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- title: </html>
- url: https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2015/06/05/End-of-HTML
- hash_url: c767299015aacd265652750d66d1f5e3
- <p itemprop="description">Item: The W3C HTML Work­ing Group char­ter <a href="http://www.w3.org/2013/09/html-charter.html">is ex­pir­ing</a>.<br />
- Item: Dis­cus­sion on what to do <a href="https://github.com/w3c/charter-html/issues/14">is
- in­con­clu­sive</a>.<br />
- Item: Things are <a href="https://whatwg.org/issues/data.html?period=12">pret­ty qui­et</a> in
- the WhatWG.<br />
- Con­clu­sion: The best thing to do about HTML is <em>noth­ing</em>.</p>
- <p>As <a href="https://github.com/w3c/charter-html/issues/14#issuecomment-108639350">Sam
- Ru­by points out</a>, in­ter­est in work on “vocabulary” (by which they mean the
- ac­tu­al angle-bracketed thin­gies that go in­to HTML) seems pret­ty lack­ing.</p>
- <p>Me, I think HTML is done. Which doesn’t mean I think that the whole
- Web-programming plat­form is in a good state:</p>
- <div class="main-image"><a href="https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2015/06/05/Browser-problems.png"><img alt="Brower problems" title="Brower problems" class="norm" src="https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2015/06/05/Browser-problems.png" /></a></div>
- <div class="caption"><p>(I post­ed this on Twit­ter a year or two
- ago.)</p>
- </div>
- <p>The browser-as-a-platform is based on a lousy pro­gram­ming lan­guage
- ad­dress­ing a lousy ob­ject mod­el and us­ing a lousy stylesheet lan­guage for
- vi­su­al­s. Each of those could and should be re­placed by some­thing bet­ter.
- HTML? Not per­fec­t, but plen­ty good enough.</p>
- <p>Not on­ly is HTML fin­ished; Even if we want­ed to im­prove it, there are
- no ob­vi­ous can­di­dates to do the work.
- The W3C has re­peat­ed­ly walked down blind HTML al­leys. The WhatWG mod­el was
- nev­er re­mote­ly sus­tain­able.</p>
- <p>Let’s down tools and fo­cus on more im­por­tant prob­lem­s.</p>