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David Larlet 3 months ago
Signed by: David Larlet <> GPG Key ID: 3E2953A359E7E7BD

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cache/2024/1f40a33f9c57a16d420eb0868a129e96/ View File

archive_date: 2024-01-15 archive_date: 2024-01-15
og_image: og_image:
description: Writing about the big beautiful mess that is making things for the world wide web. description: Writing about the big beautiful mess that is making things for the world wide web.

<p class="image-container"><img src="" alt="Patent-application-like drawing with a person on a sofa looking at a TV with a hamburger on it and a caption bubble that says, “Say 'McDonalds' to end commercial”"> <p class="image-container"><img src="" alt="Patent-application-like drawing with a person on a sofa looking at a TV with a hamburger on it and a caption bubble that says, “Say 'McDonalds' to end commercial”">

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cache/2024/30b40ff8034212e070dc7daf2b9406e9/ View File

archive_date: 2024-01-19 archive_date: 2024-01-19
og_image: og_image:
description: description:

<pre>public-inbox - an "archives first" approach to mailing lists <pre>public-inbox - an "archives first" approach to mailing lists
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cache/2024/3ea27fca4fabb81676fc1b98264f3bd8/ View File

archive_date: 2024-01-13 archive_date: 2024-01-13
og_image: og_image:
description: Update 9th January 2024: This post was clumsily written and failed to make the point I wanted it to make. I’ve published a follow-up, What I should have said about … description: Update 9th January 2024: This post was clumsily written and failed to make the point I wanted it to make. I’ve published a follow-up, What I should have said about …

<p><em><strong>Update 9th January 2024</strong>: This post was clumsily written and failed to make the point I wanted it to make. I’ve published a follow-up, <a href="">What I should have said about the term Artificial Intelligence</a> which you should read instead.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Update 9th January 2024</strong>: This post was clumsily written and failed to make the point I wanted it to make. I’ve published a follow-up, <a href="">What I should have said about the term Artificial Intelligence</a> which you should read instead.</em></p>
<p><em>My original post follows.</em></p> <p><em>My original post follows.</em></p>

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cache/2024/5030196507bcf3e06162e9eaed40abbe/ View File

archive_date: 2024-01-11 archive_date: 2024-01-11
og_image: og_image:
description: Writing about the big beautiful mess that is making things for the world wide web. description: Writing about the big beautiful mess that is making things for the world wide web.

<p>Here’s a thought: blogging is like composting.</p> <p>Here’s a thought: blogging is like composting.</p>
<p>The banana is what you’re after.</p> <p>The banana is what you’re after.</p>

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cache/2024/84f8caf3e7f7b3de9e18281749c3687f/ View File

url: url:
hash_url: 84f8caf3e7f7b3de9e18281749c3687f hash_url: 84f8caf3e7f7b3de9e18281749c3687f
archive_date: 2024-01-13 archive_date: 2024-01-13
description: Too often, the process of design is cut short. When faced with user needs or product requirements, many designers draft a mockup or wireframe informed by what they've seen or experienced before description: Too often, the process of design is cut short. When faced with user needs or product requirements, many designers draft a mockup or wireframe informed by what they've seen or experienced before
favicon: favicon:

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cache/2024/c4751e7c80b292e3533ee6b3e057b702/ View File

archive_date: 2024-01-21 archive_date: 2024-01-21
og_image: og_image:
description: Je vois de plus en plus de femmes rejoindre l’informatique, et c’est une très bonne chose. Je vois aussi trop de femmes patir de sexisme ordinaire, se remettre en question encore et encore… et quitter le milieu au bout de quelques années. J’ai mis du temps à apprendre certaines choses. description: Je vois de plus en plus de femmes rejoindre l’informatique, et c’est une très bonne chose. Je vois aussi trop de femmes patir de sexisme ordinaire, se remettre en question encore et encore… et quitter le milieu au bout de quelques années. J’ai mis du temps à apprendre certaines choses.

<p>Je vois de plus en plus de femmes rejoindre l’informatique, et c’est une très bonne chose. Je vois aussi trop de femmes patir de sexisme ordinaire, se remettre en question encore et encore… et quitter le milieu au bout de quelques années. J’ai mis du temps à apprendre certaines choses. Je voudrais vous faire gagner ces dix ans, pour qu’on arrive à une parité réelle dans le secteur numérique. Je m’adresse également à toutes les personnes qui souhaitent voir plus de femmes et personnes non binaires dans leurs équipes. Les femmes sont fortement incitées à faire un choix entre l’ambition (business and successful woman) et l’altruisme (femme qui colle aux codes et fait correctement son travail, loin de l’argent). Ce choix injuste et superflu résulte des stéréotypes que nous allons parcourir à travers cet article.</p> <p>Je vois de plus en plus de femmes rejoindre l’informatique, et c’est une très bonne chose. Je vois aussi trop de femmes patir de sexisme ordinaire, se remettre en question encore et encore… et quitter le milieu au bout de quelques années. J’ai mis du temps à apprendre certaines choses. Je voudrais vous faire gagner ces dix ans, pour qu’on arrive à une parité réelle dans le secteur numérique. Je m’adresse également à toutes les personnes qui souhaitent voir plus de femmes et personnes non binaires dans leurs équipes. Les femmes sont fortement incitées à faire un choix entre l’ambition (business and successful woman) et l’altruisme (femme qui colle aux codes et fait correctement son travail, loin de l’argent). Ce choix injuste et superflu résulte des stéréotypes que nous allons parcourir à travers cet article.</p>

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cache/2024/e5056f8e0e6acf87c5777ba5b3a2ba92/ View File

archive_date: 2024-01-08 archive_date: 2024-01-08
og_image: og_image:
description: description:

<p>Recently when I gave a coding assignment — an art directed web page about a font — a student asked: does it have to be <em>semantic and shit?</em> The whole class looked up, curious about the answer — <em>please let it be no!</em> I answered that no, it doesn’t have to be semantic and shit, but it does have to be well designed and the user experience should be well considered. Relieved, all of my students agreed. They do care about a good user experience.</p> <p>Recently when I gave a coding assignment — an art directed web page about a font — a student asked: does it have to be <em>semantic and shit?</em> The whole class looked up, curious about the answer — <em>please let it be no!</em> I answered that no, it doesn’t have to be semantic and shit, but it does have to be well designed and the user experience should be well considered. Relieved, all of my students agreed. They do care about a good user experience.</p>
<p><span id="more-2095"></span></p> <p><span id="more-2095"></span></p>

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cache/2024/e5c1ca8e3beeb0d256a064832c3566aa/ View File

archive_date: 2024-01-11 archive_date: 2024-01-11
og_image: og_image:
description: With his “ I am a poem I am not software” post Robin touched on an interesting problem related to personal websites. I’m not going to summarise … description: With his “ I am a poem I am not software” post Robin touched on an interesting problem related to personal websites. I’m not going to summarise …

<p>With his “<a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">I am a poem I am not software</a>” post <a href="">Robin</a> touched on an interesting problem related to personal websites. I’m not going to summarise Robin’s post because his writing is great and you should read his words on his blog. </p> <p>With his “<a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">I am a poem I am not software</a>” post <a href="">Robin</a> touched on an interesting problem related to personal websites. I’m not going to summarise Robin’s post because his writing is great and you should read his words on his blog. </p>
<blockquote> <blockquote>
