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  66. <a href="https://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/1991/08/art-6484.txt" title="Lien vers le contenu original">Source originale</a>
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  70. <pre><code>From: timbl@info .cern.ch (Tim Berners-Lee)
  71. Newsgroups: alt.hypertext
  72. Subject: Re: Qualifiers on Hypertext links...
  73. Message-ID: &lt;6484@cernvax.cern.ch&gt;
  74. Date: 6 Aug 91 14:56:20 GMT
  75. References: &lt;1991Aug2.115241@ardor.enet.dec.com&gt;
  76. Sender: news@cernvax.cern.ch
  77. Lines: 52
  78. In article &lt;1991Aug2.115241@ardor.enet.dec.com&gt; kannan@ardor.enet.dec.com (Nari
  79. Kannan) writes:
  80. &gt;
  81. &gt; Is anyone reading this newsgroup aware of research or development efforts
  82. in
  83. &gt; the
  84. &gt; following areas:
  85. &gt;
  86. &gt; 1. Hypertext links enabling retrieval from multiple heterogeneous sources
  87. of
  88. &gt; information?
  89. The WorldWideWeb (WWW) project aims to allow links to be made to any
  90. information anywhere. The address format includes an access method
  91. (=namespace), and for most name spaces a hostname and some sort of path.
  92. We have a prototype hypertext editor for the NeXT, and a browser for line mode
  93. terminals which runs on almost anything. These can access files either locally,
  94. NFS mounted, or via anonymous FTP. They can also go out using a simple protocol
  95. (HTTP) to a server which interprets some other data and returns equivalent
  96. hypertext files. For example, we have a server running on our mainframe
  97. (http://cernvm.cern.ch/FIND in WWW syntax) which makes all the CERN computer
  98. center documentation available. The HTTP protocol allows for a keyword search
  99. on an index, which generates a list of matching documents as annother virtual
  100. hypertext document.
  101. If you're interested in using the code, mail me. It's very prototype, but
  102. available by anonymous FTP from info.cern.ch. It's copyright CERN but free
  103. distribution and use is not normally a problem.
  104. The NeXTstep editor can also browse news. If you are using it to read this,
  105. then click on this: &lt;http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html&gt; to find
  106. out more about the project. We haven't put the news access into the line mode
  107. browser yet.
  108. We also have code for a hypertext server. You can use this to make files
  109. available (like anonymous FTP but faster because it only uses one connection).
  110. You can also hack it to take a hypertext address and generate a virtual
  111. hypertext document from any other data you have - database, live data etc. It's
  112. just a question of generating plain text or SGML (ugh! but standard) mark-up on
  113. the fly. The browsers then parse it on the fly.
  114. The WWW project was started to allow high energy physicists to share data,
  115. news, and documentation. We are very interested in spreading the web to other
  116. areas, and having gateway servers for other data. Collaborators welcome! I'll
  117. post a short summary as a separate article.
  118. Tim Berners-Lee timbl@info.cern.ch
  119. World Wide Web project Tel: +41(22)767 3755
  120. CERN Fax: +41(22)767 7155
  121. 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland (usual disclaimer)
  122. </code></pre>
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