407.jpg 610w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">NASA Earth Observatory image reveals re-greening power of beavers. Image courtesy of NASA.</figcaption></figure>
<p>“Transportation infrastructure and their associated culverts and bridges can be put at risk when beavers begin damming these areas,” Mosby says. “When beavers begin cutting large trees next to popular walking paths or residential and commercial buildings, this becomes a safety concern. Also, these same animals will remove and browse the landscaped vegetation. In these situations, people that have never strongly felt one way or the other often want those beavers removed.”</p>
<p>If a reintroduction gets the go-ahead, Mosby says the department will begin to find animals, capture them, and then move them quickly. After that, it’s really about allowing the beavers to do what they do best: shape the ecosystem.</p>
<p>And that’s where the second role of NASA’s data comes in again. From above the clouds, NASA can track the landscape&#8217;s transformation after beavers arrive, helping researchers understand the pace and nuance of beaver impacts without having to send researchers into remote areas. In addition to the data, NASA also helps with funding as a part of its Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences grants. The program doesn’t cover all costs, but shares costs with the research group.</p>
<p><strong>Furry fire fighters</strong></p>
<p>Beavers are also likely to become more important as the world continues to rapidly heat up due to <a href="https://news.mongabay.com/list/climate-change/" data-wpel-link="internal">climate change</a>.</p>
<p>A <a href="/www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-09/documents/climate-change-id.pdf" data-wpel-link="internal">2016 federal report</a> on how climate change will impact Idaho shows that its vital mountain snowpack was already decreasing, lessening the availability of water in late summer. It also predicted that some streams could see 50% less flow by 2050. The report further predicts that global warming will increase the likelihood of fires, which already burn about 1% of the state annually. Climate change could even push some ecosystems into regime shifts: forests could become grasslands, and grasslands, deserts.</p>
<figure id="attachment_273160" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><img decoding="async" class="wp-image-273160 size-full" src="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11155354/2016s_Pioneer_Fire_in_the_Boise_National_Forest_42399007595.jpeg" alt="The destructive power of events like the 2016 Pioneer Fire in the Boise National Forest could be lessened by beaver activity. Image by Kari Greer/U.S. Forest Service." width="768" height="512" srcset="https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11155354/2016s_Pioneer_Fire_in_the_Boise_National_Forest_42399007595.jpeg 768w, https://imgs.mongabay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2023/09/11155354/2016s_Pioneer_Fire_in_the_Boise_National_Forest_42399007595-610x407.jpeg 610w" sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px" /><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">The destructive power of events like the 2016 Pioneer Fire in the Boise National Forest, where naturally dry conditions were exacerbated by a lack of late-summer monsoon rains, could be lessened by beaver activity. Image by Kari Greer/U.S. Forest Service.</figcaption></figure>
<p>Beavers could help mitigate all of these issues. By slowing down the flow of water melting from the snowpack, they could allow streams to stay deeper and last longer, perhaps saving habitat for fish, and vegetation for cattle. They could even mitigate forest fires.</p>
<p>“As our collaborator Joe Wheaton [from Utah State University] likes to say, ‘water doesn&#8217;t burn,’” Kolarik says. “Beavers maintain healthy riverscapes which store carbon and water. Consistent access to water is key to mitigating the effects of climate disturbances like drought.”</p>
<p>Beavers’ role as firefighters has already been documented in Idaho. A 2018 <a href="https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-Sharps-Fire-burned-approximately-75-of-the-Baugh-Creek-watershed-located-in_fig1_331824980" data-wpel-link="external" target="_blank" rel="external">technical report by Anabranch Solutions</a>, a river restoration company, found that beavers were a major factor in decreasing burn intensity along Baugh Creek during that year’s Sharps Fire.</p>
<p>“Where active beaver dams were present, native riparian vegetation persisted, unburnt,” the authors wrote. In our hotter and fierier world, beavers are a buffer.</p>
<p>“I once heard a rancher use the analogy of sponges when referring to valley bottoms. If we can successfully rewet the sponges, the West will be much more resilient to climate change, and beavers can keep those sponges wet,” Kolarik says.</p>
<p>If the species that was once pushed nearly to extinction can help humanity survive the next tumultuous century, that would be a true, full-circle restoration story.</p>

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<h1>Lessons from Soviet Russia on deploying small nuclear generators</h1>
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<a href="https://daverupert.com/2023/05/soviet-rtgs/" title="Lien vers le contenu original">Source originale</a>
<p>The Soviet Union had an engineering problem. Thousands of miles of remote frozen arctic coastline that needed lighthouses and radio towers which required power. But those places were too cold and too remote for human operators in the winter months, so the Soviets devised a plan to deploy small Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs). Radioactive strontium-90 heats an arrangement of metal fins, the fins cool, and a semiconductor turns that energy into electricity. The RTG’s design was the same tech the Soviet Union used to deploy radio to areas without power. What could go wrong?</p>
<p>It’s worth noting this was the advent of the nuclear era; the pre-Chernobyl era. There had been no nuclear disaster that might have made them question this strategy, the superpowers had mastered the atom after all. It’s also worth noting that Americans and NASA used and <em>still use</em> RTGs on satellites zooming through space and rovers on Mars. As far as nuclear power goes, putting a spicy rock inside a container to generate power is “acceptable use”.</p>
<p>The Soviets deployed over 2500 of these “Beta-M” generators across a variety of remote locations. All they had to do was send someone out in the warm months to service them. I’m sure the program wasn’t without incident, but as far as a remote power generator that doesn’t require a human babysitter replenishing fuel supply goes… the solution worked?</p>
<p>Fast-forward to 1991 and the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia fell into bankruptcy which is a bad set of circumstances for a government-funded nuclear device program. With no money to send people out to repair the machines, the machines fell out of maintenance – which wasn’t hard because they were brazenly deployed in rusty containers or with no coverage at all, exposed bare to the harsh winter elements. The haphazardly deployed devices failed and radiation leeched out. Further complicating the problem, the organizational turmoil meant Russia lost track of the location of these devices.</p>
<p>Generally speaking, a small fission reactor having a nuclear meltdown in the remote wilderness isn’t a big problem… unless humans make contact… which happened. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_radiological_accident">Woodsmen find a mysterious metal cylinder</a> that repels snow, scrap metal thieves stumble upon their next big score, and remote lighthouse explorers poke at a curious object; the tales don’t always end in death but there’s probably lots of tales we’ll never hear.</p>
<p>The Soviet RTG program is – for me – a foreboding engineering parable about the cost of deploying an idea with no plans for future maintenance. Sure, I can deploy this <em><strong>hot</strong></em> new tech now and it does the job in new and clever ways, but what is the impact if we don’t have a plan for regular maintenance? When future people interact with my contraption, will it work and will it kill anyone? Y’know, the basic concerns every software project deals with.</p>
<p>I wonder if software has a kind of <a href="https://andrewwalpole.com/blog/digital-entropy/">digital entropy</a>, where even good software left untouched for a short timeframe rots and stops working. Are environments too harsh for my deployments and causing my abstractions to leak? Do irradiated ones and zeroes escape the metallic hard disk enclosure? Surely some smart scientists at MIT are looking into this.</p>
<p>Speaking of smart scientists… <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z8btElDwBs">according to the AP</a> the United States is planning on rolling out micro-reactors in 2024. There’s even <a href="https://www.energy.gov/ne/articles/what-nuclear-microreactor">a page on the DoE website about nuclear microreactors</a>. I dunno. It could be the Soviet RTG story I stumbled across influencing my optimism here… but are we sure about this? I actually don’t oppose using nuclear as a short-term fix to break away from fossil fuels… but are we sure about this? Is “on the brink of credit default” America or “on the brink of another Civil War” America the place you want to deploy a bunch of at-home reactors? Asking one more time… are we sure about this!?</p>
<p>On second thought, I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about and we solved all the risks around installing lots of small reactors with destabilized elements. I mean, this company is even called <a href="https://www.usnc.com/">Ultra Safe</a>, that’s how you know it’s safe. Says so on the tin. Nothing ominous about that.</p>


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title: Lessons from Soviet Russia on deploying small nuclear generators
url: https://daverupert.com/2023/05/soviet-rtgs/
hash_url: 90e565ff0043e34d7fcfc087d66555d3

<p>The Soviet Union had an engineering problem. Thousands of miles of remote frozen arctic coastline that needed lighthouses and radio towers which required power. But those places were too cold and too remote for human operators in the winter months, so the Soviets devised a plan to deploy small Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs). Radioactive strontium-90 heats an arrangement of metal fins, the fins cool, and a semiconductor turns that energy into electricity. The RTG’s design was the same tech the Soviet Union used to deploy radio to areas without power. What could go wrong?</p>
<p>It’s worth noting this was the advent of the nuclear era; the pre-Chernobyl era. There had been no nuclear disaster that might have made them question this strategy, the superpowers had mastered the atom after all. It’s also worth noting that Americans and NASA used and <em>still use</em> RTGs on satellites zooming through space and rovers on Mars. As far as nuclear power goes, putting a spicy rock inside a container to generate power is “acceptable use”.</p>
<p>The Soviets deployed over 2500 of these “Beta-M” generators across a variety of remote locations. All they had to do was send someone out in the warm months to service them. I’m sure the program wasn’t without incident, but as far as a remote power generator that doesn’t require a human babysitter replenishing fuel supply goes… the solution worked?</p>
<p>Fast-forward to 1991 and the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia fell into bankruptcy which is a bad set of circumstances for a government-funded nuclear device program. With no money to send people out to repair the machines, the machines fell out of maintenance – which wasn’t hard because they were brazenly deployed in rusty containers or with no coverage at all, exposed bare to the harsh winter elements. The haphazardly deployed devices failed and radiation leeched out. Further complicating the problem, the organizational turmoil meant Russia lost track of the location of these devices.</p>
<p>Generally speaking, a small fission reactor having a nuclear meltdown in the remote wilderness isn’t a big problem… unless humans make contact… which happened. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_radiological_accident">Woodsmen find a mysterious metal cylinder</a> that repels snow, scrap metal thieves stumble upon their next big score, and remote lighthouse explorers poke at a curious object; the tales don’t always end in death but there’s probably lots of tales we’ll never hear.</p>
<p>The Soviet RTG program is – for me – a foreboding engineering parable about the cost of deploying an idea with no plans for future maintenance. Sure, I can deploy this <em><strong>hot</strong></em> new tech now and it does the job in new and clever ways, but what is the impact if we don’t have a plan for regular maintenance? When future people interact with my contraption, will it work and will it kill anyone? Y’know, the basic concerns every software project deals with.</p>
<p>I wonder if software has a kind of <a href="https://andrewwalpole.com/blog/digital-entropy/">digital entropy</a>, where even good software left untouched for a short timeframe rots and stops working. Are environments too harsh for my deployments and causing my abstractions to leak? Do irradiated ones and zeroes escape the metallic hard disk enclosure? Surely some smart scientists at MIT are looking into this.</p>
<p>Speaking of smart scientists… <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z8btElDwBs">according to the AP</a> the United States is planning on rolling out micro-reactors in 2024. There’s even <a href="https://www.energy.gov/ne/articles/what-nuclear-microreactor">a page on the DoE website about nuclear microreactors</a>. I dunno. It could be the Soviet RTG story I stumbled across influencing my optimism here… but are we sure about this? I actually don’t oppose using nuclear as a short-term fix to break away from fossil fuels… but are we sure about this? Is “on the brink of credit default” America or “on the brink of another Civil War” America the place you want to deploy a bunch of at-home reactors? Asking one more time… are we sure about this!?</p>
<p>On second thought, I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about and we solved all the risks around installing lots of small reactors with destabilized elements. I mean, this company is even called <a href="https://www.usnc.com/">Ultra Safe</a>, that’s how you know it’s safe. Says so on the tin. Nothing ominous about that.</p>

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<h1>The forbidden topics</h1>
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<a href="https://drewdevault.com/2023/09/29/The-forbidden-topics.html" title="Lien vers le contenu original">Source originale</a>
<p>There are forbidden topics in the hacker community. One is sternly reprimanded
for bringing them up, by their peers, their leaders, and the community at large.
In private, one can expect threats and intimidation; in public, outcry and
censorship. The forbidden topics are enforced by the moderators of our spaces,
taken off of forums, purged from chat rooms, and cleaned up from GitHub issues
and mailing lists; the ban-hammers fall swiftly and resolutely. My last article
to touch these subjects was removed from Hacker News by the moderators within 30
minutes and landed several death threats in my inbox. The forbidden topics, when
raised, are met with a resounding, aggressive dismissal and unconditional
<p>Some years ago, the hacker community possessed near-unanimous praise for the
ideals of free speech; the hacker position was generally that of what we would
now understand as “radical” free speech, which is to say the kind of “shout
‘fire’ in a crowded movie theater” radical, but more specifically the kind that
tolerates hate speech. The popular refrain went, “I disapprove of what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. Many hackers hold this as
a virtue to this day. I once held this as a virtue for myself.</p>
<p>However, this was a kind of free speech which was unconsciously contingent on
being used for speech with which the listener was comfortable. The hacker
community at this time was largely homogeneous, and as such most of the speech
we were exposed to was of the comfortable sort. As the world evolved around us,
and more people found their voice, this homogeneity began to break down. Critics
of radical free speech, victims of hate speech, and marginalized people of
all kinds began to appear in hacker communities. The things they had to say were
not comfortable.</p>
<p>The free speech absolutists among the old guard, faced with this discomfort,
developed a tendency to defend hate speech and demean speech that challenged
them. They were not the target of the hate, so it did not make them personally
uncomfortable, and defending it would maintain the pretense of defending free
speech, of stalwartly holding the line on a treasured part of their personal
hacker ethic. Speech which challenged their preconceptions and challenged their
power structures was not so easily acceptable. The pretense is dropped and they
lash out in anger, calling for the speakers to be excluded from our communities.</p>
<p>Some of the once-forbidden topics are becoming less so. There are carefully
chalked-out spaces where we can talk about them, provided they are not too
challenging, such as LGBTQ identities or the struggles of women in our spaces.
Such discussions are subject to careful management by our leaders and
moderators, to the extent necessary to preserve power structures. Those who
speak on these topics are permitted to do so relatively free of retaliation
provided that they speak from a perspective of humility, a voice that “knows its
place”. Any speech which suggests that the listener may find themselves subject
to a non-majority-conforming person in a position of power, or even that of a
peer, will have crossed the line; one must speak as a victim seeking the pity
and grace of your superiors to be permitted space to air your grievances.</p>
<p>Similarly, space is made for opposition to progressive speech, again moderated
only insofar as it is necessary to maintain power structures. Some kinds of
overt hate speech may rouse a response from our leaders, but those who employ a
more subtle approach are permitted their voice. Thus, both progressive speech
and hate speech are permitted within a carefully regulated framework of power
<p>Some topics, however, remain strictly forbidden.</p>
<p>Our community has persistent and pervasive problems of a particular sort which
we are not allowed to talk about: sexual harassment and assault. Men who
assault, harass, and even rape women in our spaces, are protected. A culture of
silence is enforced, and those who call out rape, sexual assault, or harassment,
those who criticise they who enable and protect these behaviors, are punished,
swiftly and aggressively.</p>
<p>Men are terrified of these kinds of allegations. It seems like a life sentence:
social ostracization, limited work opportunities, ruined relationships. We may
have events in our past that weigh on our conscience; was she too drunk, did she
clearly consent, did she regret it in the morning? Some of us have events in our
past that we try not to think about, because if we think too hard, we might
realize that we crossed the line. This fills men with guilt and uncertainty, but
also fear. We know the consequences if our doubts became known.</p>
<p>So we lash out in this fear. We close ranks. We demand the most stringent
standards of evidence to prove anything, evidence that we know is not likely to
be there. We refuse to believe that our friends were not the men we thought they
were, or to confront that we might not be ourselves. We demand due process under
the law, we say they should have gone to the police, that they can’t make
accusations of such gravity without hard proof. Think of the alleged
perpetrator; we can’t ruin their lives over frivolous accusations.</p>
<p>For victims, the only recourse permitted by society is to suffer in silence.
Should they speak, victims are subject to similar persecutions: they are
ostracized, struggle to work, and lose their relationships. They have to manage
the consequences of a traumatic experience with support resources which are
absent or inadequate. Their trauma is disbelieved, their speech is punished, and
their assailants walk free among us as equals while they are subject to
retaliatory harassment or worse.</p>
<p>Victims have no recourse which will satisfy men. Reporting a crime is traumatic,
especially one of this nature. I have heard many stories of disbelief from the
authorities, disbelief in the face of overwhelming evidence. They were told it
was their fault. They were told they should have been in a different place, or
wearing something else, or should have simply been a different person. It’s
their fault, not the aggressor’s. It’s about what they, the victim, should
have done differently, never mind what the perpetrator should have done
differently. It’s estimated that less than 1% of rapes end with the rapist in
jail<sup id="fnref:1"></sup> – the remainder go unreported, unprosecuted or fail after years of
traumatic legal proceedings for the victims. The legal system does not provide
justice: it exacerbates harm. A hacker will demand this process is completed
before they will seek justice, or allow justice to be sought. Until then, we
will demand silence, and retaliate if our demands are not met.</p>
<p>The strict standards of evidence required by the justice system are there
because of the state monopoly on violence: a guilty verdict in a crime will lead
to the imprisonment of the accused. We have no such recourse available in
private, accordingly there is no need to hold ourselves to such standards. Our
job is not to punish the accused, but rather to keep our communities safe. We
can establish the need to take action to whatever standard <em>we</em> believe is
sufficient, and by setting these standards as strict as the courts we will fail
to resolve over 99% of the situations with which we are faced – a standard
which is clearly not sufficient to address the problem. I’m behind you if you
want to improve the justice system in this regard, but not if you set this as a
blocker to seeking any justice at all. What kind of hacker puts their faith in
<p>I find the state of affairs detestable. The hypocrisy of the free speech
absolutist who demands censorship of challenging topics. The fact that the
famous hacker curiosity can suddenly dry up if satisfying it would question our
biases and preconceptions. The complicity of our moderators in censoring
progressive voices in the defense of decorum and the status quo. The duplicitous
characterization of “polite” hate speech as acceptable in our communities. Our
failure to acknowledge our own shortcomings, our fear of seeing the “other” in a
position of power, and the socially enforced ignorance of the “other” that
naturally leads to failing to curtail discrimination and harassment in our
communities. The ridiculously high standard of evidence we require from victims,
who simply ask for our <em>belief</em> at a minimum, before we’ll consider doing
anything about their grievance, if we could even be convinced in the first
<p>Meanwhile, the problems that these forbidden topics seek to discuss are present
in our community. That includes the “polite” problems, such as the conspicuous
lack of diversity in our positions of power, which may be discussed and
commiserated only until someone suggests doing something about it; and also the
impolite problems up to and including the protection of the perpetrators of
sexual harassment, sexual assault, and, yes, rape.</p>
<p>Most hackers live under the comfortable belief that it “can’t happen here”, but
it can and it does. I attended a hacker event this year – HiP Berlin – where I
discovered that some of the organizers had cooperated to make it possible for
multiple known rapists to participate, working together to find a way to
circumvent the event’s code of conduct – a document that they were tasked with
enforcing. One of the victims was in attendance, believing the event to be safe.
At every hacker event I have attended in recent memory, I have personally
witnessed or heard stories of deeply problematic behavior and protection for its
perpetrators from the leadership.</p>
<p>Our community has problems, important problems, that every hacker should care
about, and we need the bravery and humility to face them, not the cowardice to
retaliate against those who speak up. Talk to, listen to, and believe your peers
and their stories. Stand up for what’s right, and speak out when you see
something that isn’t. Demand that your leaders and moderators do the right
thing. Make a platform where people can safely speak about what our community
needs to do right by them, and have the courage to listen to them and confront
<p>You need to be someone who will <em>do something about it</em>.</p>
<p><strong>Edit</strong>: Case in point: this post was quietly removed by Hacker News moderators
within 40 minutes of its submission.</p>


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title: The forbidden topics
url: https://drewdevault.com/2023/09/29/The-forbidden-topics.html
hash_url: ae2b427ba896475633726fdd731caf09

<p>There are forbidden topics in the hacker community. One is sternly reprimanded
for bringing them up, by their peers, their leaders, and the community at large.
In private, one can expect threats and intimidation; in public, outcry and
censorship. The forbidden topics are enforced by the moderators of our spaces,
taken off of forums, purged from chat rooms, and cleaned up from GitHub issues
and mailing lists; the ban-hammers fall swiftly and resolutely. My last article
to touch these subjects was removed from Hacker News by the moderators within 30
minutes and landed several death threats in my inbox. The forbidden topics, when
raised, are met with a resounding, aggressive dismissal and unconditional
<p>Some years ago, the hacker community possessed near-unanimous praise for the
ideals of free speech; the hacker position was generally that of what we would
now understand as “radical” free speech, which is to say the kind of “shout
‘fire’ in a crowded movie theater” radical, but more specifically the kind that
tolerates hate speech. The popular refrain went, “I disapprove of what you say,
but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. Many hackers hold this as
a virtue to this day. I once held this as a virtue for myself.</p>
<p>However, this was a kind of free speech which was unconsciously contingent on
being used for speech with which the listener was comfortable. The hacker
community at this time was largely homogeneous, and as such most of the speech
we were exposed to was of the comfortable sort. As the world evolved around us,
and more people found their voice, this homogeneity began to break down. Critics
of radical free speech, victims of hate speech, and marginalized people of
all kinds began to appear in hacker communities. The things they had to say were
not comfortable.</p>
<p>The free speech absolutists among the old guard, faced with this discomfort,
developed a tendency to defend hate speech and demean speech that challenged
them. They were not the target of the hate, so it did not make them personally
uncomfortable, and defending it would maintain the pretense of defending free
speech, of stalwartly holding the line on a treasured part of their personal
hacker ethic. Speech which challenged their preconceptions and challenged their
power structures was not so easily acceptable. The pretense is dropped and they
lash out in anger, calling for the speakers to be excluded from our communities.</p>
<p>Some of the once-forbidden topics are becoming less so. There are carefully
chalked-out spaces where we can talk about them, provided they are not too
challenging, such as LGBTQ identities or the struggles of women in our spaces.
Such discussions are subject to careful management by our leaders and
moderators, to the extent necessary to preserve power structures. Those who
speak on these topics are permitted to do so relatively free of retaliation
provided that they speak from a perspective of humility, a voice that “knows its
place”. Any speech which suggests that the listener may find themselves subject
to a non-majority-conforming person in a position of power, or even that of a
peer, will have crossed the line; one must speak as a victim seeking the pity
and grace of your superiors to be permitted space to air your grievances.</p>
<p>Similarly, space is made for opposition to progressive speech, again moderated
only insofar as it is necessary to maintain power structures. Some kinds of
overt hate speech may rouse a response from our leaders, but those who employ a
more subtle approach are permitted their voice. Thus, both progressive speech
and hate speech are permitted within a carefully regulated framework of power
<p>Some topics, however, remain strictly forbidden.</p>
<p>Our community has persistent and pervasive problems of a particular sort which
we are not allowed to talk about: sexual harassment and assault. Men who
assault, harass, and even rape women in our spaces, are protected. A culture of
silence is enforced, and those who call out rape, sexual assault, or harassment,
those who criticise they who enable and protect these behaviors, are punished,
swiftly and aggressively.</p>
<p>Men are terrified of these kinds of allegations. It seems like a life sentence:
social ostracization, limited work opportunities, ruined relationships. We may
have events in our past that weigh on our conscience; was she too drunk, did she
clearly consent, did she regret it in the morning? Some of us have events in our
past that we try not to think about, because if we think too hard, we might
realize that we crossed the line. This fills men with guilt and uncertainty, but
also fear. We know the consequences if our doubts became known.</p>
<p>So we lash out in this fear. We close ranks. We demand the most stringent
standards of evidence to prove anything, evidence that we know is not likely to
be there. We refuse to believe that our friends were not the men we thought they
were, or to confront that we might not be ourselves. We demand due process under
the law, we say they should have gone to the police, that they can’t make
accusations of such gravity without hard proof. Think of the alleged
perpetrator; we can’t ruin their lives over frivolous accusations.</p>
<p>For victims, the only recourse permitted by society is to suffer in silence.
Should they speak, victims are subject to similar persecutions: they are
ostracized, struggle to work, and lose their relationships. They have to manage
the consequences of a traumatic experience with support resources which are
absent or inadequate. Their trauma is disbelieved, their speech is punished, and
their assailants walk free among us as equals while they are subject to
retaliatory harassment or worse.</p>
<p>Victims have no recourse which will satisfy men. Reporting a crime is traumatic,
especially one of this nature. I have heard many stories of disbelief from the
authorities, disbelief in the face of overwhelming evidence. They were told it
was their fault. They were told they should have been in a different place, or
wearing something else, or should have simply been a different person. It’s
their fault, not the aggressor’s. It’s about what they, the victim, should
have done differently, never mind what the perpetrator should have done
differently. It’s estimated that less than 1% of rapes end with the rapist in
jail<sup id="fnref:1"></sup> – the remainder go unreported, unprosecuted or fail after years of
traumatic legal proceedings for the victims. The legal system does not provide
justice: it exacerbates harm. A hacker will demand this process is completed
before they will seek justice, or allow justice to be sought. Until then, we
will demand silence, and retaliate if our demands are not met.</p>
<p>The strict standards of evidence required by the justice system are there
because of the state monopoly on violence: a guilty verdict in a crime will lead
to the imprisonment of the accused. We have no such recourse available in
private, accordingly there is no need to hold ourselves to such standards. Our
job is not to punish the accused, but rather to keep our communities safe. We
can establish the need to take action to whatever standard <em>we</em> believe is
sufficient, and by setting these standards as strict as the courts we will fail
to resolve over 99% of the situations with which we are faced – a standard
which is clearly not sufficient to address the problem. I’m behind you if you
want to improve the justice system in this regard, but not if you set this as a
blocker to seeking any justice at all. What kind of hacker puts their faith in
<p>I find the state of affairs detestable. The hypocrisy of the free speech
absolutist who demands censorship of challenging topics. The fact that the
famous hacker curiosity can suddenly dry up if satisfying it would question our
biases and preconceptions. The complicity of our moderators in censoring
progressive voices in the defense of decorum and the status quo. The duplicitous
characterization of “polite” hate speech as acceptable in our communities. Our
failure to acknowledge our own shortcomings, our fear of seeing the “other” in a
position of power, and the socially enforced ignorance of the “other” that
naturally leads to failing to curtail discrimination and harassment in our
communities. The ridiculously high standard of evidence we require from victims,
who simply ask for our <em>belief</em> at a minimum, before we’ll consider doing
anything about their grievance, if we could even be convinced in the first
<p>Meanwhile, the problems that these forbidden topics seek to discuss are present
in our community. That includes the “polite” problems, such as the conspicuous
lack of diversity in our positions of power, which may be discussed and
commiserated only until someone suggests doing something about it; and also the
impolite problems up to and including the protection of the perpetrators of
sexual harassment, sexual assault, and, yes, rape.</p>
<p>Most hackers live under the comfortable belief that it “can’t happen here”, but
it can and it does. I attended a hacker event this year – HiP Berlin – where I
discovered that some of the organizers had cooperated to make it possible for
multiple known rapists to participate, working together to find a way to
circumvent the event’s code of conduct – a document that they were tasked with
enforcing. One of the victims was in attendance, believing the event to be safe.
At every hacker event I have attended in recent memory, I have personally
witnessed or heard stories of deeply problematic behavior and protection for its
perpetrators from the leadership.</p>
<p>Our community has problems, important problems, that every hacker should care
about, and we need the bravery and humility to face them, not the cowardice to
retaliate against those who speak up. Talk to, listen to, and believe your peers
and their stories. Stand up for what’s right, and speak out when you see
something that isn’t. Demand that your leaders and moderators do the right
thing. Make a platform where people can safely speak about what our community
needs to do right by them, and have the courage to listen to them and confront
<p>You need to be someone who will <em>do something about it</em>.</p>
<p><strong>Edit</strong>: Case in point: this post was quietly removed by Hacker News moderators
within 40 minutes of its submission.</p>

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<h1>Block the Bots that Feed “AI” Models by Scraping Your Website</h1>
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<p>“AI” companies think that we should have to opt-out of data-scraping bots that take our work to train their products. There isn’t even a required no-scraping period between the announcement and when they start. Too late? Tough. Once they have your data, they don’t provide you with a way to have it deleted, even before they’ve processed it for training.</p>
<p>These companies should be prevented from using data that they haven’t been given explicit consent for. Opt-out is problematic as it counts on concerned parties hearing about new or modified bots BEFORE their sites are targeted by them. That is simply not practical.</p>
<p>It should be strictly <strong>opt-in</strong>. No one should be required to provide their work for free to any person or organization. The online community is under no responsibility to help them create their products. Some will declare that I am “Anti-AI” for saying such things, but that would be a misrepresentation. I am not declaring that these systems should be torn down, simply that their developers aren’t entitled to our work. They can still build those systems with purchased or donated data.</p>
<p>There are ongoing court cases and debates in political circles around the world. Decisions and policies will move more slowly than either side on this issue would like, but in the meantime, SOME of the bots involved in scraping data for training have been identified and can be blocked. (Others may still be secret or operate without respect for the wishes of a website’s owner.) Here’s how:</p>
<p><strong><span>(If you are not technically inclined, please talk to your webmaster, whatever support options are at your disposal, or a tech-savvy friend.)</span></strong></p>
<p>This is a file placed in the home directory of your website that is used to tell web crawlers and bots which portions of your website they are allowed to visit. Well-behaved bots honor these directives. (Not all scraping bots are well-behaved and there are no consequences, short of negative public opinion, for ignoring them. At this point, there have been no claims that bots being named in this post have ignored these directives.)</p>
<p>This what our robots.txt looks like:</p>
<pre>User-agent: CCBot
Disallow: /

User-agent: ChatGPT-User
Disallow: /

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /

User-agent: Google-Extended
Disallow: /

User-agent: Omgilibot
Disallow: /

User-agent: Omgili
Disallow: /

User-agent: FacebookBot
Disallow: /

<p>The first line identifies <a href="https://commoncrawl.org/big-picture/frequently-asked-questions/">CCBot</a>, the bot used by the Common Crawl. This data has been used by ChatGPT, Bard, and others for training a number of models. The second line states that this user-agent is not allowed to access data from our entire website. Some image scraping bots also use Common Crawl data to find images.</p>
<p>The next two user-agents identify ChatGPT-specific bots.</p>
<p><a href="https://platform.openai.com/docs/plugins/bot">ChatGPT-User</a> is the bot used when a ChatGPT user instructs it to reference your website. It’s not automatically going to your site on its own, but it is still accessing and using data from your site.</p>
<p><a href="https://platform.openai.com/docs/gptbot">GPTBot</a> is a bot that OpenAI specifically uses to collect bulk training data from your website for ChatGPT.</p>
<p><a href="https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/overview-google-crawlers">Google-Extended</a> is the recently announced product token that allows you to block Google from scraping your site for Bard and VertexAI. This will not have an impact on Google Search indexing. <strong>The only way this works is if it is in your robots.txt.</strong> According to their documentation: “Google-Extended doesn’t have a separate HTTP request user agent string. Crawling is done with existing Google user agent strings; the robots.txt user-agent token is used in a control capacity.”</p>
<p><a href="https://webz.io/blog/web-data/what-is-the-omgili-bot-and-why-is-it-crawling-your-website/">Omgilibot</a> and Omgili are from webz.io. I noticed The New York Times was blocking them and discovered that they sell <a href="https://webz.io/blog/machine-learning/large-language-models-what-your-data-must-include/">data for training LLMs</a>.</p>
<p><a href="https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/bot">FacebookBot</a> is Meta’s bot that crawls public web pages to improve language models for their speech recognition technology. This is not what Facebook uses to get the image and snippet for when you post a link there.</p>
<p>ChatGPT has been previously reported to use another unnamed bot that had been referencing Reddit posts to find “quality data.” That bot’s user agent has never been officially identified and its current status is unknown.</p>
<h2>Updating or Installing robots.txt</h2>
<p>You can check if your website has a robots.txt by going to yourwebsite.com/robots.txt.  If it doesn’t find that page, then you don’t have one.</p>
<p>If your site is hosted by Squarespace, or another simple website-building site, you could have a problem. At present, many of those companies don’t allow you to update or add your own robots.txt. They may not even have the ability to do it for you. I recommend contacting support so you can get specific information regarding their current abilities and plans to offer such functionality. Remind them that once slurped up, you have no ability to remove your work from their hold, so this is an urgent priority. (It also demonstrates once again why “opt-out” is a bad model.)</p>
<p>If you are using Wix, they provide directions for modifying your robots.txt <a href="https://support.wix.com/en/article/editing-your-sites-robotstxt-file">here</a>.</p>
<p>If you are using WordPress, there are a few plugins that allow you to modify your robots.txt. Many of these include SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plugins have robots.txt editing features. (Use those instead of making your own.) Here’s a few we’ve run into:</p>
<li>Yoast: <a href="https://yoast.com/help/how-to-edit-robots-txt-through-yoast-seo/">directions</a></li>
<li>AIOSEO: <a href="https://aioseo.com/docs/using-the-robots-txt-tool-in-all-in-one-seo/">directions</a> (there’s a report in the comments that user agent blocking may not be working at the moment)</li>
<li>SEOPress: <a href="https://www.seopress.org/support/guides/edit-robots-txt-file/">directions</a></li>
<p>If your WordPress site doesn’t have a robots.txt or something else that modifies robots.txt, these two plugins can block <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/block-chat-gpt-via-robots-txt/">GPTBot</a> and <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/block-common-crawl-via-robots-txt/">CCBot</a> for you. (Disclaimer: I don’t use these plugins, but know people who do.)</p>
<p><strong>For more experienced users:</strong> If you don’t have a robots.txt, you can create a text file by that name and upload it via FTP to your website’s home directory. If you have one, it can be downloaded, altered and reuploaded. If your hosting company provides you with cPanel or some other control panel, you can use its file manager to view, modify, or create the file as well.</p>
<p><strong>If your site already has a robots.txt, it’s important to know where it came from as something else may be updating it. You don’t want to accidentally break something, so talk to whoever set up your website or your hosting provider’s support team.</strong></p>
<h2>Firewalls and CDNs (less common, but better option)</h2>
<p>Your website may have a firewall or CDN in front of your actual server. Many of these products have the ability to block bots and specific user agents. Blocking the four user agents (<strong>CCBot</strong>, <strong>GPTBot</strong>, <strong>ChatGPT-User</strong>, <strong>Omgilibot</strong>, <strong>Omgili</strong>, and <strong>FacebookBot</strong>) there is even more effective than using a robots.txt directive. (As I mentioned, directives can be ignored. Blocks at the firewall level prevent them from accessing your site at all.) Some of these products include <a href="https://docs.sucuri.net/website-firewall/whitelist-and-blacklist/block-user-agents">Sucuri</a>, <a href="https://developers.cloudflare.com/waf/tools/user-agent-blocking/#cloudflare-user-agent-blocking">Cloudflare</a>, <a href="https://www.quic.cloud/docs/cdn/cdn-security-configuration/#user-agent-allowlist-and-blocklist">QUIC.cloud</a>, and <a href="https://www.wordfence.com/help/blocking/#custom-pattern">Wordfence</a>. (Happy to add more if people let me know about them. Please include a link to their user agent blocking documentation as well.) Contact their support if you need further assistance.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Google-Extended isn’t a bot. You need to have this in your robots.txt file if you want to prevent them from using your site content as training.</p>
<h2>.htaccess (another option)</h2>
<p>In the comments, DJ Mary pointed out that you can also block user agents with your website’s .htaccess file by adding these lines:</p>
<pre>RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} (CCBot|ChatGPT|GPTBot|Omgilibot|Omgili|FacebookBot) [NC]
RewriteRule ^ – [F]</pre>
<p>I’d rate this one as something for more experienced people to do. This has a similar effect to that of the firewall and CDN blocks above.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Google-Extended isn’t a bot. You need to have this in your robots.txt file if you want to prevent them from using your site content as training.</p>
<h2>Additional Protection for Images</h2>
<p>There are some image-scraping tools that honor the following directive:</p>
<pre>&lt;meta name="robots" content="noai, noimageai"&gt;</pre>
<p>when placed in the header section of your webpages. Unfortunately, many image-scraping tools allow their users to ignore this directives.</p>
<p>Tools like <a href="https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu/">Glaze</a> and <a href="https://mist-project.github.io/index_en.html">Mist</a> that can make it more difficult for models to perform style mimicry based on altered images. (Assuming they don’t get or already have an unaltered copy from another source.)</p>
<p>There are other techniques that you can apply for further protection (blocking direct access to images, watermarking, etc.) but I’m probably not the best person to talk to for this one. If you know a good source, recommend them in the comments.</p>
<p>The standard lack of transparency from the “AI” industry makes it difficult to know what is being done with regards to audio. It is clear, however, that the Common Crawl has audio listed among the types of data it has acquired. Blocks to the bots mentioned should protect an RSS feed (the part of your site that shares information about episodes), but if your audio files (or RSS feed) are hosted on a third party website (like Libsyn, PodBean, Blubrry, etc.), it may be open from their end if they aren’t blocking. I am presently unaware of any that are blocking those bots, but I have started asking. The very nature of how podcasts are distributed makes it very difficult to close up the holes that would allow access. This is yet another reason why Opt-In needs to be the standard.</p>
<p>I just came across this one recently and I don’t know which “AI” companies are respecting Spawning’s ai.txt settings, but if anyone is, it’s worth having. They provide a tool to generate the file and an assortment of installation directions for different websites.</p>
<p><a href="https://site.spawning.ai/spawning-ai-txt">https://site.spawning.ai/spawning-ai-txt</a></p>
<p>None of these options are guarantees. They are based on an honor system and there’s no shortage of dishonorable people who want to acquire your data for the “AI” gold rush or other purposes. Sadly, the most effective means of protecting your work from scraping is to not put it online at all. Even paywall models can be compromised by someone determined to do so.</p>
<p>Writers and artists should also start advocating for “AI”-specific clauses in their contracts to restrict publishers using, selling, donating, or licensing your work for the purposes of training these systems. Online works might be the most vulnerable to being fed to training algorithms, but print, audio, and ebook editions developed by publishers can be used too. It is not safe to assume that anyone will take the necessary efforts to protect your work from these uses, so get it in writing.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>[This post will be updated with additional information as it becomes available.]</p>
<p>9/28/2023 – Added the recently announced Google-Extended robots.txt product token. This must be in robots.txt. There are no alternatives.</p>
<p>9/28/2023 – Added Omgilibot/Omgili, bots apparently used by a company that sells data for LLM training.</p>
<p>9/29/2023 – Adam Johnson on Mastodon pointed us at FacebookBot, which is used by Meta to help improve their language models.</p>


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title: Block the Bots that Feed “AI” Models by Scraping Your Website
url: https://neil-clarke.com/block-the-bots-that-feed-ai-models-by-scraping-your-website/
hash_url: af6aeab9b848e78334e31b9b7a668413

<p>“AI” companies think that we should have to opt-out of data-scraping bots that take our work to train their products. There isn’t even a required no-scraping period between the announcement and when they start. Too late? Tough. Once they have your data, they don’t provide you with a way to have it deleted, even before they’ve processed it for training.</p>
<p>These companies should be prevented from using data that they haven’t been given explicit consent for. Opt-out is problematic as it counts on concerned parties hearing about new or modified bots BEFORE their sites are targeted by them. That is simply not practical.</p>
<p>It should be strictly <strong>opt-in</strong>. No one should be required to provide their work for free to any person or organization. The online community is under no responsibility to help them create their products. Some will declare that I am “Anti-AI” for saying such things, but that would be a misrepresentation. I am not declaring that these systems should be torn down, simply that their developers aren’t entitled to our work. They can still build those systems with purchased or donated data.</p>
<p>There are ongoing court cases and debates in political circles around the world. Decisions and policies will move more slowly than either side on this issue would like, but in the meantime, SOME of the bots involved in scraping data for training have been identified and can be blocked. (Others may still be secret or operate without respect for the wishes of a website’s owner.) Here’s how:</p>
<p><strong><span>(If you are not technically inclined, please talk to your webmaster, whatever support options are at your disposal, or a tech-savvy friend.)</span></strong></p>
<p>This is a file placed in the home directory of your website that is used to tell web crawlers and bots which portions of your website they are allowed to visit. Well-behaved bots honor these directives. (Not all scraping bots are well-behaved and there are no consequences, short of negative public opinion, for ignoring them. At this point, there have been no claims that bots being named in this post have ignored these directives.)</p>
<p>This what our robots.txt looks like:</p>
<pre>User-agent: CCBot
Disallow: /

User-agent: ChatGPT-User
Disallow: /

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /

User-agent: Google-Extended
Disallow: /

User-agent: Omgilibot
Disallow: /

User-agent: Omgili
Disallow: /

User-agent: FacebookBot
Disallow: /

<p>The first line identifies <a href="https://commoncrawl.org/big-picture/frequently-asked-questions/">CCBot</a>, the bot used by the Common Crawl. This data has been used by ChatGPT, Bard, and others for training a number of models. The second line states that this user-agent is not allowed to access data from our entire website. Some image scraping bots also use Common Crawl data to find images.</p>
<p>The next two user-agents identify ChatGPT-specific bots.</p>
<p><a href="https://platform.openai.com/docs/plugins/bot">ChatGPT-User</a> is the bot used when a ChatGPT user instructs it to reference your website. It’s not automatically going to your site on its own, but it is still accessing and using data from your site.</p>
<p><a href="https://platform.openai.com/docs/gptbot">GPTBot</a> is a bot that OpenAI specifically uses to collect bulk training data from your website for ChatGPT.</p>
<p><a href="https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/overview-google-crawlers">Google-Extended</a> is the recently announced product token that allows you to block Google from scraping your site for Bard and VertexAI. This will not have an impact on Google Search indexing. <strong>The only way this works is if it is in your robots.txt.</strong> According to their documentation: “Google-Extended doesn’t have a separate HTTP request user agent string. Crawling is done with existing Google user agent strings; the robots.txt user-agent token is used in a control capacity.”</p>
<p><a href="https://webz.io/blog/web-data/what-is-the-omgili-bot-and-why-is-it-crawling-your-website/">Omgilibot</a> and Omgili are from webz.io. I noticed The New York Times was blocking them and discovered that they sell <a href="https://webz.io/blog/machine-learning/large-language-models-what-your-data-must-include/">data for training LLMs</a>.</p>
<p><a href="https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/bot">FacebookBot</a> is Meta’s bot that crawls public web pages to improve language models for their speech recognition technology. This is not what Facebook uses to get the image and snippet for when you post a link there.</p>
<p>ChatGPT has been previously reported to use another unnamed bot that had been referencing Reddit posts to find “quality data.” That bot’s user agent has never been officially identified and its current status is unknown.</p>
<h2>Updating or Installing robots.txt</h2>
<p>You can check if your website has a robots.txt by going to yourwebsite.com/robots.txt.  If it doesn’t find that page, then you don’t have one.</p>
<p>If your site is hosted by Squarespace, or another simple website-building site, you could have a problem. At present, many of those companies don’t allow you to update or add your own robots.txt. They may not even have the ability to do it for you. I recommend contacting support so you can get specific information regarding their current abilities and plans to offer such functionality. Remind them that once slurped up, you have no ability to remove your work from their hold, so this is an urgent priority. (It also demonstrates once again why “opt-out” is a bad model.)</p>
<p>If you are using Wix, they provide directions for modifying your robots.txt <a href="https://support.wix.com/en/article/editing-your-sites-robotstxt-file">here</a>.</p>
<p>If you are using WordPress, there are a few plugins that allow you to modify your robots.txt. Many of these include SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plugins have robots.txt editing features. (Use those instead of making your own.) Here’s a few we’ve run into:</p>
<li>Yoast: <a href="https://yoast.com/help/how-to-edit-robots-txt-through-yoast-seo/">directions</a></li>
<li>AIOSEO: <a href="https://aioseo.com/docs/using-the-robots-txt-tool-in-all-in-one-seo/">directions</a> (there’s a report in the comments that user agent blocking may not be working at the moment)</li>
<li>SEOPress: <a href="https://www.seopress.org/support/guides/edit-robots-txt-file/">directions</a></li>
<p>If your WordPress site doesn’t have a robots.txt or something else that modifies robots.txt, these two plugins can block <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/block-chat-gpt-via-robots-txt/">GPTBot</a> and <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/block-common-crawl-via-robots-txt/">CCBot</a> for you. (Disclaimer: I don’t use these plugins, but know people who do.)</p>
<p><strong>For more experienced users:</strong> If you don’t have a robots.txt, you can create a text file by that name and upload it via FTP to your website’s home directory. If you have one, it can be downloaded, altered and reuploaded. If your hosting company provides you with cPanel or some other control panel, you can use its file manager to view, modify, or create the file as well.</p>
<p><strong>If your site already has a robots.txt, it’s important to know where it came from as something else may be updating it. You don’t want to accidentally break something, so talk to whoever set up your website or your hosting provider’s support team.</strong></p>
<h2>Firewalls and CDNs (less common, but better option)</h2>
<p>Your website may have a firewall or CDN in front of your actual server. Many of these products have the ability to block bots and specific user agents. Blocking the four user agents (<strong>CCBot</strong>, <strong>GPTBot</strong>, <strong>ChatGPT-User</strong>, <strong>Omgilibot</strong>, <strong>Omgili</strong>, and <strong>FacebookBot</strong>) there is even more effective than using a robots.txt directive. (As I mentioned, directives can be ignored. Blocks at the firewall level prevent them from accessing your site at all.) Some of these products include <a href="https://docs.sucuri.net/website-firewall/whitelist-and-blacklist/block-user-agents">Sucuri</a>, <a href="https://developers.cloudflare.com/waf/tools/user-agent-blocking/#cloudflare-user-agent-blocking">Cloudflare</a>, <a href="https://www.quic.cloud/docs/cdn/cdn-security-configuration/#user-agent-allowlist-and-blocklist">QUIC.cloud</a>, and <a href="https://www.wordfence.com/help/blocking/#custom-pattern">Wordfence</a>. (Happy to add more if people let me know about them. Please include a link to their user agent blocking documentation as well.) Contact their support if you need further assistance.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Google-Extended isn’t a bot. You need to have this in your robots.txt file if you want to prevent them from using your site content as training.</p>
<h2>.htaccess (another option)</h2>
<p>In the comments, DJ Mary pointed out that you can also block user agents with your website’s .htaccess file by adding these lines:</p>
<pre>RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} (CCBot|ChatGPT|GPTBot|Omgilibot|Omgili|FacebookBot) [NC]
RewriteRule ^ – [F]</pre>
<p>I’d rate this one as something for more experienced people to do. This has a similar effect to that of the firewall and CDN blocks above.</p>
<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Google-Extended isn’t a bot. You need to have this in your robots.txt file if you want to prevent them from using your site content as training.</p>
<h2>Additional Protection for Images</h2>
<p>There are some image-scraping tools that honor the following directive:</p>
<pre>&lt;meta name="robots" content="noai, noimageai"&gt;</pre>
<p>when placed in the header section of your webpages. Unfortunately, many image-scraping tools allow their users to ignore this directives.</p>
<p>Tools like <a href="https://glaze.cs.uchicago.edu/">Glaze</a> and <a href="https://mist-project.github.io/index_en.html">Mist</a> that can make it more difficult for models to perform style mimicry based on altered images. (Assuming they don’t get or already have an unaltered copy from another source.)</p>
<p>There are other techniques that you can apply for further protection (blocking direct access to images, watermarking, etc.) but I’m probably not the best person to talk to for this one. If you know a good source, recommend them in the comments.</p>
<p>The standard lack of transparency from the “AI” industry makes it difficult to know what is being done with regards to audio. It is clear, however, that the Common Crawl has audio listed among the types of data it has acquired. Blocks to the bots mentioned should protect an RSS feed (the part of your site that shares information about episodes), but if your audio files (or RSS feed) are hosted on a third party website (like Libsyn, PodBean, Blubrry, etc.), it may be open from their end if they aren’t blocking. I am presently unaware of any that are blocking those bots, but I have started asking. The very nature of how podcasts are distributed makes it very difficult to close up the holes that would allow access. This is yet another reason why Opt-In needs to be the standard.</p>
<p>I just came across this one recently and I don’t know which “AI” companies are respecting Spawning’s ai.txt settings, but if anyone is, it’s worth having. They provide a tool to generate the file and an assortment of installation directions for different websites.</p>
<p><a href="https://site.spawning.ai/spawning-ai-txt">https://site.spawning.ai/spawning-ai-txt</a></p>
<p>None of these options are guarantees. They are based on an honor system and there’s no shortage of dishonorable people who want to acquire your data for the “AI” gold rush or other purposes. Sadly, the most effective means of protecting your work from scraping is to not put it online at all. Even paywall models can be compromised by someone determined to do so.</p>
<p>Writers and artists should also start advocating for “AI”-specific clauses in their contracts to restrict publishers using, selling, donating, or licensing your work for the purposes of training these systems. Online works might be the most vulnerable to being fed to training algorithms, but print, audio, and ebook editions developed by publishers can be used too. It is not safe to assume that anyone will take the necessary efforts to protect your work from these uses, so get it in writing.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>[This post will be updated with additional information as it becomes available.]</p>
<p>9/28/2023 – Added the recently announced Google-Extended robots.txt product token. This must be in robots.txt. There are no alternatives.</p>
<p>9/28/2023 – Added Omgilibot/Omgili, bots apparently used by a company that sells data for LLM training.</p>
<p>9/29/2023 – Adam Johnson on Mastodon pointed us at FacebookBot, which is used by Meta to help improve their language models.</p>

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<h1>A 'Green' Search Engine Sees Danger-and Opportunity-in the Generative AI Revolution</h1>
<p class="center">
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<a href="https://www.wired.com/story/search-engine-ecosia-generative-ai-revolution/" title="Lien vers le contenu original">Source originale</a>
<div class="body__inner-container"><p><span class="lead-in-text-callout">In the era</span> of <a href="https://www.wired.com/story/fast-forward-the-chatbot-search-wars-have-begun/">search wars</a> fought between giants, it’s tough to be small. Berlin-based Ecosia offers a search engine for the climate-conscious, promising to be carbon-negative by investing all of its profits into planting trees—more than 180 million of them since it launched in 2009. It’s not likely to topple Google, but it has won a stable clientele of around 20 million users with that green branding and by repackaging search results from Microsoft’s Bing. But after a decade of little change in the search business, everything is now in flux, <a href="https://www.wired.com/story/chatgpt-opened-a-new-era-in-search-microsoft-could-ruin-it/">thanks to generative AI</a>. “I’ve never seen so much change in the market as in the last six months,” says Christian Kroll, Ecosia’s CEO.</p><p class="paywall">The tumult has forced Ecosia to rethink its business plan in order to compete with new chatbot-like search engines built on <a href="https://www.wired.com/story/how-chatgpt-works-large-language-model/">large language models</a>. Today, the company began switching from providing results exclusively from Microsoft’s Bing, as it has for the past 14 years, to primarily sourcing them from Google—though it will still syndicate some Bing results via marketing company System 1. At the beginning of the year, Kroll says, Ecosia “got some signals from Microsoft that kind of triggered us to be a bit more on the lookout for other potential providers.” In March, Microsoft <a href="https://www.wired.com/story/chatgpt-opened-a-new-era-in-search-microsoft-could-ruin-it/">hiked its prices</a> for search results, which was “a wake-up call for alternative search engines,” according to Kroll. Microsoft declined to comment.</p><p class="paywall">Ecosia switched partners in hopes of finding a way to participate in the profound shift in how people search the internet triggered by AI. The company is only testing its partnership with Google and isn’t immediately going to be using the search giant’s AI tools—though it hopes to do so in future.</p><p class="Container-bkChBi byNLHx"></p><p class="paywall">For a small provider like Ecosia, the recent disruption in search could be an opportunity to reach new markets and offer new services to users and advertisers. But the shifting landscape is also fraught with challenges. Although there are startups working on AI-powered search, the category is still mostly a competition between giants. AI-generated search results also create new legal and ethical issues for providers to solve. And for a search engine that gives away all of its profits to fight climate change, there’s the problem of a step-change in energy use needed to power generative-AI.</p><p class="paywall">“This complexity means we have a lot more topics to deal with now,” Kroll says. “As a small company we have to place our bets carefully. Google and Microsoft have a lot more coins that they can spend in the casino.”</p><p class="paywall">Microsoft, which has invested a reported $13 billion into <a href="https://www.wired.com/tag/chatgpt/">ChatGPT</a> developer OpenAI, launched a <a href="https://www.wired.com/story/my-strange-day-with-bings-new-ai-chatbot/">chatbot-style interface for Bing in February</a>. A month later, Google <a href="https://www.wired.com/story/google-bard-chatbot-rolls-out-to-battle-chatgpt/">launched its Bard chatbot</a> in the US and UK. Conversational generative AI like ChatGPT changes the way a user interacts with search, and the way that results are presented. The last generation of search engines responded to a user’s query with a list of links to other media where they could find a detailed answer. AI-powered search attempts to answer the question for itself.</p></div>


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title: A 'Green' Search Engine Sees Danger-and Opportunity-in the Generative AI Revolution
url: https://www.wired.com/story/search-engine-ecosia-generative-ai-revolution/
hash_url: b3accd4d0eb51c1628b85144224efa04

<p><span class="lead-in-text-callout">In the era</span> of <a href="https://www.wired.com/story/fast-forward-the-chatbot-search-wars-have-begun/">search wars</a> fought between giants, it’s tough to be small. Berlin-based Ecosia offers a search engine for the climate-conscious, promising to be carbon-negative by investing all of its profits into planting trees—more than 180 million of them since it launched in 2009. It’s not likely to topple Google, but it has won a stable clientele of around 20 million users with that green branding and by repackaging search results from Microsoft’s Bing. But after a decade of little change in the search business, everything is now in flux, <a href="https://www.wired.com/story/chatgpt-opened-a-new-era-in-search-microsoft-could-ruin-it/">thanks to generative AI</a>. “I’ve never seen so much change in the market as in the last six months,” says Christian Kroll, Ecosia’s CEO.</p><p class="paywall">The tumult has forced Ecosia to rethink its business plan in order to compete with new chatbot-like search engines built on <a href="https://www.wired.com/story/how-chatgpt-works-large-language-model/">large language models</a>. Today, the company began switching from providing results exclusively from Microsoft’s Bing, as it has for the past 14 years, to primarily sourcing them from Google—though it will still syndicate some Bing results via marketing company System 1. At the beginning of the year, Kroll says, Ecosia “got some signals from Microsoft that kind of triggered us to be a bit more on the lookout for other potential providers.” In March, Microsoft <a href="https://www.wired.com/story/chatgpt-opened-a-new-era-in-search-microsoft-could-ruin-it/">hiked its prices</a> for search results, which was “a wake-up call for alternative search engines,” according to Kroll. Microsoft declined to comment.</p><p class="paywall">Ecosia switched partners in hopes of finding a way to participate in the profound shift in how people search the internet triggered by AI. The company is only testing its partnership with Google and isn’t immediately going to be using the search giant’s AI tools—though it hopes to do so in future.</p><p class="Container-bkChBi byNLHx"></p><p class="paywall">For a small provider like Ecosia, the recent disruption in search could be an opportunity to reach new markets and offer new services to users and advertisers. But the shifting landscape is also fraught with challenges. Although there are startups working on AI-powered search, the category is still mostly a competition between giants. AI-generated search results also create new legal and ethical issues for providers to solve. And for a search engine that gives away all of its profits to fight climate change, there’s the problem of a step-change in energy use needed to power generative-AI.</p><p class="paywall">“This complexity means we have a lot more topics to deal with now,” Kroll says. “As a small company we have to place our bets carefully. Google and Microsoft have a lot more coins that they can spend in the casino.”</p><p class="paywall">Microsoft, which has invested a reported $13 billion into <a href="https://www.wired.com/tag/chatgpt/">ChatGPT</a> developer OpenAI, launched a <a href="https://www.wired.com/story/my-strange-day-with-bings-new-ai-chatbot/">chatbot-style interface for Bing in February</a>. A month later, Google <a href="https://www.wired.com/story/google-bard-chatbot-rolls-out-to-battle-chatgpt/">launched its Bard chatbot</a> in the US and UK. Conversational generative AI like ChatGPT changes the way a user interacts with search, and the way that results are presented. The last generation of search engines responded to a user’s query with a list of links to other media where they could find a detailed answer. AI-powered search attempts to answer the question for itself.</p>

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<h1>An Anchor - Mark Boulton</h1>
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<p>Don’t under-estimate the value of routine.</p>
<p>Routine can be an anchor in rough seas. When things are hard, simple routines provide a comfort. It could be having a coffee at a particular time of day, or sitting with your cat for a quiet 5 minutes. But routine can be for others too, and they can also be for your team.</p>
<p>Started by my ex-colleague Christian Palino, every Friday afternoon I post an update to my team.</p>
<p>There are the usual reminders and logistics. Updates on going projects or company news. But often - with communication already high in the team - I’m repeating myself. I was asked this week ‘if you have nothing to say, then why do them?’</p>
<p>Even if there are no real updates there is always something to say. In those moments, I write about something that happened to me this week. A small anecdote. Something human. Something grounding. No design mic-drops. No condescending words of wisdom.</p>
<p>Just a few words, regular as clockwork.</p>
<p>An anchor in rough seas.</p>



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title: An Anchor - Mark Boulton
url: https://markboulton.co.uk/journal/an-anchor/
hash_url: ef356702864a79503a82ed2e288dd6fb

<p>Don’t under-estimate the value of routine.</p>
<p>Routine can be an anchor in rough seas. When things are hard, simple routines provide a comfort. It could be having a coffee at a particular time of day, or sitting with your cat for a quiet 5 minutes. But routine can be for others too, and they can also be for your team.</p>
<p>Started by my ex-colleague Christian Palino, every Friday afternoon I post an update to my team.</p>
<p>There are the usual reminders and logistics. Updates on going projects or company news. But often - with communication already high in the team - I’m repeating myself. I was asked this week ‘if you have nothing to say, then why do them?’</p>
<p>Even if there are no real updates there is always something to say. In those moments, I write about something that happened to me this week. A small anecdote. Something human. Something grounding. No design mic-drops. No condescending words of wisdom.</p>
<p>Just a few words, regular as clockwork.</p>
<p>An anchor in rough seas.</p>

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